Homosexual declarations of children of homosexuals brings gay lifestyle into question..

Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity...

So why is it the homosexual community thinks that they are exempt?

Ellen praises girlish biological boy's "good lips":

"Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity..."

Why not stop all those beauty pageants? Trump owns many!!!

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It is more then 85% a result of some kind of molestation.

Somebody got molested by somebody.
t some evidence of that cowboy or are you just pulling it out of your pie hole?

I'll provide your proof the way you provided me mine, with another question.

Yeah, you provided jack shit.

Why do you think it's OK for pre-pubescent children to be sexualized?
I'm of the opinion it is absolutely not. Kids are kids up til at least age 11, usually 12+
It is more then 85% a result of some kind of molestation.

Somebody got molested by somebody.
t some evidence of that cowboy or are you just pulling it out of your pie hole?

There's tons of boys that get molested by their priest.

But this has nothing to do with molestation...Saying such shit is pure hatred and nastiness on the levels of the islamic state.

It has something to do with their brains being that of the opposite sex.
Scientists claim MRIs could diagnose gender dysphoria in children | Daily Mail Online
The research project looked at both males and females with gender dysphoria as well as non-GD people as a control group.

They found that the structure and neurological patterns of a trans-male's brain resembled a female more than it did a male.

People born as women who have gender dysphoria exhibited the same phenomenon, with brain activity almost identical to that of genetic males.

Read more: Scientists claim MRIs could diagnose gender dysphoria in children | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Science is on my side and that is why you have only hatred. lol
It is more then 85% a result of some kind of molestation.

Somebody got molested by somebody.
t some evidence of that cowboy or are you just pulling it out of your pie hole?

I'll provide your proof the way you provided me mine, with another question.

Yeah, you provided jack shit.

Why do you think it's OK for pre-pubescent children to be sexualized?
I'm of the opinion it is absolutely not. Kids are kids up til at least age 11, usually 12+
You're a lying piece of shit for suggesting that I think it's OK for pre-pubescent children to be sexualized. And your just spewing this shit to mask that fact that you're talking out of your ass and can't backup your bullshit.
It is more then 85% a result of some kind of molestation.

Somebody got molested by somebody.
t some evidence of that cowboy or are you just pulling it out of your pie hole?

There's tons of boys that get molested by their priest.

But this has nothing to do with molestation...Saying such shit is pure hatred and nastiness on the levels of the islamic state.

It has something to do with their brains being that of the opposite sex.
Scientists claim MRIs could diagnose gender dysphoria in children | Daily Mail Online
The research project looked at both males and females with gender dysphoria as well as non-GD people as a control group.

They found that the structure and neurological patterns of a trans-male's brain resembled a female more than it did a male.

People born as women who have gender dysphoria exhibited the same phenomenon, with brain activity almost identical to that of genetic males.

Read more: Scientists claim MRIs could diagnose gender dysphoria in children | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Science is on my side and that is why you have only hatred. lol

All I see is a bunch of wackadoodle pro-indoctrinate innocent children into faggotry bullshit. Sup?
70% of this country thinks these people should have the right to live their lives the way they see fit. Why is it such a problem?

Do you really want to make life hell for these people or what? It isn't right and I think some people need to learn to respect peoples personal liberties.

Conservatives are only interested in personal liberties they agree with. When they don't approve of what you're doing then they run straight to Big Brother government to put a stop to it.

When it involves children being deliberately indoctrinated into the pervert lifestyle then it should be put a stop to. Adults have a responsibility to protect ALL children and not just our own children, we have a moral obligation to make sure that children are not deliberately indoctrinated by perverts into becoming sexual attractions for those perverts.
You do not know squat about the parents or why these children are apparently experiencing gender dysphoria and you certainly don't know that they are being indoctrinated. If children have feelings that their gender identity is different than what their birth certificate says, it should be respected and they should be supported and allowed to explore who they are. The alternative is to reject them, shame them and force them to be what the parents want them to be and plan the funeral for when they kill themselves.

It is more then 85% a result of some kind of molestation.

