Hottest year on record-

Holy can't read a graph any better than crick...See where the graph look down at the bottom of the page...see how it extends past 2015.....

You set the graph to display "12 points a year". That is, monthly data. That means your graph ends at Dec 2015, which would be why it extends past the start of 2015. You do understand that the 2015 hash mark is Jan 2015, and Dec 2015 is to the right of that, no?

So, as far as evasions go, that one flopped. You can try to claim that you're not a fraudster, you just can't read a graph. However, your link still shows how you deliberately cut out the 2016 data. So, the evidence still indicates how your fraud was deliberate.

Here's the RSS graph, using your monthly smoothing selection, that does _not_ cut out 2016 data. It shows the 2016 data that you deliberately cut out, and clearly shows 2016 as the hottest year. Since you won't tell us why you cut out the 2016 data, and then pretended 2015 data was 2016 data, "because you're a fraud" is the conclusion everyone is drawing.

Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

simpleton thinking s0n............nobody cares. Anywhere you look, AGW theory is not mattering in the real world.

But you keep going around and taking bows!!:up:

Actually, millions of people care, little boy. Even on this one message board there a tonne of threads on the subject. AGW science is fact. Just because nimrods like you say different, doesn't mean much. I mean, going by all the posts I've seen on here so far, almost to a person you guys voted for Trump - one of the dumbest candidates in election history - not of just the US but the western world. Ever. If you can vote for such a vacuous, narcissistic, pussy-grabbing racist, why would you have any credibility on such a serious topic as AGW science? Hint: you don't. Doesn't help having an avatar that instantly makes me think "moron".

s0n.........millions care......big deal. Most don't care. And Donald J is about to take huge dumps on the small % that do care!! And I'll be laughing by balls off and posting up every single smelly dump made. Its gonna be epic!!

Progressives simply have some uncanny inability to be able to think on the margin.........fascinating to me. Like the idiots at Trump Tower that I saw last night.........about 15 people with signs protesting Trump as he arrived home from Maura Largo. Only progressives would label that protest very significant (" well it represents the sentiments of millions!!" ). No it doesn't...........if that many people cared, you'd have a million outside Trump Tower ). AGW is fringe in the real world..........very, very low on the list of peoples concerns!! If you had some real responsibilities in life s0n, you'd understand. :beer:

I don't need dick for credibility.........whats happening in the real world speaks for itself. Dopes like you champion the green energy profit takers that take you for a ride all the time............the climate industry abuses naïve assholes like you every day of the year!!

AGW science is fact only in the community it runs in and the bozo's hopelessly duped enough to buy in. Most of the world doesn't give a shit about the science...........easily presented on any poll you want me to post up. THATS the only thing that matters s0n............

The "morons" are winning huge s0n.........enjoy the bumpy in 2017 and least my avatar isn't ghey ( time to swap yours out s0n :bye1: )
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SSDD, still no explanation about why you faked a graph?

Everyone knows you faked it. The evidence is right there, written by your own hand, and you can't get rid of it.

Now you're just running and hoping the issue of your fraud will go away. Nope. Neither will the issue of why certain people still suck up to you, even though they know you're an open fraud.
Holy can't read a graph any better than crick...See where the graph look down at the bottom of the page...see how it extends past 2015.....

You set the graph to display "12 points a year". That is, monthly data. That means your graph ends at Dec 2015, which would be why it extends past the start of 2015. You do understand that the 2015 hash mark is Jan 2015, and Dec 2015 is to the right of that, no?

So, as far as evasions go, that one flopped. You can try to claim that you're not a fraudster, you just can't read a graph. However, your link still shows how you deliberately cut out the 2016 data. So, the evidence still indicates how your fraud was deliberate.

Here's the RSS graph, using your monthly smoothing selection, that does _not_ cut out 2016 data. It shows the 2016 data that you deliberately cut out, and clearly shows 2016 as the hottest year. Since you won't tell us why you cut out the 2016 data, and then pretended 2015 data was 2016 data, "because you're a fraud" is the conclusion everyone is drawing.

Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs


^ chart clearly shows 2 decade pause.

