Homosexual boy scout is mad because he won't be given eagle badge

Did they say that?

We'll have to give cowman a moment...he had an apoplectic seizure and won't be back until after he picks himself up and wipes the spittle off his chin and screen.

And late Thursday, the Boy Scouts of America said in a statement that because of Andresen's sexual orientation and that he did not agree to Scouting’s principle of "Duty to God," “he is no longer eligible for membership in Scouting.”

Yes, they did. That quote is from NBC News, but many other sites have covered the matter.

So they never said it was about his sexuality.

So why did you say this: "I'm convinced that if the Boy Scouts of America says that his sexuality is an issue then it is an issue."

? They never said it was an issue.

If they say that because of his sexual orientation and that he did not agree to the scouting principle of "Duty to God" he is no longer eligible for membership in scouting then that means that his sexuality is an issue. They explicitly state that he did not meet Scouting's membership standard on sexual orientation.
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And late Thursday, the Boy Scouts of America said in a statement that because of Andresen's sexual orientation and that he did not agree to Scouting’s principle of "Duty to God," “he is no longer eligible for membership in Scouting.”

Yes, they did. That quote is from NBC News, but many other sites have covered the matter.

So they never said it was about his sexuality.

So why did you say this: "I'm convinced that if the Boy Scouts of America says that his sexuality is an issue then it is an issue."

? They never said it was an issue.

If they say that because of his sexual orientation and that he did not agree to the scouting principle of "Duty to God" he is no longer eligible for membership in scouting then that means that his sexuality is an issue. They explicitly state that he did not meet Scouting's membership standard on sexual orientation.

Oh I missed the sexual orientation part.

At any rate. Oh well. It's odd that he would proclaim his sexual orientation to the Scouts. I'm sure they don't ask about it.
The lefties hate Boy Scouts. Anything that stands for traditional family values is suspect and must be rooted out.

Gay kids rule!
So they never said it was about his sexuality.

So why did you say this: "I'm convinced that if the Boy Scouts of America says that his sexuality is an issue then it is an issue."

? They never said it was an issue.

If they say that because of his sexual orientation and that he did not agree to the scouting principle of "Duty to God" he is no longer eligible for membership in scouting then that means that his sexuality is an issue. They explicitly state that he did not meet Scouting's membership standard on sexual orientation.

Oh I missed the sexual orientation part.

At any rate. Oh well. It's odd that he would proclaim his sexual orientation to the Scouts. I'm sure they don't ask about it.

He did indeed bring it up himself. The spokesman stated that the Boy Scouts never inquired about his sexual orientation.
Hmmmm...wonder why he brought it up...hmmmmm...

I'm not sure in what context his sexual orientation came up in. Either way the Boy Scouts has a right to set whatever membership standards they see fit, but they should have kicked him out before he finished the project instead of letting him finish the project then not giving him the badge.
Bigoted against what? People who love to see the denial of and ruination of homosexual children?

What am I bigoted against Cecille?

Are you upset that I think you're a terrible person for wanting to royally FUCK these kids as hard as you can?

homosexual CHILDREN?

Soooo...if a 5 year old is caught with another 5 year old of the same sex with his pants down, is he a homosexual child? Are we then obligated to identify him as homosexual for the rest of his life?

Whoever thought it was a good idea to publicize this kid's so-called sexual orientation should go to prison.

Children can develop their sexual identity at a young age, idiot. I wasn't talking about sexual experimentation at a young age either, I was talking about sexual identity. Many teenagers already have their sexual orientation known to them, and they go through life either hiding and avoiding it, or embracing it, and facing the wrath of evil mother fuckers like you, who in an era gone by would probably burn them at the stake.

Hypocrite, bigot, dumbass, XXXXXXXX-Meister

Yeah, you're the one who needs to be lecturing others on being a good person. :eusa_hand:
I don't think sunni is the one who identified this child as a homosexual. Identifying a child by his sexuality is a bit obsessive, don't you think? Particularly given the fact that it wasn't his sexuality but his stated un-belief that caused the issue.

There's something I'm not getting about this story. Either it wasn't reported, or I just didn't see it.

