Hope and Change

Truth surfaces.

The truth is I am a patriot, veteran American ***Independent*** and I watch independently at all the moronic gymnastics you Republicans and Democrats do to each other while tearing down our great nation. You all are "BASTARDS".

For an Independent? YOU sure act like a Democrat.

I guess the point now is Conservative versus Statist...YOU must be Statist?

You sure as HELL aren't a Conservative.

And I will wear your badge of "BASTARD" with honor you may bet with certainty.

Let's see, since Reagan I have voted Conservative. What has changed? Well from this INDEPENDENT's viewpoint, the Republicans have become full of themselves. Have sold themselves out to energy speculators, closed mindedness, self propagation, selfishness and a whole host of self centered ways. They like many Democrats have looked to narrow ways within their own ranks rather than what is good for their country at whole. They forget that a consensus from all participants is likely to be fairer to all and have become very narrow minded.
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The truth is I am a patriot, veteran American ***Independent*** and I watch independently at all the moronic gymnastics you Republicans and Democrats do to each other while tearing down our great nation. You all are "BASTARDS".

For an Independent? YOU sure act like a Democrat.

I guess the point now is Conservative versus Statist...YOU must be Statist?

You sure as HELL aren't a Conservative.

And I will wear your badge of "BASTARD" with honor you may bet with certainty.

Let's see, since Reagan I have voted Conservative. What has changed? Well from this INDEPENDENT's viewpoint, the Republicans have become full of themselves. Have sold themselves out to energy speculators, closed mindedness, self propagation, selfishness and a whole host of self centered ways. They like many Democrats have looked to narrow ways within their own ranks rather than what is good for their country at whole. They forget that a consensus from all participants is likely to be fairer to all and have become very narrow minded.
You're entitled. Fair enough in your point.
For an Independent? YOU sure act like a Democrat.

I guess the point now is Conservative versus Statist...YOU must be Statist?

You sure as HELL aren't a Conservative.

And I will wear your badge of "BASTARD" with honor you may bet with certainty.

Let's see, since Reagan I have voted Conservative. What has changed? Well from this INDEPENDENT's viewpoint, the Republicans have become full of themselves. Have sold themselves out to energy speculators, closed mindedness, self propagation, selfishness and a whole host of self centered ways. They like many Democrats have looked to narrow ways within their own ranks rather than what is good for their country at whole. They forget that a consensus from all participants is likely to be fairer to all and have become very narrow minded.
You're entitled. Fair enough in your point.

Thank you. Now I am beginning to believe you may have some fairness in your bones.
9/11 was a failure of the Bush Administration to protect America. Period.

It wasn't some inevitable, out of anyone's control, event.

How many times did terrorists attack us under Clinton? How many times did Clinton have a go/no go scenario to take out UBL and he cowered every time?

Yet you blame Bush. You are too much lol

Clinton came closer to killing Bin Laden than Bush ever did and Bush had an entire army on the ground and 3000 dead

Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades.
How many times did terrorists attack us under Clinton? How many times did Clinton have a go/no go scenario to take out UBL and he cowered every time?

Yet you blame Bush. You are too much lol

Clinton came closer to killing Bin Laden than Bush ever did and Bush had an entire army on the ground and 3000 dead

Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades.

Yea......tell it to President Obama
The truth is I am a patriot, veteran American ***Independent*** and I watch independently at all the moronic gymnastics you Republicans and Democrats do to each other while tearing down our great nation. You all are "BASTARDS".

For an Independent? YOU sure act like a Democrat.

I guess the point now is Conservative versus Statist...YOU must be Statist?

You sure as HELL aren't a Conservative.

And I will wear your badge of "BASTARD" with honor you may bet with certainty.

Let's see, since Reagan I have voted Conservative. What has changed? Well from this INDEPENDENT's viewpoint, the Republicans have become full of themselves. Have sold themselves out to energy speculators, closed mindedness, self propagation, selfishness and a whole host of self centered ways. They like many Democrats have looked to narrow ways within their own ranks rather than what is good for their country at whole. They forget that a consensus from all participants is likely to be fairer to all and have become very narrow minded.
Ideologically, the GOP mainstream is now where the Dems were in the 1980s, if not further left.
Speaks volumes, all around.
For an Independent? YOU sure act like a Democrat.

I guess the point now is Conservative versus Statist...YOU must be Statist?

You sure as HELL aren't a Conservative.

And I will wear your badge of "BASTARD" with honor you may bet with certainty.

