Homosexual declarations of children of homosexuals brings gay lifestyle into question..

Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity...

So why is it the homosexual community thinks that they are exempt?

Ellen praises girlish biological boy's "good lips":

This boy was never going to be a football player.

Why ruin his life because you feel he should be acting a certain way?

Why not just let him be happy?

You freaks confuse buggery of children with happiness.

It's a problem and it's why you need to be locked up where you can't access them.

Because unhappy children make the best adults. They are also a really good shots at high schools.
That's what makes Republicans happy. I guess. Sure seems that way.

Their goal is the same as the islamic states...Force people to live by their narrow views or else. They don't give a shit about happiness.

They don't give a shit.

We're arguing with people that aren't going to be convinced otherwise.

So according to you and the perverts who you are defending, happiness is teaching young boys about having anal sex with each other?

It's teaching young boys to have anal sex with adult men.
Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity...

So why is it the homosexual community thinks that they are exempt?

Ellen praises girlish biological boy's "good lips":

This boy was never going to be a football player.

Why ruin his life because you feel he should be acting a certain way?

Why not just let him be happy?

You freaks confuse buggery of children with happiness.

It's a problem and it's why you need to be locked up where you can't access them.

Because unhappy children make the best adults. They are also a really good shots at high schools.
That's what makes Republicans happy. I guess. Sure seems that way.

Their goal is the same as the islamic states...Force people to live by their narrow views or else. They don't give a shit about happiness.

They don't give a shit.

We're arguing with people that aren't going to be convinced otherwise.

So according to you and the perverts who you are defending, happiness is teaching young boys about having anal sex with each other?

And we just don't understand their type of love.

Sound familiar? It should...

North American Man/Boy Love Association - Wikipedia
This boy was never going to be a football player.

Why ruin his life because you feel he should be acting a certain way?

Why not just let him be happy?

You freaks confuse buggery of children with happiness.

It's a problem and it's why you need to be locked up where you can't access them.

Because unhappy children make the best adults. They are also a really good shots at high schools.
That's what makes Republicans happy. I guess. Sure seems that way.

Their goal is the same as the islamic states...Force people to live by their narrow views or else. They don't give a shit about happiness.

They don't give a shit.

We're arguing with people that aren't going to be convinced otherwise.

So according to you and the perverts who you are defending, happiness is teaching young boys about having anal sex with each other?
It's teaching young boys to have anal sex with adult men.

Well yes, but first they teach them about experimenting with each other and that is preparing them to accept sexual advances from adult men, many Homos were introduced to sex in their very early teens or pre-teens by adult men, this put the situation in their minds that being anally violated by the same sex was completely healthy and natural.
You freaks confuse buggery of children with happiness.

It's a problem and it's why you need to be locked up where you can't access them.

Because unhappy children make the best adults. They are also a really good shots at high schools.
That's what makes Republicans happy. I guess. Sure seems that way.

Their goal is the same as the islamic states...Force people to live by their narrow views or else. They don't give a shit about happiness.

They don't give a shit.

We're arguing with people that aren't going to be convinced otherwise.

So according to you and the perverts who you are defending, happiness is teaching young boys about having anal sex with each other?
It's teaching young boys to have anal sex with adult men.

Well yes, but first they teach them about experimenting with each other and that is preparing them to accept sexual advances from adult men, many Homos were introduced to sex in their very early teens or pre-teens by adult men, this put the situation in their minds that being anally violated by the same sex was completely healthy and natural.

Have you seen the kerfuffle over the most recent movie that celebrates grooming children?

"In the scenes, Max is advised by a former champion dog to go to his “zen place” in order to get through the dog show’s genital inspection.

"The National Center on Sexual Exploitation released a statement blasting the film, saying the movie “sends a troubling message that grooms children for sexual abuse…It contains multiple scenes where a dog character must have its private parts inspected, in the course of which the dog is uncomfortable and wants to stop but is told to go to a ‘zen place.’ The dog is rewarded with advancing to the final round of the dog show after passing this barrier. Disturbingly, these are similar tactics child abusers use when grooming children—telling them to pretend they are somewhere else, and that they will get a reward for withstanding their discomfort. "

‘Show Dogs’ Getting Re-Cut By Global Road In Response To Concerns Over Inappropriate Sex Abuse Message
Fags are to be shunned. Like fences make good neighbors, closets make good cover for queers

I've found that the reason your kind hates gays is because gays are better than you. Smarter, better looking and more talented.
Don't get made at gays. Get made at Nature for making you so much less.

Look at your avatar. Obama in leather. He makes you so hot you can't stand it.

Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity...

So why is it the homosexual community thinks that they are exempt?

Ellen praises girlish biological boy's "good lips":

Homosexuality is what people are born.

Being a religious zealot who is a bigot is anchoice
Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity...

