Honorable opposition or dishonorable?

Typical Hopey Changey Sycophant: Calling our previous President's daughters "Drunken Whores,Calling our President a "Coward,Calling our President a "Coke-Head",Claiming our President carried out 911,and calling our brave & honorable Soldiers "Traitors." = "Honorable Opposition."

Are these really the people who should be deciding whether criticism of a President is Honorable or Dishonorable? I'll let you decide that one for yourself.
Typical Hopey Changey Sycophant: Calling our previous President's daughters "Drunken Whores,Calling our President a "Coward,Calling our President a "Coke-Head",Claiming our President carried out 911,and calling our brave & honorable Soldiers "Traitors." = "Honorable Opposition."

Are these really the people who should be deciding whether criticism of a President is Honorable or Dishonorable? I'll let you decide that one for yourself.

Quite funny really, coming from the same nasty little troll who 6 weeks ago used to call the First Lady a chitlin eating fat assed bitch and Obama's daughters nappy little hos. :rolleyes:

Nice way to repackage yourself as an outraged lil victim though. Kudos for creativity.

Face it, all that's going on is SSDD partisan politics. Anyone who's been online long enough remembers the BS that went on when Clinton was in office, then the about face when Bush was in office, now we're right back where we started again. Nothing ever changes. Nothing ever will. Whatever. Back to your regularly scheduled endless bickering.
There is a huge difference between the debate on the war in Iraq, Katrina and torture and the controversy today on health care, the economy in general and the on going action in Afghanistan.
To equate the personal criticism of President George W. Bush with the attacks on President Obama is hyperbole at its greatest, as well as hypocritical.
Bush may have been called stupid, incompetent, incurious, and a coward - face it, his military career was inglorious; yet his motives were rarely questioned; he simply was not up to the job. Yes, that is my opinion, but there is little to suggest history and historians will disagree.
Obama has been under attack since before he was elected president. Most of the attacks are silly, many are covertly racist, and in general the attacks are outright lies, or half-truths, exaggeratons or prophecies of doom.
The 'dishonorable oppositon' doesn't have the truth on their side. So debate is unthinkable, they come to the match unarmed and resort to mean spirited fantasies.

In other words, you know youre a hypocrite but its their fault.

There is ample evidence to assume President Bush is incurious, was incompetent and used family influence to avoid combat. His intelligence is more difficult to judge, but from my perspective, he's average. Maybe from your view he's bright normal or even superior.
The on point response is, both were criticized; Bush by what he did, Obama for what he might do.
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Typical Hopey Changey Sycophant: Calling our previous President's daughters "Drunken Whores,Calling our President a "Coward,Calling our President a "Coke-Head",Claiming our President carried out 911,and calling our brave & honorable Soldiers "Traitors." = "Honorable Opposition."

Are these really the people who should be deciding whether criticism of a President is Honorable or Dishonorable? I'll let you decide that one for yourself.

Quite funny really, coming from the same nasty little troll who 6 weeks ago used to call the First Lady a chitlin eating fat assed bitch and Obama's daughters nappy little hos. :rolleyes:

Nice way to repackage yourself as an outraged lil victim though. Kudos for creativity.

Face it, all that's going on is SSDD partisan politics. Anyone who's been online long enough remembers the BS that went on when Clinton was in office, then the about face when Bush was in office, now we're right back where we started again. Nothing ever changes. Nothing ever will. Whatever. Back to your regularly scheduled endless bickering.[/QUOT

I have never made such statements. You are mistaken. I would appreciate an immediate apology. If you have any honor you will apologize. Thanks.
Seriously,are hateful Moveon.org Liberals really the ones to decide what is Honorable and Dishonorable opposition? Seems pretty ludicrous to me.
Typical Hopey Changey Sycophant: Calling our previous President's daughters "Drunken Whores,Calling our President a "Coward,Calling our President a "Coke-Head",Claiming our President carried out 911,and calling our brave & honorable Soldiers "Traitors." = "Honorable Opposition."

Are these really the people who should be deciding whether criticism of a President is Honorable or Dishonorable? I'll let you decide that one for yourself.

