Honest debate: Libs...would the "AR15-pistol" w 10 Rd mag still be an "Assault Weapon"

Why do you guys not want to slow down mass killers? Defenders aren't using high capacity magazines, only killers are:

it doesn't slow down mass killers asshole....we know this from actual research...not pulling it out of your ass....

if the police and military have a magazine, civilians need that magazine too....that is how you keep Mexico from happening here.

No they don't, that's just your paranoid anti-government bullshit.
Honest question. Today on Fox morning a liberal anti gun activist wouldn't define "assault weapon". I'm open to the gun debate but we must have parameters. Of course.

So....libs....would an AR-15 pistol with a 10 round magazine still be an "Assault Weapon"? Here's an example. This is the "pistol" version of an AR15. .223 bullet. Let's say they were limited to a 10 or 15 round mag.

Is it still an Assault Weapon? Why or why not?

View attachment 78603

If limited to 10, no. I support magazine limits. Only mass killers need high capacity magazines. Our police should not have to have shootouts with mass killing weapons.

Aside from the fact that there are untold MILLIONS of high capacity magazines already in the hands of the people. . . let's say you went ahead and rounded them all up - prevented everyone from making them and selling them on the black market. . . and the world was left with only say 10 round mags for their guns.

What difference do you seriously think that would make to anyone who can reload even half as fast as this guy?

How many takes he need for that? This is what happens in the real world:

You are entitled to your ignorance.

You are ignorant if you think there aren't reload fails constantly. Need more proof?

They are rare.
Just because you found some internet videos showing reload fails doesnt make them common.
So....what I'm seeing in a pretty fair debate here is the anti gun crowd says rate of fire and magazine capacity are what dictates assault weapon.

Well...an AR has the same rate of fire as an old revolver. 1 trigger pull = 1 shot. It doesn't shoot any faster than that. Full auto??? Rare and excessively expensive. Those aren't really in this debate.

So....its down to magazine capacity.

If I have a 15 round mag (standard police) as opposed to a 30....what difference does it make? I can change a mag in under 2 seconds on a good day. No more than 4 seconds ever.

So....all this legislation is to create a 4 second gap...at best...in the shooting???

Really?? Thats not gonna change shit. VA Tech killed 33 with a pistol and changed mags.

I truly think this is just symbolic. The AR15 symbolizes American gun rights better than any weapon in history....and the anti simply WANTS it.

If that wasn't it....then it's really all just about a 2 to 4 second pause to change mags???? Really?

Actually even in a very controlled target shooting practice it is often far longer than that. Throw in a high stress situation and well it is going to happen much more often. I've provided many examples. Try to stay honest...

Fail videos are very popular on youtube....just sayin.
They should be able to intelligently tell me if the AR-15 Pistol is still an "Assault Weapon"....though....in fairness...I bet most of them didn't even know such a gun existed. AR-15 Pistol??? It's not an oxymoron.
There are no assault weapons available to the general public, no matter how dangerous they mitght look. All semi auto's shoot only one round at a time.
What do you call a gun that can kill 49 and injure over 50 in minutes? Mass killing gun?
No point for weapons like that to be out there... Take 10 shots with 10 trigger pulls and reload. That or so thing close to that is enough to hunt, sport or protect yourself... There is no reason for average citizen to easily be able to own something more powerful. Create special licenses for higher powered weapons for those that can show they Can handle the responsibility, fine, but don't sell to Joe blow nutball at Walmart.

Use your brains

The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting or protecting yourself from common criminals,those are just side benefits.
An assault weapon is a firearm that uses a semi automatic firing system. An assault weapon is a firearm equipped with a large capacity ammunition clip. Weapons American should have access to include revolvers, bolt action rifles and pump action shotguns.

These are weapons designed for sport and self defense.

Meanwhile, gun lovers, indifferent to the havoc of gun violence, will set little technical traps. Much as the NRA and their paid Republican lackeys did during the debate on the expired Assault Weapons ban. They behaved like North Koreans at a peace conference; arguing over the shape of the conference table, the height of flag poles, the seating arraingments. The NRA and their paid lackeys argued flash suppressors, grips and cosmetics. But not the reality of the situation, the firing system and the sustainable rate of fire. The reasons we suffer from "mass" shootings, emphasis on 'mass'.

Here's an analogy: there was a deadly arson. News reports stated that the arsonist used 92 octane gasoline. Later, after a thorough investigation, it was determined that the accelerant was actually 87 octane gasoline. Gear heads everywhere claimed that the news media and the critics of the arson were idiots due to the mistake. But they ignore the fact of the deadly arson, content to argue minutiae instead.

So rather than show photos of rifles and pose the gear head inspired questions about which weapon is deadlier, let's focus on the grizzly fact of mass shootings and what makes mass shootings possible: the semi automatic firing system and the large capacity ammunition clip.

