House democrats plan to introduce legislation criminilizing private gun sales once the new congress

House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.

While the Democrats’ gun control push will not prevent mass shootings, it will criminalize a grandfather for passing his goose gun to his grandson without government permission. It will also criminalize a mother who gives her college-age daughter a revolver for self-defense without first getting government permission.

House Democrats Will Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

Keep a hold of them can't and won't say it enough the countries with no guns are going to sink and with no protection right when they need it most with all these illegals coming in and raping women all over the place gangs of them are doing this.

"Goose gun"?

Where are you going. Get back in here and explain what the fuck a "goose gun" is.
Sounds like it belongs in an auto repair shop.

Double barrel 10 gauge shot gun qualifies as a goose gun, my grandfather had one and it now belongs to my husband. It'll bring down a low flying air plane

Uh, I see. So a "goose" gun brings down an "airplane"....

.... ignoring the conflation between "goose" and "plane" for now --- why would you want to do that again?

Punt guns (goose guns) used to be common on the Chesapeake until about 1920. A gunner would shoot them in the water and kill a whole flock with one shot.





A Punt Gun, used for duck hunting but were banned because they depleted stocks of wild fowl, 1910-1920


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House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.

While the Democrats’ gun control push will not prevent mass shootings, it will criminalize a grandfather for passing his goose gun to his grandson without government permission. It will also criminalize a mother who gives her college-age daughter a revolver for self-defense without first getting government permission.

House Democrats Will Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

Keep a hold of them can't and won't say it enough the countries with no guns are going to sink and with no protection right when they need it most with all these illegals coming in and raping women all over the place gangs of them are doing this.


Give it a break. It's not up to the Federal Government but it's up to each individual state. Brietbart news is about as untruthful as my one Sister who has a creed, "Never tell the truth when a lie works out just as well".
Fake this cyka

View attachment 233216

House Dems will push for background check on every gun sale

What's the matter, you afraid of universal background checks? I already have shown that this will get rid of a bunch of criminals getting their hands on guns in the metro areas and exporting hundreds of thousands of guns across the border to the drug cartels. You would rather the Feds use the Interstate Commerce Laws to do the same thing? And Background Checks are NOT Gun Registrations no matter what you guncrazies claim.
House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.

While the Democrats’ gun control push will not prevent mass shootings, it will criminalize a grandfather for passing his goose gun to his grandson without government permission. It will also criminalize a mother who gives her college-age daughter a revolver for self-defense without first getting government permission.

House Democrats Will Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

Keep a hold of them can't and won't say it enough the countries with no guns are going to sink and with no protection right when they need it most with all these illegals coming in and raping women all over the place gangs of them are doing this.


Give it a break. It's not up to the Federal Government but it's up to each individual state. Brietbart news is about as untruthful as my one Sister who has a creed, "Never tell the truth when a lie works out just as well".
Oh its quite real snowflake.

No matter if the House passes it, the Senate won't even allow it out of committee and the President won't sign it. This is another HATE BS. But at least the Republicans will have to show their true colors to the general public that does overwhelmingly support universal gun background checks. 2020 isn't that far off. Care to gamble the senate? The Reps only control it by 4 seats. And there is a good chance, if the Dems run a decent candidate like Biden that Trump may have to back to hocking real estate again.
House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.

While the Democrats’ gun control push will not prevent mass shootings, it will criminalize a grandfather for passing his goose gun to his grandson without government permission. It will also criminalize a mother who gives her college-age daughter a revolver for self-defense without first getting government permission.

House Democrats Will Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

Keep a hold of them can't and won't say it enough the countries with no guns are going to sink and with no protection right when they need it most with all these illegals coming in and raping women all over the place gangs of them are doing this.


Give it a break. It's not up to the Federal Government but it's up to each individual state. Brietbart news is about as untruthful as my one Sister who has a creed, "Never tell the truth when a lie works out just as well".
Oh its quite real snowflake.

No matter if the House passes it, the Senate won't even allow it out of committee and the President won't sign it. This is another HATE BS. But at least the Republicans will have to show their true colors to the general public that does overwhelmingly support universal gun background checks. 2020 isn't that far off. Care to gamble the senate? The Reps only control it by 4 seats. And there is a good chance, if the Dems run a decent candidate like Biden that Trump may have to back to hocking real estate again.
Waa! The republicans won't assault the constitution of the USA Waaaaa!
House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.

