House Intel Committee briefed on more Russian efforts to help the Orange Fraud

Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support
A classified briefing to lawmakers angered the president, who complained that Democrats would “weaponize” the disclosure.
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support

WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.

The day after the Feb. 13 briefing to lawmakers, Mr. Trump berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place, people familiar with the exchange said. Mr. Trump cited the presence in the briefing of Representative Adam B. Schiff, the California Democrat who led the impeachment proceedings against him, as a particular irritant.

During the briefing to the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Trump’s allies challenged the conclusions, arguing that he has been tough on Russia and strengthened European security. Some intelligence officials viewed the briefing as a tactical error, saying that had the official who delivered the conclusion spoken less pointedly or left it out, they would have avoided angering the Republicans.

That intelligence official, Shelby Pierson, is an aide to Mr. Maguire who has a reputation of delivering intelligence in somewhat blunt terms. The president announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Mr. Maguire with Richard Grenell, the ambassador to Germany and long an aggressively vocal Trump supporter.
This infuriated the Orange one because he hates to be reminded how the Russians helped him get elected.

Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf
Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf

Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire was still considered a frontrunner to take the post in a permanent capacity until last week — when President Donald Trump found out that Maguire’s staff had briefed House lawmakers that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election on Trump’s behalf.

According to reporting from the New York Times and Washington Post, Trump was furious in particular that Maguire aide Shelby Pierson conveyed the information to Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Trump reportedly fretted that the Democrats would use it against him.

Members of both parties on the committee were in attendance at the briefing a week ago, and Trump’s allies argued with the conclusions Pierson presented, insisting that Trump has gotten tougher on Russia.

The President dressed down Maguire after the briefing, which reportedly led to his shift in favor to name U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, the acting DNI. Grenell is an avid Trump supporter who has downplayed the threat Russia poses to U.S. elections.
So, let's see. The Don is purging everyone who testified honestly about his attempt to extort Ukraine. Now he's removing all the people warning the country about Russia's efforts to help him in 2020.

If democrats had a winnable candidate the media wouldn't be using the Russia lie argument
Eight years ago tomorrow, Obama’s job approval was 45/48. At the moment, Trump stands at 49/48

Russians Hack Gallup and Flood The Internet With TrumPosiBots To Drive Up Trump's Poll Numbers!

So, since the FBI examined the copy of the server, do you now agree with their assessment of the source of the hack?


1. The DNC LIED, claiming the FBI NEVER requested to inspect their server. Comey, under oath, testified the FBI asked numerous times and continued to stress the need for the FBI to acquire their server.

2. Obama still called in Crowdstrike - an outside George Soros-connected, Pro-Hillary Google-funded organization - to assume control of the investigation of a serious matter involving National Security......The DNC paid Crowdstrike, and Obama made the founder a member of his Cabinet.

3. The report claims the 'Hackers', which they claimed to be Russian, acquired 'credentials' and 'access' to the DNC Server and files' -- what is described here is EXACTLT what AWAN did / was given by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. DWS GAVE Awan access to the DNC Server, GAVE him credentials, usernames, and passwords for DNC e-mails, the same racist / sexist / homophobic / anti-Semitic content-filled e-mails Awan had access to, thanks to DWS.

All of THIS goes to support the pathetic attempt by the DNC to distract from the exposed facts that they rigged their own primaries and were exposed as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-semites.

Do I believe the Russians hacked the DNC's server? Quite Possibly...

Barry learned in 2012 the Russians were attempting to hack our power grid, use Social media to run Counter-Intel ops (that successfully got snowflakes to organize and march for them), paid antifa / BLM / the Black Fist to spread racial division and violence, AND WERE TRYING TO HACK SENIOR OBAMA OFFICIAL E-MAIL ACCOUNTS / SERVERS.

Worse, yet, he KNEW about Hillary's illegal private server and practices (evidence shows he was e-mailing her using an alias at the time...) - he could have told her to shut it down, but he did not warn her at all, just like he never warned the DNC. If the Russians were trying to hack - as claimed - Obama knew, did not warn anyone, and did not try to stop it.