Quite funny really, coming from the same nasty little troll who 6 weeks ago used to call the First Lady a chitlin eating fat assed bitch and Obama's daughters nappy little hos. :rolleyes:

Nice way to repackage yourself as an outraged lil victim though. Kudos for creativity.

Face it, all that's going on is SSDD partisan politics. Anyone who's been online long enough remembers the BS that went on when Clinton was in office, then the about face when Bush was in office, now we're right back where we started again. Nothing ever changes. Nothing ever will. Whatever. Back to your regularly scheduled endless bickering.[/QUOT

I have never made such statements. You are mistaken. I would appreciate an immediate apology. If you have any honor you will apologize. Thanks.

Sure libbie, whatever you say. I apologize for forgetting you usually used "tranny" instead of "bitch". And for outing you specifically as an example of the absolute irony involved in the whole argument. I should have picked on somebody with thicker skin. Feel better?
Makes no difference to me. Bicker, smear, spin, lie, whine, cry and name call on if it makes you happy.
Seriously,are hateful Moveon.org Liberals really the ones to decide what is Honorable and Dishonorable opposition? Seems pretty ludicrous to me.

It is, true liberals have always valued protest and opposition, the ability to speak out against *gasp* the government, in any form. We were the constant reminder to the conservatives to look into what the government was doing. It use to be symbiotic, we were the loud voices and dreamers, while the conservatives were the force. Now it's us versus them ... thus why I can't agree with the neolibs anymore.
You are clearly deranged. You are mistaken with your accusations. I haven't been on this board very long and i only go by one name. I have always gone by this name on every political message board i am a member of. So i would a appreciate a more sincere and credible apology. Your accusations were quite hateful and "Dishonorable." Now if you have any honor left you will deliver a sincere and credible apology. Thanks goldcatt. :)
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You are clearly deranged. You are mistaken with your accusations. I haven't been on this board very long and i only go by one name. I have always gone by this name on every political message board i am a member of. So i would a appreciate an apology. If you have any honor left you will just apologize. Thanks. :)

There are LOTS of people here from MSNBC, libbie. Not all of them use the same name on every board, nor will about half admit where they came from. You'd never know they were here if you didn't pay very close attention. But quite a few people know what you and some of the others were up to over there. 'Nuff said.
Next time, if there is one, I'll pick on somebody my own size. I promise. ;)
So that's your idea of a sincere and "honorable" apology? My name is and has always been LibocalypseNow on every political message board i am a member of. I know people like you think Race-Baiting is clever and fun but i'm not going to let you get away with that B.S. I have never made those kinds of ridiculous comments you accused me of making. As far as your grand "MSNBC Conspiracy" stuff goes,i think you really do need to take a break from politics. You're becoming a bit paranoid & hateful. So once again i will give you a chance to regain your honor by giving me a sincere and "Honorable" apology. Thanks goldcatt. :)
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I give you credit, you do post under the same 'name' here as you did on MSNBC. In terms of discovery,
Admit you are a neoconservative;
admit you engaged in ad hominem attacks; and
admit your were a troll.
I don't know if you in fact used racist and demeaning language as alleged, and I hope you've grown since MSNBC. By denying you did not, you tacitly agree that such name calling is inappropriate and will not post such trash in the future.
Fair enough?
Perception really can be a pretty funny thing. There are many who actually have this warped fantasy that Democrats got the power back by being a "Gentle & Honorable Opposition." Well i got news for you,that's not how they got the power back. They got the power back by wearing the American public down. Every single day for eight straight years they threw their temper tantrums demanding someone in the Bush administration resign or be fired. It simply wore the Bush administration and the American public down. Perception is everything in the end and the Democrats knew this. A constant steady stream of hate & vitriol eventually led to their regaining power.

