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Find an instance of anyone getting in trouble with the law over their height weight and I’ll agree with you. The reality is you only care because of who did it not what was done.
I'm not going to go there to try to make your case. If you or I lie to olive it carries little consequence BUT someone on parole , like trump , who lies from the get -go it does. That's all I'm sayings , your little trump is not really in danger of this minor infraction, there's much bigger fish to.fry.
I'm not going to go there to try to make your case.
Thanks you just did.

If you or I lie to olive it carries little consequence BUT someone on parole , like trump , who lies from the get -go it does. That's all I'm sayings , your little trump is not really in danger of this minor infraction, there's much bigger fish to.fry.
You only care because of who's doing it not what's been done. If Biden did the exact same thing you would have a completely different take. I would not.
Depends on how it's enforced.
Socialists use the police to enforce political movements.
If you start raiding people's homes because you're corrupt and want to take away everyone's 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendment rights.....then you're a fascist.
Ok, but Trump apparently committed some pretty serious REAL crimes.
Only in a bannana republic do politicians get away with attempted coups to remain in power without being prosecuted.
Strange how twhen Inmate P01135090 cheered on the "LOCK HER UP", but he never said anything about how HRC was, "Innocent Until Proven Guilty".

Whenever a MAGA MAGGOT is arrested, he is always "Innocent Until Proven Guilty", but very same MAGA MAGGOT will shout BIDEN IS GUILTY....HUNTER BIDEN IS GUILTY, there so "Innocent Until Proven Guilty for them.

The Pressumption of Innocence seems to only for MAGA MAGGOTS. Your reek of your own hypocrisy.
Isn't it interesting that Trump thought better of it to arrest and jail a political opponent and look like a banana republic. You knuckleheads opened the can of worms. Next stop, the Twilight Zone!
Ok, but Trump apparently committed some pretty serious REAL crimes.
Only in a bannana republic do politicians get away with attempted coups to remain in power without being prosecuted.
Only in banana republic do they arrest their political opponents.

Trump didn't do anything that the Democrats already did themselves.
You can count on this, Marxists always accuse their opposition of their actions to confuse idiots like yourself.
But the difference here is Democrats not only did everything they're accusing Trump of, but they actually planned and carried out a coup and committed treason and are right now trying to pin it on Trump and anyone who knows Trump.
Only in banana republic do they arrest their political opponents.

Trump didn't do anything that the Democrats already did themselves.
You can count on this, Marxists always accuse their opposition of their actions to confuse idiots like yourself.
But the difference here is Democrats not only did everything they're accusing Trump of, but they actually planned and carried out a coup and committed treason and are right now trying to pin it on Trump and anyone who knows Trump.
Isn't it interesting that Trump thought better of it to arrest and jail a political opponent and look like a banana republic. You knuckleheads opened the can of worms. Next stop, the Twilight Zone!

More lame ass fucked excuses from another MAGA MAGGOT.

Inmate No. P01135909 did not decide a damn thing, had he decided that he did not appear for his booking, an arrest warrant would have been issued against Putin's favorite butt boy.

The Inmate No. P01135909 was actively involved the attempt to overthrow the Government of the United States. He attempted an Insurrection. He is hardly innocent.

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