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In my state it's simply called false reporting and is a misdemeanor. I don't know what it's called in Georgia. Look it up, I'm m sure it's still a crime. In some places it's a felony, they didn't specify where. Looked it up for you, in Georgia it's called false reporting and is a misdemeanor. A CRIME.
Your height and weight aren’t what they are talking about dumbass.
If it's false information on a police report what do you think it is ? DUMBASS !
The fact that neither he or anyone else has ever been arrested for telling the police the wrong height weight is evidence that you’re the dumb ass.
It’s your side that has to prove your accusations. Trump is presumed innocent until you can prove any of it in a court of law. Then, if they are convicted, it has to go through appeals.

Strange how twhen Inmate P01135090 cheered on the "LOCK HER UP", but he never said anything about how HRC was, "Innocent Until Proven Guilty".

Whenever a MAGA MAGGOT is arrested, he is always "Innocent Until Proven Guilty", but very same MAGA MAGGOT will shout BIDEN IS GUILTY....HUNTER BIDEN IS GUILTY, there so "Innocent Until Proven Guilty for them.

The Pressumption of Innocence seems to only for MAGA MAGGOTS. Your reek of your own hypocrisy.
I find him guilty.
That is up to his juries to decide.
Sarcasm. It’s a thing.
Sarcasm is a constant here.

Considering what we've seen with all of these politically motivated indictments, the only thing we can use is sarcasm, because common-sense has been thrown out the window.

Note that every indictment outside of the federal level is from people who won election thru election fraud and are currently trying to cover it up.

They're bringing charges against anyone who tried to investigate their criminal acts.
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"Your kind"..................Bigot

If you want to play apples to oranges, 'your kind' did more damage to properties and people than anyone at the Patriot Rally, January 6th.
Both group had arrests. The difference being you cowards attacked our nations capitol. Isnt that right, traitor?
The fact that neither he or anyone else has ever been arrested for telling the police the wrong height weight is evidence that you’re the dumb ass.
The fact that it rarely , if ever , occurred before , implies that trump is overly concerned with his image, so much so, that he is willing to tell lies to maintain that false image. He seems to be incapable of telling the TRUTH. Dumbass.
How do you know He lied?
In April he told the state of New York he was 6'2" and 240 pounds. Compare pictures from.April and now. If anything he looks more flabby and I'm certain his height isn't even 6'2"".
Name one crime they made a fundraiser out of.

Clinton Scandal Spurs Sharp Increase in Campaign Contributions​

Democratic fund-raising efforts, too, have been helped by the scandal, according to Democratic party leaders. Melissa Boney Ratcliff, the party spokeswoman, said a telemarketing campaign that began two days after Clinton's apology generated a 15 percent increase in contributions.

Fundraising: Clinton Scandal Spurs Sharp Increase in Campaign Contributions

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