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No one forced any company to post anything, wherefore the problem that has come to light, is on the issue of censorship and lapdog platforms siding with a biased party that led those companies into taking down post that were equally offensive to the other sides post, and yet the Democrat's post remained while the conservatives post were taken down ???? How does that work ??

It works however social media sites want it to work.

Is that the extent of your arguement; that it's not fair?

That is the charge, so we shall see what the future holds in all of this mess.
Good luck.
That’s not remotely true. Your social status or political connections can largely determine whether you’re prosecuted and to what degree.

Perhaps. But much of that is due to money and recourses, not because their are two sets of laws.

Social media companies were given special status under the law regarding slander and defamation because they just hosted content and didn’t publish or mediate it. They either just host or are held responsible for what’s on their platforms. Can’t have it both ways.

Yes they can. They can allow or ban any content they want...just like this site.

We won’t get into the issue of the government and those social media companies working in tandem to suppress certain content.

Is it your contention the govenrment requests to remove posts is illegal?

Pot and kettle
Perhaps. But much of that is due to money and recourses, not because their are two sets of laws.

Yes they can. They can allow or ban any content they want...just like this site.

Is it your contention the govenrment requests to remove posts is illegal?
So lemme get this straight: You are for Big Tech censoring free speech and filtering and withholding

important information from the people, correct?

Especially at the behest of the government?

Ofc you are.

Goebbels Nazi turd.
''them theirs da' phacts''.

''I dun' seen it''.

These people are mentally ill.
I wish it was mental illness only, but what this nation is dealing with is pure evilness associated with mental illness... We aren't perfect as a society and people no, but this bull shite has since gotten way out of line. Trump (a US Citizen ), being attacked like this, just goes to show the fall of this nation over time, and it perfectly illustrates the take over by evil mentally unstable minion's who are hell bent on partying like it's 1999 one second till midnight 2000. The only thing missing is their comet to stop by and rescue them after they purchase their tennis shoes before the clock strikes 12:00 midnight. 😂
I wish it was mental illness only, but what this nation is dealing with is pure evilness associated with mental illness... We aren't perfect as a society and people no, but this bull shite has since gotten way out of line. Trump (a US Citizen ), being attacked like this, just goes to show the fall of this nation over time, and it perfectly illustrates the take over by evil mentally unstable minion's who are hell bent on partying like it's 1999 one second till midnight 2000. The only thing missing is their comet to stop by and rescue them after they purchase their tennis shoes before the clock strikes 12:00 midnight. 😂
America was in a much better place in 1999. No Bush Jr. or Obama had done all the damage they did yet.

Clinton was cut from the same cloth as them, though. H.W. Bush too.

America really didn't have any good presidents from Reagan until Trump.
So lemme get this straight: You are for Big Tech censoring free speech and filtering and withholding

I am for any private company to post or not post whatever they want on their site.

Lemme get this straight: you are for mandating what content a private company allows in their site? Who decides this?

important information from the people, correct?

Especially at the behest of the government?

Who decides what is important information?


Can you post anything you want in this site?

Can I post anything I want on truth social...before they go bankrupt of course?

Ofc you are.

Goebbels Nazi turd.
You didn't answer my question.

Do you think it's illegal for the federal government to request social media sites not post things?
Wrong. There is no William Barr to save him here. He faces 91 total counts. He will not be found innocent on all of them.
Not on all of them eh ? Just the one that'll take him out of the running maybe ? You knucklehead's can't keep your plans hidden because of your big stupid mouths.

Everyone knows what this is, but you rely on the deep state to override the people and it's required justice in the expected fairest way possible. So in your hopes it is that the fix is in ? It's just initiate the final plan's of the deep state eh ?

And what next if y'all's plan y doesn't work ? What will y'all's plan Z be ?
Oh he will, or won't go to trial in the first place. That's because the mug shot tanked all your dreams.

Believe that.
The only way this doesn't go to trial is if trump plea bargains. Watch as some of the smaller players turn on trump to save themselves from prison.
Not on all of them eh ? Just the one that'll take him out of the running maybe ? You knucklehead's can't keep your plans hidden because of your big stupid mouths.

Everyone knows what this is, but you rely on the deep state to override the people and it's required justice in the expected fairest way possible. So in your hopes it is that the fix is in ? It's just initiate the final plan's of the deep state eh ?

And what next if y'all's plan y doesn't work ? What will y'all's plan Z be ?
Idiot. There is no deep state and trump is caught on tape.
People who use it.
That sounds practical.

You want to have all users cast a vote for every post? Social media democracy!

Are you going to tell mods on this board what they can post and not post because you use it?

Come on man, at least try to think this through.
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I am for any private company to post or not post whatever they want on their site.

Lemme get this straight: you are for mandating what content a private company allows in their site? Who decides this?

Who decides what is important information?


Can you post anything you want in this site?

Can I post anything I want on truth social...before they go bankrupt of course?

You didn't answer my question.

Do you think it's illegal for the federal government to request social media sites not post things?
Fuck off Nazi punk.

America was in a much better place in 1999. No Bush Jr. or Obama had done all the damage they did yet.

Clinton was cut from the same cloth as them, though. H.W. Bush too.

America really didn't have any good presidents from Reagan until Trump.
True... I was just using the illustration or meaning behind the leftist religious (probably the same concept as climate control, and a master computer time clock running out song).. ROTFLMBO 🤣
I am for any private company to post or not post whatever they want on their site.

Lemme get this straight: you are for mandating what content a private company allows in their site? Who decides this?

Who decides what is important information?


Can you post anything you want in this site?

Can I post anything I want on truth social...before they go bankrupt of course?

You didn't answer my question.

Do you think it's illegal for the federal government to request social media sites not post things?
Yes it was illegal for government to tell social media to not allow free speech, otherwise if that speech does no harm. Now the government should have to prove that what it was censoring through social media being influenced by it to censor free speech, was somehow harmful to society. If it can't, then officials should be removed and a good house cleaning take place inside of our government.
Yes it was illegal for government to tell social media to not allow free speech, otherwise if that speech does no harm.

"Navaroli testified that her supervisors told her and her team that the platform received “something of a request” from Trump to take down a tweet that Teigen posted criticizing him.

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), who was questioning Navaroli when she confirmed that, said Trump “heckled” Teigen and her husband, singer John Legend, on Twitter in September 2019, calling them “the musician John Legend and his filthy-mouthed wife.”

He noted that Teigen responded to that post shortly after, calling Trump a “p—- ass bitch.”

“In that particular instance, I do remember hearing that we had received a request from the White House to make sure that we evaluated this tweet and that they wanted it to come down because it was a derogatory statement directed toward the president,” Navaroli said."

Trump asked Twitter to take down ‘derogatory’ tweet from Chrissy Teigen: whistleblower

When do the lawsuits start?

I am assuming we can count on your support.

Now the government should have to prove that what it was censoring through social media being influenced by it to censor free speech, was harmful to society. If it can't, then officials should be removed and a good house cleaning take place inside of our government.

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