Horrible… Obama to Young People: “The Republicans Are Radical… Their Vision Is Radica

waaa, leave Obama ALONE

Actually there are some valid critcisms of President Obama and the problem basically is..Conservatives are not making them. In fact they are buttressing his agenda. The American people are left to decide between a party that backs corporate interests but helps the common folk..and a party that backs corporate interests and destroys the common folk.

Who do you think they are going to pick?

I am pro business as well. I understand Obama's agenda and would def back him. The other side is ruthlessly backing corporate greed while filling their own pockets.

the Obama's MADE 1.7 million dollars last year on a Presidents salary. WHERE do you think that money came from?

It's easy for the Obama to PROMISE to take CARE of the Common folks, because it's NOT HIS MONEY HE'S USING. yet you all don't mind taking from the Common folk to dole out as you wish. do ya.
you people crack me up.
Actually there are some valid critcisms of President Obama and the problem basically is..Conservatives are not making them. In fact they are buttressing his agenda. The American people are left to decide between a party that backs corporate interests but helps the common folk..and a party that backs corporate interests and destroys the common folk.

Who do you think they are going to pick?

Ya, Democrats help the COMMON FOLKS, BY stealing money FROM OTHERS who WORK and give to those WHO DON'T.... how charitable of them.

And that's the pickle..right there. This whole idea by conservatives that "taxation" is somehow stealing. The government is constitutionally mandated to tax..that's how it keeps going. Otherwise, there won't be a government.

And this whole notion of the way labor is rewarded in this country is way out of whack. So really..you guys are speaking to a very small part of the population. Personally, I wish Ron Paul wasn't such a nut job..because I agree with most of what he says. But then there is the whacky stuff like eliminating the Fed that totally turns me off.

well, what are you all going to do when there is NO MORE MONEY for you all to tax?
and the common folk FINALLY get sick of it?
waaa, leave Obama ALONE

Actually there are some valid critcisms of President Obama and the problem basically is..Conservatives are not making them. In fact they are buttressing his agenda. The American people are left to decide between a party that backs corporate interests but helps the common folk..and a party that backs corporate interests and destroys the common folk.

Who do you think they are going to pick?

I am pro business as well. I understand Obama's agenda and would def back him. The other side is ruthlessly backing corporate greed while filling their own pockets.

And there's nothing wrong with being pro business. Heck..I work in the financial industry and fully support the corporate structure. But there is something wrong to much deference to big business. For example the appointment of Ken Salazar as Secretary of the Interior. You need a cop in that position and Salazar is in the pocket of big oil.
Actually there are some valid critcisms of President Obama and the problem basically is..Conservatives are not making them. In fact they are buttressing his agenda. The American people are left to decide between a party that backs corporate interests but helps the common folk..and a party that backs corporate interests and destroys the common folk.

Who do you think they are going to pick?

I am pro business as well. I understand Obama's agenda and would def back him. The other side is ruthlessly backing corporate greed while filling their own pockets.

the Obama's MADE 1.7 million dollars last year on a Presidents salary. WHERE do you think that money came from?

It's easy for the Obama to PROMISE to take CARE of the Common folks, because it's NOT HIS MONEY HE'S USING. yet you all don't mind taking from the Common folk to dole out as you wish. do ya.
you people crack me up.

He wrote a coupla books..sweetie. They were best sellers.

It's a gift that keeps on giving.
I am pro business as well. I understand Obama's agenda and would def back him. The other side is ruthlessly backing corporate greed while filling their own pockets.

the Obama's MADE 1.7 million dollars last year on a Presidents salary. WHERE do you think that money came from?

It's easy for the Obama to PROMISE to take CARE of the Common folks, because it's NOT HIS MONEY HE'S USING. yet you all don't mind taking from the Common folk to dole out as you wish. do ya.
you people crack me up.

He wrote a coupla books..sweetie. They were best sellers.

It's a gift that keeps on giving.

wow, when did he work for US COMMON FOLK. he must have a lot of time on his hands huh?
Ya, Democrats help the COMMON FOLKS, BY stealing money FROM OTHERS who WORK and give to those WHO DON'T.... how charitable of them.

And that's the pickle..right there. This whole idea by conservatives that "taxation" is somehow stealing. The government is constitutionally mandated to tax..that's how it keeps going. Otherwise, there won't be a government.

And this whole notion of the way labor is rewarded in this country is way out of whack. So really..you guys are speaking to a very small part of the population. Personally, I wish Ron Paul wasn't such a nut job..because I agree with most of what he says. But then there is the whacky stuff like eliminating the Fed that totally turns me off.

well, what are you all going to do when there is NO MORE MONEY for you all to tax?
and the common folk FINALLY get sick of it?