While the Democrats’ gun control push will not prevent mass shootings, it will criminalize a grandfather for passing his goose gun to his grandson without government permission. It will also criminalize a mother who gives her college-age daughter a revolver for self-defense without first getting government permission.

House Democrats Will Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

Keep a hold of them can't and won't say it enough the countries with no guns are going to sink and with no protection right when they need it most with all these illegals coming in and raping women all over the place gangs of them are doing this.

"Goose gun"?

Where are you going. Get back in here and explain what the fuck a "goose gun" is.
Sounds like it belongs in an auto repair shop.

Double barrel 10 gauge shot gun qualifies as a goose gun, my grandfather had one and it now belongs to my husband. It'll bring down a low flying air plane

Uh, I see. So a "goose" gun brings down an "airplane"....

.... ignoring the conflation between "goose" and "plane" for now --- why would you want to do that again?

Dear gawd you're one stupid mofo, you get shellacked and double down on dumb.

Hey, I just goin' by what you posted. Answer the question --- why do you want to "bring down a low flying air plane [sic]"? And when did you first notice these violent tendencies?
I doubt that they even try this. I mean why bother, I doubt they could even cobble together enough votes to get it passed in the House, let alone convincing Mitch to allow a vote in the Senate, a vote that of course they would lose. AND if by some miracle it did pass both the House and the Senate, Trump would veto it, and if by some miracle he did not veto it, it would be ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS.
House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.

While the Democrats’ gun control push will not prevent mass shootings, it will criminalize a grandfather for passing his goose gun to his grandson without government permission. It will also criminalize a mother who gives her college-age daughter a revolver for self-defense without first getting government permission.

House Democrats Will Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

Keep a hold of them can't and won't say it enough the countries with no guns are going to sink and with no protection right when they need it most with all these illegals coming in and raping women all over the place gangs of them are doing this.

"Goose gun"?

Where are you going. Get back in here and explain what the fuck a "goose gun" is.
Sounds like it belongs in an auto repair shop.

Double barrel 10 gauge shot gun qualifies as a goose gun, my grandfather had one and it now belongs to my husband. It'll bring down a low flying air plane

Uh, I see. So a "goose" gun brings down an "airplane"....

.... ignoring the conflation between "goose" and "plane" for now --- why would you want to do that again?

Punt guns (goose guns) used to be common on the Chesapeake until about 1920. A gunner would shoot them in the water and kill a whole flock with one shot.

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A Punt Gun, used for duck hunting but were banned because they depleted stocks of wild fowl, 1910-1920

Mark the date and time --- Pogo gets a straight answer!! :eusa_dance:

Thanks, Hoss. That's very informative indeed. and nothing about "low flying planes". Which was an interesting image given:

>> In the United States, this practice depleted stocks of wild waterfowl and by the 1860s most states had banned the practice. The Lacey Act of 1900 banned the transport of wild game across state lines, and the practice of market hunting was outlawed by a series of federal laws in 1918. <<​

Hey, those 1860s-era planes were notoriously hard to control, weren't they. I understand the Confederate Air Force lost millions of planes.

Had no idea there had existed instruments like this --


--- but we shouldn't be surprised given our history. What a savage era that was.
House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.

While the Democrats’ gun control push will not prevent mass shootings, it will criminalize a grandfather for passing his goose gun to his grandson without government permission. It will also criminalize a mother who gives her college-age daughter a revolver for self-defense without first getting government permission.

House Democrats Will Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

Keep a hold of them can't and won't say it enough the countries with no guns are going to sink and with no protection right when they need it most with all these illegals coming in and raping women all over the place gangs of them are doing this.


Give it a break. It's not up to the Federal Government but it's up to each individual state. Brietbart news is about as untruthful as my one Sister who has a creed, "Never tell the truth when a lie works out just as well".
Fake this cyka

View attachment 233216

House Dems will push for background check on every gun sale

What's the matter, you afraid of universal background checks? I already have shown that this will get rid of a bunch of criminals getting their hands on guns in the metro areas and exporting hundreds of thousands of guns across the border to the drug cartels. You would rather the Feds use the Interstate Commerce Laws to do the same thing? And Background Checks are NOT Gun Registrations no matter what you guncrazies claim.