Somebody got molested by somebody.
t some evidence of that cowboy or are you just pulling it out of your pie hole?

I'll provide your proof the way you provided me mine, with another question.

Yeah, you provided jack shit.

Why do you think it's OK for pre-pubescent children to be sexualized?
I'm of the opinion it is absolutely not. Kids are kids up til at least age 11, usually 12+
You're a lying piece of shit for suggesting that I think it's OK for pre-pubescent children to be sexualized. And your just spewing this shit to mask that fact that you're talking out of your ass and can't backup your bullshit.

Yeah, you should STFU right now, or further disprove your point.

It makes no difference to me, I know what you are, and what you promote.
70% of this country thinks these people should have the right to live their lives the way they see fit. Why is it such a problem?

Actions vs words Jess

Most would have conniptions if they were to catch thier pre pubescent boys playing with dolls, or girls wanting a tree fort.

In fact, past generations subjected such behavior to shock therapy ,along with whatever archaic medicines to counteract what THEY saw as un natural.

So, in our 'good christian effort' to erradicate the worlds LBGTBVD (whatever...) i'm always taken back on just what is considered PC 'abuse'...

Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity...

So why is it the homosexual community thinks that they are exempt?

Ellen praises girlish biological boy's "good lips":

"Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity..."

Why not stop all those beauty pageants? Trump owns many!!!


You're a lying piece of shit for suggesting that I think it's OK for pre-pubescent children to be sexualized.

Everywhere that the subject comes up, on this forum, there you are defending it, and insulting others for opposing it.

But I bet you support little girls like the above doing such every single day. There's nothing wrong with wearing a dress or acting like an girl for someone that's wired in their brain like a girl. It has nothing to do with sexualion unlike the crap you support above.

I could post thousands of post of priest and people that you trust doing far worse to innocent children. I think such monsters should be removed through great violence.

It is very hard for me not to make this personal and cross the line but I have to stand up for what is right. You my friend believe that someone being who this kid is somehow has the tiniest thing to do with sex? I doubt this kid or any kid of this age ever even thought about such things and shouldn't. It is just sick to consider such and like the girl above in the picture it isn't me that push that kind of crap on kids.
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There is a difference between a little girl dressing up like a big girl and singing on a stage...
and a little boy being dressed as a little girl and having his lesbian parents videotape him allegedly asserting his desire to suck dick when he gets older.

But perverts can't distinguish. That's why fags should be prevented from adopting children.
There is a difference between a little girl dressing up like a big girl and singing on a stage...
and a little boy being dressed as a little girl and having his lesbian parents videotape him allegedly asserting his desire to suck dick when he gets older.

But perverts can't distinguish. That's why fags should be prevented from adopting children.

Amen to that!
I could post dozens of post with real studies in science supporting my case.

You wouldn't believe any of them as you can't get over your hatred as critical thought and compassion escapes you. I could follow them up with thousands of post of how people that you trust do exactly what you fear so much about LBGT people. YOu people are exactly what you fear and I'll be praying for you.
I could post dozens of post with real studies in science supporting my case.

You wouldn't believe any of them as you can't get over your hatred as critical thought and compassion escapes you. I could follow them up with thousands of post of how people that you trust do exactly what you fear so much about LBGT people. YOu people are exactly what you fear and I'll be praying for you.
No you couldn't.
Actually, it is different.

Unless the moms dress up as hookers and people put money in the kid's underwear.
And that happened where exactly?

Why are you so interested in children and specifically pushing the LGBTQ thing into childrens minds? Your obsessive interest in children is for what reason? You have been asked this in so many threads but you have never given a sufficient reason to explain your obsessive interest in turning children into Homos.
It would seem that you are the one who is obsessed with children along with certain others . I here to call you all out on your stupidity and moronic ideas about homosexuality, transgenderism and how to deal with children who experience those feelings .

You are in EVERY thread about children and the pushing of the LGBTQ thing, I am not, I post in some of those threads, you are in ALL of those threads, ANY thread about children and sex and children and pushing perversions into their minds YOU are in those threads. What is your interest in children exactly?