Thanks, Mam
I find it seriously amusing that we are arguing about 0.02 deg C which is inside the -/+0.2 MOE.
I find it seriously amusing that you are such a dumb shit that you cannot subtract 0. 072 C/decade from 0.129 C/decade and get 0.057 C/decade. And that you do not realize that the slope of a line is not a single number, but the result of all the numbers that made up the lines.
I find it seriously amusing that we are arguing about 0.02 deg C which is inside the -/+0.2 MOE.

Hilarious isn't it...with all the adjustments and fill ins that they do, they can only manage a .02 degree the previous years...a number that is only a fraction of the margin of error....of course, they count on people not knowing about the margin of error, and what bullshit the claim of a record is....

But that is about to change in a very big...and very public way...the days of the climate hoax are counting down...I do hope that the pseudoscientists are asked very early for their justification for the adjustments and fill in's that make these "records" possible.
2016 could become the hottest year on record. Just in time for the Orange Climate denying Trump & his climate denying cabinet to run the country. Global warming is already causing problems around the globe & will make droughts & floods etc more common.

He had the major flood in the Southeast - which is sort of funny considering those people mostly voted Trump. Stipid people doing stupid shit. The Republican way.

The agony of Earth's hottest year -

/---- Good news, Cupcake. Relief is on the way: 10-15 feet of snow to bury California; wintry weather also targets South
2016 could become the hottest year on record. Just in time for the Orange Climate denying Trump & his climate denying cabinet to run the country. Global warming is already causing problems around the globe & will make droughts & floods etc more common.

He had the major flood in the Southeast - which is sort of funny considering those people mostly voted Trump. Stipid people doing stupid shit. The Republican way.

The agony of Earth's hottest year -

"major flood in the Southeast - which is sort of funny considering those people mostly voted Trump. " LIBTARD MOONBAT WARNING - voting for Trump causes floods. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAA
Droughts and floods never existed prior to the invention of the Internal Combustion Engine
2016 could become the hottest year on record. Just in time for the Orange Climate denying Trump & his climate denying cabinet to run the country. Global warming is already causing problems around the globe & will make droughts & floods etc more common.

He had the major flood in the Southeast - which is sort of funny considering those people mostly voted Trump. Stipid people doing stupid shit. The Republican way.

The agony of Earth's hottest year -

"major flood in the Southeast - which is sort of funny considering those people mostly voted Trump. " LIBTARD MOONBAT WARNING - voting for Trump causes floods. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAA
Global Warming makes these events more likely. The stupid Trump voters are voting for more floods. I hope they enjoy them.
2016 could become the hottest year on record. Just in time for the Orange Climate denying Trump & his climate denying cabinet to run the country. Global warming is already causing problems around the globe & will make droughts & floods etc more common.

He had the major flood in the Southeast - which is sort of funny considering those people mostly voted Trump. Stipid people doing stupid shit. The Republican way.

The agony of Earth's hottest year -

"major flood in the Southeast - which is sort of funny considering those people mostly voted Trump. " LIBTARD MOONBAT WARNING - voting for Trump causes floods. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAA
Global Warming makes these events more likely. The stupid Trump voters are voting for more floods. I hope they enjoy them.

That's hilarious! Global Warming makes 15 feet of snow more likely -- and makes snow a thing of the past

2016 could become the hottest year on record. Just in time for the Orange Climate denying Trump & his climate denying cabinet to run the country. Global warming is already causing problems around the globe & will make droughts & floods etc more common.

He had the major flood in the Southeast - which is sort of funny considering those people mostly voted Trump. Stipid people doing stupid shit. The Republican way.

The agony of Earth's hottest year -

"major flood in the Southeast - which is sort of funny considering those people mostly voted Trump. " LIBTARD MOONBAT WARNING - voting for Trump causes floods. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAA
Global Warming makes these events more likely. The stupid Trump voters are voting for more floods. I hope they enjoy them.

That's hilarious! Global Warming makes 15 feet of snow more likely -- and makes snow a thing of the past

Don't you just love the double speak and lies... they don't have a damn clue whats going on...

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