Homosexual boy scout is mad because he won't be given eagle badge

As well known as the prohibition against homosexuals is, I doubt if ANY Scouts or former Scouts is sending anything back.

Aside from giving this boy something to do, he did not at all benefit from being in the Scouts. He didn't develop character, he has no integrity and he lacks honesty. His being there was a waste of time and effort by the Scouts. What the Scouts should do is find out if, in fact, this kid was ever told by a Scout leader that his homosexuality would be dealt with or covered up, that leader should be expelled for teaching the kid how to lie.

If you search for the name Ryan Andresen using Google the NBC and ABC stories indicate that some scouts have indeed renounced their rank and/or sent in badges.
As well known as the prohibition against homosexuals is, I doubt if ANY Scouts or former Scouts is sending anything back.

Aside from giving this boy something to do, he did not at all benefit from being in the Scouts. He didn't develop character, he has no integrity and he lacks honesty. His being there was a waste of time and effort by the Scouts. What the Scouts should do is find out if, in fact, this kid was ever told by a Scout leader that his homosexuality would be dealt with or covered up, that leader should be expelled for teaching the kid how to lie.

If you search for the name Ryan Andresen using Google the NBC and ABC stories indicate that some scouts have indeed renounced their rank and/or sent in badges.

Some would renounce their rank over bread rising. Far more will join than leave.
As well known as the prohibition against homosexuals is, I doubt if ANY Scouts or former Scouts is sending anything back.

Aside from giving this boy something to do, he did not at all benefit from being in the Scouts. He didn't develop character, he has no integrity and he lacks honesty. His being there was a waste of time and effort by the Scouts. What the Scouts should do is find out if, in fact, this kid was ever told by a Scout leader that his homosexuality would be dealt with or covered up, that leader should be expelled for teaching the kid how to lie.

If you search for the name Ryan Andresen using Google the NBC and ABC stories indicate that some scouts have indeed renounced their rank and/or sent in badges.

Some would renounce their rank over bread rising. Far more will join than leave.

I never said that more would leave than join. I just said that some did. Additionally, I said that if people want change then I believe that that is the proper way to advocate for it.
Boy Scout denied Eagle award after coming out | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Love how the main stream media lies about WHY he won't be given the badge. Says right there in the article he disagreed with their belief in god which is part of being a scout. Tough shit get over it and stop trying to make a scene because you think you are being discriminated against because of your preference for guys.

Good grief, before he gets his award, he tells them he doesn't believe in Duty to God and he expects them to bend their rules for him and cries discrimination because he's gay. It's a set up people. This is like that gay couple in Tacoma who trashed their own house and then claimed it was done by people who hate gays.

It's like almost getting your PhD but the day before saying, "Oh btw, I plagiarized my dissertation" and then claiming they withheld your degree because you're gay.
If you search for the name Ryan Andresen using Google the NBC and ABC stories indicate that some scouts have indeed renounced their rank and/or sent in badges.

Some would renounce their rank over bread rising. Far more will join than leave.

I never said that more would leave than join. I just said that some did. Additionally, I said that if people want change then I believe that that is the proper way to advocate for it.

That's true. I was a Girl Scout and object to the Girl Scout change of position on homosexuality. While I used to support the GS, and always bought dozens of boxes of cookies, I no longer do. I never mention it to the children, because they have nothing to do with the Scout official positions. I always explain myself to the mothers though. Our local High School participated in numerous Days of Tolerance. When they asked me to advertise in the school Calendar, I refused and told them why.

Direct action to effect change is always better than governmental interference.
As well known as the prohibition against homosexuals is, I doubt if ANY Scouts or former Scouts is sending anything back.

Aside from giving this boy something to do, he did not at all benefit from being in the Scouts. He didn't develop character, he has no integrity and he lacks honesty. His being there was a waste of time and effort by the Scouts. What the Scouts should do is find out if, in fact, this kid was ever told by a Scout leader that his homosexuality would be dealt with or covered up, that leader should be expelled for teaching the kid how to lie.

If you search for the name Ryan Andresen using Google the NBC and ABC stories indicate that some scouts have indeed renounced their rank and/or sent in badges.

And they probably have not read the entire story and fell for the lie that he was denied his Eagle Scout badge because he's gay.
As well known as the prohibition against homosexuals is, I doubt if ANY Scouts or former Scouts is sending anything back.

Aside from giving this boy something to do, he did not at all benefit from being in the Scouts. He didn't develop character, he has no integrity and he lacks honesty. His being there was a waste of time and effort by the Scouts. What the Scouts should do is find out if, in fact, this kid was ever told by a Scout leader that his homosexuality would be dealt with or covered up, that leader should be expelled for teaching the kid how to lie.