Answer the question:

Why are you so interested in children and specifically pushing the LGBTQ thing into childrens minds? Your obsessive interest in children is for what reason? You have been asked this in so many threads but you have never given a sufficient reason to explain your obsessive interest in turning children into Homos.
I will tell you one more time! I am not obsessed with children. I have no desire to push any agenda on them or any one else. But I recognize that children need protection from ignorant assholes like you and others here. Children need support, validation and acceptance and people like you provide none of that unless the child conforms to you narrow idea of gender and sexuality

I'll tell you another thing being fully aware of the fact that you will find some way to use it against me. I worked in child protective service for many years and among other things, I investigated sexual abuse and emotional abuse. A parent, guardian or educator who rejects and shames a young person do their sexuality or gender identity is , in fact guilty of emotional abuse.

I do care about children. That does not make it an obsession. Your accusations that I want to "turn children into homos," is a fucking stupid as stupid gets, and it's slanderous trolling. Now get out of my face. If this does not answer your question, it's too fucking bad.

I have given birth to four children, I don't need degenerates telling me how children should be treated.

There is no narrow idea of gender and sexuality, there are only TWO genders and a boy who might play with his sisters toys is NOT a boy trapped in a girls body and a girl who might play with her brothers toys is NOT a boy trapped in a girls body.

"I worked in child protective service for many years and among other things, I investigated sexual abuse and emotional abuse. A parent, guardian or educator who rejects and shames a young person do their sexuality or gender identity is , in fact guilty of emotional abuse."

And those who ignore when a child is being indoctrinated by adults into perversions, those who ignore intervening are guilty of moral negligence, also Homosexuals and Transgender weirdos should not be allowed to be ANYWHERE near children because they push their fucked up lifestyle into the childrens minds, the other day we had a thread about where one of these abominations of nature had put up a YouTube video of their three year old nephew who has been indoctrinated and verbally coached into saying he's gay. Horsecrap NO three year old child is fucking gay, young children have NO concept of sexuality, these things are being pushed into their minds by adults who by law should be prohibited from being anywhere near children, they are ruining these childrens lives and causing normal children to become psychologically confused as to what is what and THAT is child abuse.
I could post dozens of post with real studies in science supporting my case.

You wouldn't believe any of them as you can't get over your hatred as critical thought and compassion escapes you. I could follow them up with thousands of post of how people that you trust do exactly what you fear so much about LBGT people. YOu people are exactly what you fear and I'll be praying for you.

But you won't, because you have no such thing, because there is no such animal, STFU with your silliness. You're talking to real people here. How ya like me now?
And that happened where exactly?

Why are you so interested in children and specifically pushing the LGBTQ thing into childrens minds? Your obsessive interest in children is for what reason? You have been asked this in so many threads but you have never given a sufficient reason to explain your obsessive interest in turning children into Homos.
It would seem that you are the one who is obsessed with children along with certain others . I here to call you all out on your stupidity and moronic ideas about homosexuality, transgenderism and how to deal with children who experience those feelings .

You are in EVERY thread about children and the pushing of the LGBTQ thing, I am not, I post in some of those threads, you are in ALL of those threads, ANY thread about children and sex and children and pushing perversions into their minds YOU are in those threads. What is your interest in children exactly?

Answer the question:

Why are you so interested in children and specifically pushing the LGBTQ thing into childrens minds? Your obsessive interest in children is for what reason? You have been asked this in so many threads but you have never given a sufficient reason to explain your obsessive interest in turning children into Homos.
I will tell you one more time! I am not obsessed with children. I have no desire to push any agenda on them or any one else. But I recognize that children need protection from ignorant assholes like you and others here. Children need support, validation and acceptance and people like you provide none of that unless the child conforms to you narrow idea of gender and sexuality

I'll tell you another thing being fully aware of the fact that you will find some way to use it against me. I worked in child protective service for many years and among other things, I investigated sexual abuse and emotional abuse. A parent, guardian or educator who rejects and shames a young person do their sexuality or gender identity is , in fact guilty of emotional abuse.

