Hottest year on record-

How will it change Frank? What, specifically, do you think is going to happen when the fool Donald Trump steps into the White House?

In a few ways:

  • You'll have to explain the basis by which you altered past data to fit your theory
  • You'll have to explain why you manipulate current data to fit your "warmest Ever!!"meme
  • You'll have to explain how 58F is warmer than the 2 decade old record of 62F
  • You'll have to show your lab work. If your not doing lab work, what is it you're "researching"
  • You'll have to explain why you cannot tolerate dissent
I don't have to do shit. It is your right to remain uninformed.

AS measuring equipment & better coverage maintained, adjustmets need made to compare to older data. I guess you think that the datas recorded in 1880 is as accurate as today's. I guess there needs no adjustments to compare tree rings studies to measured temperatures.
When calculating one's handicap in golf, they take your last 20 scores & eliminate the top & bottom scores. Why? To eliminate that spike where you play out of your ass & shoot 80 instead of your more typical 90.

1996 was a such a spike. You asshats use it & run in circles screaming " OMG OMG OMG no global warming in 20 years!!!! OMG OMG OMG".

That aside, the warmest year on record in 2015 Bucko. Perhaps you should update your denier sites.
2015 shatters record for warmest year globally by largest margin yet

The research that is being done & has been done has been peered reviewed. Showing a total uneducated dumbass like you is not relevant. Their research has been published.
that i
The problem with the denier crowd is their side has been bunked over & over. Ignoring AGW is a danger to everyone on the planet. Why do you hate your children & grandchildren?

If the 1880 data isn't accurate, why are you reporting it to the tenth of a degree?
2016 could become the hottest year on record. Just in time for the Orange Climate denying Trump & his climate denying cabinet to run the country. Global warming is already causing problems around the globe & will make droughts & floods etc more common.

He had the major flood in the Southeast - which is sort of funny considering those people mostly voted Trump. Stipid people doing stupid shit. The Republican way.

The agony of Earth's hottest year -

It's hot, so what?
We didn't cause it and we can't do anything about it.
We did cause it and we can do something about it.

Based on what observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence...oh...almost forgot...there is is opinion supported by faulty models...nothing more.
Just because the orange denier & his band of corporate deniers take leadership of this country it does not change the science of AGW.

You don't seem to grasp that there is very little actual science associated with AGW...beginning with the fact that in real science, one...that is ONE predictive failure of a hypothesis results in the hypothesis being scrapped and research beginning again looking for a more plausible, and reliable hypothesis...the AGW hypothesis has a string of predictive failures stretching back decades...

They may dupe more people like you have been duped probably utilizing the same debunked crap you've been posting.

Sorry guy, but nothing that I have posted has been debunked...but feel free to point out whatever you think has....and what do you want to bet that your rebuttal comes from the unemployed cartoonist at skeptical science?....anyone who goes there for anything more than comic relief is a top shelf dupe.

Everything you posted has been debunked. II already debunked it. Others have debunked them. You've been caught. Give it up.
Snowing here now. 24 degrees. Forecast 13 tonight. GODDAM it's hot!
How will it change Frank? What, specifically, do you think is going to happen when the fool Donald Trump steps into the White House?

In a few ways:

  • You'll have to explain the basis by which you altered past data to fit your theory
  • You'll have to explain why you manipulate current data to fit your "warmest Ever!!"meme
  • You'll have to explain how 58F is warmer than the 2 decade old record of 62F
  • You'll have to show your lab work. If your not doing lab work, what is it you're "researching"
  • You'll have to explain why you cannot tolerate dissent
I don't have to do shit. It is your right to remain uninformed.

AS measuring equipment & better coverage maintained, adjustmets need made to compare to older data. I guess you think that the datas recorded in 1880 is as accurate as today's. I guess there needs no adjustments to compare tree rings studies to measured temperatures.
When calculating one's handicap in golf, they take your last 20 scores & eliminate the top & bottom scores. Why? To eliminate that spike where you play out of your ass & shoot 80 instead of your more typical 90.

