Homosexual declarations of children of homosexuals brings gay lifestyle into question..

the American culture has always been stronger due to it's diversity.

Really? Prove it. I'll take a million pioneers from back in the colonial days against a million of your modern, diverse, multicultural, multi-sexual lot and we pit them in a battle against each other giving each side equal weapons. I bet my 18th century colonialists KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS!
So, in your world, the ability to brutalize others is the true test of cultural development and health of a society? You are a joy to behold . A wonderful human being indeed.

You make an unsupported rash statement, I ask for proof, you try to change the subject. You say diversity makes you stronger so I take the two most divergent societies, the LEAST diverse, the 18th century colonialists against the MOST diverse, the current multicultural one. The former survived and beat out both the Indians AND the British surviving starvation and brutal winters to build a nation, while the latter couldn't punch their way out of a paper bag and thinks they had a bad day if their Twitter account goes down while cashing in welfare checks. So your response? Attack me. You really are a total lying POS for brains aren't you? No need to answer. The evidence is clear.
Holy shit Bubba! Calm the fuck down! No one is changing the subject .You took the moronic view that cultural diversity has weakened us , and offered as proof and assertion that past generations could beat the pants off of us and survive adversity better. That is what I responded to and I stand by my assessment that such a measure of cultural development and the effects of diversity is just FUCKING STUPID
I'm 54 years old and I have just been diagnosed with Emphysema. I haven't smoked in close to 25 years. I started smoking when I was 16 because my mother and Step father smoked. It's their fault I have Emphysema.

Kids mimic their parents. If their parents are gay the children will most likely be gay too. That's proof they chose to be gay and wasn't necessarily born that way.
That is just more stupidity coming from you. Kids do not learn to be gay. They either are or they are not.


What about all of the gay people who, as children were raised by straight people?

The only difference is that kids raised by gay people are more likely to come out as such because they know that they will not be rejected and shamed by their parents.

Gay is not a choice or a learned behavior. Lets see what you pull out of your ass next.
I'm 54 years old and I have just been diagnosed with Emphysema. I haven't smoked in close to 25 years. I started smoking when I was 16 because my mother and Step father smoked. It's their fault I have Emphysema.

Kids mimic their parents. If their parents are gay the children will most likely be gay too. That's proof they chose to be gay and wasn't necessarily born that way.
That is just more stupidity coming from you. Kids do not learn to be gay. They either are or they are not.


What about all of the gay people who, as children were raised by straight people?

The only difference is that kids raised by gay people are more likely to come out as such because they know that they will not be rejected and shamed by their parents.

Gay is not a choice or a learned behavior. Lets see what you pull out of your ass next.
You know the answer to that already. If it's genetic then abort it.
I'm 54 years old and I have just been diagnosed with Emphysema. I haven't smoked in close to 25 years. I started smoking when I was 16 because my mother and Step father smoked. It's their fault I have Emphysema.

Kids mimic their parents. If their parents are gay the children will most likely be gay too. That's proof they chose to be gay and wasn't necessarily born that way.
That is just more stupidity coming from you. Kids do not learn to be gay. They either are or they are not.


What about all of the gay people who, as children were raised by straight people?

The only difference is that kids raised by gay people are more likely to come out as such because they know that they will not be rejected and shamed by their parents.

Gay is not a choice or a learned behavior. Lets see what you pull out of your ass next.
You know the answer to that already. If it's genetic then abort it.
That is absolutely abhorrent ! And to think that homosexuality has to be either genetic or a choice is to show your abysmal understanding of the complexity of human sexuality and serves to dumb it down,
Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity...

So why is it the homosexual community thinks that they are exempt?

Ellen praises girlish biological boy's "good lips":

So children of heterosexual parents don't play with make-up?

Is that relevant to something I said?
the American culture has always been stronger due to it's diversity.

Really? Prove it. I'll take a million pioneers from back in the colonial days against a million of your modern, diverse, multicultural, multi-sexual lot and we pit them in a battle against each other giving each side equal weapons. I bet my 18th century colonialists KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS!
So, in your world, the ability to brutalize others is the true test of cultural development and health of a society? You are a joy to behold . A wonderful human being indeed.

You make an unsupported rash statement, I ask for proof, you try to change the subject. You say diversity makes you stronger so I take the two most divergent societies, the LEAST diverse, the 18th century colonialists against the MOST diverse, the current multicultural one. The former survived and beat out both the Indians AND the British surviving starvation and brutal winters to build a nation, while the latter couldn't punch their way out of a paper bag and thinks they had a bad day if their Twitter account goes down while cashing in welfare checks. So your response? Attack me. You really are a total lying POS for brains aren't you? No need to answer. The evidence is clear.
Holy shit Bubba! Calm the fuck down! No one is changing the subject .You took the moronic view that cultural diversity has weakened us , and offered as proof and assertion that past generations could beat the pants off of us and survive adversity better. That is what I responded to and I stand by my assessment that such a measure of cultural development and the effects of diversity is just FUCKING STUPID

I ask for supporting proof of your rash statements. Apparently have none so tell me to "calm down." You're the only one flying off the handle here.

