Hope and Change

anyone who goes on the record saying he's for a single payer system is a marxist, for one example.....there just is no way around that.

That is not Marxism by a long shot. There are certain functions in society that are best addressed by the individual and others that are best addressed by the government.......simply thinking the government should do more is not Marxism

Then why no government takeover of auto insurance? Life insurance? Homeowners insurance? Umbrella policies?

'Cause every totalitarian regime knows that once you control the health care delivery system, you control the people.

Good point, that would be outright Marxism as would outright confiscation of wealth. Now I know you wing nuts will scream that a 4% tax increase constitutes a confiscation of wealth....but no, it is just constitutional taxation

But now you are going bizarre on me again

Controlling the healthcare delivery system controls the people now?

Tell it to Canada.....Tell it to England
I'm sure they meet your definition of slavery
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That is not Marxism by a long shot. There are certain functions in society that are best addressed by the individual and others that are best addressed by the government.......simply thinking the government should do more is not Marxism

Then why no government takeover of auto insurance? Life insurance? Homeowners insurance? Umbrella policies?

'Cause every totalitarian regime knows that once you control the health care delivery system, you control the people.

Good point, that would be outright Marxism as would outright confiscation of wealth. Now I know you wing nuts will scream that a 4% tax increase constitutes a confiscation of wealth....but no, it is just constitutional taxation

But now you are going bizarre on me again

Controlling the healthcare delivery system controls the people now?

Tell it to Canada.....Tell it to England
I'm sure they meet your definition of slavery

That is not Marxism by a long shot. There are certain functions in society that are best addressed by the individual and others that are best addressed by the government.......simply thinking the government should do more is not Marxism

Then why no government takeover of auto insurance? Life insurance? Homeowners insurance? Umbrella policies?

'Cause every totalitarian regime knows that once you control the health care delivery system, you control the people.

Good point, that would be outright Marxism as would outright confiscation of wealth. Now I know you wing nuts will scream that a 4% tax increase constitutes a confiscation of wealth....but no, it is just constitutional taxation

But now you are going bizarre on me again

Controlling the healthcare delivery system controls the people now?

Tell it to Canada.....Tell it to England
I'm sure they meet your definition of slavery

When the government is calling the shots telling private companies/individuals what they must do with thier life decisions?

Damn straight that's control...and slavery. It isn't liberty by any fucking stretch.
he wanted FULL control over 1/6 of the economy (healthcare), more control over banks, energy, etc..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
In 2008 I had a job. The change since Obama was that the department where I worked has lost 1/2 the jobs to both automation and the depression. So about a half of us lost jobs.

The hope is I get a new one before my cash runs out in about a year.

That Obama is to blame for automation!

Gas is nearly 4 bucks a gallon. How's that for hope and change?

That Obama is to blame for China and India's growth in gas consumption!

The failed Bush presidency was losing 750,000 jobs a month. The Obama economy is adding 250,000 jobs a month ...that's a MILLION jobs a month swing

How's that Hopey Changey working out for ya???

Stop acting like a whiny Republican blaming others because you can't get a job. Get off your ass

Sure... btw, didnt say I didnt have work now. I said Ive been unemployed twice since he took office.

Dont worry..... I will be fine despite Obama.

Oh, and if you believe the figures you posted, your a joke.

Don't believe the BLS employment figures?

Like Casey Stengle used to say........you can look it up

No! The BLS figures were accurate under Bush but that Obama is to blame of the BLS figures no longer being accurate!

The House GOP owns that downgrade.

Only in your fugly little mind...

S&P all but said so when they pointed out the unwillingness to compromise.
Actually, they didn't... But you're free to pretend they did... A lot of you dumbfucks get shit wrong all the time...

Now go be fucking stupid somewhere else, mmmmkay?


We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the
prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related
fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the
growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an
agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and
will remain a contentious and fitful process.

You lose again, fuckstick. :lol:

So let's see. Hmmm. You can't figure out what your own quote means? Allow me to clarify.

We lowered the rating because, although there has never been a congress that actually blocked rasing the debt ceiling in 50 years, the GOP of this congress did exactly that. We assumed this would be a no-brainer - as it always has been in the past but now we can see that the GOP will continue to be the Party of No, and prevent anything from ever being accomplished in government - even if it means damaging the country for the good of the party.

Glad I could clear that up for you. :)
In 2008 I had a job. The change since Obama was that the department where I worked has lost 1/2 the jobs to both automation and the depression. So about a half of us lost jobs.

The hope is I get a new one before my cash runs out in about a year.

That Obama is to blame for automation!

Gas is nearly 4 bucks a gallon. How's that for hope and change?

That Obama is to blame for China and India's growth in gas consumption!

No! The BLS figures were accurate under Bush but that Obama is to blame of the BLS figures no longer being accurate!

Only in your fugly little mind...

