Hostage Situation at Texas Synagogue.

removing Aunt Jemima syrup from the shelves because the logo, etc.)

Her family opposed removing her picture from her syrup and flour bags; seems like they were quite proud of her. Now the labels look like some generic packaging the govt. would put on their food packaging. I had to read the labels to find out what they had changed the brand to. If they attacked her picture on the label, why do they not also attack Sugar Ray's products or G. Hughes line of excellent sugar free products?
I said it was a possibility, dumbass. Which it was. Since right wing terrorism is this country's biggest problem.

Awww....was someone traumatized by a big scary man wearing horns walking around inside the Capitol building?


Let’s wait until the Muslim-defending leftists find this thread and start making excuses for “oppressed” Islamic terrorists. Oh yeah….and Israel’s fault too.
I suspect we won’t see any praise for the evil weaponized FBI who rescued the hostages coming from the anti-law enforcement rightist.
I suspect we won’t see any praise for the evil weaponized FBI who rescued the hostages coming from the anti-law enforcement rightist.

Suddenly it will be just fine with Blobbers that this domestic terrorist got shot...since he wasn't a white female wearing a dunce cap.

Strange how that happens. I tend to think that cops should shoot anyone who poses a threat. Then again, I'm old fashioned that way.
It’s also so hypocritical. They bemoan how “oppressed” blacks are and race in to defend any perceived slight (eliminating advanced math classes because they’re racist, removing Aunt Jemima syrup from the shelves because the logo, etc.), and yet these same people refuse to defend the most horrific treatment of Jews - such as holding them hostage and and in fear for their lives.

This hypocrisy becomes even more blatant when it is a member of their protected group against a member of a non-protected group, such as what we had here: a Muslim terrorizing Jews. a similar thing happened a couple of winters ago when blacks where terrorizing Jews - I heard liberals blaming the Jews, saying they dress and talk funny.

If a white antisemite on the right had done this to Jews, the liberals on this forum would be going on about how hateful and bigoted whites are, but because it was a Muslim POS, they not only refuse to condemn the Islamic terrorist (”guns“ did it), they actually refuse to express any concern about the Jews!
Nothing wrong with observations.. Good post, and continue to define your observations because they are important to all, but don't fall into the trap of stereotyping with word's in which is easy to do sometimes. Focus on always separating the character's involved, and stay away from the broad brush syndrome that usually causes people to get painted with a blanketing effect by accident.

The nation needs to focus on character if it is to ever overcome racism in this country. Once this is achieved, then the understanding of who are true Americans will shine through like the sun. We must move forward in this way, and recognize those who seek to derail our unity for various reasons.
Grow up, please. Then come back.
I think snouter was making a facetious comparison between the way Muslims might worship in comparison to how Jews might worship. Otherwise I think it was a jab at the way Islamist believe verses the way Jews believe. Is there a difference between Muslim belief and Islamist belief ??
The reaction of libs to this incident - racing in to defend Muslims instead of expressing concern for the Jews at risk - is what is behind the big rise in antisemitism among Democrats.

As more and more antisemitic Muslims get a foothold here - we have some already in Congress - the libs will side with them, and naturally the Muslim teaching about Jews being offspring of apes and pigs will “rub off” and the libs’ hostility for Jews will continue to grow.

The other element is that libs, given their tendencies to race in and defend the bottom of the barrel, chalking it up to the results of bigotry, have BIGTIME resentment for a small pocket of people who, despite millennia of persecution, rose ABOVE all the hate and bigotry to become successful - wherever they happen to land. That tells us that the correct personal traits and values go a long way into overcoming prejudice, and that kills the leftist narrative.
Nothing wrong with observations.. Good post, and continue to define your observations because they are important to all, but don't fall into the trap of stereotyping with word's in which is easy to do sometimes. Focus on always separating the character's involved, and stay away from the broad brush syndrome that usually causes people to get painted with a blanketing effect by accident.

The nation needs to focus on character if it is to ever overcome racism in this country. Once this is achieved, then the understanding of who are true Americans will shine through like the sun. We must move forward in this way, and recognize those who seek to derail our unity for various reasons.
Then in order to do that, Biden has to condemn BLM as the anti-American movement it is, stop calling an innocent teenager found so by a jury that he is disappointed in the verdict, and go on a divisive rant effectively calling all Americans who object the misnamed voting rights act proponents of Jim Crow.