1996 was a such a spike. You asshats use it & run in circles screaming " OMG OMG OMG no global warming in 20 years!!!! OMG OMG OMG".

That aside, the warmest year on record in 2015 Bucko. Perhaps you should update your denier sites.
2015 shatters record for warmest year globally by largest margin yet

The research that is being done & has been done has been peered reviewed. Showing a total uneducated dumbass like you is not relevant. Their research has been published.
that i
The problem with the denier crowd is their side has been bunked over & over. Ignoring AGW is a danger to everyone on the planet. Why do you hate your children & grandchildren?

If the 1880 data isn't accurate, why are you reporting it to the tenth of a degree?


So we should throw out the older data once more accurate measurement devises come on board.

We can blend them because you claim that is cheating. Now you say we can't use them as is.
We did cause it and we can do something about it.

Based on what observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence...oh...almost forgot...there is is opinion supported by faulty models...nothing more.
increased CO2 in the atmosphere increases the greenhouse effect that brings on higher temperatures.

That is science, Dumbass.

Increase the CO2 through emissions warms the planet. and cutting levels of emissions with reverse that once the CO2 amount is lessened.
We did cause it and we can do something about it.

Based on what observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence...oh...almost forgot...there is is opinion supported by faulty models...nothing more.

Why the redundancy? "Observed", "measured", "quantified" and "empirical", in this context, are all synonymous. Dimwit.
We did cause it and we can do something about it.

Based on what observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence...oh...almost forgot...there is is opinion supported by faulty models...nothing more.

Why the redundancy? "Observed", "measured", "quantified" and "empirical", in this context, are all synonymous. Dimwit.

And still there is none that supports the AGW hypothesis UNLESS you first assume that the AGW hypothesis is true....there is only coreleatory evidence...none at all suggesting cause.

If human emissions didn't cause the warming, something else did. Yet it's been studied to death and no other viable cause has ever been identified. You guys brought forth a new cause every week for three years and they all failed.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. The amount of energy trapped by a given level of CO2 is calculable. That calculation matches the observations.

If human emissions didn't cause the warming, something else did. Yet it's been studied to death and no other viable cause has ever been identified. You guys brought forth a new cause every week for three years and they all failed.

Actually, it hasn't...because grant money has only been available to those who support the 2016, 240 papers were published questioning the AGW hypothesis...and more than 700 have been published since 2014...Expect more in the fact, expect a deluge...

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. The amount of energy trapped by a given level of CO2 is calculable. That calculation matches the observations.

CO2 doesn't "trap" anything...and since there has been no statistically significant warming since 1998 while CO2 has continued to rise, observations certainly don't match the models...

If human emissions didn't cause the warming, something else did. Yet it's been studied to death and no other viable cause has ever been identified. You guys brought forth a new cause every week for three years and they all failed.

Actually, it hasn't...because grant money has only been available to those who support the 2016, 240 papers were published questioning the AGW hypothesis...and more than 700 have been published since 2014...Expect more in the fact, expect a deluge...

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. The amount of energy trapped by a given level of CO2 is calculable. That calculation matches the observations.

CO2 doesn't "trap" anything...and since there has been no statistically significant warming since 1998 while CO2 has continued to rise, observations certainly don't match the models...

Keep clinging to that spike year. Look sat the graph.
Grant money hasn't been available? The oil industry, the coal industry and the natural gas industry have lots of money to invest. They have spent over 533 million dollars trying to refute AGW. What happened to all of that?

CO2 slows the escape of IR from the atmosphere to space. That raises the equilbrium temperature of the Earth. That is basic physics and thermo as all the world's scientists and anyone with a decent science education are aware. Everyone here (and anyone with an education who listened to your concepts) realizes you are a complete fool on such topics, so, your opinion doesn't mean jack shit to anyone.

The Earth's temperature is doing this:


Showing a steady, almost 0.9F(0.5C) increase since 1950.
How will it change Frank? What, specifically, do you think is going to happen when the fool Donald Trump steps into the White House?