ALSO, years ago I was following several stories, and I noticed it was quietly reported that the FBI flew to Europe and took Guccifer into custody to return him to the US to stand trial for hacking HILLARY's SERVER. I posted the small article on this board...and soundly attacked by snowflakes for suggesting anyone had hacked Hillary's personal, unauthorized, unsecured, unencrypted personal server containing classified information..... The document you just posted talks about Guccifer's hacking....but Democrats / snowflakes now still claim he / the Russians hacked only the DNC's server.

FINALLY, we get back to one of the big lies the Snowflakes still like to tell - 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia' -- Trump and his team illegally colluded with Russia to ensure Trump won the 2016 election.

The Weismann-Mueller report specifically states neither Trump or his team illegally colluded with Russia
-- Obama's FBI and Hillary did that by paying / working with Steele to get their hands on Russian-authored Counter-Intel Propaganda that was used to commit FISA Court abuses and to illegally spy on Trump and his team

Neither Trump nor his team facilitated Russian interference - again,that was Barry, who learned about the Russian interference and activity in 2012 and allowed them 2 years of unchallenged pillaging and plundering in the US

The Russians' real objective was to divide this country, and with the help of Russian-authored Counter Intel propaganda provided by a known, untrustworthy, lying, alternate agenda-driven Trump-hating foreign spy, the Democrats have helped divide this country for the last 4 years more than the Russians ever dreamed of doing alone.
Racist Republicans are......

Sorry, but I could not get past the 1st three words of your post because 'stupid' is a natural repellant for intelligent, free-thinking, independent people.

And Before I continue, allow me to make the distinction between 'ignorant' and 'stupid':

'Ignorant' is just not knowing, a lack of knowledge, something that can be fixed through education.
- You can't fix 'stupid'.

The factual history of the Democratic party and its founding of the KKK has been recorded and taught; however, Democrats have attempted to alter history, much like many Jew-haters / Germans want to / wanted to change history and teach that the Holocaust never happened. It is perfectly understandable why the Democrats would want to erase any ties to its earlier self that created such a despicable organization to control / suppress blacks.

'Ignorant' people may not be aware of this history and its facts, and they can be enlightened through education.

'Stupid' people reject facts, either due to being gullible or being brainwashed by those seeking to manipulate them. Often it is due to blind partisanship. You have proven over time that your problem is not 'ignorance' - it's 'stupid'...and as I said, you can't fix 'stupid'.

1. Democrats (and snowflakes) have used the term 'racist' (and other names) as both SWORD and SHIELD in the past - they still do.
- SWORD: Idiots like you use name-calling - like 'racist' - to attack people, falsely accusing them of being something they are not. All too often - as it is a tactic of Democrats - they accuse others of doing things / being something THEY have done / still are or who THEY have been / still are.

- SHIELD: When someone points out something factual that is negative about Democrats, the term 'racist' is used as 'defense'. Calling someone a 'racist', in large part, immediately stops them in their tracks and puts them on defense. Personally, I agree with the late Andrew Breitbart, who said. 'Let people call you names - like 'racist' - and IGNORE IT.' Unless what the attackers are calling you is TRUE then it should not bother you. If I call you a 'camel-humper', it should not bother you in the least unless you actually do screw camels. So when desperate snowflakes who are losing intellectual battles call me a 'racist' - like you did - I ignore it / laugh at you / mock you since it is not true.

2. E-Mails Revealed Who The REAL 'Racists' STILL Are...

In 2016 DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hired several Pakistanis to be IT support for House Democrats, breaking a law that demands any such hires have background checks prior to being hired. Had they done so they would have found out that the Awans were connected to terrorists, were accused of holding their mother against her will while they stole their deceased father's money, and more. She and the Democrats gave them access to House computers / servers...and they downloaded TERA-bytes of information, accessing House Foreign Relations, INTEL, and other folders. When it was discovered what they were doing they were BANNED FROM THE HOSUE / ACCESSING GOVT PCS.

Schultz, however, hired Awan back immediately, GAVE HIM ACCESS TO THE DNC SERVER, GIVING HIM ACCESS TO ALL DNC E-MAILS, & GIVING HIM USERNAMES & PASSWORDS TO THOSE ACCOUNTS. Gee - surprise, surprise, several days later CRITICAL, EMBARRASSING DNC e-mails were leaked. 2 major things were exposed about the DNC and its members: 1) The DNC rigged their 2016 Primaries for Hillary (something that Donna Brazile admitted to publicly later), & 2) 'RACIST', 'sexist', homophobic, anti-Semitic content in their e-mails.

