Hostile to democracy...Nader in 2004.

That's precisely my point. The influence of lobbying groups on the legislative process is disgusting. It has to change. Unfortunately, congress doesn't seem to have to stomach to stem the flow of something from which they are such rich recipients.
Originally posted by Syntax_Divinity
That's precisely my point. The influence of lobbying groups on the legislative process is disgusting. It has to change. Unfortunately, congress doesn't seem to have to stomach to stem the flow of something from which they are such rich recipients.

And why are their lobbyists to begin with? Because the power of government is so total and far reaching, private folks with simmiliar interests are forced to come together to defend themselves, or to advocate and to "petition the government for the redress of grievances."
Simply abolishing lobbies does not solve any problem.
I have voted for third-party candidates before, but I will never vote for Ralph Nader because he's running purely out of ego. I am a pragmatic liberal and active in the Democratic Party (not Democrat, Democratic). The two-party system, like any other system has it's pros and cons. I'm a political science student and I recently took a class on European political systems. Multiparty systems do tend to bring in more voters. They also tend to allow for fringe parties to gain lots of power a la Hitler. Two-party systems some times do not give voice to enough voters. It's a tough call to make, and I respect those who would prefer a multiparty system. I prefer a two-party system.

I'll concede that Ralph Nader is a raging egomaniac, but I don't believe that vanity is his primary motivation for running. Besides, a massively inflated ego is essentially a requirement for any politician.
I can't disagree with you about that, syntax, but I do think Nader's ego is getting in the way of his better judgement. If he wants to re-elect Bush, he should by all means run the same nasty campaign he ran in 2000. Of course it'll be much harder this time without the Green Party to help him. He probably won't even be on the ballot in most states.

Originally posted by acludem
He probably won't even be on the ballot in most states.

True, true. But as long as he is on the ballot in the battle ground states :thup:.

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