If you search for the name Ryan Andresen using Google the NBC and ABC stories indicate that some scouts have indeed renounced their rank and/or sent in badges.

And they probably have not read the entire story and fell for the lie that he was denied his Eagle Scout badge because he's gay.

The Boy Scout spokesman indicated that he was denied his Eagle Scout badge both because he did not believe in the "duty to God" indicated in the Scout Oath and because he did not meet scouting's membership standard on sexual orientation.
If you search for the name Ryan Andresen using Google the NBC and ABC stories indicate that some scouts have indeed renounced their rank and/or sent in badges.

And they probably have not read the entire story and fell for the lie that he was denied his Eagle Scout badge because he's gay.

The Boy Scout spokesman indicated that he was denied his Eagle Scout badge both because he did not believe in the "duty to God" indicated in the Scout Oath and because he did not meet scouting's membership standard on sexual orientation.

They knew about his sexual orientation while he was working on his badge, it was only two days before he got it he decided to tell them he didn't believe in God. Don't you think if his sexual orientation was the reason, they would have kicked him out BEFORE he did all that work?
And they probably have not read the entire story and fell for the lie that he was denied his Eagle Scout badge because he's gay.

The Boy Scout spokesman indicated that he was denied his Eagle Scout badge both because he did not believe in the "duty to God" indicated in the Scout Oath and because he did not meet scouting's membership standard on sexual orientation.

They knew about his sexual orientation while he was working on his badge, it was only two days before he got it he decided to tell them he didn't believe in God. Don't you think if his sexual orientation was the reason, they would have kicked him out BEFORE he did all that work?

Boy Scouts are different at the troop level than the national level. Most troops will take a DADT attitude towards sexuality. It has very little to do with your functioning as a Boy Scout. His leader and the boys in his troop evidently knew he was gay.
However, once you openly declare, they have no choice but to kick you out.

Its not right, but thats the way it is
And they probably have not read the entire story and fell for the lie that he was denied his Eagle Scout badge because he's gay.

The Boy Scout spokesman indicated that he was denied his Eagle Scout badge both because he did not believe in the "duty to God" indicated in the Scout Oath and because he did not meet scouting's membership standard on sexual orientation.

They knew about his sexual orientation while he was working on his badge, it was only two days before he got it he decided to tell them he didn't believe in God. Don't you think if his sexual orientation was the reason, they would have kicked him out BEFORE he did all that work?

Perhaps only his scout leader knew until he finished. Or it could have been any number of reasons that I could not guess to. I do believe that if they said that it was in part because of his sexual orientation then that was part of it. I can't see why they would have any reason to say it was if it was not.
Then when he KNEW that he no longer fulfilled the obligations of being a Scout he would have voluntarily dropped out. That would have shown integrity. The Scouts should not be expected to reward someone who intended for many years to use the Boy Scouts for their personal activities. By staying in, to demand something he is not entitled to, defies the very purpose of the Scouts. It shows a lack of character, but does show quite a bit of deviousness.

and rosa parks showed a lack of character when she refused to give up her seat on the bus. if she didn't like the way the montgomery bus system worked, she should have walked to work, right?

he was a kid.

besides, someone really did have to stand up to this homophobic organisation sooner or later. what? he is supposed to announce he is gay? i don't see a whole lot of scouts having to stand up and admit they are straight.

also, gay people are a protected class and the boy scouts are tax exempt. take away that status and they will go under.

how would you feel if they had seperate troops, one for white scouts and one for black scouts...or one for christian scouts and one for jewish scouits.

The scouts is a Christian organization. Get over it.

no it isn't

get over it, you bitter biblethumping hag

Religious Emblems for Boy Scouts, Occoneechee Council, Moore District
If his Scout leadership knew and didn't kick him out immiediately, than that leadership needs to be kicked out themselves.
The Boy Scout spokesman indicated that he was denied his Eagle Scout badge both because he did not believe in the "duty to God" indicated in the Scout Oath and because he did not meet scouting's membership standard on sexual orientation.

They knew about his sexual orientation while he was working on his badge, it was only two days before he got it he decided to tell them he didn't believe in God. Don't you think if his sexual orientation was the reason, they would have kicked him out BEFORE he did all that work?

Boy Scouts are different at the troop level than the national level. Most troops will take a DADT attitude towards sexuality. It has very little to do with your functioning as a Boy Scout. His leader and the boys in his troop evidently knew he was gay.
However, once you openly declare, they have no choice but to kick you out.

Its not right, but thats the way it is

He was denied his eagle scout badge because he denied God. That's what the article says. HE claims it's because of his sexual orientation. The truth is, he knew he was going to get his badge and his agenda couldn't let that happen so 2 days before he tells them he doesn't believe in Duty to God, then whines about not getting his badge due to his sexual orientation. It's an agenda people, recognize it.
As well known as the prohibition against homosexuals is, I doubt if ANY Scouts or former Scouts is sending anything back.

