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who cant spank? people are making excuses for abuse

Parents cant spank their kids anymore. You land in jail if you do.

Calling child protective services and saying "my mom or dad spanked me", even it is a lie, is a popular tacit with kids these days to get what they want. It will land those parents in a world of shit for a very long time dealing with the accusation of spanking.

We need to stay the hell out of other people lives and how they raise THEIR children.
Sorry bout that,

1. Should of layed a belt on his ass, and then threatened to do it again if he got out of line again using hot sauce and showers is a fools game, you can't win it.:evil:
2. Using a belt works folks, and I don't want a bunch of whinny bastards saying I'm a child abuser!:evil:
3. If you don't swing a belt when its needed, your a wuss of a parent.:eek:
4. There's a time to swing a belt, and a time not too.:clap2:
5. But when you're a *pawn* you have no clue, what time it is.:evil:

Some questions:

Were these types of discipline used on all the kids? If not why?

Was this progression of methods?

Had the family used outside help in controlling the behaviors?

Was the child adequately provided for otherwise?

I'm not defending these methods, bones. I'd agree, they are inappropriate -- BUT -- this was a mom with a FUBAR child on her hands (along with four other kids, a useless fucking husband and a mother who hated on her) trying as hard as she could to force the child to conform without beating him.

This was an impossible task set before her and I think she deserves compassion, not arrest.
who cant spank? people are making excuses for abuse

If you spank your child and the child tells the teacher at school, Child Protective Services will come to your house to investigate. Kids hold all the cards these days, parents are the bitch of the children.

bullshit i spanked my one came to my house...i am not afraid to be a good parent...and i dont make excuses for people being bad parents

Then no one else found out about it. If your son had said he got spanked to his teacher in school, things may have turned out differently.
who cant spank? people are making excuses for abuse

Parents cant spank their kids anymore. You land in jail if you do.

Calling child protective services and saying "my mom or dad spanked me", even it is a lie, is a popular tacit with kids these days to get what they want. It will land those parents in a world of shit for a very long time dealing with the accusation of spanking.

We need to stay the hell out of other people lives and how they raise THEIR children.

Thats what I'm saying, the parents are the bitch of the children today.
If you spank your child and the child tells the teacher at school, Child Protective Services will come to your house to investigate. Kids hold all the cards these days, parents are the bitch of the children.

bullshit i spanked my one came to my house...i am not afraid to be a good parent...and i dont make excuses for people being bad parents

Then no one else found out about it. If your son had said he got spanked to his teacher in school, things may have turned out differently.

If her son told the teacher it is the teachers job to report the incident to the authorities.
That's an odd form of dicaplin. I guess if you are at the end of your rope and have run out of ideas on how to get though...

Russian kids are screwed up b/c they are warehoused until adopted. They have a very limited range of thinking and emotions. No one ever played with them or did anything for that matter, and once past the age of 5, most things are set in a child.
That's an odd form of dicaplin. I guess if you are at the end of your rope and have run out of ideas on how to get though...

Russian kids are screwed up b/c they are warehoused until adopted. They have a very limited range of thinking and emotions. No one ever played with them or did anything for that matter, and once past the age of 5, most things are set in a child.

You are absolutly right.
Sorry bout that,

1. If anyone here does not spank thier child when its needed, then you spoil that child, and end up raising a *little hellion*.
2. You harm a child even worse if he had no spanking when he does things really bad.
3. And you are immoral as a person, doing such to any child.
4. Children need a firm hand, and its your duty to do whats required in justice.
5. Thats the least you should be able to impart on your children.:evil:

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who cant spank? people are making excuses for abuse

Parents cant spank their kids anymore. You land in jail if you do.

Calling child protective services and saying "my mom or dad spanked me", even it is a lie, is a popular tacit with kids these days to get what they want. It will land those parents in a world of shit for a very long time dealing with the accusation of spanking.

We need to stay the hell out of other people lives and how they raise THEIR children.

My kids tried to pull that once. I told them they would end up in foster care where people took kids in to make money, and didn't care about the kid at all, or could end up with an even stricter foster parents.

It shut them up and they did what they were told and have not brought it up since.

If child services come to your door, ask for to see a warrent, if the don't have one, close the door.
who cant spank? people are making excuses for abuse

Parents cant spank their kids anymore. You land in jail if you do.

Calling child protective services and saying "my mom or dad spanked me", even it is a lie, is a popular tacit with kids these days to get what they want. It will land those parents in a world of shit for a very long time dealing with the accusation of spanking.

We need to stay the hell out of other people lives and how they raise THEIR children.

My kids tried to pull that once. I told them they would end up in foster care where people took kids in to make money, and didn't care about the kid at all, or could end up with an even stricter foster parents.

It shut them up and they did what they were told and have not brought it up since.

If child services come to your door, ask for to see a warrent, if the don't have one, close the door.

If you do that don't they just get the police and take your children? CPS are not the police and they don't need a warrant.
Parents cant spank their kids anymore. You land in jail if you do.

