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So why do you never attack republicans for doing it? I bet a quick search of your post history would uncover that hypocracy.

Regardless, I believe the govenrment has every right to make requests. They have been doing it for decades actually. Since newspapers were popular they have requested some things be published or not published It is when they demand with potential retribution when it wrong.
Go ahead stalker, research my post.. 😂

What you'll find is that the Republicans aren't as guilty of it than the Democrats are, so if that drives the numbers in the wrong direction for your narrative, then oh well that sucks for you don't it ?
Trump isn't locked up doofus. He is getting a trial in front of a jury of his peers

How do they do it in Russia?

Social media companies can silence whoever they want. It's called first amendment rights.

Do you actually think the you can force social media companies to post things they don't want?


Over ten thousand antifa and BLM protestors were jailed silly. That is hardly fascism.

You are a derp.

Go ahead stalker, research my post.. 😂

Don't know what stalker means huh?

What you'll find is that the Republicans aren't as guilty of it than the Democrats are, so if that drives the numbers in the wrong direction for your narrative, then oh well that sucks for you don't it ?
Of course you think that's what I will find.

You are a Trumper.

I remember kids like you in grade school.
Trump and the republican right are fascists. By every definition.
The courts are going to prove you wrong... sooner or later the supreme court will put a stop to this insanity on the left....
That sounds practical.

You want to have all users cast a vote for every post? Social media democracy!

Are you going to tell mods on this board what they can post and not post because you use it?

Come on man, at least try to think this through.
I take it you're against Democracy then.
No worries.

OK….here it is. Note in particular Section b (2). Basically, a public official who either directly or indirectly aids in bribery or extortion for funds or something of value for himself or another person.

At a minimum, Joe aided Hunter in getting bribes by participating in 20 phone calls with Burisma partners, inviting them to the WH on multiple occasions, and at least once writing a personal note.
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The courts are going to prove you wrong... sooner or later the supreme court will put a stop to this insanity on the left....

I think Thursday's mugshot was so catastrophic to the Left that the orders from on high will be to settle, and fast. They don't want any more of Inmate Trump.
In regards to social media companies, yes.

Are you saying every post should be voted on?

You're such a stooge.

I come from the days of unrestricted internet. The government didn't know a damn thing.

The worst thing back in my day was pizza got hammered by the feds for CC fraud for carding a big black dildo to some douchebag's front door.
Fuck you, pussy! Seriously. :rolleyes-41: You're lamer than CDC, iam3r.

The FBI was too worried about Napster to go after the 9/11 terrorists. That's history, brah.

I was on Anthony Harris's account after he was dead. FACT.

Yeah, fuck you, lamer. You don't know how the intenet works.
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OK….here it is. Note in particular Section b (2). Basically, a public official who either directly or indirectly aids in bribery or extortion for funds or something of value for himself or another person.

At a minimum, Joe aided Hunter in getting bribes by participating in 20 phone calls with Burisma partners, inviting them to the WH on multiple occasions, and at least once writing a personal note.
So what did Joe Biden offer and what did he recieve?
You're such a stooge.

I come from the days of unrestricted internet. The government didn't know a damn thing.

The worst thing back in my day was pizza got hammered by the feds for CC fraud for carding a big black dildo to some douchebag's front door.
Fuck you, pussy! Seriously. :rolleyes-41:
And their goes the ad hominem again.

I don't even understand how your response applies to this conversation.

You suck at debate. You flail. Dodge. Pivot.

And then when you have no point to make you resort to personal attacks.

I wish you another great day.
And their goes the ad hominem again.

I don't even understand how your response applies to this conversation.

You suck at debate. You flail. Dodge. Pivot.

And then when you have no point to make you resort to personal attacks.

I wish you another great day.
You have no clue as to what the fuck is going on, you fucking retard.

CDC was "Beto's" lamer ass crew.

"Cult of the Dead Cow". Such faggots. Ginormous faggotry.

They were nothing. I bet Manson took out every last one of them.

I still was around, and respected by Manson and Woz and all of 'em.

I could go in their room, not many PC people could.

I been PC for a long time. That isn't "politically correct".

It's not Apple.
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