Homosexual boy scout is mad because he won't be given eagle badge

Pay attention

The boyscout oath, recited at almost every meeting:

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

What he suddenly, 2 days before he got his eagle scout badge decided he didn't believe in God?

The scout law:

A Scout is:

and Reverent.

Well you can forget trustworthy, loyal, obedient and reverent. He violated all of those by reciting a pledge he didn't believe in and waiting until 2 days before he got his eagle scout badge to say anything about his being an atheist.

I'm thinking friendly is gone to because I believe this was his way of attacking the boyscouts and trying to get others to back him by claiming he was denied his badge due to being gay when it's obviously because he doesn't believe in God, something you are required to do to be a scout from the very beginning.

Wow, I didn't realize Honest wasn't on that list.

trustworthy [ˈtrʌstˌwɜːðɪ]
worthy of being trusted; honest, reliable, or dependable
trustworthily adv
trustworthiness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

you're welcome
:lol: I'd say he was honest if he didn't hide his sexual orientation from the scout leaders. According to what I've read he didn't hide it.
Many just go along and say what the board wants to hear.

I respect his decision to stay honest. He remained true to the Scout Law even if it cost him his Eagle

Pay attention

The boyscout oath, recited at almost every meeting:

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

What he suddenly, 2 days before he got his eagle scout badge decided he didn't believe in God?

The scout law:

A Scout is:

and Reverent.

Well you can forget trustworthy, loyal, obedient and reverent. He violated all of those by reciting a pledge he didn't believe in and waiting until 2 days before he got his eagle scout badge to say anything about his being an atheist.

I'm thinking friendly is gone to because I believe this was his way of attacking the boyscouts and trying to get others to back him by claiming he was denied his badge due to being gay when it's obviously because he doesn't believe in God, something you are required to do to be a scout from the very beginning.

When it comes to the Scout Law, the BSA acts alot like organized religions do in objecting to homosexuality as a sin. Namely, they pick out homosexuality but ignore eating shellfish The BSA somehow lumps homosexuality as a violation of the "Scout is Clean" law.

I have yet to see a scout denied an Eagle for violation of "A Scout is Thrifty"

That boy has more respect of the Scout Law than the national organization does
Good point. I have a nephew that's an Eagle Scout and he is about as thrifty as a case of Heineken.
Wow, I didn't realize Honest wasn't on that list.

trustworthy [ˈtrʌstˌwɜːðɪ]
worthy of being trusted; honest, reliable, or dependable
trustworthily adv
trustworthiness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

you're welcome
:lol: I'd say he was honest if he didn't hide his sexual orientation from the scout leaders. According to what I've read he didn't hide it.

he probably didn't.

when i was involved with scouts, sex didn't come up. :dunno:

all that crap comes mostly from national in my experience

most of the anti gay stance is to keep the mormons happy, imo.
he has been in scouting since he was a kid before he knew what his sexuality or beliefs were.

Then when he KNEW that he no longer fulfilled the obligations of being a Scout he would have voluntarily dropped out. That would have shown integrity. The Scouts should not be expected to reward someone who intended for many years to use the Boy Scouts for their personal activities. By staying in, to demand something he is not entitled to, defies the very purpose of the Scouts. It shows a lack of character, but does show quite a bit of deviousness.

He probably couldn't believe that leaders he'd known for so long could be such dickheads.

Irelevent what his leaders thought or did, HE took an oath that he did not follow or live by. An oath he took on hundreds of occassions over the years who knows how many times with NO intention of living by it. You homos make me laugh. You're such immoral human beings by choice and by nature that an oath has no meaning to you people if it interferes with your own personal perversions. Well let me clue you in on the definition of oath Mary. Oath-1. A solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one's future action or behavior. The guy is a sodomite and a liar, either is sufficient to deny him the honor of Eagle Scout. If you feel icky that the Scouts didn't give him the honor becuase he's a sodomite, maybe you'll feel better knowing he was also unqualified for getting the honor because he was a dishonorable liar with zero integrity. The guy made a choice to "come out", now he whines and cries like the momma's boy he is when faced with the consequences of that choice he made. The fact that he won't get an Eagle Scout Badge is far, far less improtant than the fact that his behavior and actions are leading him to hell.
you're welcome
:lol: I'd say he was honest if he didn't hide his sexual orientation from the scout leaders. According to what I've read he didn't hide it.

he probably didn't.

when i was involved with scouts, sex didn't come up. :dunno:

all that crap comes mostly from national in my experience

most of the anti gay stance is to keep the mormons happy, imo.

