Hope and Change

The US pays more for healthcare than any other nation and receives less for it.

Why? Overhead and middlemen

Each healthcare transaction involves endless submissions of forms, justifications, claim denials, resubmissions

How much does each doctor pay for someone to get clearance for procedures, submitting claims, billing and debt collection?

Explain then why the cost of state government HealthCare in Massachusetts keeps going up while the quality of care drops?

Maybe because the price of healthcare is escalating around the country

Well then add some more freebees. That has been the mantle of democrats controlling costs.

All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Yeah, but that's not what the government should be spending our tax dollars on.

China is wasting their money too. Great endorsement! LOL!
China is becoming the leader in solar energy, thanks to American wingnuts. They aren't wasting a thing.

And as they innovate, they patent and trademark, ensuring that America will pay China for decades.

Thanks, wingnuts, for screwing America well into the future.

and how many acres of solar panels will be required to power, lets say New York City for example? Have we forgotten THAT small detail?

Today? Probably a lot.

Tomorrow, WITH government support? Probably a lot less.

Government support has furthered many things that would have languished otherwise, including the Internet (which Senator Gore was an early supporter for, via legislation and funding. :) )
The US pays more for healthcare than any other nation and receives less for it.

Why? Overhead and middlemen

Each healthcare transaction involves endless submissions of forms, justifications, claim denials, resubmissions

How much does each doctor pay for someone to get clearance for procedures, submitting claims, billing and debt collection?

Explain then why the cost of state government HealthCare in Massachusetts keeps going up while the quality of care drops?

Maybe because the price of healthcare is escalating around the country

Actually Massachusetts Health Care is the highest in the land. Maybe because of the abuse of patients seeking "paid" care by over utilizing the emergency room for treatment? Also the "quality" of care seems to have a drastic effect on wait times for basic family physician visits.

Skyrocketing Massachusetts health costs could foreshadow high price of ObamaCare
Skyrocketing Massachusetts health costs could foreshadow high price of ObamaCare | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
By Aleksandra Kulczuga - The Daily Caller

Since the bill became law, the state’s total direct health-care spending has increased by a remarkable 52 percent. Medicaid spending has gone from less than $6 billion a year to more the $9 billion. Many consumers have seen double-digit percentage increases in their premiums.

Even more striking, the 2006 law has done little to ease the burden on emergency rooms, a central goal of all heath care reform plans. A report by the Boston Globe found that in the first two years of the program, the state’s ER costs actually rose by 17 percent. “They said that ER visits would drop by 75 percent, and it hasn’t been even close to that,” said State Treasurer Tim Cahill, who is currently running for governor as an Independent. “It hasn’t changed people’s habits. It hasn’t been successful at getting people to use less expensive alternatives.”

Massachusetts - Doctor Wait Times, Costs, ER Visits in Massachusetts Climb
Medinnovation: Massachusetts - Doctor Wait Times, Costs, ER Visits in Massachusetts Climb

More people are seeking care in Massachusetts hospital emergency rooms, and the cost of caring for ER patients has soared 17% over two years. This is despite efforts to direct patients with nonurgent problems to primary care doctors instead, according to new state data. Visits to Massachusetts emergency rooms grew 7% between 2005 and 2007, to 2,469,295 visits. The estimated cost of treating those patients jumped from $826 million to $973 million.

Merritt Hawkins & Associates, “2009 Survey of Physician Appointment Wait Times,” Physician Jobs and Healthcare Employment - Merritt Hawkins & Associates

It is the state where President Obama received his law school education, where Senator Edward Kennedy has fought for a single payer system for 40 years, where Obama’s closest health care advisors, Dean David Cutler, PhD, of Harvard and Robert Blumenthal, M.D., of Massachusetts General and National Coordinator for Health Information Technology,reside, and where the nation’s first “universal health plan” was spawned and has been in operation for three years.

Yet, despite this political firepower, something seems to have gone askew. Massachusetts health costs are the highest in the land. Despite the highest concentration of physicians per capita and lowest rate of uninsured among the states (2.6%), people are having a hard time finding doctors, especially primary care practitioners but other specialists as well. Bay State residents are flocking to high-cost emergency rooms for care in unprecedented numbers. And all of this in an affluent states which is supposed to set an example for other states to follow.

The average wait times for appointments in Boston for cardiology are 21 days, dermatology 54 days, obstetrics-gynecology 70 days, orthopedic surgery 40 days, and family practice 63 days.

The average cumulative wait times for the 5 specialties just mentioned are,

Boston, 50 days

Philadelphia, 27 days

Los Angeles, 24 days

Houston, 23 days

Washington, D.C., 23 days

San Diego, 20 days

Minneapolis, 20 days

Dallas, 19 days

New York, 19 days

Denver, 15 days

Miami, 15 days

Portland, 14 days

Seattle, 14 days

Detroit, 12 days

Atlanta, 11 days

In Massachusetts, Universal Coverage Strains Care
By KEVIN SACK — The New York Times

AMHERST, Mass. — Once they discover that she is Dr. Kate, the supplicants line up to approach at dinner parties and ballet recitals. Surely, they suggest to Dr. Katherine J. Atkinson, a family physician here, she might find a way to move them up her lengthy waiting list for new patients.

Those fortunate enough to make it soon learn they face another long wait: Dr. Atkinson’s next opening for a physical is not until early May — of 2009.

This article was Published: April 5, 2008
Only in your fugly little mind...

Actually, they didn't... But you're free to pretend they did... A lot of you dumbfucks get shit wrong all the time...

Now go be fucking stupid somewhere else, mmmmkay?


We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the
prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related
fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the
growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an
agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and
will remain a contentious and fitful process.