So why is it the homosexual community thinks that they are exempt?

Ellen praises girlish biological boy's "good lips":

Homosexuality is what people are born.

Being a religious zealot who is a bigot is anchoice

You are half right. The choice is made when one decides to polish a dome vs tasting the nectar of the promised land a woman provides

Because unhappy children make the best adults. They are also a really good shots at high schools.
That's what makes Republicans happy. I guess. Sure seems that way.

Their goal is the same as the islamic states...Force people to live by their narrow views or else. They don't give a shit about happiness.

They don't give a shit.

We're arguing with people that aren't going to be convinced otherwise.

So according to you and the perverts who you are defending, happiness is teaching young boys about having anal sex with each other?
It's teaching young boys to have anal sex with adult men.

Well yes, but first they teach them about experimenting with each other and that is preparing them to accept sexual advances from adult men, many Homos were introduced to sex in their very early teens or pre-teens by adult men, this put the situation in their minds that being anally violated by the same sex was completely healthy and natural.

Have you seen the kerfuffle over the most recent movie that celebrates grooming children?

"In the scenes, Max is advised by a former champion dog to go to his “zen place” in order to get through the dog show’s genital inspection.

"The National Center on Sexual Exploitation released a statement blasting the film, saying the movie “sends a troubling message that grooms children for sexual abuse…It contains multiple scenes where a dog character must have its private parts inspected, in the course of which the dog is uncomfortable and wants to stop but is told to go to a ‘zen place.’ The dog is rewarded with advancing to the final round of the dog show after passing this barrier. Disturbingly, these are similar tactics child abusers use when grooming children—telling them to pretend they are somewhere else, and that they will get a reward for withstanding their discomfort. "

‘Show Dogs’ Getting Re-Cut By Global Road In Response To Concerns Over Inappropriate Sex Abuse Message

^^^^ Sick and the level of depravity reaches a new low, whoever the scriptwriter is should be put under investigation and monitored, he's obviously a dangerous subversive and should be considered a potential threat to young children, especially young boys.
Their goal is the same as the islamic states...Force people to live by their narrow views or else. They don't give a shit about happiness.

They don't give a shit.

We're arguing with people that aren't going to be convinced otherwise.

So according to you and the perverts who you are defending, happiness is teaching young boys about having anal sex with each other?
It's teaching young boys to have anal sex with adult men.

Well yes, but first they teach them about experimenting with each other and that is preparing them to accept sexual advances from adult men, many Homos were introduced to sex in their very early teens or pre-teens by adult men, this put the situation in their minds that being anally violated by the same sex was completely healthy and natural.

Have you seen the kerfuffle over the most recent movie that celebrates grooming children?

"In the scenes, Max is advised by a former champion dog to go to his “zen place” in order to get through the dog show’s genital inspection.

"The National Center on Sexual Exploitation released a statement blasting the film, saying the movie “sends a troubling message that grooms children for sexual abuse…It contains multiple scenes where a dog character must have its private parts inspected, in the course of which the dog is uncomfortable and wants to stop but is told to go to a ‘zen place.’ The dog is rewarded with advancing to the final round of the dog show after passing this barrier. Disturbingly, these are similar tactics child abusers use when grooming children—telling them to pretend they are somewhere else, and that they will get a reward for withstanding their discomfort. "

‘Show Dogs’ Getting Re-Cut By Global Road In Response To Concerns Over Inappropriate Sex Abuse Message

^^^^ Sick and the level of depravity reaches a new low, whoever the scriptwriter is should be put under investigation and monitored, he's obviously a dangerous subversive and should be considered a potential threat to young children, especially young boys.
It's rampant in the movie making world...rampant and accepted.
Fags are to be shunned. Like fences make good neighbors, closets make good cover for queers

I've found that the reason your kind hates gays is because gays are better than you. Smarter, better looking and more talented.
Don't get made at gays. Get made at Nature for making you so much less.

Look at your avatar. Obama in leather. He makes you so hot you can't stand it.


Nobody hates your complexed ass of " gays" , most people hate what they do, their thinking, how they act and how they are being put upon a throne and screw everybody and anybody else , Most are fkn selfish and only care about being made to look and feel normal willing to step on Everyone else, anyone else just as long as it's good for them again screw anybody else. ( Not all gays are like that thank god).

Most of your Godless , Trump hating fake liberal trendy liberal leftist..............

Then there is this : Children where there
So anybody Normal would hate this if you have half a brain , oh wait you don't.

The kid is right by the door in a pink top

Who in their right mind allows a kid to see this and yet most of you dumb fk claim it's not sexualizing these kids.


Drag Queen Festival In Austin Texas Highlights The Over-Sexualization Of Children In America
Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity...

So why is it the homosexual community thinks that they are exempt?

