Hope Hicks Acknowledges She Sometimes Tells White Lies for Trump

How are things going internationally?

Fine mr president. Nothing for you to be concerned with. You’re winning the war sir.

Good keep me posted
Things are going great internationally...Even the fat man in NK wants to talk...
Hope Hicks, the White House communications director and one of President Trump’s longest-serving advisers, said Wednesday that she was resigning.

Ms. Hicks, 29, a former model who joined Mr. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign without any experience in politics, became known as one of the few aides who understood his personality and style and could challenge the president to change his views.

Hope Hicks to Resign as White House Communications Director

Another one bites the dust.

Is there anyone left from day one?
Hope Hicks, the White House communications director and one of President Trump’s longest-serving advisers, said Wednesday that she was resigning.

Ms. Hicks, 29, a former model who joined Mr. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign without any experience in politics, became known as one of the few aides who understood his personality and style and could challenge the president to change his views.

Hope Hicks to Resign as White House Communications Director

Another one bites the dust.

Is there anyone left from day one?


she's the cockroach of the trump administration
Hope Hicks leaving the White House is a victory for libtards?
Not really, just another rat jumping off the sinking ship.
Obama would have already been impeached if he had a fraction of the scandals.
Didn’t Ben Carson just get a $30,000 office renovation? So insincere with their small government less spending drain the swamp bs
You know what I mean. Of course you love trump you’re deplorable
Hillary!!!! you should use your real name...sealybobo????? where did you get that from? Bill?
Republicans are cool when things are good. Right now things are good thanks obama. Trumps chump change to us may come back to haunt us, was it worth it you’ll ask.

What a moron. ^^^
You’ll see I’m always right.
If you mean special because Trump has fixed the economy that Obama broke in less than a year then I agree...
No weirdo, since a) that is clearly not true, and b) I was obviously talking about the embarrassingly incompetent Trump administration that is run like a bad ghetto daycare...
No weirdo, since a) that is clearly not true, and b) I was obviously talking about the embarrassingly incompetent Trump administration that is run like a bad ghetto daycare...
Speaking of the ghetto Trump's economic policy is benefiting the inner cities greatly....Isn't it weird? The first black president couldn't raise blacks from the depths of economic despair but a rich kid from the Bronx has...

(Black unemployment down to record lows)

Gee maybe it's because Obama didn't really want to make dependent people any less dependent?

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