Hillary's loss in 2016 caused something inside the Democrats' fragile little minds to snap - all of a sudden they completely STOPPED trying to pretend they were something they were not - they began openly demonstrating who they really are. For example, the Democratic party openly EMBRACED anti-Semitism. Oh sure, they had to threaten and even rebuke several of their own for anti-Semitism, but during that controversy many Democrats defended their anti-Semitism and displayed some of their own. Not long ago, after another vile 'bout' of anti-Semitic comments from Tlaib and Omar the Democratic Party demonstrated they could not / would not pass a simple measure declaring anti-Semitism is NOT acceptable. Instead, in defense of these women, to protect them, they watered down the measure and refused to call the offenders by name.

Let's move forward to 2020 and the Moderate Democratic Party's last best hope to stave off the onslaught from the Leftist extremists and prevent the party from becoming COMMUNIST / SOCIALIST -- BLOOMBERG.

Bloomberg was supposed to be the 'white knight' who would ride in and save the party from Bernie Sanders....except his political opponents, led by Warren, knocked his ass off that 'horse' the other night in the debate, savaging Bloomberg over the revelations from his past that he is a FLAMING RACIST, not to mention a pompous, smug, out-of-touch, insulting, self-entitled, misogynistic, sexist,billionaire elitist prick.

Bloomberg's performance in the last debate could very well go down as the worst debate performance EVER, at least the worst in modern history. How he was THAT unprepared for the attacks on his immoral / unethical gaffes from the past who knows, but his own party members / political opponents shredded him for them.

....which brings us back to you and your post, which started out with the words 'Racist Republicans are....'.

Bwuhahahahaha...... As I said, YOU CAN'T FIX 'STUPID'!

Thank you for reminding me why it is a complete waste of time reading anything you post.


Why is it so hard for you to admit the obvious, that Russia hacked the DNC to help Trump? Why are you so compelled to invent fringe conspiracy theories in order to deny that?

If I were a Trump supporter, I’d acknowledge it. I’d say that yeah Russian hackers had it out for Clinton but that’s not Trump’s fault. You can’t hold it against him.

And I don’t hold I against him. I do hold Trump responsible for his continuing denial of the truth.

I hold against him the fact that his campaign manager handed over private polling information over to russia.

I hold it against him for accepting the help that russia gave him.

I hold it against him that he used stolen documents that russia gave to Wikileaks.

I hold it against him for lying and trying to cover it all up.

I hold it against him for not taking steps to stop it from happening again.

I hold it against him for taking steps to make it easier for russia to do it all over again.
Lol guys you are embarrassing America lol
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??
Proof they are doing that?
Asking Jitsy is like talking to a snail.
That’s why you guys can’t win elections lol
You better pay close attention to AZ, NV, CO, WI, GA, NC, PA. Especially the down ballot GOP Senate incumbents.
Racist Republicans are......

Sorry, but I could not get past the 1st three words of your post because 'stupid' is a natural repellant for intelligent, free-thinking, independent people.

And Before I continue, allow me to make the distinction between 'ignorant' and 'stupid':

'Ignorant' is just not knowing, a lack of knowledge, something that can be fixed through education.
- You can't fix 'stupid'.

The factual history of the Democratic party and its founding of the KKK has been recorded and taught; however, Democrats have attempted to alter history, much like many Jew-haters / Germans want to / wanted to change history and teach that the Holocaust never happened. It is perfectly understandable why the Democrats would want to erase any ties to its earlier self that created such a despicable organization to control / suppress blacks.

'Ignorant' people may not be aware of this history and its facts, and they can be enlightened through education.

'Stupid' people reject facts, either due to being gullible or being brainwashed by those seeking to manipulate them. Often it is due to blind partisanship. You have proven over time that your problem is not 'ignorance' - it's 'stupid'...and as I said, you can't fix 'stupid'.