I do care about children. That does not make it an obsession. Your accusations that I want to "turn children into homos," is a fucking stupid as stupid gets, and it's slanderous trolling. Now get out of my face. If this does not answer your question, it's too fucking bad.

I have given birth to four children, I don't need degenerates telling me how children should be treated.

There is no narrow idea of gender and sexuality, there are only TWO genders and a boy who might play with his sisters toys is NOT a boy trapped in a girls body and a girl who might play with her brothers toys is NOT a boy trapped in a girls body.

"I worked in child protective service for many years and among other things, I investigated sexual abuse and emotional abuse. A parent, guardian or educator who rejects and shames a young person do their sexuality or gender identity is , in fact guilty of emotional abuse."

And those who ignore when a child is being indoctrinated by adults into perversions, those who ignore intervening are guilty of moral negligence, also Homosexuals and Transgender weirdos should not be allowed to be ANYWHERE near children because they push their fucked up lifestyle into the childrens minds, the other day we had a thread about where one of these abominations of nature had put up a YouTube video of their three year old nephew who has been indoctrinated and verbally coached into saying he's gay. Horsecrap NO three year old child is fucking gay, young children have NO concept of sexuality, these things are being pushed into their minds by adults who by law should be prohibited from being anywhere near children, they are ruining these childrens lives and causing normal children to become psychologically confused as to what is what and THAT is child abuse.
I've worked with child protective services for many years as well, and one thing I know..you don't want those fools to have anything to do with children. They're crazy, and stupid.
Why are you so interested in children and specifically pushing the LGBTQ thing into childrens minds? Your obsessive interest in children is for what reason? You have been asked this in so many threads but you have never given a sufficient reason to explain your obsessive interest in turning children into Homos.
It would seem that you are the one who is obsessed with children along with certain others . I here to call you all out on your stupidity and moronic ideas about homosexuality, transgenderism and how to deal with children who experience those feelings .

You are in EVERY thread about children and the pushing of the LGBTQ thing, I am not, I post in some of those threads, you are in ALL of those threads, ANY thread about children and sex and children and pushing perversions into their minds YOU are in those threads. What is your interest in children exactly?

Answer the question:

Why are you so interested in children and specifically pushing the LGBTQ thing into childrens minds? Your obsessive interest in children is for what reason? You have been asked this in so many threads but you have never given a sufficient reason to explain your obsessive interest in turning children into Homos.
I will tell you one more time! I am not obsessed with children. I have no desire to push any agenda on them or any one else. But I recognize that children need protection from ignorant assholes like you and others here. Children need support, validation and acceptance and people like you provide none of that unless the child conforms to you narrow idea of gender and sexuality

I'll tell you another thing being fully aware of the fact that you will find some way to use it against me. I worked in child protective service for many years and among other things, I investigated sexual abuse and emotional abuse. A parent, guardian or educator who rejects and shames a young person do their sexuality or gender identity is , in fact guilty of emotional abuse.

I do care about children. That does not make it an obsession. Your accusations that I want to "turn children into homos," is a fucking stupid as stupid gets, and it's slanderous trolling. Now get out of my face. If this does not answer your question, it's too fucking bad.

I have given birth to four children, I don't need degenerates telling me how children should be treated.

There is no narrow idea of gender and sexuality, there are only TWO genders and a boy who might play with his sisters toys is NOT a boy trapped in a girls body and a girl who might play with her brothers toys is NOT a boy trapped in a girls body.

"I worked in child protective service for many years and among other things, I investigated sexual abuse and emotional abuse. A parent, guardian or educator who rejects and shames a young person do their sexuality or gender identity is , in fact guilty of emotional abuse."

And those who ignore when a child is being indoctrinated by adults into perversions, those who ignore intervening are guilty of moral negligence, also Homosexuals and Transgender weirdos should not be allowed to be ANYWHERE near children because they push their fucked up lifestyle into the childrens minds, the other day we had a thread about where one of these abominations of nature had put up a YouTube video of their three year old nephew who has been indoctrinated and verbally coached into saying he's gay. Horsecrap NO three year old child is fucking gay, young children have NO concept of sexuality, these things are being pushed into their minds by adults who by law should be prohibited from being anywhere near children, they are ruining these childrens lives and causing normal children to become psychologically confused as to what is what and THAT is child abuse.
I've worked with child protective services for many years as well, and one thing I know..you don't want those fools to have anything to do with children. They're crazy, and stupid.

