Hope Hicks Acknowledges She Sometimes Tells White Lies for Trump


TRUMP, on Hope Hicks resignation:

“I will miss having her by my side but when she approached me about pursuing other opportunities, I totally understood. I am sure we will work together again in the future.”

TRUMP, on Hope Hicks resignation:

“I will miss having her by my side but when she approached me about pursuing other opportunities, I totally understood. I am sure we will work together again in the future.”

I am sure he will miss her, now he will have to spend more time admiring Ivanka's beauty since Hope will not be there to lust over
I mean I am sure it's pure coincidence that her giving 8 hours of testimony about the actions of the administration, collusion and obstruction of justice and her resigning the very next day are in no way related at all.
No, she had already planned to resign last month. Her leaving was already expected. She's still staying on for now.

Everyone is very surprised she’s leaving. They thought she’d be there forever, including former aides.

I’m thinking Donald was pissed about the “white lies” comment and asked her to leave.
Uh, that's a lie. She had plans to leave a month ago.

When Trump asked her yesterday how she could be so STUPID for saying she lies for Trump - that may have been the last straw.
How do you know Trump asked her that? We're you there? Be specific, squaw!

CNN's Erin Burnett reported it from several White House sources.
What will the 29 year old former model that has never had a real job do after leaving the White House?

Maybe FoxNews will hire her, she meets all their qualifications.
True. She is far too intelligent to work for the alphabets.
Trump supporters are just so frantic over the news...:bigbed:
Right...you guys are used to Trump hiring the very worst people., and to the rats jumping off the sinking ship. To you Trumpkins? This is just another day that ends in 'y'.
True. She is far too intelligent to work for the alphabets
See, this kind of shows how dumb you guys are being. Have you ever even heard her speak? Have you ever read anything by her? No. All amyone knows about her is that she was, quite possibly, the worst communications director in history. But Darkwind here has come to his expert conclusions.....heh heh
True. She is far too intelligent to work for the alphabets
See, this kind of shows how dumb you guys are being. Have you ever even heard her speak? Have you ever read anything by her? No. All amyone knows about her is that she was, quite possibly, the worst communications director in history. But Darkwind here has come to his expert conclusions.....heh heh
Have I?

I'm just taking a page out of the book of snark that the left is so fond of.

You see, a dig at someone who hasn't done anything to anyone other than communicate her employer's thoughts deserves a bit of a dig back.

Its that 'lovable hate' you guys spoon around that just keeps you all from winning elections.
Its that 'lovable hate' you guys spoon around that just keeps you all from winning elections.
Ah yes, keep believing this stupid shit. The reality is that gerrymandered districts are what have kept dems out of power (only for a few years, though). And having the Russian propaganda machine at your back probably helps. ;)
Its that 'lovable hate' you guys spoon around that just keeps you all from winning elections.
Ah yes, keep believing this stupid shit. The reality is that gerrymandered districts are what have kept dems out of power (only for a few years, though). And having the Russian propaganda machine at your back probably helps. ;)
You forgot the last in line. The DNC, globalists and Islamists.
You forgot the last in line. The DNC, globalists and Islamists.
You white supremacist pukes are such stupid little freaks... if I had my way, i would put you on every TV show every single day. It wouldn't even take a month to shame you all back into your slimy caves...
She has been a part of this for about 3-4 years now and being part of any White House is an exhausting job I can see why someone who is only 29 would want to move on and do other stuff.

Oh, so she just needed a change. Has nothing to do with being grilled by a former FBI director for 8 hours and having to admit she lies, right? Good fucking grief.
OMG the left has just discovered political spokespersons sometimes tell lies good fucking grief indeed.

jusT ?

HELL, how many have plead guilty to lying onder oath now

6 ..

oh yeah, just 6 now - more to come , stay tuned.
More winning!!


Yeah, what did Trump used to call her? Crooked Hillary Clinton. And there was Lyin Ted Cruz. He's the biggest lying crook of all. Just ask the class action pool that sued the motherfucker for fraud over the Trump University scam.
Cons are such fucking stupid hypocrites.
Most people are hypocritical partisan hacks.
Trump voters for sure.
Both ends.

Nope. Note that when the sexual harrassment scandal started, the Dems made Franken and Conyers resign. Trump has 19 accusers and the Republicans don't do a fucking thing, and they actually endorsed Roy Moore after a dozen women accused him and he lost in Alabama by a slim margin. So, nope, the hypocrisy is much more severe in the atmosphere of Trump. Not Bush, but definitely Trump.
I know. Both ends of the spectrum tell me the other side is much worse.

They tell you? Who are you? Frank Luntz? Your opinion is not fact.

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