Let's see, since Reagan I have voted Conservative. What has changed? Well from this INDEPENDENT's viewpoint, the Republicans have become full of themselves. Have sold themselves out to energy speculators, closed mindedness, self propagation, selfishness and a whole host of self centered ways. They like many Democrats have looked to narrow ways within their own ranks rather than what is good for their country at whole. They forget that a consensus from all participants is likely to be fairer to all and have become very narrow minded.
Ideologically, the GOP mainstream is now where the Dems were in the 1980s, if not further left.
Speaks volumes, all around.
Yep as the Democrats are farther left to the Socialist/Marxist scale.
Let's see, since Reagan I have voted Conservative. What has changed? Well from this INDEPENDENT's viewpoint, the Republicans have become full of themselves. Have sold themselves out to energy speculators, closed mindedness, self propagation, selfishness and a whole host of self centered ways. They like many Democrats have looked to narrow ways within their own ranks rather than what is good for their country at whole. They forget that a consensus from all participants is likely to be fairer to all and have become very narrow minded.
Ideologically, the GOP mainstream is now where the Dems were in the 1980s, if not further left.
Speaks volumes, all around.
Yep as the Democrats are farther left to the Socialist/Marxist scale.

Total bullshit

Even Reagan was not as far to the right as the current crop of extreme conservatives
The Democrats and Obama Administration are not asking you to pay for it. They are dumping it in the laps of our great-grandchildren and doing their damnedest to dump as much as they can.

They are trying to set in motion the next great American innovation: Green Energy. One that will create jobs in countless fields, enebling the tax base to grow, thereby reducing the debt.

Yet the Republicans fight him at every initiative.
MOST innovations came from the private sector/individuals, and the MARKET...the free market adopted it without force...it just happened because it was viable. (Look at computers and everything that followed)?

This is WHY you fail Dorkaholic...

And tell us WHY Sloyndra and other embellished companies have failed and the taxpayers got sstuck with the bill?

It isn't economically viable...and government forcing it into the marketplace isn't going to make it so either.

Obama will pay for this shithouse failure as well by the people on the hook for his failures showing him the door to get out of thier Whitehouse. :talk2hand:

I thought the Rightwing line was that most innovations come from the military?

You wingnuts change your positions more often than you change your underwear. :lol:
They are trying to set in motion the next great American innovation: Green Energy. One that will create jobs in countless fields, enebling the tax base to grow, thereby reducing the debt.

Yet the Republicans fight him at every initiative.
MOST innovations came from the private sector/individuals, and the MARKET...the free market adopted it without force...it just happened because it was viable. (Look at computers and everything that followed)?

This is WHY you fail Dorkaholic...

And tell us WHY Sloyndra and other embellished companies have failed and the taxpayers got sstuck with the bill?

It isn't economically viable...and government forcing it into the marketplace isn't going to make it so either.

Obama will pay for this shithouse failure as well by the people on the hook for his failures showing him the door to get out of thier Whitehouse. :talk2hand:

Maybe Government is not supposed to lead in innovation, but support that which does lead. We all benefit from what succeeds. Where there is failure and misdirection, there is better damage control. In everything there are growing pains, formulas, proportions, to work out. The phases are for a reason. Show me a working model, that has been bug tested, and I'll show you an argument to take it to the next level. By doing things ass backwards, who get's rewarded, and for what? I'm tired of rewarding creative excuses. It gets old.

Thank you for that endorsement of the Solyndra loan. :)
They are trying to set in motion the next great American innovation: Green Energy. One that will create jobs in countless fields, enebling the tax base to grow, thereby reducing the debt.

Yet the Republicans fight him at every initiative.

Yeah, wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on uneconomical "green" boondoggles is the way to create jobs. LOL!

All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Private companies do not like risk. Neither do their stockholders. Without the government backing some of the risk, private industry won't invest. Especially in this economy

Other countries, even China are supporting their industry in developing green energy.......only conservatives want us in the stone age

Which is the ONLY reason why Solyndra failed: China putting their Bush Dollars into these solar companies, and undercutting the price.

But when the U.S. tries to do it, the wingnuts shriek "Socialism!!!"!!11ZOMG!!!
Because it's the Congress that spends the money, not the President. President Bush's last Congress was Democrat majorities in the House and in the Senate. The Democrat House and Senate intentionally spent their heads off their shoulders to pay off voters, organizers, and Nancy Pelosi's relatives and blamed DEMOCRAT SPENDING on the Republican in the White House.

It was a lose-lose situation for the voters who didn't know the Democrats are focused on syphoning all that taxpayer money into their pockets.
Thank you for saying that Obama is not to blame. :)
Uh, not so fast, Synth.

You haven't forgotten that President Obama was Senator Obama voting and passing all the free money around, expropriated from the IRS/US Treasury, have you?

I'm nice, but I'm not that nice. :D

No? That's OK. :lol:
They are trying to set in motion the next great American innovation: Green Energy. One that will create jobs in countless fields, enebling the tax base to grow, thereby reducing the debt.

Yet the Republicans fight him at every initiative.

Yeah, wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on uneconomical "green" boondoggles is the way to create jobs. LOL!

All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Private companies do not like risk. Neither do their stockholders. Without the government backing some of the risk, private industry won't invest. Especially in this economy

Other countries, even China are supporting their industry in developing green energy.......only conservatives want us in the stone age

All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Yeah, but that's not what the government should be spending our tax dollars on.

China is wasting their money too. Great endorsement! LOL!

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