You lose again, fuckstick. :lol:

The credit rating was lowered because of the increase in the amount of Federal spending and the rapidly increased size of our National Debt. I suppose the GOP is to blame for France, Italy, Spain, and Greece seeing a drop in their credit rating as well. :cuckoo:


We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the
prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related
fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the
growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an
agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and
will remain a contentious and fitful process.

You lose again, fuckstick. :lol:

The credit rating was lowered because of the increase in the amount of Federal spending and the rapidly increased size of our National Debt. I suppose the GOP is to blame for France, Italy, Spain, and Greece seeing a drop in their credit rating as well. :cuckoo:


You can pretend it was the republicans, but you'd just be wrong.... Again...

Now go... 0bama needs fluffing...
China is becoming the leader in solar energy, thanks to American wingnuts. They aren't wasting a thing.

And as they innovate, they patent and trademark, ensuring that America will pay China for decades.

Thanks, wingnuts, for screwing America well into the future.

and how many acres of solar panels will be required to power, lets say New York City for example? Have we forgotten THAT small detail?

Today? Probably a lot.

Tomorrow, WITH government support? Probably a lot less.

Government support has furthered many things that would have languished otherwise, including the Internet (which Senator Gore was an early supporter for, via legislation and funding. :) )

The private free market has done very well for Henry Ford, the Wright Brothers, and Thomas Edison. Yet they each were able to have a great impact at furthering innovation, and without any government assistance.

We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the
prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related
fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the
growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an
agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and
will remain a contentious and fitful process.

You lose again, fuckstick. :lol:

The credit rating was lowered because of the increase in the amount of Federal spending and the rapidly increased size of our National Debt. I suppose the GOP is to blame for France, Italy, Spain, and Greece seeing a drop in their credit rating as well. :cuckoo:


Nice try, but you still haven't explained why these other countries received a drop in their credit rating, if it wasn't as a result of those nations Government's spending problem or the size of their countries debt. You failed.
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The very best thing that could have happened to the country, and the very worst thing that could have happened to the left, was to not raise the debt ceilling.
The GOP as a whole failed, and I am disappointed.

And watch how they act as Obama demands another 1.2 trillion raise...

Will they tell him to pound sand?
Should America not pay it's owed debts?
False premise.
The US government does not need to borrow a single dime more than it has now to pay its debts.
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The credit rating was lowered because of the increase in the amount of Federal spending and the rapidly increased size of our National Debt. I suppose the GOP is to blame for France, Italy, Spain, and Greece seeing a drop in their credit rating as well. :cuckoo:


You can pretend it was the republicans, but you'd just be wrong.... Again...

Now go... 0bama needs fluffing...
I don't have to pretend - S&P said so.
and how many acres of solar panels will be required to power, lets say New York City for example? Have we forgotten THAT small detail?

Today? Probably a lot.

Tomorrow, WITH government support? Probably a lot less.

Government support has furthered many things that would have languished otherwise, including the Internet (which Senator Gore was an early supporter for, via legislation and funding. :) )

The private free market has done very well for Henry Ford, the Wright Brothers, and Thomas Edison. Yet they each were able to have a great impact at furthering innovation, and without any government assistance.
Got anything from the past 25 years?

Interesting that you have to reach back to the early 1900s for an example.
The credit rating was lowered because of the increase in the amount of Federal spending and the rapidly increased size of our National Debt. I suppose the GOP is to blame for France, Italy, Spain, and Greece seeing a drop in their credit rating as well. :cuckoo:


Nice try, but you still haven't explained why these other countries received a drop in their credit rating, if it wasn't as a result of those nations Government's spending problem or the size of their countries debt. You failed.
France, Italy, Spain, and Greece can no longer print their own money.

Dumbass. :lol:
Today? Probably a lot.

Tomorrow, WITH government support? Probably a lot less.

Government support has furthered many things that would have languished otherwise, including the Internet (which Senator Gore was an early supporter for, via legislation and funding. :) )

The private free market has done very well for Henry Ford, the Wright Brothers, and Thomas Edison. Yet they each were able to have a great impact at furthering innovation, and without any government assistance.
Got anything from the past 25 years?

Interesting that you have to reach back to the early 1900s for an example.

Let's see there's Bill Gates contribution in the computer industry. Then there's the Jeffrey Robbin inventor of the MP3 creation of SoundJam later renamed iTunes, then the invention of the iPad, each accomplished without government funding.

Also it's fair to say the Ford Motor company didn't require a government assisted bailout, unlike GM and Chrysler. Yet Chevy needs a government subsidy to try and sell a battery car that catches fire. Awesome use of government spending, wouldn't you say? How's the Chevy Volt doing in sales by the way?
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Should America not pay it's owed debts?

When I pay my debts, I manage to do it without increasing my debts.

But then I'm not a big spending liberal.
Do the credit card companies not charge you interest on your existing debt?

Where can we all get no-interest credit cards?

Credit card companies do charge for debt.

Debt which is easier to pay down by actually decreasing debt, rather than running it up.

Right now, the government has the closest thing to an interest free credit card.
10 year Treasuries yielding 2.3%. Of course after Obama is defeated, the new President can't count on the low rates Obama has benefitted from, and will have to make the real cuts that Obama is afraid to even suggest.

Nice try, but you still haven't explained why these other countries received a drop in their credit rating, if it wasn't as a result of those nations Government's spending problem or the size of their countries debt. You failed.
France, Italy, Spain, and Greece can no longer print their own money.

Dumbass. :lol:

Germany is doing fine, as they haven't suffered a reduction in their credit rating. Yet Germany can no longer print their own money, not since 2002. Interesting how your responses seem to have holes in them. :lol: So I suppose you are saying Greece doesn't have a debt, spending problem? Who's the dumbass now?
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