How did this whole issue come to the attention of the higher-ups in the Boy Scouts, anyway? It sounds like his Scoutmaster was planning to help him get around the rules, so how did his superiors find out the kid was a homosexual?
It's the homo bloc using a kid to hurt the Boy Scouts.

Typical. They probably told him he was homosexual, too.
Did they say that?

We'll have to give cowman a moment...he had an apoplectic seizure and won't be back until after he picks himself up and wipes the spittle off his chin and screen.

And late Thursday, the Boy Scouts of America said in a statement that because of Andresen's sexual orientation and that he did not agree to Scouting’s principle of "Duty to God," “he is no longer eligible for membership in Scouting.”

Yes, they did. That quote is from NBC News, but many other sites have covered the matter.

Did the Boy Scouts make it an issue, though, or did whoever told the Boy Scouts he was a homosexual? Who was that, exactly, and how did it happen?
If they say that because of his sexual orientation and that he did not agree to the scouting principle of "Duty to God" he is no longer eligible for membership in scouting then that means that his sexuality is an issue. They explicitly state that he did not meet Scouting's membership standard on sexual orientation.

Oh I missed the sexual orientation part.

At any rate. Oh well. It's odd that he would proclaim his sexual orientation to the Scouts. I'm sure they don't ask about it.

He did indeed bring it up himself. The spokesman stated that the Boy Scouts never inquired about his sexual orientation.

Then he's got no one to blame but himself, doesn't he? What was he trying to accomplish by this?
Hmmmm...wonder why he brought it up...hmmmmm...

I'm not sure in what context his sexual orientation came up in. Either way the Boy Scouts has a right to set whatever membership standards they see fit, but they should have kicked him out before he finished the project instead of letting him finish the project then not giving him the badge.

Sounded to me like the people who knew well before his being kicked out were not the same people who actually decided to kick him out. I could very well be wrong, but the impression I'm getting is that his local scoutmaster knew he was gay and kept it to himself. The kid did the work, and then when he was ready to be awarded Eagle Scout status, decided to "out" himself to make some sort of statement, and the higher-ups in the organization gave him the boot.
kid didn't qualify to be an eagle scout in two very fundamental ways. first, he openly disagreed with the core tenets and principles of the group. second, he didn't understand that those tenets and principles are the point of the boy scouts. they don't exist to teach boys to tie knots and take them on camping trips.

I'm surprised you're not a den mother. Your hateful, bigoted, hypocritical tenets match the Boy Scouts' perfectly.

i'm sorry, but was this snotty, juvenile personal attack of yours supposed to be an example of your splendid leftist 'tolerance' in action?

yet another hypocrite. one wonders if the left produces anyone with integrity or consistency. it certainly doesn't produce anyone with brains.

You should be sorry. You've got plenty to be sorry about.

And when did I ever claim to be tolerant? I positively hate people like you.
I'm surprised you're not a den mother. Your hateful, bigoted, hypocritical tenets match the Boy Scouts' perfectly.

i'm sorry, but was this snotty, juvenile personal attack of yours supposed to be an example of your splendid leftist 'tolerance' in action?

yet another hypocrite. one wonders if the left produces anyone with integrity or consistency. it certainly doesn't produce anyone with brains.

You should be sorry. You've got plenty to be sorry about.

And when did I ever claim to be tolerant? I positively hate people like you.
We don't call her Cesspool for nothing.
I suspect he sprang it on him, along with his atheism.

Of course you would.

Yes, I would. Because I have some experience of the world and he would never have gotten as far as he did if he had made his beliefs known, or if he had let them know he was interested in using the organization as a platform for homosexual rights.

he has been in scouting since he was a kid before he knew what his sexuality or beliefs were.
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Of course you would.

Yes, I would. Because I have some experience of the world and he would never have gotten as far as he did if he had made his beliefs known, or if he had let them know he was interested in using the organization as a platform for homosexual rights.

he has been in scouting since he was a kid before he knew what his sexuality or beliefs were.

Then when he KNEW that he no longer fulfilled the obligations of being a Scout he would have voluntarily dropped out. That would have shown integrity. The Scouts should not be expected to reward someone who intended for many years to use the Boy Scouts for their personal activities. By staying in, to demand something he is not entitled to, defies the very purpose of the Scouts. It shows a lack of character, but does show quite a bit of deviousness.

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