What exactly do you mean by this? Where exactly do you think "money" comes from..and why do you think it is finite? I use to carry around a million lira note..and joke that I was a Turkish millionaire. The value of their money was so bad they re-decimalized it. Sorta fixed the problem.
I quite agree with O that the GOP's agenda is radical.

One cannot help but wonder why, given that, Obama has essantially been following in Bush II's footsteps as ot regards so many issues?

However, it is true that the Dems do make some feeble attempts to help the people hurt by this economic depression, something that the GOP disapproves of.

And it is also true that O at least attempted to increase taxes on the affluent and wealthier, something that is probably necessary if we are going to stem the flow of red ink on the books.

As to what the voters think?

Well, I can't know what an election will bring, but it is very clear that the ideological schism in public sentiment is growing ever wider and ever angrier, too.

I think a signifant number of independent voters are disappointed with O, yet at the same time, are remotely not in the GOP's camp.

Still with the economy fading even worse than it's been, and assuming that doesn't change for the better, I suspect that the state of the economy will decide the fate of the next presidental election, just as it so often does when times are hard.

Assuming that the GOP can field someone who doesn't appear to be a complete nutjob, (and that is certainly not a given) I expect they'll be in the oval office next term.
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the Obama's MADE 1.7 million dollars last year on a Presidents salary. WHERE do you think that money came from?

It's easy for the Obama to PROMISE to take CARE of the Common folks, because it's NOT HIS MONEY HE'S USING. yet you all don't mind taking from the Common folk to dole out as you wish. do ya.
you people crack me up.

He wrote a coupla books..sweetie. They were best sellers.

It's a gift that keeps on giving.

wow, when did he work for US COMMON FOLK. he must have a lot of time on his hands huh?



No there isn't and you are being ridiculous.

I'm not being the slightest bit ridiculous. Obama has this country headed down the road to financial insolvency. He has submitted budgets every year with over $1.5 trillion in deficit spending, and he plans to continue this level of irresponsible spending. IN fact, he wants even more spending. His healthcare bill is another vast assault on the taxpayers.

I think Bush was one of the worst Presidents we ever had, but I don't think for a second that his goal was to destroy America. It was the unfortunate result of his policies that our economy was destroyed, but I don't think it was his original intent.

That's because Bush was obviously merely a boob. However, Obama has said he want's to "fundamentally transform this nation." His vast orgy of spending is intentional.

I'm sure President Obama would have preferred to walk into a surplus like his predecessor did, but he did not have that luxury. President Obama's policies on the other hand, brought us back from the brink of a depression and is growing our economy. Do you not recall that we were losing 700,000 jobs a month when he took office?

Obama was not required to spend all the TARP money or add another $800 billion to the deficit with his "stimulus" bill or another $1 trillion with his healthcare bill. This has been the slowest recovery we have ever experienced since the Great Depression.

The economy will recover if the government just leaves it alone. Obama has prolonged the recession, not shortened it.

Please name the policies enacted by this President that you think are destroying this country.


And yet it was TARP and the stimulus that is responsible for our nation's economic recovery. Now, I'm not an economist (and I highly doubt you are either), but economists credit TARP and the recovery act with the recovery we have been experiencing.

Government bailouts not so costly after all | GazetteNET

Many economists, in fact, say that the stimulus should have been BIGGER with MORE investments in infrastructure. We have an energy grid to rebuild, practically from the ground up, to support 21st century technologies.

I would like to see your evidence that the Recovery Act has prolonged recovery. That certainly isn't what economists say.

Thirty-eight of the 54 surveyed economists, not all of whom answered every question, said the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act boosted growth and mitigated job losses, while six said the legislation had a net negative effect.

On average, economists estimated that the stimulus added one percentage point to growth in 2009; they forecast gross domestic product would expand 3% this year, compared with 2.2% in the absence of stimulus. They estimated that the February unemployment rate, reported at 9.7% last week, would have been 10.4% without the stimulus.


I would also like to see your proof that the Health Care reform added $1 trillion dollars as well. The CBO says differently...


You are suffering from ODS. It's as common as a cold these days.
Barack Obama is the biggest spender in the history of earth. He tripled the deficit in one year, he increased the debt by nearly $4 trillion in two years and Obama and democrats increased the budget by $1 trillion in the three years.
the Obama's MADE 1.7 million dollars last year on a Presidents salary. WHERE do you think that money came from?