1. Democrats (and snowflakes) have used the term 'racist' (and other names) as both SWORD and SHIELD in the past - they still do.
- SWORD: Idiots like you use name-calling - like 'racist' - to attack people, falsely accusing them of being something they are not. All too often - as it is a tactic of Democrats - they accuse others of doing things / being something THEY have done / still are or who THEY have been / still are.

- SHIELD: When someone points out something factual that is negative about Democrats, the term 'racist' is used as 'defense'. Calling someone a 'racist', in large part, immediately stops them in their tracks and puts them on defense. Personally, I agree with the late Andrew Breitbart, who said. 'Let people call you names - like 'racist' - and IGNORE IT.' Unless what the attackers are calling you is TRUE then it should not bother you. If I call you a 'camel-humper', it should not bother you in the least unless you actually do screw camels. So when desperate snowflakes who are losing intellectual battles call me a 'racist' - like you did - I ignore it / laugh at you / mock you since it is not true.

2. E-Mails Revealed Who The REAL 'Racists' STILL Are...

In 2016 DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hired several Pakistanis to be IT support for House Democrats, breaking a law that demands any such hires have background checks prior to being hired. Had they done so they would have found out that the Awans were connected to terrorists, were accused of holding their mother against her will while they stole their deceased father's money, and more. She and the Democrats gave them access to House computers / servers...and they downloaded TERA-bytes of information, accessing House Foreign Relations, INTEL, and other folders. When it was discovered what they were doing they were BANNED FROM THE HOSUE / ACCESSING GOVT PCS.

Schultz, however, hired Awan back immediately, GAVE HIM ACCESS TO THE DNC SERVER, GIVING HIM ACCESS TO ALL DNC E-MAILS, & GIVING HIM USERNAMES & PASSWORDS TO THOSE ACCOUNTS. Gee - surprise, surprise, several days later CRITICAL, EMBARRASSING DNC e-mails were leaked. 2 major things were exposed about the DNC and its members: 1) The DNC rigged their 2016 Primaries for Hillary (something that Donna Brazile admitted to publicly later), & 2) 'RACIST', 'sexist', homophobic, anti-Semitic content in their e-mails.

Hillary's loss in 2016 caused something inside the Democrats' fragile little minds to snap - all of a sudden they completely STOPPED trying to pretend they were something they were not - they began openly demonstrating who they really are. For example, the Democratic party openly EMBRACED anti-Semitism. Oh sure, they had to threaten and even rebuke several of their own for anti-Semitism, but during that controversy many Democrats defended their anti-Semitism and displayed some of their own. Not long ago, after another vile 'bout' of anti-Semitic comments from Tlaib and Omar the Democratic Party demonstrated they could not / would not pass a simple measure declaring anti-Semitism is NOT acceptable. Instead, in defense of these women, to protect them, they watered down the measure and refused to call the offenders by name.

Let's move forward to 2020 and the Moderate Democratic Party's last best hope to stave off the onslaught from the Leftist extremists and prevent the party from becoming COMMUNIST / SOCIALIST -- BLOOMBERG.

Bloomberg was supposed to be the 'white knight' who would ride in and save the party from Bernie Sanders....except his political opponents, led by Warren, knocked his ass off that 'horse' the other night in the debate, savaging Bloomberg over the revelations from his past that he is a FLAMING RACIST, not to mention a pompous, smug, out-of-touch, insulting, self-entitled, misogynistic, sexist,billionaire elitist prick.

Bloomberg's performance in the last debate could very well go down as the worst debate performance EVER, at least the worst in modern history. How he was THAT unprepared for the attacks on his immoral / unethical gaffes from the past who knows, but his own party members / political opponents shredded him for them.

....which brings us back to you and your post, which started out with the words 'Racist Republicans are....'.

Bwuhahahahaha...... As I said, YOU CAN'T FIX 'STUPID'!

Thank you for reminding me why it is a complete waste of time reading anything you post.


Why is it so hard for you to admit the obvious, that Russia hacked the DNC to help Trump? Why are you so compelled to invent fringe conspiracy theories in order to deny that?

If I were a Trump supporter, I’d acknowledge it. I’d say that yeah Russian hackers had it out for Clinton but that’s not Trump’s fault. You can’t hold it against him.