Actually, they didn't... But you're free to pretend they did... A lot of you dumbfucks get shit wrong all the time...

Now go be fucking stupid somewhere else, mmmmkay?


We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the
prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related
fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the
growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an
agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and
will remain a contentious and fitful process.

You lose again, fuckstick. :lol:

So let's see. Hmmm. You can't figure out what your own quote means? Allow me to clarify.

We lowered the rating because, although there has never been a congress that actually blocked rasing the debt ceiling in 50 years, the GOP of this congress did exactly that. We assumed this would be a no-brainer - as it always has been in the past but now we can see that the GOP will continue to be the Party of No, and prevent anything from ever being accomplished in government - even if it means damaging the country for the good of the party.

Glad I could clear that up for you. :)
The very best thing that could have happened to the country, and the very worst thing that could have happened to the left, was to not raise the debt ceilling.
The GOP as a whole failed, and I am disappointed.
In 2008 I had a job. The change since Obama was that the department where I worked has lost 1/2 the jobs to both automation and the depression. So about a half of us lost jobs.

The hope is I get a new one before my cash runs out in about a year.

That Obama is to blame for automation!

That Obama is to blame for China and India's growth in gas consumption!

No! The BLS figures were accurate under Bush but that Obama is to blame of the BLS figures no longer being accurate!


We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the
prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related
fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the
growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an
agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and
will remain a contentious and fitful process.
You lose again, fuckstick. :lol:

So let's see. Hmmm. You can't figure out what your own quote means? Allow me to clarify.

We lowered the rating because, although there has never been a congress that actually blocked rasing the debt ceiling in 50 years, the GOP of this congress did exactly that. We assumed this would be a no-brainer - as it always has been in the past but now we can see that the GOP will continue to be the Party of No, and prevent anything from ever being accomplished in government - even if it means damaging the country for the good of the party.

Glad I could clear that up for you. :)
The very best thing that could have happened to the country, and the very worst thing that could have happened to the left, was to not raise the debt ceilling.
The GOP as a whole failed, and I am disappointed.

And watch how they act as Obama demands another 1.2 trillion raise...

Will they tell him to pound sand?
That Obama is to blame for automation!

That Obama is to blame for China and India's growth in gas consumption!

No! The BLS figures were accurate under Bush but that Obama is to blame of the BLS figures no longer being accurate!

So let's see. Hmmm. You can't figure out what your own quote means? Allow me to clarify.

We lowered the rating because, although there has never been a congress that actually blocked rasing the debt ceiling in 50 years, the GOP of this congress did exactly that. We assumed this would be a no-brainer - as it always has been in the past but now we can see that the GOP will continue to be the Party of No, and prevent anything from ever being accomplished in government - even if it means damaging the country for the good of the party.

Glad I could clear that up for you. :)
The very best thing that could have happened to the country, and the very worst thing that could have happened to the left, was to not raise the debt ceilling.
The GOP as a whole failed, and I am disappointed.
And watch how they act as Obama demands another 1.2 trillion raise...
Will they tell him to pound sand?
I certainly hope that they do.
Bush Presidency (..prior to Democrat Control of Congress): 5.1 Unemployment, 66 percent lower deficit, largest net revenue gain by Treasury even in the face of tax cuts (2004-05),$1.87 gas prices.

I will take Bush's failures over the Change and other of Obama self-aggrandizing successes any day; most notably, $4 gas prices, 8+ reported Unemployment, Solyndra-style alternative energy, and 3x the Bush defecit.
Ahhh, in the inbred thinks it is smart. Looks more like a monkey with a football.....

The right loves to mockingly deride the concept of Hope and Change
So let's see how that Hopey Changey is working out

Hope and Change 2008

The economy is in collapse.....I HOPE we don't go into Depression
I work for the auto companies.....I HOPE I don't lose my job
I have cancer........I HOPE they don't cancel my Health Insurance
I am a gay soldier.....I HOPE they don't find out about me
We have lost 5500 soldiers......I HOPE we get out of Iraq
I went to Ground Zero today.........I HOPE they get that SOB Bin Laden
I have just lost half my retirement savings.....I HOPE the market recovers

Nice to see peoples Hopes answered for a Change
Bush Presidency (..prior to Democrat Control of Congress): 5.1 Unemployment, 66 percent lower deficit, largest net revenue gain by Treasury even in the face of tax cuts (2004-05),$1.87 gas prices.

I will take Bush's failures over the Change and other of Obama self-aggrandizing successes any day; most notably, $4 gas prices, 8+ reported Unemployment, Solyndra-style alternative energy, and 3x the Bush defecit.

Still trying to sell that shit sandwich?

The 2007 collapse came under a Republican budget. The Democratic Congress did not pass a single piece of legislation that could have led to a collapse

More telling was the deer in the headlights response from the Bush administration as they insisted on allowing the economy to self correct and denied we were in a recession
Bush Presidency (..prior to Democrat Control of Congress): 5.1 Unemployment, 66 percent lower deficit, largest net revenue gain by Treasury even in the face of tax cuts (2004-05),$1.87 gas prices.

