Hope and Change

Which is the ONLY reason why Solyndra failed: China putting their Bush Dollars into these solar companies, and undercutting the price.

But when the U.S. tries to do it, the wingnuts shriek "Socialism!!!"!!11ZOMG!!!

Solyndra failed because there was no demand. Yet you "pro science' guys still shriek for solar panels and 16th century windmills.

Why do you want to send us back to the stone age?

That's false.

Funny... when you make a quality product that is in demand, generally speaking you do very well.

Why on earth would you oppose energy derived from algae?
Because it costs too much to derive that energy? Moron.

What is the cost? Algae grows anywhere and rapidly replenishes itself. You could grow it commercially or harvest it in nature. Algae is also a simple organism and easy to genetically engineer

Why wouldn't you want to investigate it's capabilities?

Sounds great!
You should start an algae fuel company today.
Don't use my tax dollars when you do.
Good luck!
All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Private companies do not like risk. Neither do their stockholders. Without the government backing some of the risk, private industry won't invest. Especially in this economy

Other countries, even China are supporting their industry in developing green energy.......only conservatives want us in the stone age

All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Yeah, but that's not what the government should be spending our tax dollars on.

China is wasting their money too. Great endorsement! LOL!

If we want to stop losing our industry to China we need to be in the forefront of emerging technologies. Just like we were on the Internet and cellular technology. The next big thing is new forms of energy

Investing in drill baby drill will leave us in the stone age

You want to be in the forefront?
Make the US business friendly.
Cut the corporate tax rate.
15% sounds good.
In the meantime, we still need oil.
Cheaper oil would be better. Open ANWR.
If we want to stop losing our industry to China we need to be in the forefront of emerging technologies. Just like we were on the Internet and cellular technology. The next big thing is new forms of energy

Investing in drill baby drill will leave us in the stone age
Investing in drill baby drill will ease our dependence on foreign oil. Idiot.

Short term solution to a long term problem

Compared to Obama's money wasting, long-term, non-solution........
All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Yeah, but that's not what the government should be spending our tax dollars on.

China is wasting their money too. Great endorsement! LOL!
China is becoming the leader in solar energy, thanks to American wingnuts. They aren't wasting a thing.

And as they innovate, they patent and trademark, ensuring that America will pay China for decades.

Thanks, wingnuts, for screwing America well into the future.

If China wants to spend money on energy products that will never pay for themselves, why should we copy their stupidity?
Unless you're an idiot liberal. But then I repeat myself.

The United States used to be the leaders in emerging technologies, yes with Government help

If you are satisfied with the US taking a back seat to China, it provides more reason we can't afford to vote for conservatives
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China is becoming the leader in solar energy, thanks to American wingnuts. They aren't wasting a thing.

And as they innovate, they patent and trademark, ensuring that America will pay China for decades.

Thanks, wingnuts, for screwing America well into the future.

If China wants to spend money on energy products that will never pay for themselves, why should we copy their stupidity?
Unless you're an idiot liberal. But then I repeat myself.

The United States used to be the leaders in emerging technologies, yes with Government help

If you are satisfied with the US taking a back seat to China, it provides more reason we can't afford to vote for conservatives

How did Sloyndra help us gain a lead in technology?
I'm not satisfied with letting China take the lead, unless that lead is in wasting money.
Like "green" energy.
Investing in drill baby drill will ease our dependence on foreign oil. Idiot.

Short term solution to a long term problem

Compared to Obama's money wasting, long-term, non-solution........

Not to mention oil is the cheapest and most readily available energy source on planet Earth The fact that con men like Al Gore have instilled in liberals an irrational hatred of a naturally occurring resource that is used in nearly everything is of little relevance.
All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Yeah, but that's not what the government should be spending our tax dollars on.

China is wasting their money too. Great endorsement! LOL!

If we want to stop losing our industry to China we need to be in the forefront of emerging technologies. Just like we were on the Internet and cellular technology. The next big thing is new forms of energy

Investing in drill baby drill will leave us in the stone age
Investing in drill baby drill will ease our dependence on foreign oil. Idiot.
No, it won't.

I have showed in another thread that we are exporting gas to South and Central America at record rates. So that means we have enough gas.

They are exporting in order to keep the gas price high.

Here ya go - read up:

Gotta love our President Algae!


(Image: EIB )​
this stupid thread is still active smh.

Listen, everyone makes fun of Obama because there's no substance in what he's saying. The substance, he has to hide from America, because he's a marxist, which is why we hear stupid platitudes like hope and change from him.
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this stupid thread is still active smh.

Listen, everyone makes fun of Obama because there's no substance in what he's saying. The substance, he has to hide from America, because he's a marxist, which is why we hear stupid platitudes like hope and change from him.

Talk about a lack of substance
anyone who goes on the record saying he's for a single payer system is a marxist, for one example.....there just is no way around that.
anyone who goes on the record saying he's for a single payer system is a marxist, for one example.....there just is no way around that.

That is not Marxism by a long shot. There are certain functions in society that are best addressed by the individual and others that are best addressed by the government.......simply thinking the government should do more is not Marxism
this stupid thread is still active smh.

Listen, everyone makes fun of Obama because there's no substance in what he's saying. The substance, he has to hide from America, because he's a marxist, which is why we hear stupid platitudes like hope and change from him.

And the substance that matters, Obama has hidden under lock and key.

Wonder why?
anyone who goes on the record saying he's for a single payer system is a marxist, for one example.....there just is no way around that.

That is not Marxism by a long shot. There are certain functions in society that are best addressed by the individual and others that are best addressed by the government.......simply thinking the government should do more is not Marxism

Then why no government takeover of auto insurance? Life insurance? Homeowners insurance? Umbrella policies?

'Cause every totalitarian regime knows that once you control the health care delivery system, you control the people.

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