Hope and Change

Yeah, wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on uneconomical "green" boondoggles is the way to create jobs. LOL!

All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Private companies do not like risk. Neither do their stockholders. Without the government backing some of the risk, private industry won't invest. Especially in this economy

Other countries, even China are supporting their industry in developing green energy.......only conservatives want us in the stone age

Which is the ONLY reason why Solyndra failed: China putting their Bush Dollars into these solar companies, and undercutting the price.

But when the U.S. tries to do it, the wingnuts shriek "Socialism!!!"!!11ZOMG!!!

When China practices socialism, I call it socialism.
When Obama practices socialism, I call it socialism.
That would be great!

If you can do it without wasting billions of tax dollars, I'd be 100% for it.

Why don't we allow producers of algae fuel to pay a 5% profit on their algae earnings?

That way Obama can't give loan guarantees to cronies and if the technology works out, we get fuel and the innovators get higher profits.

Sounds like a win-win.


What is the difference between Oil and Algae and refining it?


Each is nature, and the Earth manufactures it freely for harvesting.

and some think cause the earth did it and they are somehow superior creatures on the earth they should oppress everyone else.
The left, and apparently you, seem to think aldae is equal in stature as humans. Fruitcakes!!!

Dude, go find a quiet place and sleep it off....

Nice try, but if you blindly defend someone without knowing the facts that is rather spouse like, dontcha think?

You're not making any sense... What am I blindly defending?

Can you come back tomorrow when you might be sober? I say "might", but I have no confidence in that....

Whatever diarrhea that flows from The T's pie hole.
For an Independent? YOU sure act like a Democrat.

I guess the point now is Conservative versus Statist...YOU must be Statist?

You sure as HELL aren't a Conservative.

And I will wear your badge of "BASTARD" with honor you may bet with certainty.

Let's see, since Reagan I have voted Conservative. What has changed? Well from this INDEPENDENT's viewpoint, the Republicans have become full of themselves. Have sold themselves out to energy speculators, closed mindedness, self propagation, selfishness and a whole host of self centered ways. They like many Democrats have looked to narrow ways within their own ranks rather than what is good for their country at whole. They forget that a consensus from all participants is likely to be fairer to all and have become very narrow minded.
Ideologically, the GOP mainstream is now where the Dems were in the 1980s, if not further left.
Speaks volumes, all around.
This just proves that you are a dumbfuck. :lol:

The Father Of Conservatism would be considered a Socialist by today's wingnut standard. FACT.
anybody who can add and subtract can SEE we are in a Depression..
Really? What was the date that we entered into this depression, and what is the yardstick you are using?

not Government Numbers.. how many are on Welfare right now? how many living with friends and family not being counted? do you have any idea?
In other words, you spouted bullshit that you can't back up?
Obama increased the debt by $4.88 trillion so far.
When is he going to give up?
Article 15 has already showed that this is a lie, yet you continue to spout it, mindlessly.

The debt hasn't increased by $4.88 trillion?
Why don't you tell me how much it's increased?
Use you fingers and toes if you must.
And Article 15 already showed that you are including Bush's last budget in that figure.

Yeah, wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on uneconomical "green" boondoggles is the way to create jobs. LOL!

All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Private companies do not like risk. Neither do their stockholders. Without the government backing some of the risk, private industry won't invest. Especially in this economy

Other countries, even China are supporting their industry in developing green energy.......only conservatives want us in the stone age

All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Yeah, but that's not what the government should be spending our tax dollars on.

China is wasting their money too. Great endorsement! LOL!
China is becoming the leader in solar energy, thanks to American wingnuts. They aren't wasting a thing.

And as they innovate, they patent and trademark, ensuring that America will pay China for decades.

Thanks, wingnuts, for screwing America well into the future.
All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Private companies do not like risk. Neither do their stockholders. Without the government backing some of the risk, private industry won't invest. Especially in this economy

Other countries, even China are supporting their industry in developing green energy.......only conservatives want us in the stone age

Which is the ONLY reason why Solyndra failed: China putting their Bush Dollars into these solar companies, and undercutting the price.

But when the U.S. tries to do it, the wingnuts shriek "Socialism!!!"!!11ZOMG!!!

When China practices socialism, I call it socialism.
When Obama practices socialism, I call it socialism.
And sometimes, it's the best and smartest course of action.
Yeah, wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on uneconomical "green" boondoggles is the way to create jobs. LOL!

All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Private companies do not like risk. Neither do their stockholders. Without the government backing some of the risk, private industry won't invest. Especially in this economy

Other countries, even China are supporting their industry in developing green energy.......only conservatives want us in the stone age

Which is the ONLY reason why Solyndra failed: China putting their Bush Dollars into these solar companies, and undercutting the price.

But when the U.S. tries to do it, the wingnuts shriek "Socialism!!!"!!11ZOMG!!!

Solyndra failed because there was no demand. Yet you "pro science' guys still shriek for solar panels and 16th century windmills.

Why do you want to send us back to the stone age?
The Bush administration had concentrated control of the economy for 6 years. They had the House and Senate.