You haven't shown anything......current, federally mandated background checks are circumvented by straw buyers who pass the background checks, then give or sell their guns to felons.....most of the time it is the girlfriend, mother, grandmother of the gang member....and if they can pass the current background check....genius..... they can pass a universal background check.......

or they steal their guns....Dennis Prager went for an in-depth look at the L.A. P.D. and they told him gangs have robbery crews devoted to just stealing guns from homes...they have family working in the state government and know where the registered guns are......

Universal Background Checks are the gateway to getting universal gun registration. If we give them Universal Background checks, criminals will still get all the guns they want, and mass shooters will continue to pass any and all background checks, or they also will steal their guns....but......then the morons will come back and say, "obviously we need universal gun registration to make universal gun background checks work...since we need to know who owns the guns..." that, you moron, is why they want universal background checks...they don't give a rat's ass about criminals or mass shooters getting guns.
House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.

While the Democrats’ gun control push will not prevent mass shootings, it will criminalize a grandfather for passing his goose gun to his grandson without government permission. It will also criminalize a mother who gives her college-age daughter a revolver for self-defense without first getting government permission.

House Democrats Will Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

Keep a hold of them can't and won't say it enough the countries with no guns are going to sink and with no protection right when they need it most with all these illegals coming in and raping women all over the place gangs of them are doing this.


Give it a break. It's not up to the Federal Government but it's up to each individual state. Brietbart news is about as untruthful as my one Sister who has a creed, "Never tell the truth when a lie works out just as well".
Fake this cyka

View attachment 233216

House Dems will push for background check on every gun sale

What's the matter, you afraid of universal background checks? I already have shown that this will get rid of a bunch of criminals getting their hands on guns in the metro areas and exporting hundreds of thousands of guns across the border to the drug cartels. You would rather the Feds use the Interstate Commerce Laws to do the same thing? And Background Checks are NOT Gun Registrations no matter what you guncrazies claim.

You haven't shown anything......current, federally mandated background checks are circumvented by straw buyers who pass the background checks, then give or sell their guns to felons.....most of the time it is the girlfriend, mother, grandmother of the gang member....and if they can pass the current background check....genius..... they can pass a universal background check.......

or they steal their guns....Dennis Prager went for an in-depth look at the L.A. P.D. and they told him gangs have robbery crews devoted to just stealing guns from homes...they have family working in the state government and know where the registered guns are......

Universal Background Checks are the gateway to getting universal gun registration. If we give them Universal Background checks, criminals will still get all the guns they want, and mass shooters will continue to pass any and all background checks, or they also will steal their guns....but......then the morons will come back and say, "obviously we need universal gun registration to make universal gun background checks work...since we need to know who owns the guns..." that, you moron, is why they want universal background checks...they don't give a rat's ass about criminals or mass shooters getting guns.

Not going after straw purchases , especially when those guns end up being used for criminal activity is a major problem. How many damn times have we seen some one buy a gun for a relative that relative uses the gun in a crime and ends up dead and then LE traces the gun and realizes a relative bought it for that person who couldn't buy it for themselves and decide that relative has suffered enough no reason to file charges? Bullshit, file charges.

And when people are charged with a gun crime and found guilty, make them serve their entire damn sentence.

I do have to say I wouldn't mind it being illegal to sale firearms on social media sites though. Too many people don't give a shit who they are selling their weapons too.
House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.

While the Democrats’ gun control push will not prevent mass shootings, it will criminalize a grandfather for passing his goose gun to his grandson without government permission. It will also criminalize a mother who gives her college-age daughter a revolver for self-defense without first getting government permission.

House Democrats Will Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

Keep a hold of them can't and won't say it enough the countries with no guns are going to sink and with no protection right when they need it most with all these illegals coming in and raping women all over the place gangs of them are doing this.


Give it a break. It's not up to the Federal Government but it's up to each individual state. Brietbart news is about as untruthful as my one Sister who has a creed, "Never tell the truth when a lie works out just as well".
Fake this cyka

View attachment 233216

House Dems will push for background check on every gun sale

What's the matter, you afraid of universal background checks? I already have shown that this will get rid of a bunch of criminals getting their hands on guns in the metro areas and exporting hundreds of thousands of guns across the border to the drug cartels. You would rather the Feds use the Interstate Commerce Laws to do the same thing? And Background Checks are NOT Gun Registrations no matter what you guncrazies claim.