Anything else is picking fly shit out of ground pepper. Focusing on the real problem will bring real results. Unless, of course, you believe your right to own an assault weapon trumps public safety concerns.

No one can responsibly say they absolutely need to use a semi automatic fitted with a twenty round clip for self defense, in spite of any cinematic fantasies you might harbor.

Another who doesnt know what the 2nd amendment is all about.
99.999 percent of defenses do not involve shooting at all, has there ever been an attack on an NRA meeting in Texas?

Do you have a point?

Yes, I did not let this shooter buy his gun, Obama did by his purge decree. Sad but true

Republican made them legal to buy. Sad but true.
This killer would have been on the restricted list, except that Obama purged him from it. Sad but true

On what restricted list? What are you even talking about? Republicans don't allow us to have resticted lists for buying guns. He passed the background check and legally bought the gun because Republicans made them legal.

Yeah...because we all know the only place you can buy a gun is at a gun store.
They should be able to intelligently tell me if the AR-15 Pistol is still an "Assault Weapon"....though....in fairness...I bet most of them didn't even know such a gun existed. AR-15 Pistol??? It's not an oxymoron.
There are no assault weapons available to the general public, no matter how dangerous they mitght look. All semi auto's shoot only one round at a time.
What do you call a gun that can kill 49 and injure over 50 in minutes? Mass killing gun?
No point for weapons like that to be out there... Take 10 shots with 10 trigger pulls and reload. That or so thing close to that is enough to hunt, sport or protect yourself... There is no reason for average citizen to easily be able to own something more powerful. Create special licenses for higher powered weapons for those that can show they Can handle the responsibility, fine, but don't sell to Joe blow nutball at Walmart.

Use your brains

The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting or protecting yourself from common criminals,those are just side benefits.
So what? If you are trying to make a point then make it
They should be able to intelligently tell me if the AR-15 Pistol is still an "Assault Weapon"....though....in fairness...I bet most of them didn't even know such a gun existed. AR-15 Pistol??? It's not an oxymoron.
There are no assault weapons available to the general public, no matter how dangerous they mitght look. All semi auto's shoot only one round at a time.
What do you call a gun that can kill 49 and injure over 50 in minutes? Mass killing gun?
No point for weapons like that to be out there... Take 10 shots with 10 trigger pulls and reload. That or so thing close to that is enough to hunt, sport or protect yourself... There is no reason for average citizen to easily be able to own something more powerful. Create special licenses for higher powered weapons for those that can show they Can handle the responsibility, fine, but don't sell to Joe blow nutball at Walmart.

Use your brains

The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting or protecting yourself from common criminals,those are just side benefits.
So what? If you are trying to make a point then make it

Stop misrepresenting the point of the 2nd Amendment.
I didn't even mention the 2nd amendment. Go sleep it off you seem a little confused
An assault weapon is a firearm that uses a semi automatic firing system. An assault weapon is a firearm equipped with a large capacity ammunition clip. Weapons American should have access to include revolvers, bolt action rifles and pump action shotguns.

Define a "large-capacity ammunition clip". (We both know you will not, because you cannot.)

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx No off topic flaming, please
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Its not an assault weapon its a defense weapon used for defense don't listen to the liberal's LIES!

Interesting take. Who was Mateen defending?

Radical islam.

lol, so you're agreeing with the other poster who implied that an AR15 is appropriate and acceptable for self-defense?


It is an appropriate weapon for self defense. It wouldn't be my first choice. But it will work.

You ever been to a US military base inside our borders? I've been to the AF and Navy base here in Charleston. They have guards there....MPs I assume. They have AR-15 style rifles slung over their shoulders. Likely M16 or M4s.

Why? They aren't in a war zone. And the military can issue them any gun they want.
Honest question. Today on Fox morning a liberal anti gun activist wouldn't define "assault weapon". I'm open to the gun debate but we must have parameters. Of course.

So....libs....would an AR-15 pistol with a 10 round magazine still be an "Assault Weapon"? Here's an example. This is the "pistol" version of an AR15. .223 bullet. Let's say they were limited to a 10 or 15 round mag.

Is it still an Assault Weapon? Why or why not?

View attachment 78603
Is the gun, ammunition and type of mag used in this attack even known? Seriously has the FBI released all of this info?

One thing that is known is that the gun was NOT an AR-15, yet super geniuses keep calling the gun used an AR.

So if the weapon used was a Winchester, would you call it a Colt, or vice versa?
Its not an assault weapon its a defense weapon used for defense don't listen to the liberal's LIES!

Interesting take. Who was Mateen defending?

Radical islam.

lol, so you're agreeing with the other poster who implied that an AR15 is appropriate and acceptable for self-defense?