Biden is doing just want you shouldn’t: paInting all people in a certain group who object to proposed legislation (the obvious Democrat power grab) as being motivated by racism.
Nothing wrong with observations.. Good post, and continue to define your observations because they are important to all, but don't fall into the trap of stereotyping with word's in which is easy to do sometimes. Focus on always separating the character's involved, and stay away from the broad brush syndrome that usually causes people to get painted with a blanketing effect by accident.

The nation needs to focus on character if it is to ever overcome racism in this country. Once this is achieved, then the understanding of who are true Americans will shine through like the sun. We must move forward in this way, and recognize those who seek to derail our unity for various reasons.
And P.S. I’m not sure what you mean that we should just focus on the “character,” ignoring that this travesty was perpetusted by an IslamIc terrorist. That is denying the anti-Jewish attitudes that are part and parcel of the Islamic religion.
I think snouter was making a facetious comparison between the way Muslims might worship in comparison to how Jews might worship. Otherwise I think it was a jab at the way Islamist believe verses the way Jews believe. Is there a difference between Muslim belief and Islamist belief ??
Nope. I have Snouter on ignore, largely for his antisemitic comments.
Then in order to do that, Biden has to condemn BLM as the anti-American movement it is, stop calling an innocent teenager found so by a jury that he is disappointed in the verdict, and go on a divisive rant effectively calling all Americans who object the misnamed voting rights act proponents of Jim Crow.

Biden is doing just want you shouldn’t: paInting all people in a certain group who object to proposed legislation (the obvious Democrat power grab) as being motivated by racism.
Biden is the ultimate race baiter for power, and that shows his weakness as the President, and has opened Pandora's box.
And P.S. I’m not sure what you mean that we should just focus on the “character,” ignoring that this travesty was perpetusted by an IslamIc terrorist. That is denying the anti-Jewish attitudes that are part and parcel of the Islamic religion.
Yes focusing on individual character is always good, but when it comes to religious beliefs, that is very hard to do if the religion is wrong.

Reportedly some Pakistani POS terrorist...

Americans should get used to this as Biden's 'new norm' since he surrendered America's national security with his treasonous Open Border crime...

...letting cartels members, mules, MS-13 members, pedophiles, human/child/sex traffickers, rapists, murderers, and yes, even terrorists - those on most wanted list (not counting those not caught)....

Iran recently vowed to strike the US in a major way, adding the ability to do so already is inplace.

If another 9/11 - or worse - happens & it was made possible by Biden and the Democrats in power, they should all be rounded up & locked up in Gitmo.
According to Biden the problem is WHITE SUPREMACY!!!! Can you imagine what he and the other Members of the Communist Left Wing would be carrying on if this was a Caucasian in a “Minority “ place of Worship 🛐??
Biden is the ultimate race baiter for power, and that shows his weakness as the President, and has opened Pandora's box.
Yes, and he’s become so extreme - dementia hits judgment - that the speech he gave last week reminds me of something Al Sharpton would have given, in his race-baiting heyday. We basically have a president who despises half of all American voters, and for no other reason that we refuse to submit to the Radical Left.

His new department, geared to go after “domestic terrorists,” scares me, based on how he and his DOJ have defined domestic terrorists. It is all a transparent effort to intimidate those with dissenting views from expressing them.

(My parents’ neighbors of 50 years - now in their late 80s - have told me that this is what they escaped when they left China, and here we are.)
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According to Biden the problem is WHITE SUPREMACY!!!! Can you imagine what he and the other Members of the Communist Left Wing would be carrying on if this was a Caucasian in a “Minority “ place of Worship 🛐??
Yup! Can you imagine if a neo-Nazi broke into a mosque and held Muslims hostage, or into a Baptist church in the South and held blacks hostage?

Biden and the leftists would be on the airwaves, condemning white supremacy as the dangerous fringe it is. So why isn’t he on the airwaves condemning Islamic extremists for their antisemitism?

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