The result was the greatest housing bubble in the history of the country. Bush was asked to lean on Greenspan, specifically to increase rates in order to control asset inflation. He refused because he wanted the temporary prosperity created by construction and home buying and all the other down market multiplier effects of vigorous purchasing and development.

People don't get it. The country will never recover from the Bush years. They say we can't blame Bush. That is insane. America lost the banking and hosting markets on his watch. America lost a generation of consumers on his watch, all of whom have too much debt to consume at sufficient levels to maintain employment.

Where do people get the notion that you can lose the banking sector one year and then magically become healthy the next?

Bush fueled a bubble which burst and destroyed the country long term. The game is over. Bush was begged to address the bubble through radical control of rates and lending regulations. He said what Wingers always say: "the market will take care of it".

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNqQx7sjoS8]Home Ownership and President Bush - YouTube[/ame]

(Image: Graphics Connection LLC)

Why on earth would you oppose energy derived from algae?
Because it costs too much to derive that energy? Moron.

What is the cost? Algae grows anywhere and rapidly replenishes itself. You could grow it commercially or harvest it in nature. Algae is also a simple organism and easy to genetically engineer

Why wouldn't you want to investigate it's capabilities?
Yeah, wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on uneconomical "green" boondoggles is the way to create jobs. LOL!

All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Private companies do not like risk. Neither do their stockholders. Without the government backing some of the risk, private industry won't invest. Especially in this economy

Other countries, even China are supporting their industry in developing green energy.......only conservatives want us in the stone age

All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Yeah, but that's not what the government should be spending our tax dollars on.

China is wasting their money too. Great endorsement! LOL!

If we want to stop losing our industry to China we need to be in the forefront of emerging technologies. Just like we were on the Internet and cellular technology. The next big thing is new forms of energy

Investing in drill baby drill will leave us in the stone age
All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Private companies do not like risk. Neither do their stockholders. Without the government backing some of the risk, private industry won't invest. Especially in this economy

Other countries, even China are supporting their industry in developing green energy.......only conservatives want us in the stone age

Which is the ONLY reason why Solyndra failed: China putting their Bush Dollars into these solar companies, and undercutting the price.

But when the U.S. tries to do it, the wingnuts shriek "Socialism!!!"!!11ZOMG!!!

Solyndra failed because there was no demand. Yet you "pro science' guys still shriek for solar panels and 16th century windmills.

Why do you want to send us back to the stone age?

That's false.
Which is the ONLY reason why Solyndra failed: China putting their Bush Dollars into these solar companies, and undercutting the price.

But when the U.S. tries to do it, the wingnuts shriek "Socialism!!!"!!11ZOMG!!!

When China practices socialism, I call it socialism.
When Obama practices socialism, I call it socialism.
And sometimes, it's the best and smartest course of action.
Not for this country it isn't. If morons want to live under socialism they can get the hell out of this country, idiots.
All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Private companies do not like risk. Neither do their stockholders. Without the government backing some of the risk, private industry won't invest. Especially in this economy

Other countries, even China are supporting their industry in developing green energy.......only conservatives want us in the stone age

All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Yeah, but that's not what the government should be spending our tax dollars on.

China is wasting their money too. Great endorsement! LOL!

If we want to stop losing our industry to China we need to be in the forefront of emerging technologies. Just like we were on the Internet and cellular technology. The next big thing is new forms of energy

Investing in drill baby drill will leave us in the stone age
Investing in drill baby drill will ease our dependence on foreign oil. Idiot.
All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Yeah, but that's not what the government should be spending our tax dollars on.

China is wasting their money too. Great endorsement! LOL!

If we want to stop losing our industry to China we need to be in the forefront of emerging technologies. Just like we were on the Internet and cellular technology. The next big thing is new forms of energy

Investing in drill baby drill will leave us in the stone age
Investing in drill baby drill will ease our dependence on foreign oil. Idiot.

Short term solution to a long term problem
Article 15 has already showed that this is a lie, yet you continue to spout it, mindlessly.

The debt hasn't increased by $4.88 trillion?
Why don't you tell me how much it's increased?
Use you fingers and toes if you must.
And Article 15 already showed that you are including Bush's last budget in that figure.


Obama could have cut Bush's spending, he had control of both houses.
Did he? LOL!
And if you want to get picky, the Obama "stimulus" was passed in early 2009.
You want that to count against Bush? LOL!
And the TARP loans took place under Bush.
Should he be charged for those?
If he is, shouldn't Bush get credit for their repayment, not Obama?

Don't hurt yourself thinking too hard about those issues, I know math is hard for you.
All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Private companies do not like risk. Neither do their stockholders. Without the government backing some of the risk, private industry won't invest. Especially in this economy

Other countries, even China are supporting their industry in developing green energy.......only conservatives want us in the stone age

All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Yeah, but that's not what the government should be spending our tax dollars on.

China is wasting their money too. Great endorsement! LOL!
China is becoming the leader in solar energy, thanks to American wingnuts. They aren't wasting a thing.

And as they innovate, they patent and trademark, ensuring that America will pay China for decades.

Thanks, wingnuts, for screwing America well into the future.

If China wants to spend money on energy products that will never pay for themselves, why should we copy their stupidity?
Unless you're an idiot liberal. But then I repeat myself.

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