You change the subject from gays and children to diversity, then state that you didn't change the subject! Lying idiot. Want proof diversity weakens everything? Try building a car engine out of diverse parts from Ford, Chevy, AMC, Toyota and BMW. It won't run. Try putting 30 diverse people in charge of a project instead of just one or two; they will never get anything done and will never agree on anything. All solutions will be so compromised and middle-of-the-road that they will be silly, like the governments--- won't work. Instead of a day, it will take months, years or forever to get anything done and will cost 10X as much ---- like the government. Diversity is a liberal fantasy pipe dream that has ruined the world and given us people who don't know what sex they are, bathrooms that are for no one or everyone, children who think they are sexual prom queens and bakeries who get closed because they couldn't put an offensive saying on a cake.
the American culture has always been stronger due to it's diversity.

Really? Prove it. I'll take a million pioneers from back in the colonial days against a million of your modern, diverse, multicultural, multi-sexual lot and we pit them in a battle against each other giving each side equal weapons. I bet my 18th century colonialists KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS!
So, in your world, the ability to brutalize others is the true test of cultural development and health of a society? You are a joy to behold . A wonderful human being indeed.

You make an unsupported rash statement, I ask for proof, you try to change the subject. You say diversity makes you stronger so I take the two most divergent societies, the LEAST diverse, the 18th century colonialists against the MOST diverse, the current multicultural one. The former survived and beat out both the Indians AND the British surviving starvation and brutal winters to build a nation, while the latter couldn't punch their way out of a paper bag and thinks they had a bad day if their Twitter account goes down while cashing in welfare checks. So your response? Attack me. You really are a total lying POS for brains aren't you? No need to answer. The evidence is clear.
Holy shit Bubba! Calm the fuck down! No one is changing the subject .You took the moronic view that cultural diversity has weakened us , and offered as proof and assertion that past generations could beat the pants off of us and survive adversity better. That is what I responded to and I stand by my assessment that such a measure of cultural development and the effects of diversity is just FUCKING STUPID

I ask for supporting proof of your rash statements. Apparently have none so tell me to "calm down." You're the only one flying off the handle here.

You change the subject from gays and children to diversity, then state that you didn't change the subject! Lying idiot. Want proof diversity weakens everything? Try building a car engine out of diverse parts from Ford, Chevy, AMC, Toyota and BMW. It won't run. Try putting 30 diverse people in charge of a project instead of just one or two; they will never get anything done and will never agree on anything. All solutions will be so compromised and middle-of-the-road that they will be silly, like the governments--- won't work. Instead of a day, it will take months, years or forever to get anything done and will cost 10X as much ---- like the government. Diversity is a liberal fantasy pipe dream that has ruined the world and given us people who don't know what sex they are, bathrooms that are for no one or everyone, children who think they are sexual prom queens and bakeries who get closed because they couldn't put an offensive saying on a cake.

My rash statement.? That is a fucking laugh, my Freaky Friend

First of all I did not change the subject, someone else brought up diversity and you stupidly trashed the concept by fighting abilities

In addition, diversity is very much on topic when we are talking about the changing nature of families and children and society's response.

I will add that we are talking about social diversity not car parts so that little was even more inappropriate that most of what you say. The rest of what you say about diversity is just a made up crock of shit which I would like to see try to prove.

Finally, you might want to take a look at this:

The Value of Diversity

and this

7 Studies That Prove the Value of Diversity in the Workplace
I will add that we are talking about social diversity not car parts so that little was even more inappropriate that most of what you say. The rest of what you say about diversity is just a made up crock of shit which I would like to see try to prove.

The very fact that you would even question much less challenge analogies that are as established fact as the Sun rising in the East whether mechanical, business or social goes to show along with all your other crazy weak-minded assertions where 90% of respondents in every thread you are in argue AGAINST you that it is a pointless, futile waste of time even arguing with you.
Gay is not a choice or a learned behavior. Lets see what you pull out of your ass next.

I've given what's in my signature to prove the opposite. Now let's see your proof, unless your assertion came directly out of your ass.

Don't forget this about deviant sexual behaviors being learned:

Mayo Clinic 2007 Special Article on Pedophilia
One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child. This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”or “abused-abusers phenomena.”...why the “abused-abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place.

A "phenomena" is something that is as well documented as water being wet.
I will add that we are talking about social diversity not car parts so that little was even more inappropriate that most of what you say. The rest of what you say about diversity is just a made up crock of shit which I would like to see try to prove.

The very fact that you would even question much less challenge analogies that are as established fact as the Sun rising in the East whether mechanical, business or social goes to show along with all your other crazy weak-minded assertions where 90% of respondents in every thread you are in argue AGAINST you that it is a pointless, futile waste of time even arguing with you.
I see. You think that rambling on like a mad man is proof that you're right and that I 'm wrong, but you don't bother to comment on the evidence that I presented-after you demanded "proof" I doubt that you even followed the links being fearful that you might see something that challenges your world view. My work is done here
Chill out! I am not arguing that point. I'm agreeing with you. I am simply countering the mind set that gay people in general. are sexually abusing children and want them to be gay .That is just bigoted bullshit.
Well, PP, experts disagree.