I will take Bush's failures over the Change and other of Obama self-aggrandizing successes any day; most notably, $4 gas prices, 8+ reported Unemployment, Solyndra-style alternative energy, and 3x the Bush defecit.

Still trying to sell that shit sandwich?

The 2007 collapse came under a Republican budget. The Democratic Congress did not pass a single piece of legislation that could have led to a collapse

More telling was the deer in the headlights response from the Bush administration as they insisted on allowing the economy to self correct and denied we were in a recession

That shit sandwich is better than what we are eating now......GM is alive but the Volt is on Life Support. Bin Laden is dead and America is still a target. We are supposed to believe that we cannot drill our way out of Middle East energy denpendence yet believe taxpayer-funded investments in Solyndra failures will bring us energy independence any day now? What sandwich is this???
Bush Presidency (..prior to Democrat Control of Congress): 5.1 Unemployment, 66 percent lower deficit, largest net revenue gain by Treasury even in the face of tax cuts (2004-05),$1.87 gas prices.

I will take Bush's failures over the Change and other of Obama self-aggrandizing successes any day; most notably, $4 gas prices, 8+ reported Unemployment, Solyndra-style alternative energy, and 3x the Bush defecit.

Still trying to sell that shit sandwich?

The 2007 collapse came under a Republican budget. The Democratic Congress did not pass a single piece of legislation that could have led to a collapse

More telling was the deer in the headlights response from the Bush administration as they insisted on allowing the economy to self correct and denied we were in a recession

That shit sandwich is better than what we are eating now......GM is alive but the Volt is on Life Support. Bin Laden is dead and America is still a target. We are supposed to believe that we cannot drill our way out of Middle East energy denpendence yet believe taxpayer-funded investments in Solyndra failures will bring us energy independence any day now? What sandwich is this???

Let's see what the Republican shit sandwich brought us

Losing 750,000 jobs a month
financial sector in collapse
US Auto industry in bankruptcy
Housing Market collapse
Unemployment rose from 4.2% to 7.8%
Worst recession in 70 years

And some people want to put these idiots back in charge?
Bush Presidency (..prior to Democrat Control of Congress): 5.1 Unemployment, 66 percent lower deficit, largest net revenue gain by Treasury even in the face of tax cuts (2004-05),$1.87 gas prices.

I will take Bush's failures over the Change and other of Obama self-aggrandizing successes any day; most notably, $4 gas prices, 8+ reported Unemployment, Solyndra-style alternative energy, and 3x the Bush defecit.

Still trying to sell that shit sandwich?

The 2007 collapse came under a Republican budget. The Democratic Congress did not pass a single piece of legislation that could have led to a collapse

More telling was the deer in the headlights response from the Bush administration as they insisted on allowing the economy to self correct and denied we were in a recession

So now the Republicans were in control of Congress in 2007??


And how'd the $5,000,000,000,000 in new democrat spending work out?
Bush Presidency (..prior to Democrat Control of Congress): 5.1 Unemployment, 66 percent lower deficit, largest net revenue gain by Treasury even in the face of tax cuts (2004-05),$1.87 gas prices.

I will take Bush's failures over the Change and other of Obama self-aggrandizing successes any day; most notably, $4 gas prices, 8+ reported Unemployment, Solyndra-style alternative energy, and 3x the Bush defecit.

Still trying to sell that shit sandwich?

The 2007 collapse came under a Republican budget. The Democratic Congress did not pass a single piece of legislation that could have led to a collapse

More telling was the deer in the headlights response from the Bush administration as they insisted on allowing the economy to self correct and denied we were in a recession

So now the Republicans were in control of Congress in 2007??


And how'd the $5,000,000,000,000 in new democrat spending work out?

Which $5 trillion in spending are you talking about?

The programs, wars and tax cuts passed on by Republicans or new expenditures by Obama?

Break out the numbers and we can talk
Only in your fugly little mind...

Actually, they didn't... But you're free to pretend they did... A lot of you dumbfucks get shit wrong all the time...

Now go be fucking stupid somewhere else, mmmmkay?


We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the
prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related
fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the
growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an
agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and
will remain a contentious and fitful process.

You lose again, fuckstick. :lol:

So let's see. Hmmm. You can't figure out what your own quote means? Allow me to clarify.

We lowered the rating because, although there has never been a congress that actually blocked rasing the debt ceiling in 50 years, the GOP of this congress did exactly that. We assumed this would be a no-brainer - as it always has been in the past but now we can see that the GOP will continue to be the Party of No, and prevent anything from ever being accomplished in government - even if it means damaging the country for the good of the party.

Glad I could clear that up for you. :)

Ummm.... who are you talking to? :lol:

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