And I don’t hold I against him. I do hold Trump responsible for his continuing denial of the truth.

I hold against him the fact that his campaign manager handed over private polling information over to russia.

I hold it against him for accepting the help that russia gave him.

I hold it against him that he used stolen documents that russia gave to Wikileaks.

I hold it against him for lying and trying to cover it all up.

I hold it against him for not taking steps to stop it from happening again.

I hold it against him for taking steps to make it easier for russia to do it all over again.
Moon Bat
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??
Proof they are doing that?
Asking Jitsy is like talking to a snail.
That’s why you guys can’t win elections lol
You better pay close attention to AZ, NV, CO, WI, GA, NC, PA. Especially the down ballot GOP Senate incumbents.
Keep telling yourself that. The US isn’t about to go Socialist.
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??
Proof they are doing that?
Asking Jitsy is like talking to a snail.
That’s why you guys can’t win elections lol
You better pay close attention to AZ, NV, CO, WI, GA, NC, PA. Especially the down ballot GOP Senate incumbents.
You better watch them in 2032! Lol good luck coming back lol
The Russians have been using propaganda to undermine the fabric of American society since FDR used to refer to Stalin as "uncle Joe". We do the same thing through the CIA. The ironic thing is that the democrat party has been the willing stooge of the Russians in order to undermine the Trump administration. For God's sake, anyone can see that the former CIA director is an outspoken enemy of the Trump administration and the chairperson of the House Intel committee has been working with the Russians to undermine the Trump administration. The Obama administration used a fake dossier from a foreign agent who might have been working for the Russians to spy on an opposition candidate. Drain the freaking swamp.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??
Proof they are doing that?
Asking Jitsy is like talking to a snail.
That’s why you guys can’t win elections lol
You better pay close attention to AZ, NV, CO, WI, GA, NC, PA. Especially the down ballot GOP Senate incumbents.
You better watch them in 2032! Lol good luck coming back lol
You should also pay attention to the campaign to oust that shaky broad in ME.
Racist Republicans are......

Sorry, but I could not get past the 1st three words of your post because 'stupid' is a natural repellant for intelligent, free-thinking, independent people.

And Before I continue, allow me to make the distinction between 'ignorant' and 'stupid':

'Ignorant' is just not knowing, a lack of knowledge, something that can be fixed through education.
- You can't fix 'stupid'.

The factual history of the Democratic party and its founding of the KKK has been recorded and taught; however, Democrats have attempted to alter history, much like many Jew-haters / Germans want to / wanted to change history and teach that the Holocaust never happened. It is perfectly understandable why the Democrats would want to erase any ties to its earlier self that created such a despicable organization to control / suppress blacks.

'Ignorant' people may not be aware of this history and its facts, and they can be enlightened through education.

'Stupid' people reject facts, either due to being gullible or being brainwashed by those seeking to manipulate them. Often it is due to blind partisanship. You have proven over time that your problem is not 'ignorance' - it's 'stupid'...and as I said, you can't fix 'stupid'.

1. Democrats (and snowflakes) have used the term 'racist' (and other names) as both SWORD and SHIELD in the past - they still do.
- SWORD: Idiots like you use name-calling - like 'racist' - to attack people, falsely accusing them of being something they are not. All too often - as it is a tactic of Democrats - they accuse others of doing things / being something THEY have done / still are or who THEY have been / still are.

- SHIELD: When someone points out something factual that is negative about Democrats, the term 'racist' is used as 'defense'. Calling someone a 'racist', in large part, immediately stops them in their tracks and puts them on defense. Personally, I agree with the late Andrew Breitbart, who said. 'Let people call you names - like 'racist' - and IGNORE IT.' Unless what the attackers are calling you is TRUE then it should not bother you. If I call you a 'camel-humper', it should not bother you in the least unless you actually do screw camels. So when desperate snowflakes who are losing intellectual battles call me a 'racist' - like you did - I ignore it / laugh at you / mock you since it is not true.