1. Read my signature.

2. Read the following quote from the 2007 Mayo Clinic's Special Report on Pedophiles/sex crimes against kids and the perps involved:

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child. This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”or “abused-abusers phenomena.”...why the “abused-abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place.
God- this lie again? And what was the one sentence you always leave out? "This finding does not imply that ho-mosexuals are more likely to molest children,"

That's funny. Because the article didn't say "This finding in no way depicts that homosexuals are more likely to molest children". It merely said the finding doesn't imply that. But implications are subjective. To expound on that and see if it does maybe imply it with further study, read my signature below.

The Mayo Clinic's Special Article on Pedophilia no doubt wanted to remain PC as pressures from the APA were in place and well entrenched at the time. It's not the author's "words and feelings" one should pay attention to; it is the raw data and the ability to deduce logically that should be employed in coming up with what is implied and what isn't. Again, read my signature. When the CDC uses the word "epidemic", it's not a subjective statement. The job description disallows them to use such wording if they do not have clear empirical reason to do so.

God- this lie again?

First of all- nothing you have posted is in relation to gays molesting children- you are just lying.

This was not a Mayo Clinic Report.
It was not a 'Special Report
It was not 'The Mayo Clinic's Special Article on Pedophilia'

The Report- by Doctor Hall and Hall- printed in the Mayo Clinic proceedings

Mayo Clin Proc. • April 2007;82(4):457-471 • www.mayoclinicproceedings.com
For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from
Mayo Clinic Proceeding

Profile of Pedophilia:
Definition, Characteristics of Offenders, Recidivism,
Treatment Outcomes, and Forensic Issue

And what was the one sentence you always leave out?

This finding does not imply that ho-mosexuals are more likely to molest children,

As always- this article directly contradicts every claim you make.

As always- the parts you don't like- you just make up your own lies about.
I'm 54 years old and I have just been diagnosed with Emphysema. I haven't smoked in close to 25 years. I started smoking when I was 16 because my mother and Step father smoked. It's their fault I have Emphysema.

Kids mimic their parents. If their parents are gay the children will most likely be gay too. That's proof they chose to be gay and wasn't necessarily born that way.

LOL- except of course-the vast majority of gay men and women were raised by men and women who were straight.

If all kids 'mimic' their parents- why did they end up gay?
Gay is not a choice or a learned behavior. Lets see what you pull out of your ass next.

I've given what's in my signature to prove the opposite. Now let's see your proof, unless your assertion came directly out of your ass.

Don't forget this about deviant sexual behaviors being learned:

Mayo Clinic 2007 Special Article on Pedophilia.

God- this lie again? You even keep lying about this article being from the Mayo Clinic- because you will make any lie to attack gays.

First of all- nothing you have posted is in relation to gays molesting children- you are just lying.

This was not a Mayo Clinic Report.
It was not a 'Special Report
The Report- by Doctor Hall and Hall- printed in the Mayo Clinic proceedings

Mayo Clin Proc. • April 2007;82(4):457-471 • www.mayoclinicproceedings.com
For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from
Mayo Clinic Proceeding

Profile of Pedophilia:
Definition, Characteristics of Offenders, Recidivism,
Treatment Outcomes, and Forensic Issue

And what was the one sentence you always leave out?

This finding does not imply that ho-mosexuals are more likely to molest children,

As always- this article directly contradicts every claim you make.
I could post dozens of reports of priest and so called good straight men fucking children too. I wonder why they're doing that? You see you can't pin this on gays but your hatred of them won't let you stop.
I've given what's in my signature to prove the opposite. Now let's see your proof, unless your assertion came directly out of your ass.
This appears to be just more of your insanity. There is nothing in your signature line that says that kids learn to be gay and that is no such claim was ever uttered by someone at the CDC. If you think that someone did, lets see it . Learning hyper sexuality is not learning to be gay

Meanwhile , I will give you this knowing full well that you won't bother to read it, or will claim that it means something other than what it says

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation
I doubt that you even followed the links

You'd be right. I don't even look at that garbage. I think I glanced at one of them. You really think that crap is anything new to me? You see, unlike you who READS that crap, I've actually written a comprehensive manual on applied psychology back in the '80s. You might try reading some of the links supplied by Silhouette, but then, we all know you're just a waste of time with an agenda.
I doubt that you even followed the links

You'd be right. I don't even look at that garbage. I think I glanced at one of them. You really think that crap is anything new to me? You see, unlike you who READS that crap, I've actually written a comprehensive manual on applied psychology back in the '80s. You might try reading some of the links supplied by Silhouette, but then, we all know you're just a waste of time with an agenda.

I somehow suspect that his 'comprehensive manual on applied psychology' is going to be on the virtues of parents physically disciplining their children.

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