Homosexual declarations of children of homosexuals brings gay lifestyle into question..

There is no such thing as a child of a homosexual. All humans are the product of heterosexuality. One or both of the parents may partake of homosexual activity but it has nothing to do with the creation of that child.

Odd- because I know several children of homosexuals.

All humans are the product of reproduction- but that has nothing to do with the gender that the parent is attracted to.

Examples of children of homosexuals that I know of personally:
a) daughter of a lesbian artificially inseminated
b) son and daughter of gay man who was married to a woman for years before coming out.
c) daughter adopted by a single gay mom.

But hey- thanks for playing "Who is my Parent!"
Another thread started by the bigoted, hateful right demonstrating once again that gay Americans are very much in need of Constitutional protections.
There is no such thing as a child of a homosexual. All humans are the product of heterosexuality. One or both of the parents may partake of homosexual activity but it has nothing to do with the creation of that child.

Odd- because I know several children of homosexuals.

All humans are the product of reproduction- but that has nothing to do with the gender that the parent is attracted to.

Examples of children of homosexuals that I know of personally:
a) daughter of a lesbian artificially inseminated
b) son and daughter of gay man who was married to a woman for years before coming out.
c) daughter adopted by a single gay mom.

But hey- thanks for playing "Who is my Parent!"
You are abjectly stupid.
No human being has ever been created by homosex. It's always a heterosex. Period.
The parents may partake of homosex but it has nothing to do with the creation of any child.
Did someone drop you on your head?
There is no such thing as a child of a homosexual. All humans are the product of heterosexuality. One or both of the parents may partake of homosexual activity but it has nothing to do with the creation of that child.

Odd- because I know several children of homosexuals.

All humans are the product of reproduction- but that has nothing to do with the gender that the parent is attracted to.

Examples of children of homosexuals that I know of personally:
a) daughter of a lesbian artificially inseminated
b) son and daughter of gay man who was married to a woman for years before coming out.
c) daughter adopted by a single gay mom.

But hey- thanks for playing "Who is my Parent!"
You are abjectly stupid.
No human being has ever been created by homosex. It's always a heterosex. Period.
The parents may partake of homosex but it has nothing to do with the creation of any child.
Did someone drop you on your head?
First of all smiley gay people are NOTsterile. If a Lesbian carries a child, that child is her child. If a gay man donates sperm and has a child with a surrogate-that is his child

Second of all there are millions of kids in the care of gay people and couples, who came to be with them my various meansThey are parents to those kids. They are their kids . So save your pointless and ignorant horseshit
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Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity...

So why is it the homosexual community thinks that they are exempt?

Ellen praises girlish biological boy's "good lips":

What sexual activity is the boy active in?
Nobody in this country (at least nobody that pretends to be sane) thinks that people have the right to live their lives they way they see fit..if in doing that they are actively damaging/abusing children.

I agree.

Still waiting for you to provide any examples of activities that you can prove are damaging or abusing children?

I mean I can certainly believe that you are abusing your child by making them go to church every Sunday and forcing them to believe in your 'god'.....but I can't prove that is abusing your child.

As always- if you know of any child abuse- i strongly recommend that you notify the police immediately.

If you are claiming there is abuse- and you are not notifying the police you are either:
a) Lying or
b) Just don't give a damn about those kids.
So teaching your child to live a good life and love others is child abuse, but teaching your child to be gay and having sex with who ever you want is okay? At whatever age you want?

So you like to kick puppies?

Your enjoyment of kicking puppies has as much to do with my post as yours does.

Still waiting for you to provide any examples of activities that you can prove are damaging or abusing children?

I mean I can certainly believe that you are abusing your child by making them go to church every Sunday and forcing them to believe in your 'god'.....but I can't prove that is abusing your child.

As always- if you know of any child abuse- i strongly recommend that you notify the police immediately.

If you are claiming there is abuse- and you are not notifying the police you are either:
a) Lying or
b) Just don't give a damn about those kids
You cannot force someone to be a Christian, that is a choice that has to be made by the individual.

Parents influence their kids to 'discover' Jesus all the time.

I remember going with friends to their Baptist Church- where people are encouraged to testify to as to their personal experience with finding Jesus- and watching what appeared to be a 5 year old up there testifying about how he had been 'born again'.

You think that happened without vast amounts of parental influence?

I don't.
And you know this how?… Oh I forgot you are a control freak
I thought you people believed in personal freedom and the ability to be left alone? It seems to me that you drop that idea as soon as someone wants to live away that you disagree with.