It's easy for the Obama to PROMISE to take CARE of the Common folks, because it's NOT HIS MONEY HE'S USING. yet you all don't mind taking from the Common folk to dole out as you wish. do ya.
you people crack me up.

He wrote a coupla books..sweetie. They were best sellers.

It's a gift that keeps on giving.

wow, when did he work for US COMMON FOLK. he must have a lot of time on his hands huh?


He didn't write them while he was President. You do realize that authors continue to get royalties from the sales of their books don't you? Do you think, just maybe, that being elected President of the United States would tend to bump book sales?
He wrote a coupla books..sweetie. They were best sellers.

It's a gift that keeps on giving.

wow, when did he work for US COMMON FOLK. he must have a lot of time on his hands huh?


He didn't write them while he was President. You do realize that authors continue to get royalties from the sales of their books don't you? Do you think, just maybe, that being elected President of the United States would tend to bump book sales?

hummmm let me think if I care?

Correct, hanging out with shit makes you shit.

Hence why both parties are shit.

Speak for yourself. The Democrat party is bent on the destruction of this country. It's nothing more than a vast criminal gang.

You know that crazy high spending budget that just got passed? Your republican heros disagreed with Obama on 1% of it. That 1% disagreement is what gives you your unwavering faith in the republican party?

Wow, let's not talk about "principles."
I guess you can't take the COMMUNITY AGITATOR out of him even as President. total disgrace. you all who voted for him should be ASHAMED


How comical, that you use a video where Obama (CORRECTLY) identifies how gutless Ryan & his supporters are.....penalizing people, too-small or too-weak to fight-back.

Yeah....it's Obama-supporters who should be ashamed.
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I guess you can't take the COMMUNITY AGITATOR out of him even as President. total disgrace. you all who voted for him should be ASHAMED

YouTube - Obama Calls GOP Budget 'radical, Not Courageous'

How comical, that you use a video where Obama (CORRECTLY) identifies how gutless Ryan & his supporters are.....penalizing people, too-small or too-weak to fight-back.

Yeah....it's Obama-supporters who should be ashamed.

Holy smoke, too small or too weak.

such DRAMA

Barack Obama is the biggest spender in the history of earth. He tripled the deficit in one year, he increased the debt by nearly $4 trillion in two years and Obama and democrats increased the budget by $1 trillion in the three years.

Most of Obama's deficits were the result of Bush policies he got stuck with and lower tax revenues caused by the recession.
Barack Obama is the biggest spender in the history of earth. He tripled the deficit in one year, he increased the debt by nearly $4 trillion in two years and Obama and democrats increased the budget by $1 trillion in the three years.

Most of Obama's deficits were the result of Bush policies he got stuck with and lower tax revenues caused by the recession.

LOL, now who didn't SEE this coming.:eusa_hand:
Barack Obama is the biggest spender in the history of earth. He tripled the deficit in one year, he increased the debt by nearly $4 trillion in two years and Obama and democrats increased the budget by $1 trillion in the three years.

Most of Obama's deficits were the result of Bush policies he got stuck with and lower tax revenues caused by the recession.

LOL, now who didn't SEE this coming.:eusa_hand:

everybody but nycaribou
Barack Obama is the biggest spender in the history of earth. He tripled the deficit in one year, he increased the debt by nearly $4 trillion in two years and Obama and democrats increased the budget by $1 trillion in the three years.
Barack Obama is the biggest spender in the history of earth. He tripled the deficit in one year, he increased the debt by nearly $4 trillion in two years and Obama and democrats increased the budget by $1 trillion in the three years.
you see the LEFTIES here won't comment on the Thread

or THIS..

Barack Obama is the biggest spender in the history of earth. He tripled the deficit in one year, he increased the debt by nearly $4 trillion in two years and Obama and democrats increased the budget by $1 trillion in the three years.

they have to circle jerk with personal attacks, nothing new.
Barack Obama is the biggest spender in the history of earth. He tripled the deficit in one year, he increased the debt by nearly $4 trillion in two years and Obama and democrats increased the budget by $1 trillion in the three years.
Happy now?
Correct, hanging out with shit makes you shit.

Hence why both parties are shit.

Speak for yourself. The Democrat party is bent on the destruction of this country. It's nothing more than a vast criminal gang.

You know that crazy high spending budget that just got passed? Your republican heros disagreed with Obama on 1% of it. That 1% disagreement is what gives you your unwavering faith in the republican party?

Wow, let's not talk about "principles."

OK, so the GOP budget is radical. Except that it is tepid because it only disagrees with 1% of it.
The GOP wants to throw grandma on the street. Except that they have sold out their principles.

You need to get a coherent gig here in order to be taken half way seriously.

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