I heard they drummed you out because you couldn't master the shift key. :D
:lol: I'd say he was honest if he didn't hide his sexual orientation from the scout leaders. According to what I've read he didn't hide it.

he probably didn't.

when i was involved with scouts, sex didn't come up. :dunno:

all that crap comes mostly from national in my experience

most of the anti gay stance is to keep the mormons happy, imo.

I heard they drummed you out because you couldn't master the shift key. :D

who talked?
Then when he KNEW that he no longer fulfilled the obligations of being a Scout he would have voluntarily dropped out. That would have shown integrity. The Scouts should not be expected to reward someone who intended for many years to use the Boy Scouts for their personal activities. By staying in, to demand something he is not entitled to, defies the very purpose of the Scouts. It shows a lack of character, but does show quite a bit of deviousness.

He probably couldn't believe that leaders he'd known for so long could be such dickheads.

Irelevent what his leaders thought or did, HE took an oath that he did not follow or live by. An oath he took on hundreds of occassions over the years who knows how many times with NO intention of living by it. You homos make me laugh. You're such immoral human beings by choice and by nature that an oath has no meaning to you people if it interferes with your own personal perversions. Well let me clue you in on the definition of oath Mary. Oath-1. A solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one's future action or behavior. The guy is a sodomite and a liar, either is sufficient to deny him the honor of Eagle Scout. If you feel icky that the Scouts didn't give him the honor becuase he's a sodomite, maybe you'll feel better knowing he was also unqualified for getting the honor because he was a dishonorable liar with zero integrity. The guy made a choice to "come out", now he whines and cries like the momma's boy he is when faced with the consequences of that choice he made. The fact that he won't get an Eagle Scout Badge is far, far less improtant than the fact that his behavior and actions are leading him to hell.

ranting douchecanoe is obvious
you're welcome
:lol: I'd say he was honest if he didn't hide his sexual orientation from the scout leaders. According to what I've read he didn't hide it.

he probably didn't.

when i was involved with scouts, sex didn't come up. :dunno:

all that crap comes mostly from national in my experience

most of the anti gay stance is to keep the mormons happy, imo.

Mine too

The local troop did not care about a kids sexuality. It never came up. The kids were more concerned with how big a fire they could build and where their next trip was.

It is BSA national that acts all judgemental. They do little to help individual troops and yet are there to pass down edicts.

I'm still waiting for them to kick a kid out for not being thrifty or cheerful
Wow, I didn't realize Honest wasn't on that list.

trustworthy [ˈtrʌstˌwɜːðɪ]
worthy of being trusted; honest, reliable, or dependable
trustworthily adv
trustworthiness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

you're welcome
:lol: I'd say he was honest if he didn't hide his sexual orientation from the scout leaders. According to what I've read he didn't hide it.

Also quite brave
he has been in scouting since he was a kid before he knew what his sexuality or beliefs were.

Then when he KNEW that he no longer fulfilled the obligations of being a Scout he would have voluntarily dropped out. That would have shown integrity. The Scouts should not be expected to reward someone who intended for many years to use the Boy Scouts for their personal activities. By staying in, to demand something he is not entitled to, defies the very purpose of the Scouts. It shows a lack of character, but does show quite a bit of deviousness.

and rosa parks showed a lack of character when she refused to give up her seat on the bus. if she didn't like the way the montgomery bus system worked, she should have walked to work, right?

he was a kid.

besides, someone really did have to stand up to this homophobic organisation sooner or later. what? he is supposed to announce he is gay? i don't see a whole lot of scouts having to stand up and admit they are straight.

also, gay people are a protected class and the boy scouts are tax exempt. take away that status and they will go under.

how would you feel if they had seperate troops, one for white scouts and one for black scouts...or one for christian scouts and one for jewish scouits.

Nothing you said here is in anyway relevent to the situation at hand, which is, the guy, an 18yr old adult by the way not a kid, continously took an oath he had no intention of living by. I know you people, sodomites, dykes and liberals, in general have no honor, morals or integrity, but there are many of us in this nation who support the Scouts that are quite happy that the Scouts teach these values to our nation's kids and that they don't bestow honor on individuals that lack these qualities.
How would the BSA respond if the boys religion was accepting of homosexuality?

