Hope Hicks Acknowledges She Sometimes Tells White Lies for Trump

The timing is very off....especially for a communications director.....

She knows how important the 'timing' of things are....

Announcing her resignation the day after she testified for 8 hours, before Congress's Intelligence Committee, and said that her job for the president required her to tell 'white lies' some times....probably struck a nerve with President Trump and he went off on her again, OR

she can see the writing on the wall, with trouble brewing in the near future???

What I do know, is if this resignation was planned, then as the Communication Director, she would have postponed the announcement, due to the weirdness and speculations of the timing right after her testifying in front of congress.... in other words, IT would have been PLANNED.....not a shock to anyone, not right after an investigation meeting....her job is to KNOW what looks good, and what does not, for the President.....

And also, if this resignation was planned as being claimed, then the white house would have announced her new hire that will replace her..... and there is no one in sight, that is her replacement....

if this was planned, she also would have "trained" the replacement....

Soooooooooo, taking all of this in to consideration....imo something happened between yesterday morning, and this morning..to make Hope resign or to force Hope resign....

I think she is beautiful, Reminds me in a way of Brooke Shields when young, with the thicker eyebrows

and smarter than ya'll give her credit for....

She can find another 6 figure job in my opinion....

Yeah, I'll tell you what happened.....

CNN anchor Erin Burnett reported Friday that Hope Hicks left the White House after being berated by President Donald Trump for being “so stupid” in admitting to Congress she sometimes tells lies for the president.
Hope Hicks, the White House communications director and one of President Trump’s longest-serving advisers, said Wednesday that she was resigning.

Ms. Hicks, 29, a former model who joined Mr. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign without any experience in politics, became known as one of the few aides who understood his personality and style and could challenge the president to change his views.

Hope Hicks to Resign as White House Communications Director
Do people think this administration is going well enough to win again?
CNN anchor Erin Burnett reported Friday that Hope Hicks left the White House after being berated by President Donald Trump for being “so stupid” in admitting to Congress she sometimes tells lies for the president.
No longer does he treat her like a member of the family unless you mean the blonde girl trump never talks to
Saw this elsewhere..it makes some sense:

Hicks has been the quiet little shadow that follows Trump around wherever he goes for a long time now. She was his personal assistant during the campaign, but she was hired long before the campaign ever began.

She was his official 'steamer', who steamed the creases out of his suits while he was still wearing them while on the plane as he flew from one stop to another. Her present job was another Trump insider promotion. Of all of those who were close to Trump in 2015-2016, there was no one closer than Hope Hicks.

So naturally, Hicks knows some stuff. She has always been the most circumspect of all of his bunch, and has always avoided the press or any kind of notice. So she probably knows a lot of stuff. She's probably profited by some of that knowledge.

She can use executive privilege when called up to testify to a Congressional committee, but not to a Grand Jury. With some discovery, it's quite possible she can't be prevented from testifying to a committee either by using executive privilege.

Watergate showed the limits of executive privilege. As a stone wall, it can only hold for so long. When it breaks, using it tends to take down many others who used it earlier once the wall cracks.

So Hicks may decide on her own to quit, or Trump may decide she has to go for his own protection.

Either is equal as I see it. Mueller will go light on those who cooperate, and will go heavy on those who don't.

Credit to BanjoMike
she cannot assert executive privilege. only the executive can.

and he hasn't. because if he did, it would be taken to court and they'd bitchslap him.... particularly when he wasn't the 'executive' during the transition.
Do people think this administration is going well enough to win again?
Hell yes...check your bank account...the economy is humming Isis the JV team Obama couldn't beat is running out of Iraq as fast as they can...Trump is going to select the next two supreme court justices giving him a total of 3...oh yeah he will win again...hands down...
my fav picture of Hope.... wearing a smoking I love smokings and all that.....I only wish Hope the best of the best!

Silly me wearing a smoking too LOL look at that horrible green bowtie :eek-52::laugh: yuck hahaahaha
Do people think this administration is going well enough to win again?
Hell yes...check your bank account...the economy is humming Isis the JV team Obama couldn't beat is running out of Iraq as fast as they can...Trump is going to select the next two supreme court justices giving him a total of 3...oh yeah he will win again...hands down...
Nope. That’s why Ruth is holding out

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