House "conservatives" to revive effort for constitutional gay marriage ban

“A narrow radical majority of the court has, in my opinion, substituted their personal views for the constitutional decisions of the American voters and their elected representatives,” Huelskamp said at a conservative event sponsored by the Heritage Foundation.

Does he realize how dumb that sounds? What about the states that voted to allow it? Oh and you can't vote away someone else's right to live as they want or marry who they want...Although I disagree with it race mixing was found unconstitutional just like Gay marriage was...ya won't win this battle...learn to pick your battles...
More states have amended state constitutions to prohibit gay marriage than voted to permit it. In all but two states those that permit gay marriage did so by judicial or legislative activism.

The media has pulled out all the stops to portay gays positively and those who oppose them negatively. We have no idea what people really think. Every word said is carefully choregraphed.

Most people really don't care what gays do. What they object to is the burden put on normals who do not agree. The whole Chick Fil A controversy turned on the company's support for traditional marriage never mentioning same sex marriage at all.
Proper way yes but completely dumb! Just leave it to the states...There are tons of things they can be doing to make sure Obama doesn't destroy more jobs and do away with more regulations etc.
We can't leave it to the states. It's already a Federal issue.

Perhaps an amendment to leave it to the states without Federal ability to interfere.

Its the proper way to do it. A constituional amendment is the only recourse for those who

1) oppose same sex marriage
2) are wary of courts making up rights where none exists.

Yes. The Republican Party should make this a prime talking point for the next election(s).

Nah. I think they should revive the birther issue. :cool:
The birther issue is the correct thing to do. Obama is not a US kids could have made a better "Birth Certificate" than that piece of crap he released.
More states have amended state constitutions to prohibit gay marriage than voted to permit it. In all but two states those that permit gay marriage did so by judicial or legislative activism.

The homos who live in the states which ban same sex marriage will be completely unaffected by yesterday's DOMA ruling.

And you STILL won't be forced to suck anyone's dick.

Those married homos who live in states which legalize gay marriage will be recognized by the Federal government as married as of yesterday. Actually, retroactively for taxes and other purposes.

Sounds like a win/win for states rights to me!
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So, STILL no jobs bill on the horizon? Maybe it's time for another abortion restriction bill as well. What else? Uh, how 'bout an anti flag-burning bill?
Obama is the one killing jobs...look what he did Tuesday to the coal industry.

The coal industry is reeling from the low price of natural gas. You know, market forces like supply & demand? That's capitalism in case you need any help.
Obama's declaration of war on coal is only going to make the price of electricity for EVERYONE go up...mine is high enough as it is.
Criminalization of those who oppose gay marriage will eventually reach churches (like it has reached chick-fil-a, the scouts and some small businesses). And the comparison with racists and past opponets of interracial marriage will spread out. It is coming. I bet that in certain US states, in a few years, anti-gay marriage people will be considered unelectable. I don't see it happening in Europe, where many conservatives oppose gay marriage with little or no harm of their electoral chances. In fact, the only conservative party somewhat hurt by gay marriage is the UK Tory party but not for the reasons you'd expect: they've passed gay marriage and are losing many votes to more right-wing UKIP.
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More states have amended state constitutions to prohibit gay marriage than voted to permit it. In all but two states those that permit gay marriage did so by judicial or legislative activism.

The homos who live in the states which ban same sex marriage will be completely unaffected by yesterday's DOMA ruling.

And you STILL won't be forced to suck anyone's dick.

Those married homos who live in states which legalize gay marriage will be recognized by the Federal government as married as of yesterday. Actually, retroactively for taxes and other purposes.

Sounds like a win/win for states rights to me!

What happens when two married faygolas move from MA to, say TN, which does not recognize gay marriage? There will be court cases and the courts will over rule the state constitutions in place. A tyranny of the minority if there ever was one.
As for being forced to suck a dick, first it's forbidden. Then it's permitted. Then it's mandatory. Look at the mandate covering abortion. Abortion used to be illegal in this country.

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