They claim homosexuality is a violation of "a scout is clean" and a scout is morally straight. If a religion accepts homosexuality as being moral....how can the scouts say otherwise when they do not endorse any specific religion?
As well known as the prohibition against homosexuals is, I doubt if ANY Scouts or former Scouts is sending anything back.

Aside from giving this boy something to do, he did not at all benefit from being in the Scouts. He didn't develop character, he has no integrity and he lacks honesty. His being there was a waste of time and effort by the Scouts. What the Scouts should do is find out if, in fact, this kid was ever told by a Scout leader that his homosexuality would be dealt with or covered up, that leader should be expelled for teaching the kid how to lie.

I was a Cub Scout for about 6 months before I realized the BSA was just a gateway organization to white-supremist militia groups.

You're so full of crap, you didn't know jack about white supremacist organizations when you where 6-8 yrs old, hell you can't even spell the freaking word supremacist today.
How would the BSA respond if the boys religion was accepting of homosexuality?

They claim homosexuality is a violation of "a scout is clean" and a scout is morally straight. If a religion accepts homosexuality as being moral....how can the scouts say otherwise when they do not endorse any specific religion?

Exactly which religion would that be that accepts homosexual behavior as moral bahavior?
How would the BSA respond if the boys religion was accepting of homosexuality?

They claim homosexuality is a violation of "a scout is clean" and a scout is morally straight. If a religion accepts homosexuality as being moral....how can the scouts say otherwise when they do not endorse any specific religion?

Exactly which religion would that be that accepts homosexual behavior as moral bahavior?

List of Christian denominational positions on homosexuality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Then when he KNEW that he no longer fulfilled the obligations of being a Scout he would have voluntarily dropped out. That would have shown integrity. The Scouts should not be expected to reward someone who intended for many years to use the Boy Scouts for their personal activities. By staying in, to demand something he is not entitled to, defies the very purpose of the Scouts. It shows a lack of character, but does show quite a bit of deviousness.

He probably couldn't believe that leaders he'd known for so long could be such dickheads.

Irelevent what his leaders thought or did, HE took an oath that he did not follow or live by. An oath he took on hundreds of occassions over the years who knows how many times with NO intention of living by it. You homos make me laugh. You're such immoral human beings by choice and by nature that an oath has no meaning to you people if it interferes with your own personal perversions. Well let me clue you in on the definition of oath Mary. Oath-1. A solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one's future action or behavior. The guy is a sodomite and a liar, either is sufficient to deny him the honor of Eagle Scout. If you feel icky that the Scouts didn't give him the honor becuase he's a sodomite, maybe you'll feel better knowing he was also unqualified for getting the honor because he was a dishonorable liar with zero integrity. The guy made a choice to "come out", now he whines and cries like the momma's boy he is when faced with the consequences of that choice he made. The fact that he won't get an Eagle Scout Badge is far, far less improtant than the fact that his behavior and actions are leading him to hell.

It's fine that you think he's going to Hell for his actions, but if you're basing those beliefs off of God's laws as set forth in Leviticus then he will have a lot of company. I hope you follow all of the laws as well: "Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material", "And the pig...does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you", etc. Deuteronomy 17:2-7 indicates that Christians should kill those who worship another God. So if you abide by all of the other laws put forth then so be it otherwise I believe that based on scripture it could be asked: "And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?". Also, "For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged". Christianity is about love, not hate. There are a lot of crazy laws in the Old Testament (different time and circumstances). I believe Jesus Christ and the New Testament is the final word for Christianity.
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How would the BSA respond if the boys religion was accepting of homosexuality?

They claim homosexuality is a violation of "a scout is clean" and a scout is morally straight. If a religion accepts homosexuality as being moral....how can the scouts say otherwise when they do not endorse any specific religion?

Exactly which religion would that be that accepts homosexual behavior as moral bahavior?

List of Christian denominational positions on homosexuality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm sorry, I thought you said a religion that believed it to be moral, not a church/denomination. These apostate churches and denominations are not "Christian" by the way, just some FYI for you.
I was once given a merit badge for being able repairing pantyhose with kite string. What gives?

I'm sorry, I thought you said a religion that believed it to be moral, not a church/denomination. These apostate churches and denominations are not "Christian" by the way, just some FYI for you.

They are more religious than the hate based religion you follow

I'm sorry, I thought you said a religion that believed it to be moral, not a church/denomination. These apostate churches and denominations are not "Christian" by the way, just some FYI for you.
None of the so-called christian churches are really christian....

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