Any weapon is appropriate and acceptable for self defense

The best weapon to defend yourself with is any weapon you have
Its not an assault weapon its a defense weapon used for defense don't listen to the liberal's LIES!

Interesting take. Who was Mateen defending?

Radical islam.

lol, so you're agreeing with the other poster who implied that an AR15 is appropriate and acceptable for self-defense?

Any weapon is appropriate and acceptable for self defense

The best weapon to defend yourself with is any weapon you have
But the best weapon, is in part determined by the weapon of your enemy. Since the enemy will smuggle in full auto's if needed, you need a more dangerous gun than that.
An assault weapon is a firearm that uses a semi automatic firing system. An assault weapon is a firearm equipped with a large capacity ammunition clip. Weapons American should have access to include revolvers, bolt action rifles and pump action shotguns.

These are weapons designed for sport and self defense.

Meanwhile, gun lovers, indifferent to the havoc of gun violence, will set little technical traps. Much as the NRA and their paid Republican lackeys did during the debate on the expired Assault Weapons ban. They behaved like North Koreans at a peace conference; arguing over the shape of the conference table, the height of flag poles, the seating arraingments. The NRA and their paid lackeys argued flash suppressors, grips and cosmetics. But not the reality of the situation, the firing system and the sustainable rate of fire. The reasons we suffer from "mass" shootings, emphasis on 'mass'.

Here's an analogy: there was a deadly arson. News reports stated that the arsonist used 92 octane gasoline. Later, after a thorough investigation, it was determined that the accelerant was actually 87 octane gasoline. Gear heads everywhere claimed that the news media and the critics of the arson were idiots due to the mistake. But they ignore the fact of the deadly arson, content to argue minutiae instead.

So rather than show photos of rifles and pose the gear head inspired questions about which weapon is deadlier, let's focus on the grizzly fact of mass shootings and what makes mass shootings possible: the semi automatic firing system and the large capacity ammunition clip.

Anything else is picking fly shit out of ground pepper. Focusing on the real problem will bring real results. Unless, of course, you believe your right to own an assault weapon trumps public safety concerns.

No one can responsibly say they absolutely need to use a semi automatic fitted with a twenty round clip for self defense, in spite of any cinematic fantasies you might harbor.

Another who doesnt know what the 2nd amendment is all about.
The second amendment is about the government regulating weaponry for citizens. The citizens can avail themselves of weapons while participating in a well regulated militia.

The second amendment is not about all weapons all the time.

If you can accept the concept that somewhere between a muzzle loaded pistol and a rocket propelled grenade launcher, there is some limitation to what weapons citizens should bear, then what's your problem with limiting access to weapons designed for a battlefield?
An assault weapon is a firearm that uses a semi automatic firing system. An assault weapon is a firearm equipped with a large capacity ammunition clip. Weapons American should have access to include revolvers, bolt action rifles and pump action shotguns.

These are weapons designed for sport and self defense.

Meanwhile, gun lovers, indifferent to the havoc of gun violence, will set little technical traps. Much as the NRA and their paid Republican lackeys did during the debate on the expired Assault Weapons ban. They behaved like North Koreans at a peace conference; arguing over the shape of the conference table, the height of flag poles, the seating arraingments. The NRA and their paid lackeys argued flash suppressors, grips and cosmetics. But not the reality of the situation, the firing system and the sustainable rate of fire. The reasons we suffer from "mass" shootings, emphasis on 'mass'.

Here's an analogy: there was a deadly arson. News reports stated that the arsonist used 92 octane gasoline. Later, after a thorough investigation, it was determined that the accelerant was actually 87 octane gasoline. Gear heads everywhere claimed that the news media and the critics of the arson were idiots due to the mistake. But they ignore the fact of the deadly arson, content to argue minutiae instead.

So rather than show photos of rifles and pose the gear head inspired questions about which weapon is deadlier, let's focus on the grizzly fact of mass shootings and what makes mass shootings possible: the semi automatic firing system and the large capacity ammunition clip.

Anything else is picking fly shit out of ground pepper. Focusing on the real problem will bring real results. Unless, of course, you believe your right to own an assault weapon trumps public safety concerns.

No one can responsibly say they absolutely need to use a semi automatic fitted with a twenty round clip for self defense, in spite of any cinematic fantasies you might harbor.

Another who doesnt know what the 2nd amendment is all about.
The second amendment is about the government regulating weaponry for citizens. The citizens can avail themselves of weapons while participating in a well regulated militia.

The second amendment is not about all weapons all the time.

If you can accept the concept that somewhere between a muzzle loaded pistol and a rocket propelled grenade launcher, there is some limitation to what weapons citizens should bear, then what's your problem with limiting access to weapons designed for a battlefield?

Still doesnt get it......

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