2. E-Mails Revealed Who The REAL 'Racists' STILL Are...

In 2016 DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hired several Pakistanis to be IT support for House Democrats, breaking a law that demands any such hires have background checks prior to being hired. Had they done so they would have found out that the Awans were connected to terrorists, were accused of holding their mother against her will while they stole their deceased father's money, and more. She and the Democrats gave them access to House computers / servers...and they downloaded TERA-bytes of information, accessing House Foreign Relations, INTEL, and other folders. When it was discovered what they were doing they were BANNED FROM THE HOSUE / ACCESSING GOVT PCS.

Schultz, however, hired Awan back immediately, GAVE HIM ACCESS TO THE DNC SERVER, GIVING HIM ACCESS TO ALL DNC E-MAILS, & GIVING HIM USERNAMES & PASSWORDS TO THOSE ACCOUNTS. Gee - surprise, surprise, several days later CRITICAL, EMBARRASSING DNC e-mails were leaked. 2 major things were exposed about the DNC and its members: 1) The DNC rigged their 2016 Primaries for Hillary (something that Donna Brazile admitted to publicly later), & 2) 'RACIST', 'sexist', homophobic, anti-Semitic content in their e-mails.

Hillary's loss in 2016 caused something inside the Democrats' fragile little minds to snap - all of a sudden they completely STOPPED trying to pretend they were something they were not - they began openly demonstrating who they really are. For example, the Democratic party openly EMBRACED anti-Semitism. Oh sure, they had to threaten and even rebuke several of their own for anti-Semitism, but during that controversy many Democrats defended their anti-Semitism and displayed some of their own. Not long ago, after another vile 'bout' of anti-Semitic comments from Tlaib and Omar the Democratic Party demonstrated they could not / would not pass a simple measure declaring anti-Semitism is NOT acceptable. Instead, in defense of these women, to protect them, they watered down the measure and refused to call the offenders by name.

Let's move forward to 2020 and the Moderate Democratic Party's last best hope to stave off the onslaught from the Leftist extremists and prevent the party from becoming COMMUNIST / SOCIALIST -- BLOOMBERG.

Bloomberg was supposed to be the 'white knight' who would ride in and save the party from Bernie Sanders....except his political opponents, led by Warren, knocked his ass off that 'horse' the other night in the debate, savaging Bloomberg over the revelations from his past that he is a FLAMING RACIST, not to mention a pompous, smug, out-of-touch, insulting, self-entitled, misogynistic, sexist,billionaire elitist prick.

Bloomberg's performance in the last debate could very well go down as the worst debate performance EVER, at least the worst in modern history. How he was THAT unprepared for the attacks on his immoral / unethical gaffes from the past who knows, but his own party members / political opponents shredded him for them.

....which brings us back to you and your post, which started out with the words 'Racist Republicans are....'.

Bwuhahahahaha...... As I said, YOU CAN'T FIX 'STUPID'!

Thank you for reminding me why it is a complete waste of time reading anything you post.


Why is it so hard for you to admit the obvious, that Russia hacked the DNC to help Trump? Why are you so compelled to invent fringe conspiracy theories in order to deny that?

If I were a Trump supporter, I’d acknowledge it. I’d say that yeah Russian hackers had it out for Clinton but that’s not Trump’s fault. You can’t hold it against him.

And I don’t hold I against him. I do hold Trump responsible for his continuing denial of the truth.

I hold against him the fact that his campaign manager handed over private polling information over to russia.

I hold it against him for accepting the help that russia gave him.

I hold it against him that he used stolen documents that russia gave to Wikileaks.

I hold it against him for lying and trying to cover it all up.

I hold it against him for not taking steps to stop it from happening again.

I hold it against him for taking steps to make it easier for russia to do it all over again.
Happened on Obama’s watch. Why don’t you hold it against him, hack?
Do you have proof of Russia interfering on behalf of Trump?

Take note, the OP's link does not provide proof of anything.

Here's the senate report on the subject. Remember the senate is full republicans.
Still no connection to trump
What actions has Trump taken to secure our elections from foreign interference?
Building a wall on the southern border trying to end sanctuary cities and democratic one towns were Democrats are using illegals to work for their campaign
If you could hear yourself you'd realize how pathetic you sound.

You are posting to one of the russian trolls working to get trump elected.

It matches the profile of a russian troll very well. It has posted over 24 thousand posts in one year.

It posts a lot of propaganda from russia.

It posts a lot of memes.

