Honorable opposition or dishonorable?

Any opposition to Obama's plans for future of America is clearly racist. He is the first black man to occupy the office. He won! We should all be thankful that Barack is in charge. Any opposition to his Marxism is clearly racist and unjustified. He loves us all.

Why don't you procide some proof of these "admissions" on Obama's part...

His books his writings, his associations in the past. If you think a lepoard can change his spots then I do belive you are one deluded individual. Obama telegraphed it precisely with these things or are you obtuse as well?

So now 42% is a "vast majority"? Interesting math.

Cite where you get this figure because lately Obama is suffering from DISTRUSTfrom many, and remorse from those that voted FOR him.

Why don't you define those words for us, and explain the differences? Or are you just repeating talking points without understanding words.

stat·ism (stā'tĭz'əm)
n. The practice or doctrine of giving a centralized government control over economic planning and policy.
stat'ist adj. & n.


MARXISM : An ideology created in the 19th Century by one disgruntled man---Karl Marx---in response to capitalism. Marx was not a peasant beholeden to the MAN: he was a well-off elitist obscessed with his own intelligence. Marx looked at income inequalities under capitalism, thought it bad, and predicted a worker's revolution, that would destroy the bourgeois (producers/entrepeneurs), and DEMAND forced economic equality. The prism through which he viewed the world was classic leftism: he did not see people as individuals, but rather as stuck members of monlithic economic groups, or classes. Marx's poisonous ideology sought not to inspire members of the lower classes, but make them resent WEALTH, and success.
Sound familiar?
Practioners would include: Karl Marx, College Professors, and sycophant students.

Do you think I'm an "ENEMY" of liberty as well? What do you know of his politics to come to that conclusion? How about mine?

Don't know and I know more than you think I do sport. You are now dismissed.

I'll await your response.

Not familiar with the "QUOTE" Function given to you on these boards? I'll WAIT until you are.

Nice dodge. Try again, brother.

Not dodging anything. Now that wasn't so hard, now was it?
His books his writings, his associations in the past. If you think a lepoard can change his spots then I do belive you are one deluded individual. Obama telegraphed it precisely with these things or are you obtuse as well?
You'll have to be more specific, or provide some examples.
Cite where you get this figure because lately Obama is suffering from DISTRUSTfrom many, and remorse from those that voted FOR him.
I got my figures from here. RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval. Where do you get your evidence of this widespread "DISTRUST" and "remorese"?
stat·ism (stā'tĭz'əm)
n. The practice or doctrine of giving a centralized government control over economic planning and policy.
stat'ist adj. & n.


MARXISM : An ideology created in the 19th Century by one disgruntled man---Karl Marx---in response to capitalism. Marx was not a peasant beholeden to the MAN: he was a well-off elitist obscessed with his own intelligence. Marx looked at income inequalities under capitalism, thought it bad, and predicted a worker's revolution, that would destroy the bourgeois (producers/entrepeneurs), and DEMAND forced economic equality. The prism through which he viewed the world was classic leftism: he did not see people as individuals, but rather as stuck members of monlithic economic groups, or classes. Marx's poisonous ideology sought not to inspire members of the lower classes, but make them resent WEALTH, and success.
Sound familiar?
Practioners would include: Karl Marx, College Professors, and sycophant students.
You've just proved that you don't know the definitions of Socialism, Statism or Marxism. So try again.
Don't know and I know more than you think I do sport. You are now dismissed.
What exactly do you know?
Not dodging anything. Now that wasn't so hard, now was it?
Nope, it sure wasn't. Did you just need a little extra time to come up with a response? I'd of thought you'd come up with something a little better than that.
His books his writings, his associations in the past. If you think a lepoard can change his spots then I do belive you are one deluded individual. Obama telegraphed it precisely with these things or are you obtuse as well?
You'll have to be more specific, or provide some examples.
Cite where you get this figure because lately Obama is suffering from DISTRUSTfrom many, and remorse from those that voted FOR him.
I got my figures from here. RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval. Where do you get your evidence of this widespread "DISTRUST" and "remorese"?

You've just proved that you don't know the definitions of Socialism, Statism or Marxism. So try again.
Don't know and I know more than you think I do sport. You are now dismissed.
What exactly do you know?
Not dodging anything. Now that wasn't so hard, now was it?
Nope, it sure wasn't. Did you just need a little extra time to come up with a response? I'd of thought you'd come up with something a little better than that.

And you've just proved to me that you are full of total unabashed horse pellets. Everything I posted is provable, and documented. Don't rely upon me to do your work for YOU.

Typical Liberal. Make others do the work. I left the onus upon you, and you have done ZERO to refute any of it.

And you've just proved to me that you are full of total unabashed horse pellets. Everything I posted is provable, and documented. Don't rely upon me to do your work for YOU.
It's my work to make your argument for you? That's not quite the way it works. This to me means "I don't have any sources, so I'm just gonna be an asshole about it".

Typical Liberal. Make others do the work. I left the onus upon you, and you have done ZERO to refute any of it.

There's nothing to refute, since you can't seem to back up any of your arguments.

I give a D- in debating.
And you've just proved to me that you are full of total unabashed horse pellets. Everything I posted is provable, and documented. Don't rely upon me to do your work for YOU.

Typical Liberal. Make others do the work. I left the onus upon you, and you have done ZERO to refute any of it.


This crap didn't work at Hannity and it doesn't work here, either.

You said it, you back it up.
Anyone who says they are against protesting is not a true liberal, period.
But then they say they are for "freedom Of Speech", but that is until they are confronted with strong opposition to "their speech", then we all become "Astroturf" which for those that don't know is "FALSE Grass Roots Movement"...