You haven't shown anything......current, federally mandated background checks are circumvented by straw buyers who pass the background checks, then give or sell their guns to felons.....most of the time it is the girlfriend, mother, grandmother of the gang member....and if they can pass the current background check....genius..... they can pass a universal background check.......

or they steal their guns....Dennis Prager went for an in-depth look at the L.A. P.D. and they told him gangs have robbery crews devoted to just stealing guns from homes...they have family working in the state government and know where the registered guns are......

Universal Background Checks are the gateway to getting universal gun registration. If we give them Universal Background checks, criminals will still get all the guns they want, and mass shooters will continue to pass any and all background checks, or they also will steal their guns....but......then the morons will come back and say, "obviously we need universal gun registration to make universal gun background checks work...since we need to know who owns the guns..." that, you moron, is why they want universal background checks...they don't give a rat's ass about criminals or mass shooters getting guns.

Not going after straw purchases , especially when those guns end up being used for criminal activity is a major problem. How many damn times have we seen some one buy a gun for a relative that relative uses the gun in a crime and ends up dead and then LE traces the gun and realizes a relative bought it for that person who couldn't buy it for themselves and decide that relative has suffered enough no reason to file charges? Bullshit, file charges.

And when people are charged with a gun crime and found guilty, make them serve their entire damn sentence.

I do have to say I wouldn't mind it being illegal to sale firearms on social media sites though. Too many people don't give a shit who they are selling their weapons too.

Yep...... it isn't guns in the hands of law abiding is democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians who keep letting violent, repeat, known gun offenders and their straw buyers back on the street...

Straw Purchasing Guns: US Needs to Take It Seriously | [site:name] | National Review

Wisconsin isn’t alone in its nonchalance. California normally treats straw purchases as misdemeanors or minor infractions. Even as the people of Baltimore suffer horrific levels of violence, Maryland classifies the crime as a misdemeanor, too. Straw buying is a felony in progressive Connecticut, albeit one in the second-least-serious order of felonies. It is classified as a serious crime in Illinois (Class 2 felony), but police rarely (meaning “almost never”) go after the nephews and girlfriends with clean records who provide Chicago’s diverse and sundry gangsters with their weapons. In Delaware, it’s a Class F felony, like forging a check. In Oregon, it’s a misdemeanor.


I visited Chicago a few years back to write about the city’s gang-driven murder problem, and a retired police official told me that the nature of the people making straw purchases — young relatives, girlfriends who may or may not have been facing the threat of physical violence, grandmothers, etc. — made prosecuting those cases unattractive. In most of those cases, the authorities emphatically should put the straw purchasers in prison for as long as possible. Throw a few gangsters’ grandmothers behind bars for 20 years and see if that gets anybody’s attention. In the case of the young women suborned into breaking the law, that should be just another charge to put on the main offender.

The Left’s Phony War on Guns, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review

Chicago has Wild West levels of homicide.

(Worse, in fact; the criminality and violence of the ungoverned West has been greatly exaggerated, and some of those old cow towns had lower per capita crime rates back when they had no formal government than they do today.)

Do you know what kind of crime illegal possession of a firearm is in the state of Illinois?

It is a misdemeanor.

A 2014 study conducted by the Chicago Sun-Times found that in most cases, Cook County judges handed down the minimum sentence for gun possession, and in most cases, the criminals ended up serving far less than that, doing only a few months.

Those charged with simple possession had an average of four prior arrests; those charged with the more serious crime of being a felon in possession of a firearm had an average of ten previous arrests.
Ten arrests, and the eleventh is for a gun-related crime.
One wonders how many undetected crimes are covered by such criminal careers.
Many in Illinois have argued that, given the state of crime there, stiffer sentences are warranted.
A bill was introduced to that end, and it was opposed by Democrats who argued that stiffer sentences for those actually committing crimes with guns would “unfairly target African-Americans,” as the Sun-Times put it.
The NRA, to its discredit, opposed that bill, too, arguing that the penalties for simple possession in absence of other criminal activity were too stiff.
But that’s an argument for liberalizing Illinois gun laws, not for forgoing the punishment of criminals.
The NRA did support harsher punishment for felons in possession of firearms, and for the use of firearms in crimes. Democrats have generally opposed them.
House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.

