Hope Hicks Acknowledges She Sometimes Tells White Lies for Trump

Speaking of the ghetto Trump's economic policy is benefiting the inner cities greatly
What policy is that, specifically? I like things that work.

By the way, most ghettos are full of white people. yes, as it turns out, there are many more whites in poverty than there are blacks.
What policy is that, specifically? I like things that work.

By the way, most ghettos are full of white people. yes, as it turns out, there are many more whites in poverty than there are blacks
Huge tax cuts but even more importantly regulation cuts...entire government agencies have been done away with because of repetitiveness...

You won't hear about it but it's happening...America is open for business...I would advise you to put your ideology and hatred aside and invest....Make some money!!!!!

Most ghettos? come on man...who cares what skin color crawls around a ghetto? Only a lib could post this....

Poor people of all colors now have a better opportunity for gainful employment because of Trump and his economic advisers...If the dems get in the way of that they will be toast...
Huge tax cuts but even more importantly regulation cuts...entire government agencies have been done away with because of repetitiveness...
And you are saying this is directly responsible for the lowest black unemployment level in a little while? But the data shows that it has steadily decreased for years, with literally no sudden changes. Sorry, but you're full of shit, my man. the best thing trump did for the economy was NOTHING. Every time he does exactly noting at all, the best outcome is the result.
Most ghettos? come on man...who cares what skin color crawls around a ghetto?

Uh, do you even read your own posts? Are you high?
Such a nothing burger, another Filthy Don pet project bows out of his dysfunctional admin. Just as noted, the want nothing of Filthy Don when he is locked up!:banana:
And you are saying this is directly responsible for the lowest black unemployment level in a little while? But the data shows that it has steadily decreased for years, with literally no sudden changes. Sorry, but you're full of shit, my man. the best thing trump did for the economy was NOTHING. Every time he does exactly noting at all, the best outcome is the result.
Uh, do you even read your own posts? Are you high?

For a little while? Are you high? check the data...and if you think my concern for the poor has anything to do with skin color than you are not reading my posts...It's libs like you that go to the skin color card every time...

You people don't get it...stores are filled...restaurants are filled...business is booming...for the first time in 8 years people are actually paying down debt and saving money and all you fucks can do is scream about Russia or collusion or Hope Hicks or whoever the next person is that is mentioned on Fake news Trump hating CNN...
If you think this is a winning strategy then go for it...:113:
For a little while? Are you high? check the data
I did.... it jumped right back up after that short "record" valley (not really a record), you know. It's noisy data. Hey, i was wondering when you parrots would get back to talking about the labor force participation rate? I guess, after trump leaves office...

No, none of that has to do with any trump policy. The economy was booming before he took office. trump could drop dead right now, and the economy would be unaffected either way.
"Wow'''... cool... but let's see what it does for a year, not a month. And let's look at participation, and wages. The big "black employment success" you see is an illusion. And, before you get your panties in a twist, it was an illusion under Obama, too.
She getting off the sinking ship before it sinks. Good move.
Also she nor anyone else in the White House can afford the lawyer fees.
Trump has ruined everyone that has come in contact with him.
He’s the ultimate shit show.
This is what it’s like working in this White House.
The Trump Circus continues. The 23rd fucking Communications Director has now resigned in a little over a year...all of them highly qualified individuals I must add.

Although I feel deeply embarrassed for my country, this White House chaos is highly entertaining to watch. I just hope the country somehow survives this epic disaster that is Donald Trump.

Why Hope Hicks Resigning Matters

Donald Trump wanted Hope Hicks close.

When the new President and his team moved into the White House last January, he installed his long-serving press aide in a tiny, windowless room directly outside the Oval Office. He could shout at her to bring him the latest news clips and polls. He could summon her to his private office next door to watch television coverage. Above all, he felt, he could trust her — she was a rare, reassuring support in his new digs in a new city filled with newcomers he didn’t know well.

Which is why the news of Hope Hicks resigning, which
broke late Feb. 28, comes as such a blow to the Trump White House. “I cannot over-state how important Hope is to keeping this thing together,” one West Wing official said. “She really is one of the only people who has the President’s trust and respect.” In a building riven with suspicion and infighting, presided over by an unpredictable, some would say irrational, boss, a key pillar of support is leaving.
Filthy Don wanted to get in to Hope's panties. Now he has to oogle over his married daughter, AGAIN!

Who is the hell is going to serve his coffee now? :abgg2q.jpg:
Will the last staffer leaving the White House, please turn out the lights.

Even his loyalest employees have had enough. They’ve lied, covered up, committed countless crimes, and had their lives turned upside down by this clown. There’s a veritable stampede of staff leaving. Rats deserting a sinking ship.

Mueller is really closing in on Trump. He’s questioning staff about whether Trump coordinated with WikiLeaks. If you’re a staffer, are you going to lie to Robert Mueller?

Mueller is also closing in on Trumps obstruction of justice: firing Comey, and his attempts to get rid of Jeff Sessions.

Best reality show since Watergate.

Get used to saying ”President Pence”.
Mueller is really closing in on Trump. He’s questioning staff about whether Trump coordinated with WikiLeaks. If you’re a staffer, are you going to lie to Robert Mueller?

Are you joking? Swamp Rat Mueller has no interest in interviewing Wikileaks because Julian will tell him Seth Rich gave him the DNC emails. Then Mueller is standing there like a douchebag, a murderer of Vietnamese people, and colluding with Obama and Crooked Hillary wasting taxpayers millions of dollars on the witch hunt and attacking our democracy.

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