The Democrats were anything but "Gentle & Honorable" in their opposition. They threw everything at Bush & the Republicans and it worked in the end. Now the Republicans must grow a pair and get angry. It's time to start demanding those resignations and firings every single day for the next three years. It simply works. The Democrats played rough & nasty by doing things like calling our President a "Coward" and brave & honorable soldiers "Traitors." They just didn't hold back. Now it's time for the Republicans to give them a taste of their own medicine. They are not going to get the power back by being a "Gentle & Honorable Opposition." This may be sad but it is what it is in the end. The Republicans have held back way too much so far. It's time to get rough & nasty too. The Democrats took their stand and now it's time for the Republicans to take their stand. So don't believe the hype about all that "Honorable Opposition" stuff. It just doesn't exist.
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Well we all have a little "Troll" in us on boards like this no? So i will plead guilty on that one Wry. The poster goldcatt made some pretty serious allegations as far as i'm concerned and i can't just let them slide. I have always gone by LibocalypseNow on every political message board i have ever been a member of. I do not change my name. I also never make the kind of vile racist remarks that he or she accused me of making. I demanded and still demand that goldcatt give me a sincere & credible apology. If he or she has any honor they will do so. I may disagree with you Wry but i do try to show some respect. Unfortunately things don't always come out the way i intend though. lol! Anyway,i always appreciate your posts whether i agree or disagree with them. Thanks and keep em coming Wry. :)
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You are clearly deranged. You are mistaken with your accusations. I haven't been on this board very long and i only go by one name. I have always gone by this name on every political message board i am a member of. So i would a appreciate a more sincere and credible apology. Your accusations were quite hateful and "Dishonorable." Now if you have arny honor left you will deliver a sincere and credible apology. Thanks goldcatt. :)

In fairness, while I disagree with everything LibocalypseNow posts, I have not seen him engage in racist baiting. His posts are inane, he does troll and he repeats himself in thread after thread.....but I haven't seen racist
There is a huge difference between the debate on the war in Iraq, Katrina and torture and the controversy today on health care, the economy in general and the on going action in Afghanistan.
To equate the personal criticism of President George W. Bush with the attacks on President Obama is hyperbole at its greatest, as well as hypocritical.
Bush may have been called stupid, incompetent, incurious, and a coward - face it, his military career was inglorious; yet his motives were rarely questioned; he simply was not up to the job. Yes, that is my opinion, but there is little to suggest history and historians will disagree.
Obama has been under attack since before he was elected president. Most of the attacks are silly, many are covertly racist, and in general the attacks are outright lies, or half-truths, exaggeratons or prophecies of doom.
The 'dishonorable oppositon' doesn't have the truth on their side. So debate is unthinkable, they come to the match unarmed and resort to mean spirited fantasies.

In other words, you know youre a hypocrite but its their fault.

There is ample evidence to assume President Bush is incurious, was incompetent and used family influence to avoid combat. His intelligence is more difficult to judge, but from my perspective, he's average. Maybe from your view he's bright normal or even superior.
The on point response is, both were criticized; Bush by what he did, Obama for what he might do.


except of course, those among the 21%ers who'll be referrencing Bush 20 years from now!!!!!:lol::lol:
except of course, those among the 21%ers who'll be referrencing Bush 20 years from now!!!!!:lol

Unfortunately, I think the public will be referencing Bush for the next 100 years. As in "This president is as bad as Bush" or "Looks like he pulled a Bush"

It will be a LONG, long time before America forgets Bush.....and the republicans will pay the price
except of course, those among the 21%ers who'll be referrencing Bush 20 years from now!!!!!:lol

Unfortunately, I think the public will be referencing Bush for the next 100 years. As in "This president is as bad as Bush" or "Looks like he pulled a Bush"

It will be a LONG, long time before America forgets Bush.....and the republicans will pay the price

s0n...........do you enjoy pwning yourself??:slap:

"most" Americans are living in 2009 s0n............its 2009 by the way in case you've not checked a calendar in awhile. "America" is seeing a historic decline in the current presidents poll #'s............historic s0n!! Accordingly, unlike the k00ks, "America" has moved on.........( obviously, as Obama is taking the heat for this nutty ass economic plan that is fubaring American business and sending unemployment to stratospheric levels )

Not that I want to deter you from self-pwn posts of fail...............just helps me create some new gay MSPAint Photobucket gems s0n!!!:lol:

like thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissss >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The Bush presidency was historic

A historic failure. If republicans think they only need to weather the storm they are sadly mistaken. Invoking the name of George Bush will be synonomous with failure.
For the next generation, prospective republican candidates will be tainted with the stink of Bush. Calling someone a "Bush" will have more sting than republicans calling someone a "Liberal" or "Socialist"

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