While the Democrats’ gun control push will not prevent mass shootings, it will criminalize a grandfather for passing his goose gun to his grandson without government permission. It will also criminalize a mother who gives her college-age daughter a revolver for self-defense without first getting government permission.

House Democrats Will Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

Keep a hold of them can't and won't say it enough the countries with no guns are going to sink and with no protection right when they need it most with all these illegals coming in and raping women all over the place gangs of them are doing this.


Give it a break. It's not up to the Federal Government but it's up to each individual state. Brietbart news is about as untruthful as my one Sister who has a creed, "Never tell the truth when a lie works out just as well".
Fake this cyka

View attachment 233216

House Dems will push for background check on every gun sale

What's the matter, you afraid of universal background checks? I already have shown that this will get rid of a bunch of criminals getting their hands on guns in the metro areas and exporting hundreds of thousands of guns across the border to the drug cartels. You would rather the Feds use the Interstate Commerce Laws to do the same thing? And Background Checks are NOT Gun Registrations no matter what you guncrazies claim.

Whats the matter? Are how fkn stupid ppl are like you think all the laws in the world including taking the guns will stop gun killings. Which creates the gun take down asshole.
The main problem is as with most topics liberals talk about gun control from a point of emotion rather than fact.

" we need gun control, think of the children............" sounds good, but we don't need gun control, we need gun owner control. If someone can't be trusted to follow gun laws in this country, taking away MY gun does nothing. Throwing their asses in prison however obviously prevents that person from violating gun laws.

Imagine if a campaign was started saying that in order to prevent rape, all sex was now illegal. How much damn sense would that make?
It will not pass the Senate.

Nope. None of their horse shit will pass the Senate.

And none of the Horseshit coming from the Senate will pass the House. We have had way too many horseshit laws being spread like manure. The New Kids, all 90+ of them in the House including Dems and Reps, have all vowed to work together. Now, wouldn't that be refreshing? If (and I express IF) they do, maybe the Senate will learn from them. If the Senate doesn't, it's going to be a mighty lonely 2020. The General Public is fed up.
House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.

While the Democrats’ gun control push will not prevent mass shootings, it will criminalize a grandfather for passing his goose gun to his grandson without government permission. It will also criminalize a mother who gives her college-age daughter a revolver for self-defense without first getting government permission.

House Democrats Will Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

Keep a hold of them can't and won't say it enough the countries with no guns are going to sink and with no protection right when they need it most with all these illegals coming in and raping women all over the place gangs of them are doing this.


Give it a break. It's not up to the Federal Government but it's up to each individual state. Brietbart news is about as untruthful as my one Sister who has a creed, "Never tell the truth when a lie works out just as well".
Fake this cyka

View attachment 233216

House Dems will push for background check on every gun sale

What's the matter, you afraid of universal background checks? I already have shown that this will get rid of a bunch of criminals getting their hands on guns in the metro areas and exporting hundreds of thousands of guns across the border to the drug cartels. You would rather the Feds use the Interstate Commerce Laws to do the same thing? And Background Checks are NOT Gun Registrations no matter what you guncrazies claim.

You haven't shown anything......current, federally mandated background checks are circumvented by straw buyers who pass the background checks, then give or sell their guns to felons.....most of the time it is the girlfriend, mother, grandmother of the gang member....and if they can pass the current background check....genius..... they can pass a universal background check.......

or they steal their guns....Dennis Prager went for an in-depth look at the L.A. P.D. and they told him gangs have robbery crews devoted to just stealing guns from homes...they have family working in the state government and know where the registered guns are......

Universal Background Checks are the gateway to getting universal gun registration. If we give them Universal Background checks, criminals will still get all the guns they want, and mass shooters will continue to pass any and all background checks, or they also will steal their guns....but......then the morons will come back and say, "obviously we need universal gun registration to make universal gun background checks work...since we need to know who owns the guns..." that, you moron, is why they want universal background checks...they don't give a rat's ass about criminals or mass shooters getting guns.

And if the States continue to allow these things, the Feds can use the Interstate Commerce act to stop ALL sales of new guns until the State cleans it's act up.
House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.