In a few ways:

  • You'll have to explain the basis by which you altered past data to fit your theory
  • You'll have to explain why you manipulate current data to fit your "warmest Ever!!"meme
  • You'll have to explain how 58F is warmer than the 2 decade old record of 62F
  • You'll have to show your lab work. If your not doing lab work, what is it you're "researching"
  • You'll have to explain why you cannot tolerate dissent
I don't have to do shit. It is your right to remain uninformed.

AS measuring equipment & better coverage maintained, adjustmets need made to compare to older data. I guess you think that the datas recorded in 1880 is as accurate as today's. I guess there needs no adjustments to compare tree rings studies to measured temperatures.
When calculating one's handicap in golf, they take your last 20 scores & eliminate the top & bottom scores. Why? To eliminate that spike where you play out of your ass & shoot 80 instead of your more typical 90.

1996 was a such a spike. You asshats use it & run in circles screaming " OMG OMG OMG no global warming in 20 years!!!! OMG OMG OMG".

That aside, the warmest year on record in 2015 Bucko. Perhaps you should update your denier sites.
2015 shatters record for warmest year globally by largest margin yet

The research that is being done & has been done has been peered reviewed. Showing a total uneducated dumbass like you is not relevant. Their research has been published.
that i
The problem with the denier crowd is their side has been bunked over & over. Ignoring AGW is a danger to everyone on the planet. Why do you hate your children & grandchildren?

I love the alarmist projection and running in circles.. its fun to watch..

Where is your empirical evidence of ANY DANGER? You have none but you scream WOLF at the top of your lungs over and over again..
Grant money hasn't been available? The oil industry, the coal industry and the natural gas industry have lots of money to invest. They have spent over 533 million dollars trying to refute AGW. What happened to all of that?

CO2 slows the escape of IR from the atmosphere to space. That raises the equilbrium temperature of the Earth. That is basic physics and thermo as all the world's scientists and anyone with a decent science education are aware. Everyone here (and anyone with an education who listened to your concepts) realizes you are a complete fool on such topics, so, your opinion doesn't mean jack shit to anyone.

The Earth's temperature is doing this:


Showing a steady, almost 0.9F(0.5C) increase since 1950.
only in highly adjusted data sets. The unadjusted sets show 0.23 deg C rise.... Why are every one of your lies twice to three time reality?
Those are the same questions you've asked before. What will change when Trump is in office? Will he make it a crime to ignore ignorant deniers?

He'll put the AGW Cult on the stand and ask you the questions under oath, then you're all Michael Manned
Like dumbass Trump would understand any answer the scientists gave. Or are you going to tell us how Trump knows more about ISIS than the generals & he knows so much that he doesn't need inteliigence briefings (because he says he is already intelligent).

This is the fucking moron you elected. How stupid can you possibly get?
Trump is one hell of a lot smarter than you or your so called scientist's. And if he has questions, he knows where to go to get them answered truthfully.. not the partisan hyped lies of the alarmist left.

Now if you want to talk morons, half wits, and stupid.. we can talk Obama, Pelosie, Reid and other leftist wackos.. you all elected twice..
Like dumbass Trump would understand any answer the scientists gave. fail to grasp the problem climate science is facing...while there may well be a consensus among the practitioners of the SOFT SCIENCE of climate science...there is no such consensus among the practitioners of the hard sciences...physics, chemistry, engineering...etc.

Now, a PhD in any of the hard sciences, including engineering could teach any class at all in the entire climate science curriculum..while a PhD in climate science would be lost in the classrooms of most of the hard sciences in any class above the 3000 level...

Climate scientists are going to be facing...under oath...PhD level skeptical scientists who live and work in the hard sciences...people who won't fall for smoke and mirrors..and the typical action of climate running away from the debate will not be an option.
Judith Curry PhD just left Georgia Tech due to their unethical school leadership.. She would be a very good choice as is Pruitt... to pin down the BS the left spews...

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