Hospitalized Trump Has More Energy Than ‘Healthy’ Biden

Moron... have you heard of RIGHT TO TRY? experimental or not it is available to those near death or severely ill.
Are you saying Trump was near death? If not, then Trump is getting more access to the drug than the public, by your own admission.

The press corp has been called to Walter Reed.

It looks like Trump will be coming home today.

Coming home the triumphant COVID warrior. Piss on the pussy Liberal chickenshits.
Looks like they feel comfortable giving trump the last Remdisiver treatment at the WH.. This means the viral load must be near zero... Excellent!
Trump is leading the argument against allowing fear of the chinese disease to rule our lives

what you might call “reckless” he calls living a normal life in spite of the wuflu
Yes. You don't have to live in fear of COVID as long as you can be flown by helicopter to your dedicated floor of a top notch hospital where a team of doctors dedicated solely to your care will be administering experimental drug therapy.
Experimental means they don't know if it will work every time.
Experimental means they don't know if it will work every time.


No one argues that there is NO RISK from the chinese diease

only that we cannot let fear rule our lives

Biden represents the weaker side of the American population who think running away or hiding is the best defense
Experimental means they don't know if it will work every time. President Trump promised payment by the federal government for facilities that treat Covid patients. Why do you think we have so many supposed cases?
Experimental means that it hasn't been evaluated by a formal FDA approval process to determine efficacy. Not that it's not going to be effective, I'm just saying that Trump is definitely not getting the same standard of care that you or I would, therefore using him as an example for the rest of us isn't very reliable.

I think Trump is brave for even trying it. Surveys have shown that even with an FDA approved vaccine, many Americans say they will not get it, and others say they will wait a few months before they do.

Maybe others won't get his exact same treatment, but they will get treatment. Doctors evaluate your particular situation to determine what would work best for you. Trump is 74 years old, a little overweight, and outside of golf, doesn't get much exercise.
Moron... have you heard of RIGHT TO TRY? experimental or not it is available to those near death or severely ill.
Are you saying Trump was near death? If not, then Trump is getting more access to the drug than the public, by your own admission.

Idiot... Polycromal Antibodies have been used for decades so their safety record is well known. Nothing Trump was given was potentially lethal or he would never have been given it. Watch what happens now with this medication... Its already being mass manufactured and its about to go on the market real fast.

No one argues that there is NO RISK from the chinese diease

only that we cannot let fear rule our lives

Biden represents the weaker side of the American population who think running away or hiding is the best defense

What is this, some sort of machismo argument? As if being smart and avoiding getting COVID is somehow a character flaw.
No, the general public will not get the same access to the treatment that Trump has been receiving. Hell, if the general public showed up at a hospital with the same symptoms as Trump, they probably would have been sent home.

So what's your point? Yes, we as a country do give our best resources to our Presidents, especially when it comes to potential life or death situations. As an average Joe, I don't get Secrete Service protection from the federal government either.
Idiot... Polycromal Antibodies have been used for decades so their safety record is well known. Nothing Trump was given was potentially lethal or he would never have been given it. Watch what happens now with this medication... Its already being mass manufactured and its about to go on the market real fast.
It's polyclonal, not polycromal. Regeneron's product isn't polyclonal, it's a combination of two monoclonal antibodies. Stop pretending you have any idea what you're talking about.
No, the general public will not get the same access to the treatment that Trump has been receiving. Hell, if the general public showed up at a hospital with the same symptoms as Trump, they probably would have been sent home.
Now I think you are demanding Medicaid For All where every person gets the same crappy treatment
So what's your point? Yes, we as a country do give our best resources to our Presidents, especially when it comes to potential life or death situations. As an average Joe, I don't get Secrete Service protection from the federal government either.
My point is that Trump is not an example to the rest of us because he exists in a totally different circumstance than the rest of us.
We cant live our lives cowering in a basement with joe biden
We aren't. Biden isn't.

That doesn't mean we should take the same unnecessary risks that Trump does because we don't have access to the same resources.

Biden is an example for the average Joe. Trump is an example for the wealthy elite.
When is Trump going to make sure that everyone gets the same treatment as him?
That will never happen even with socialized medicine

Obama, bill gates, donald trump jr, hillary clinton, Raul Castro, the list goes on, will always get better treatment
We cant live our lives cowering in a basement with joe biden
We aren't. Biden isn't.

That doesn't mean we should take the same unnecessary risks that Trump does because we don't have access to the same resources.

Biden is an example for the average Joe. Trump is an example for the wealthy elite.
What risk? We are all going to get it.. get over your fears liberals grow some balls cowards
Trump is literally scribbling his name on a blank sheet of paper for the cameras. If he thinks he's working, he has WAY worse dementia than anyone ever thought.
Not sure why it's a good thing that Trump has more energy to be a profoundly damaged buffoon, a national embarrassment, a horrible leader, a sociopath, and clear and present danger to the country.

You'd think that having less energy for that would be better.
So what's your point? Yes, we as a country do give our best resources to our Presidents, especially when it comes to potential life or death situations. As an average Joe, I don't get Secrete Service protection from the federal government either.
My point is that Trump is not an example to the rest of us because he exists in a totally different circumstance than the rest of us.

With the exception he has the best doctors in the country, everything else we have access to. If you can't afford it, the government will pickup the bill. President Trump promised us that.
That doesn't mean we should take the same unnecessary risks that Trump does because we don't have access to the same resources.
I dont agree

trump is not taking unnecessary risks

he is living life instead hiding in a hole like biden

if anyone is practicing elitism it Sleepy Joe since the general public does not have the financial wherewithal to sit home instead of working as biden is

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