While the Democrats’ gun control push will not prevent mass shootings, it will criminalize a grandfather for passing his goose gun to his grandson without government permission. It will also criminalize a mother who gives her college-age daughter a revolver for self-defense without first getting government permission.

House Democrats Will Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

Keep a hold of them can't and won't say it enough the countries with no guns are going to sink and with no protection right when they need it most with all these illegals coming in and raping women all over the place gangs of them are doing this.


Give it a break. It's not up to the Federal Government but it's up to each individual state. Brietbart news is about as untruthful as my one Sister who has a creed, "Never tell the truth when a lie works out just as well".
Fake this cyka

View attachment 233216

House Dems will push for background check on every gun sale

What's the matter, you afraid of universal background checks? I already have shown that this will get rid of a bunch of criminals getting their hands on guns in the metro areas and exporting hundreds of thousands of guns across the border to the drug cartels. You would rather the Feds use the Interstate Commerce Laws to do the same thing? And Background Checks are NOT Gun Registrations no matter what you guncrazies claim.

Whats the matter? Are how fkn stupid ppl are like you think all the laws in the world including taking the guns will stop gun killings. Which creates the gun take down asshole.

So you want the US be exactly like the one country in the world with not only similiar but looser gun laws than we have. Yes, let's turn it into Yemen. Let's have an armed revolution every other year that lasts years or settle small disputes by blowing your neighbor away. Why, that'll teach em'. From the time that the Colt Revolver and Remington Revolves were released from the Civil War, it took the citizens until 1871 to figure out that having everyone armed just wasn't a good idea. And after watching your bunch go at it, it's easy to see that we are no more civilized now as we were them. Now, go back to the one place you are allowed to be a Hero and that's your Video Game.
House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.

While the Democrats’ gun control push will not prevent mass shootings, it will criminalize a grandfather for passing his goose gun to his grandson without government permission. It will also criminalize a mother who gives her college-age daughter a revolver for self-defense without first getting government permission.

House Democrats Will Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

Keep a hold of them can't and won't say it enough the countries with no guns are going to sink and with no protection right when they need it most with all these illegals coming in and raping women all over the place gangs of them are doing this.


Give it a break. It's not up to the Federal Government but it's up to each individual state. Brietbart news is about as untruthful as my one Sister who has a creed, "Never tell the truth when a lie works out just as well".
Fake this cyka

View attachment 233216

House Dems will push for background check on every gun sale

What's the matter, you afraid of universal background checks? I already have shown that this will get rid of a bunch of criminals getting their hands on guns in the metro areas and exporting hundreds of thousands of guns across the border to the drug cartels. You would rather the Feds use the Interstate Commerce Laws to do the same thing? And Background Checks are NOT Gun Registrations no matter what you guncrazies claim.

You haven't shown anything......current, federally mandated background checks are circumvented by straw buyers who pass the background checks, then give or sell their guns to felons.....most of the time it is the girlfriend, mother, grandmother of the gang member....and if they can pass the current background check....genius..... they can pass a universal background check.......

or they steal their guns....Dennis Prager went for an in-depth look at the L.A. P.D. and they told him gangs have robbery crews devoted to just stealing guns from homes...they have family working in the state government and know where the registered guns are......

Universal Background Checks are the gateway to getting universal gun registration. If we give them Universal Background checks, criminals will still get all the guns they want, and mass shooters will continue to pass any and all background checks, or they also will steal their guns....but......then the morons will come back and say, "obviously we need universal gun registration to make universal gun background checks work...since we need to know who owns the guns..." that, you moron, is why they want universal background checks...they don't give a rat's ass about criminals or mass shooters getting guns.

And if the States continue to allow these things, the Feds can use the Interstate Commerce act to stop ALL sales of new guns until the State cleans it's act up.

They tried that with Lopez and it failed...the 2nd Amendment protects guns from that crap...


Is the 1990 Gun-Free School Zones Act, forbidding individuals from knowingly carrying a gun in a school zone, unconstitutional because it exceeds the power of Congress to legislate under the Commerce Clause?
House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.

While the Democrats’ gun control push will not prevent mass shootings, it will criminalize a grandfather for passing his goose gun to his grandson without government permission. It will also criminalize a mother who gives her college-age daughter a revolver for self-defense without first getting government permission.