I have seen state-raised babies, and I agree.

FYI: They store them under the jail.
Why are you so interested in children and specifically pushing the LGBTQ thing into childrens minds? Your obsessive interest in children is for what reason? You have been asked this in so many threads but you have never given a sufficient reason to explain your obsessive interest in turning children into Homos.
It would seem that you are the one who is obsessed with children along with certain others . I here to call you all out on your stupidity and moronic ideas about homosexuality, transgenderism and how to deal with children who experience those feelings .

You are in EVERY thread about children and the pushing of the LGBTQ thing, I am not, I post in some of those threads, you are in ALL of those threads, ANY thread about children and sex and children and pushing perversions into their minds YOU are in those threads. What is your interest in children exactly?

Answer the question:

Why are you so interested in children and specifically pushing the LGBTQ thing into childrens minds? Your obsessive interest in children is for what reason? You have been asked this in so many threads but you have never given a sufficient reason to explain your obsessive interest in turning children into Homos.
I will tell you one more time! I am not obsessed with children. I have no desire to push any agenda on them or any one else. But I recognize that children need protection from ignorant assholes like you and others here. Children need support, validation and acceptance and people like you provide none of that unless the child conforms to you narrow idea of gender and sexuality

I'll tell you another thing being fully aware of the fact that you will find some way to use it against me. I worked in child protective service for many years and among other things, I investigated sexual abuse and emotional abuse. A parent, guardian or educator who rejects and shames a young person do their sexuality or gender identity is , in fact guilty of emotional abuse.

I do care about children. That does not make it an obsession. Your accusations that I want to "turn children into homos," is a fucking stupid as stupid gets, and it's slanderous trolling. Now get out of my face. If this does not answer your question, it's too fucking bad.

I have given birth to four children, I don't need degenerates telling me how children should be treated.

There is no narrow idea of gender and sexuality, there are only TWO genders and a boy who might play with his sisters toys is NOT a boy trapped in a girls body and a girl who might play with her brothers toys is NOT a boy trapped in a girls body.

"I worked in child protective service for many years and among other things, I investigated sexual abuse and emotional abuse. A parent, guardian or educator who rejects and shames a young person do their sexuality or gender identity is , in fact guilty of emotional abuse."

And those who ignore when a child is being indoctrinated by adults into perversions, those who ignore intervening are guilty of moral negligence, also Homosexuals and Transgender weirdos should not be allowed to be ANYWHERE near children because they push their fucked up lifestyle into the childrens minds, the other day we had a thread about where one of these abominations of nature had put up a YouTube video of their three year old nephew who has been indoctrinated and verbally coached into saying he's gay. Horsecrap NO three year old child is fucking gay, young children have NO concept of sexuality, these things are being pushed into their minds by adults who by law should be prohibited from being anywhere near children, they are ruining these childrens lives and causing normal children to become psychologically confused as to what is what and THAT is child abuse.
I've worked with child protective services for many years as well, and one thing I know..you don't want those fools to have anything to do with children. They're crazy, and stupid.

Also they never seem to be around when children are being physically and sexual abused and tortured in the home, very often by the mother's boyfriend and/or the child and/or childrens step-father, even though after the child and/or children have been murdered it then appears in the news that they were on the At Risk list and had had previous hospital visits etc, the child protection services still dropped the ball, they are basically pointless and useless, a complete waste of a nations tax money funding those incompetent clowns, they all should be fired and put to work in the nearest circus where the other clowns are.
I worked in child protective service for many years and among other things, I investigated sexual abuse and emotional abuse.

I've worked with child protective services for many years as well, and one thing I know..you don't want those fools to have anything to do with children. They're crazy, and stupid.

I don't know that that's true, overall, but we certainly have at least one claimed example here that solidly supports your point, don't we? Much, much worse than merely “crazy and stupid”.

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