Aside from giving this boy something to do, he did not at all benefit from being in the Scouts. He didn't develop character, he has no integrity and he lacks honesty. His being there was a waste of time and effort by the Scouts. What the Scouts should do is find out if, in fact, this kid was ever told by a Scout leader that his homosexuality would be dealt with or covered up, that leader should be expelled for teaching the kid how to lie.

I was a Cub Scout for about 6 months before I realized the BSA was just a gateway organization to white-supremist militia groups.
If his Scout leadership knew and didn't kick him out immiediately, than that leadership needs to be kicked out themselves.

The leadership didn't care, not until 2 days before when he announced he didn't believe in God. That's what got him kicked out.
As well known as the prohibition against homosexuals is, I doubt if ANY Scouts or former Scouts is sending anything back.

Aside from giving this boy something to do, he did not at all benefit from being in the Scouts. He didn't develop character, he has no integrity and he lacks honesty. His being there was a waste of time and effort by the Scouts. What the Scouts should do is find out if, in fact, this kid was ever told by a Scout leader that his homosexuality would be dealt with or covered up, that leader should be expelled for teaching the kid how to lie.

I was a Cub Scout for about 6 months before I realized the BSA was just a gateway organization to white-supremist militia groups.

you've been stupid for a long time, then.
As well known as the prohibition against homosexuals is, I doubt if ANY Scouts or former Scouts is sending anything back.

Aside from giving this boy something to do, he did not at all benefit from being in the Scouts. He didn't develop character, he has no integrity and he lacks honesty. His being there was a waste of time and effort by the Scouts. What the Scouts should do is find out if, in fact, this kid was ever told by a Scout leader that his homosexuality would be dealt with or covered up, that leader should be expelled for teaching the kid how to lie.

I was a Cub Scout for about 6 months before I realized the BSA was just a gateway organization to white-supremist militia groups.

you've been stupid for a long time, then.


I was a cubscout leader for 3 years. The year I quit, they didn't have anyone else to take over so my son had to quit too. No one cared about anyones sexual orientation, it never came up. God came up at every meeting.
As well known as the prohibition against homosexuals is, I doubt if ANY Scouts or former Scouts is sending anything back.

Aside from giving this boy something to do, he did not at all benefit from being in the Scouts. He didn't develop character, he has no integrity and he lacks honesty. His being there was a waste of time and effort by the Scouts. What the Scouts should do is find out if, in fact, this kid was ever told by a Scout leader that his homosexuality would be dealt with or covered up, that leader should be expelled for teaching the kid how to lie.

I was a Cub Scout for about 6 months before I realized the BSA was just a gateway organization to white-supremist militia groups.

I was a Girl Scout for a year and a half, then I beat the crap out of Sea Scout and they threw me out. No hard feelings. I still supported the Girl Scouts for many years.
As well known as the prohibition against homosexuals is, I doubt if ANY Scouts or former Scouts is sending anything back.

Aside from giving this boy something to do, he did not at all benefit from being in the Scouts. He didn't develop character, he has no integrity and he lacks honesty. His being there was a waste of time and effort by the Scouts. What the Scouts should do is find out if, in fact, this kid was ever told by a Scout leader that his homosexuality would be dealt with or covered up, that leader should be expelled for teaching the kid how to lie.

I was a Cub Scout for about 6 months before I realized the BSA was just a gateway organization to white-supremist militia groups.

you've been stupid for a long time, then.

Joke 'em if they can't take a fuck.
They knew about his sexual orientation while he was working on his badge, it was only two days before he got it he decided to tell them he didn't believe in God. Don't you think if his sexual orientation was the reason, they would have kicked him out BEFORE he did all that work?

Boy Scouts are different at the troop level than the national level. Most troops will take a DADT attitude towards sexuality. It has very little to do with your functioning as a Boy Scout. His leader and the boys in his troop evidently knew he was gay.
However, once you openly declare, they have no choice but to kick you out.

Its not right, but thats the way it is

He was denied his eagle scout badge because he denied God. That's what the article says. HE claims it's because of his sexual orientation. The truth is, he knew he was going to get his badge and his agenda couldn't let that happen so 2 days before he tells them he doesn't believe in Duty to God, then whines about not getting his badge due to his sexual orientation. It's an agenda people, recognize it.

Before you are approved for Eagle you go for a board of review where your religious beliefs will come up. You don't have to belong to a specific religion, just profess a general belief in a higher power. As a scout, he chose to be honest about his beliefs rather than shut up just so he could get a badge

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