House Democrats Will Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

Keep a hold of them can't and won't say it enough the countries with no guns are going to sink and with no protection right when they need it most with all these illegals coming in and raping women all over the place gangs of them are doing this.

"Goose gun"?

Where are you going. Get back in here and explain what the fuck a "goose gun" is.
Sounds like it belongs in an auto repair shop.
Are you on drugs?
House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.

While the Democrats’ gun control push will not prevent mass shootings, it will criminalize a grandfather for passing his goose gun to his grandson without government permission. It will also criminalize a mother who gives her college-age daughter a revolver for self-defense without first getting government permission.

House Democrats Will Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

Keep a hold of them can't and won't say it enough the countries with no guns are going to sink and with no protection right when they need it most with all these illegals coming in and raping women all over the place gangs of them are doing this.


Give it a break. It's not up to the Federal Government but it's up to each individual state. Brietbart news is about as untruthful as my one Sister who has a creed, "Never tell the truth when a lie works out just as well".
Fake this cyka

View attachment 233216

House Dems will push for background check on every gun sale

What's the matter, you afraid of universal background checks? I already have shown that this will get rid of a bunch of criminals getting their hands on guns in the metro areas and exporting hundreds of thousands of guns across the border to the drug cartels. You would rather the Feds use the Interstate Commerce Laws to do the same thing? And Background Checks are NOT Gun Registrations no matter what you guncrazies claim.

Whats the matter? Are how fkn stupid ppl are like you think all the laws in the world including taking the guns will stop gun killings. Which creates the gun take down asshole.

So you want the US be exactly like the one country in the world with not only similiar but looser gun laws than we have. Yes, let's turn it into Yemen. Let's have an armed revolution every other year that lasts years or settle small disputes by blowing your neighbor away. Why, that'll teach em'. From the time that the Colt Revolver and Remington Revolves were released from the Civil War, it took the citizens until 1871 to figure out that having everyone armed just wasn't a good idea. And after watching your bunch go at it, it's easy to see that we are no more civilized now as we were them. Now, go back to the one place you are allowed to be a Hero and that's your Video Game.

Just how stupid do you have to be to squat and squeeze out something this idiotic?

Give it a break. It's not up to the Federal Government but it's up to each individual state. Brietbart news is about as untruthful as my one Sister who has a creed, "Never tell the truth when a lie works out just as well".
Fake this cyka

View attachment 233216

House Dems will push for background check on every gun sale

What's the matter, you afraid of universal background checks? I already have shown that this will get rid of a bunch of criminals getting their hands on guns in the metro areas and exporting hundreds of thousands of guns across the border to the drug cartels. You would rather the Feds use the Interstate Commerce Laws to do the same thing? And Background Checks are NOT Gun Registrations no matter what you guncrazies claim.

You haven't shown anything......current, federally mandated background checks are circumvented by straw buyers who pass the background checks, then give or sell their guns to felons.....most of the time it is the girlfriend, mother, grandmother of the gang member....and if they can pass the current background check....genius..... they can pass a universal background check.......

or they steal their guns....Dennis Prager went for an in-depth look at the L.A. P.D. and they told him gangs have robbery crews devoted to just stealing guns from homes...they have family working in the state government and know where the registered guns are......

Universal Background Checks are the gateway to getting universal gun registration. If we give them Universal Background checks, criminals will still get all the guns they want, and mass shooters will continue to pass any and all background checks, or they also will steal their guns....but......then the morons will come back and say, "obviously we need universal gun registration to make universal gun background checks work...since we need to know who owns the guns..." that, you moron, is why they want universal background checks...they don't give a rat's ass about criminals or mass shooters getting guns.

And if the States continue to allow these things, the Feds can use the Interstate Commerce act to stop ALL sales of new guns until the State cleans it's act up.

They tried that with Lopez and it failed...the 2nd Amendment protects guns from that crap...


Is the 1990 Gun-Free School Zones Act, forbidding individuals from knowingly carrying a gun in a school zone, unconstitutional because it exceeds the power of Congress to legislate under the Commerce Clause?

You still don't get it. Under the Interstate Commerce Act, any product that is deemed to be unsafe can be not allowed to pass over state lines. Simple as that. It can be done by a Congressional Mandate or an EO and it will stand up in court. What you are quoting deals in States Rights over Federal Rights.

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