Ellen praises girlish biological boy's "good lips":

Homosexuality is what people are born.

Being a religious zealot who is a bigot is anchoice

Necrophiliacs are born that way too. Can't we just understand their love.
Ah, so much mud slinging ,so little time.....

It would appear the real Q is, are people 'born gay'....? well there've been studies , the chromosome known as Xq28 , the third interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH3), the corpus callosum, etc etc , all physiological studies trying to validate psychological phenomena.

It comes down to sexual preference being pre deterimined ,vs. immoral choice.

Let me ask the pro-lifers here, should a bona fide medical 'gay marker' be found to determine gay fetus's , would abortion be an option? What say the religmo's, would this now be 'God's plan' ? What say the liberals? would this now validate gub'mit protection ? Calling all conservatives, does scientific proof insist on scientific remedies?

One can clearly see the devil in the details ,be 'born gay' bona fide or not. And while the jury is still out on it all, the deniers fall back on what are external influennces , insisting it the root cause.

While i'll agree they exist , they fall short of a universal explanation. The real truth is we live in a society that does not accept the gay lifestyle. In fact most live in misery until they 'come outta the closet' .

Past cultures would look at us as rather wierd.

Homosexuality is what people are born.

Being a religious zealot who is a bigot is anchoice
Necrophiliacs are born that way too. Can't we just understand their love.

My favorites are the adopted orphans to gays who are magically also gay when they grow up. "Born that way". What are the odds of that rare coincidence with no genetic relation?
So you have evidence that there is a statistically significant likelihood that children adopted by gay people are more likely to be gay later? Lets see it.
Maybe this'll make the issue easier for some of you>>>



And that's why the same God wired these kids in their brains to be Gay. God is very crawl with this being the case as this is like putting an stick of TnT onto your cat and blowing the damn thing up. Of course your long term plan is to force these people at gun point and probably kill them for being who they're as you do in some parts of the world already.

"And that's why the same God wired these kids in their brains to be Gay."

God did not wire ANYONE to be gay, I mean this would be the same God who preached that being Homo is an abomination, which is why in a previous comment I referred to those as abominations of nature.

Leviticus 18:22

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

And in Romans I it tells us the curses that God's Wrath put down on those who are Godless and Wicked:

Romans 1:18

"18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness,"

Romans 1:21

"21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened."

Romans 1:24-27

"24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.
25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.
27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."

Romans 1:32

"32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them."
70% of this country thinks these people should have the right to live their lives the way they see fit. Why is it such a problem?

Do you really want to make life hell for these people or what? It isn't right and I think some people need to learn to respect peoples personal liberties.

Nobody in this country (at least nobody that pretends to be sane) thinks that people have the right to live their lives they way they see fit..if in doing that they are actively damaging/abusing children.

I agree.

Still waiting for you to provide any examples of activities that you can prove are damaging or abusing children?

I mean I can certainly believe that you are abusing your child by making them go to church every Sunday and forcing them to believe in your 'god'.....but I can't prove that is abusing your child.

As always- if you know of any child abuse- i strongly recommend that you notify the police immediately.

If you are claiming there is abuse- and you are not notifying the police you are either:
a) Lying or
b) Just don't give a damn about those kids.
So teaching your child to live a good life and love others is child abuse, but teaching your child to be gay and having sex with who ever you want is okay? At whatever age you want?
""In light of these facts, it is clear that when well-intentioned but misinformed school personnel encourage students to 'come out as gay' and be 'affirmed,' there is a serious risk of erroneously labeling students (who may merely be experiencing transient sexual confusion and/or engaging in sexual experimentation). Premature labeling may then lead some adolescents into harmful homosexual behaviors that they otherwise would not pursue."NIH Director Raps American College of Pediatricians for Distorting Research on Homosexuality | HealthLeaders Media

Is it possible that you do not understand that the NIH slammed the ACP for issuing the above statement as dangerous and misleading ? From your own post:

National Institute of Health Director Francis S. Collins, MD, has accused the conservative American College of Pediatricians of distorting his research on homosexuality.

"It is disturbing for me to see special interest groups distort my scientific observations to make a point against homosexuality," Collins said in a written statement on NIH letterhead. "The American College of Pediatricians pulled language out of context from a book I wrote in 2006 to support an ideology that can cause unnecessary anguish and encourage prejudice. The information they present is misleading and incorrect, and it is particularly troubling that they are distributing it in a way that will confuse school children and their parents."

As for the ACP ...they do not speak for the wider medical and mental health community

Back in 2002, a small fringe group of pediatricians called the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) broke off from the country's main pediatric group, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), in protest of the AAP’s support for LGBT adoption rights . Since then, the ACP has been a go-to source for right-wing activists and news outlets looking for anti-LGBT pseudoscience to counteract the views of mainstream groups like the AAP. - See more at:



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