Calling child protective services and saying "my mom or dad spanked me", even it is a lie, is a popular tacit with kids these days to get what they want. It will land those parents in a world of shit for a very long time dealing with the accusation of spanking.

We need to stay the hell out of other people lives and how they raise THEIR children.

My kids tried to pull that once. I told them they would end up in foster care where people took kids in to make money, and didn't care about the kid at all, or could end up with an even stricter foster parents.

It shut them up and they did what they were told and have not brought it up since.

If child services come to your door, ask for to see a warrent, if the don't have one, close the door.

If you do that don't they just get the police and take your children? CPS are not the police and they don't need a warrant.

No. Not CPS nor anyone can come into your home with out your permission. If you don't let them in or speak to them, they have no proof, and therefore no grounds to get a warrent.

If they do come back with the cops, sans warrent, and ask why you won't let them in; I have the Constitutional right to privacy.

If a teacher says your kid said. It's all hearsay. Now if the teachers says the kid is bruised and battered; CPS will show up with a cop and a warrent.

fyi; NEVER let CPS in. Not for any reason. Not to prove you are innocent, not to prove you are a good parent, not to prove your house is clean. NEVER. B/c cps is under no obligation to be truthfull in court and thier word will be taken over yours and you will lose your kids if they want to take them.
My kids tried to pull that once. I told them they would end up in foster care where people took kids in to make money, and didn't care about the kid at all, or could end up with an even stricter foster parents.

It shut them up and they did what they were told and have not brought it up since.

If child services come to your door, ask for to see a warrent, if the don't have one, close the door.

If you do that don't they just get the police and take your children? CPS are not the police and they don't need a warrant.

No. Not CPS nor anyone can come into your home with out your permission. If you don't let them in or speak to them, they have no proof, and therefore no grounds to get a warrent.

If they do come back with the cops, sans warrent, and ask why you won't let them in; I have the Constitutional right to privacy.

If a teacher says your kid said. It's all hearsay. Now if the teachers says the kid is bruised and battered; CPS will show up with a cop and a warrent.

fyi; NEVER let CPS in. Not for any reason. Not to prove you are innocent, not to prove you are a good parent, not to prove your house is clean. NEVER. B/c cps is under no obligation to be truthfull in court and thier word will be taken over yours and you will lose your kids if they want to take them.

From my experience though its just better to talk to CPS and get it over with, if you slam the door in their face and and make them go to the authorities it looks like you have something to hide.
If you do that don't they just get the police and take your children? CPS are not the police and they don't need a warrant.

No. Not CPS nor anyone can come into your home with out your permission. If you don't let them in or speak to them, they have no proof, and therefore no grounds to get a warrent.

If they do come back with the cops, sans warrent, and ask why you won't let them in; I have the Constitutional right to privacy.

If a teacher says your kid said. It's all hearsay. Now if the teachers says the kid is bruised and battered; CPS will show up with a cop and a warrent.

fyi; NEVER let CPS in. Not for any reason. Not to prove you are innocent, not to prove you are a good parent, not to prove your house is clean. NEVER. B/c cps is under no obligation to be truthfull in court and thier word will be taken over yours and you will lose your kids if they want to take them.

From my experience though its just better to talk to CPS and get it over with, if you slam the door in their face and and make them go to the authorities it looks like you have something to hide.

I have the opposite info. My wife, when she was with her first husband, had an issue with CPS. She let them in to prove she was a great mom, and they walked out with the kids. Unless my wife is a drastically different woman, that was uncalled for.
No. Not CPS nor anyone can come into your home with out your permission. If you don't let them in or speak to them, they have no proof, and therefore no grounds to get a warrent.

If they do come back with the cops, sans warrent, and ask why you won't let them in; I have the Constitutional right to privacy.

If a teacher says your kid said. It's all hearsay. Now if the teachers says the kid is bruised and battered; CPS will show up with a cop and a warrent.

fyi; NEVER let CPS in. Not for any reason. Not to prove you are innocent, not to prove you are a good parent, not to prove your house is clean. NEVER. B/c cps is under no obligation to be truthfull in court and thier word will be taken over yours and you will lose your kids if they want to take them.

From my experience though its just better to talk to CPS and get it over with, if you slam the door in their face and and make them go to the authorities it looks like you have something to hide.

I have the opposite info. My wife, when she was with her first husband, had an issue with CPS. She let them in to prove she was a great mom, and they walked out with the kids. Unless my wife is a drastically different woman, that was uncalled for.

Wow, I heard it takes alot for them to just take your kids. The thing if CPS had to take the kids they would have still done it whether your wife let them in or not, they would just come back with the Police. Not opening the door to CPS just delays the inevitable.
Hey everyone I'm going out for wings and beer tonight with my wife. if I order wings that are too hot is that spousal abuse?
I wanted to ask about the idea of spanking being considered abuse; I've heard that for years now, but I don't know if I've ever seen a news story where it was the case. Is it something anyone has seen happen, or is it perhaps a bit of a myth? I also wonder if perhaps cases where the parents said they only spanked, but it was found they did more than that, are at the root of this idea.

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