Get over it and you'll be less of a hypocrite.
I thought you people believed in personal freedom and the ability to be left alone? It seems to me that you drop that idea as soon as someone wants to live away that you disagree with.

Get over it and you'll be less of a hypocrite.
Most people do, but you are the motherfuckers that are forcing that shit on other people’s kids in the schools. So shut the fuck up
There is no such thing as a child of a homosexual. All humans are the product of heterosexuality. One or both of the parents may partake of homosexual activity but it has nothing to do with the creation of that child.

Odd- because I know several children of homosexuals.

All humans are the product of reproduction- but that has nothing to do with the gender that the parent is attracted to.

Examples of children of homosexuals that I know of personally:
a) daughter of a lesbian artificially inseminated
b) son and daughter of gay man who was married to a woman for years before coming out.
c) daughter adopted by a single gay mom.

But hey- thanks for playing "Who is my Parent!"
You are abjectly stupid.
No human being has ever been created by homosex. It's always a heterosex. Period.
The parents may partake of homosex but it has nothing to do with the creation of any child.
Did someone drop you on your head?
First of all smiley gay people are sterile. If a Lesbian carries a child, that child is her child. If a gay man donates sperm and has a child with a surrogate-that is his child

Second of all there are millions of kids in the care of gay people and couples, who came to be with them my various meansThey are parents to those kids. They are their kids . So save your pointless and ignorant horseshit
Your contrived example is still a result of heterosex. That lesbian and homo dude are the parents.
There is no such thing as a child of a homosexual. All humans are the product of heterosexuality. One or both of the parents may partake of homosexual activity but it has nothing to do with the creation of that child.

Odd- because I know several children of homosexuals.

All humans are the product of reproduction- but that has nothing to do with the gender that the parent is attracted to.

Examples of children of homosexuals that I know of personally:
a) daughter of a lesbian artificially inseminated
b) son and daughter of gay man who was married to a woman for years before coming out.
c) daughter adopted by a single gay mom.

But hey- thanks for playing "Who is my Parent!"
You are abjectly stupid.
No human being has ever been created by homosex. It's always a heterosex. Period.
The parents may partake of homosex but it has nothing to do with the creation of any child.
Did someone drop you on your head?
First of all smiley gay people are sterile. If a Lesbian carries a child, that child is her child. If a gay man donates sperm and has a child with a surrogate-that is his child

Second of all there are millions of kids in the care of gay people and couples, who came to be with them my various meansThey are parents to those kids. They are their kids . So save your pointless and ignorant horseshit
Your contrived example is still a result of heterosex. That lesbian and homo dude are the parents.

It does not fucking matter! They are real children and the people who care for them and have legal ties to them are the parents. What part of that do you not understand? You make no valid point whatsoever
I thought you people believed in personal freedom and the ability to be left alone? It seems to me that you drop that idea as soon as someone wants to live away that you disagree with.

Get over it and you'll be less of a hypocrite.
The Kleins in Oregon believed in personal freedom & the ability to be left alone. And the lezbos had choices of other places to go.

Speaking of hypocrites.
I am simply countering the mind set that gay people in general. are sexually abusing children and want them to be gay .That is just bigoted bullshit.

It is the plain and obvious truth. Putting children under the care and influence of sick sexual perverts is sexual abuse of those children. Denying it will not change this. Calling people “bigots” for pointing it out will not change it. Demanding that the “rights” of these sick perverts should be given higher precedence than the safety and well-being of children will not change it.
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There is no such thing as a child of a homosexual. All humans are the product of heterosexuality. One or both of the parents may partake of homosexual activity but it has nothing to do with the creation of that child.

Odd- because I know several children of homosexuals.

All humans are the product of reproduction- but that has nothing to do with the gender that the parent is attracted to.

Examples of children of homosexuals that I know of personally:
a) daughter of a lesbian artificially inseminated
b) son and daughter of gay man who was married to a woman for years before coming out.
c) daughter adopted by a single gay mom.

But hey- thanks for playing "Who is my Parent!"
You are abjectly stupid.
No human being has ever been created by homosex. It's always a heterosex. Period.
The parents may partake of homosex but it has nothing to do with the creation of any child.
Did someone drop you on your head?
First of all smiley gay people are sterile. If a Lesbian carries a child, that child is her child. If a gay man donates sperm and has a child with a surrogate-that is his child

Second of all there are millions of kids in the care of gay people and couples, who came to be with them my various meansThey are parents to those kids. They are their kids . So save your pointless and ignorant horseshit
Your contrived example is still a result of heterosex. That lesbian and homo dude are the parents.