Just adding to your comment. ;):eusa_whistle:

Those are not true liberals either. ;)
Wry, I see you are refusing to address my Van Jones question, just like Olbermann and Opie Maddow have refused to say ANYTHING about it.
Seriously, how do you feel about Obama knowingly placing self avowed COMMUNISTS just an arms length away from him?
He is BLATANTLY slapping the faces of ALL who have shed blood and DIED fighting the scurge that is communism.
Now, Obama launched his career in the home of a self avowed communist and domestic terrorist, William Ayers.
He wrote in his book of his beliefs in the writings of fabian socialist George Bernard Shaw. He spent twenty years listening too, and believing in the anti-american, racist church of reverend Wright. a man who he's claimed is a mentor and "FATHER FIGURE". Those are his exact words.
And, that's just the beginning of his disgusting associations with complete anti-american pieces of shit.
So, tell us how you can possibly support Obama and his anti-american, communist agenda without being both yourself.
Christ man, he even appointed a dirt bag who's hailed the way Hugo Chavez has used brutality and jail as a means to control the media as, his "diversity czar'.
It's disgusting!
Kooks, aka Ditto heads.

Lots of words from the right, lots of opinion, no evidence, no facts. Nothing but talking points, digested bull food and personal attacks.
The 21% refers to those who continued to support the policies and activities of Bush&Co up to the end of his presidency, and now pretend they know the future. Their posts are mostly hysterical rants filled with name calling and propaganda.
Kooks, aka Ditto heads.

Lots of words from the right, lots of opinion, no evidence, no facts. Nothing but talking points, digested bull food and personal attacks.
The 21% refers to those who continued to support the policies and activities of Bush&Co up to the end of his presidency, and now pretend they know the future. Their posts are mostly hysterical rants filled with name calling and propaganda.

Pot meet kettle.
Kooks, aka Ditto heads.

Lots of words from the right, lots of opinion, no evidence, no facts. Nothing but talking points, digested bull food and personal attacks.
The 21% refers to those who continued to support the policies and activities of Bush&Co up to the end of his presidency, and now pretend they know the future. Their posts are mostly hysterical rants filled with name calling and propaganda.

No facts?
Shall we throw the youtube postings of Van Jones and the rest of Obama's fellow communists and their anti-american traitorous rantings for all to see?
It seems the Republican establishment is focused on bringing the Obama Administration down - no matter what the consequences. At a critical time in our nations history, it seems we, as a people, ought to pull together and not apart.
Yet many of you (those who post on this forum) choose to continue the attack everything done or suggested by the new administation.
What bothers me is that no counter proposals are offered and the attacks on Obama are often personal and nearly all are emotion laden.
I don't support President Obama in lockstep, and would welcome honest and reasoned debate on the issues facing our nation. Unfortunately, there seems to be no honorable opposiition on the right.
Why should you expect GoPers to differently from the way Dems actted in the previous administration?
There is a huge difference between the debate on the war in Iraq, Katrina and torture and the controversy today on health care, the economy in general and the on going action in Afghanistan.
To equate the personal criticism of President George W. Bush with the attacks on President Obama is hyperbole at its greatest, as well as hypocritical.
Bush may have been called stupid, incompetent, incurious, and a coward - face it, his military career was inglorious; yet his motives were rarely questioned; he simply was not up to the job. Yes, that is my opinion, but there is little to suggest history and historians will disagree.
Obama has been under attack since before he was elected president. Most of the attacks are silly, many are covertly racist, and in general the attacks are outright lies, or half-truths, exaggeratons or prophecies of doom.
The 'dishonorable oppositon' doesn't have the truth on their side. So debate is unthinkable, they come to the match unarmed and resort to mean spirited fantasies.
There is a huge difference between the debate on the war in Iraq, Katrina and torture and the controversy today on health care, the economy in general and the on going action in Afghanistan.
To equate the personal criticism of President George W. Bush with the attacks on President Obama is hyperbole at its greatest, as well as hypocritical.
Bush may have been called stupid, incompetent, incurious, and a coward - face it, his military career was inglorious; yet his motives were rarely questioned; he simply was not up to the job. Yes, that is my opinion, but there is little to suggest history and historians will disagree.
Obama has been under attack since before he was elected president. Most of the attacks are silly, many are covertly racist, and in general the attacks are outright lies, or half-truths, exaggeratons or prophecies of doom.
The 'dishonorable oppositon' doesn't have the truth on their side. So debate is unthinkable, they come to the match unarmed and resort to mean spirited fantasies.

blah blah blah blah.. boring brew you spew! whine whine whine :cuckoo:
There is a huge difference between the debate on the war in Iraq, Katrina and torture and the controversy today on health care, the economy in general and the on going action in Afghanistan.
To equate the personal criticism of President George W. Bush with the attacks on President Obama is hyperbole at its greatest, as well as hypocritical.
Bush may have been called stupid, incompetent, incurious, and a coward - face it, his military career was inglorious; yet his motives were rarely questioned; he simply was not up to the job. Yes, that is my opinion, but there is little to suggest history and historians will disagree.
Obama has been under attack since before he was elected president. Most of the attacks are silly, many are covertly racist, and in general the attacks are outright lies, or half-truths, exaggeratons or prophecies of doom.
The 'dishonorable oppositon' doesn't have the truth on their side. So debate is unthinkable, they come to the match unarmed and resort to mean spirited fantasies.

In other words, you know youre a hypocrite but its their fault.

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