It does not fucking matter! They are real children and the people who care for them and have legal ties to them are the parents. What part of that do you not understand? You make no valid point whatsoever
Every kid in those photos was created through hetero sex involving one specific man and one specific woman. Those children are being intentionally deprived of the human right to be raised by their actual parents.
You're too selfish and bigoted to accept that. Evil.
There is no such thing as a child of a homosexual. All humans are the product of heterosexuality. One or both of the parents may partake of homosexual activity but it has nothing to do with the creation of that child.

Odd- because I know several children of homosexuals.

All humans are the product of reproduction- but that has nothing to do with the gender that the parent is attracted to.

Examples of children of homosexuals that I know of personally:
a) daughter of a lesbian artificially inseminated
b) son and daughter of gay man who was married to a woman for years before coming out.
c) daughter adopted by a single gay mom.

But hey- thanks for playing "Who is my Parent!"
You are abjectly stupid.
No human being has ever been created by homosex. It's always a heterosex. Period.
The parents may partake of homosex but it has nothing to do with the creation of any child.
Did someone drop you on your head?
First of all smiley gay people are sterile. If a Lesbian carries a child, that child is her child. If a gay man donates sperm and has a child with a surrogate-that is his child

Second of all there are millions of kids in the care of gay people and couples, who came to be with them my various meansThey are parents to those kids. They are their kids . So save your pointless and ignorant horseshit
Your contrived example is still a result of heterosex. That lesbian and homo dude are the parents.

It does not fucking matter! They are real children and the people who care for them and have legal ties to them are the parents. What part of that do you not understand? You make no valid point whatsoever

They see them as second class citizens that shouldn't have children or be treated with respect. Something is really wrong with people that wish to do this to Americans.
It is the plain and obvious truth. Putting children under the care and influence of sick sexual perverts is sexual abuse of those children. Denying it will not change this. Calling people “bigots” for pointing it out will not change it. Demanding that the “rights” of these sick perverts should be given higher precedence than the safety and well-being of children will not change it.

Yes, that's what I mean. caring more about the “rights” of sick sexual perverts than the right or well-being of children. There is truly something seriously wrong with anyone whose priorities are aligned that way.

They see them as second class citizens that shouldn't have children or be treated with respect. Something is really wrong with people that wish to do this to Americans.
Children are mere chattel to the church of LGBT. Its why the lesbians suing in Michigan to get at any and all orphans are doing so by strangulating state funds to Catholic orphanages. So doing, they are directly attempting to initiate direct harm to children. It would be like suing custodial parents with the intent of fiscally breaking their kneecaps so their children would starve so they no longer could care for them so they'd have to surrender the kids to you. A hostile takeover where living breathing children are the merchandise. The Latest In the Landmark Court Case the LGBT Would Rather You Not Remain Current On..

The fact that they are suing in this way is a de facto declaration on their behalf that the well being of children takes a back seat ago their insidious adult agendas. And therefore, they've declared as a matter of public record that they don't qualify as adopting parents.

If I was the judge, that's exactly how I would write that decision.
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Odd- because I know several children of homosexuals.

All humans are the product of reproduction- but that has nothing to do with the gender that the parent is attracted to.

Examples of children of homosexuals that I know of personally:
a) daughter of a lesbian artificially inseminated
b) son and daughter of gay man who was married to a woman for years before coming out.
c) daughter adopted by a single gay mom.

But hey- thanks for playing "Who is my Parent!"
You are abjectly stupid.
No human being has ever been created by homosex. It's always a heterosex. Period.
The parents may partake of homosex but it has nothing to do with the creation of any child.
Did someone drop you on your head?
First of all smiley gay people are sterile. If a Lesbian carries a child, that child is her child. If a gay man donates sperm and has a child with a surrogate-that is his child

Second of all there are millions of kids in the care of gay people and couples, who came to be with them my various meansThey are parents to those kids. They are their kids . So save your pointless and ignorant horseshit
Your contrived example is still a result of heterosex. That lesbian and homo dude are the parents.

It does not fucking matter! They are real children and the people who care for them and have legal ties to them are the parents. What part of that do you not understand? You make no valid point whatsoever
Every kid in those photos was created through hetero sex involving one specific man and one specific woman. Those children are being intentionally deprived of the human right to be raised by their actual parents.
You're too selfish and bigoted to accept that. Evil.
In many cases, the "actual parents" abused , neglected or abandoned the children rendering them as wards of the state. Now they have an "actual home" and are being cared for by "actual people" .

Unfortunately, your bigotry and ignorance does not allow you to see that.

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