It doesn't seem to have a very good grasp of our democratic republic, our constitution and our way of law.

They never left the internet and only have added to their numbers.

They will never leave the internet but we can get them out of our government and any influence in our White House.

The way to do that is to get rid of republicans. They've been bought and paid for by globalists, plutocrats, russians and the very wealthy. They have never worked in the best interests of our nation.

The only way to get rid of republicans is to hold your nose and vote for a democrat. The reality is that a 3rd party person can't win any federal office and has very slim chances of winning a state office. So any vote for a 3rd party only elects a republican.

You need to get as many people to vote as possible. Help people get registered and help them get to the polls. Get your friends to do the same thing.

The ONLY way we can get russians out of our government is voting for a democrat.

'The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails'

This is the same Obama / Deep State Intel Community that participated in and facilitated the manufacturing of an Intel Report that was based on the known false Dossier that stated the information in their report was obtained from legitimate Intel sources, which later it was proven was NOT the case and that both Strzok and Brennan had been involved in writing these false reports that were briefed to Congress...

Brennan was caught committing perjury by testifying under oath he knew nothing about the Dossier, only to have it exposed by the Congressional sign-in logs that he had briefed select members of Congress on the Dossier and had been involved in the Ops Intel Assessment and Ops Intel Report briefs that WERE based in large part off of the Dossier.

It was reported by the US IG that the Assessment, which was based primarily on the known false Dossier contents, was sent to only 3 0THREE) of the 17 (SEVENTEEN) US Intel Agencies because Clapper, Brennan, and Strzok were attempting to control who the assessment was released to in order to get the results they sought back...which they did,

This would be the same Obama administration / Obama-appointed officials, like the US AG, Directors of the NSA, CIA, and FBI who were exposed as being part of the Conspiracy to prevent Trump from winning / affecting a political coup while protecting Hillary from Indictment to keep her in the race......


The United States would not allow a George-Soros-connected, Pro-Hillary/Hillary-funding Google organization to take the lead on investigating a grave matter of National Security, instead of the DOJ, NSA, CIA, or FBI and produce the report findings......and the President would not then reward this organization's founder with a Cabinet position, but Barry did.....and the DNC would not pay this organization a large sum of money to keep the investigation in-house...but they did.

Snowflakes are willing to accept the 'candy' from the Democrats - that looks, smells, and tastes like dog shit - eat it, and then try to convince others it isn't dog shit.
Proof they are doing that?
Asking Jitsy is like talking to a snail.
That’s why you guys can’t win elections lol
You better pay close attention to AZ, NV, CO, WI, GA, NC, PA. Especially the down ballot GOP Senate incumbents.
You better watch them in 2032! Lol good luck coming back lol
You should also pay attention to the campaign to oust that shaky broad in ME.
We are.. Hillary over spent trump by millions and still lost no one likes democrats sorry
Asking Jitsy is like talking to a snail.
That’s why you guys can’t win elections lol
You better pay close attention to AZ, NV, CO, WI, GA, NC, PA. Especially the down ballot GOP Senate incumbents.
You better watch them in 2032! Lol good luck coming back lol
You should also pay attention to the campaign to oust that shaky broad in ME.
We are.. Hillary over spent trump by millions and still lost no one likes democrats sorry
I doubt you have a clue. Pay attention.
That’s why you guys can’t win elections lol
You better pay close attention to AZ, NV, CO, WI, GA, NC, PA. Especially the down ballot GOP Senate incumbents.
You better watch them in 2032! Lol good luck coming back lol
You should also pay attention to the campaign to oust that shaky broad in ME.
We are.. Hillary over spent trump by millions and still lost no one likes democrats sorry
I doubt you have a clue. Pay attention.
Looks like Maine to me
View attachment 307966
You better pay close attention to AZ, NV, CO, WI, GA, NC, PA. Especially the down ballot GOP Senate incumbents.
You better watch them in 2032! Lol good luck coming back lol
You should also pay attention to the campaign to oust that shaky broad in ME.
We are.. Hillary over spent trump by millions and still lost no one likes democrats sorry
I doubt you have a clue. Pay attention.
Looks like Maine to me
Jitsy found an interactive map to decide EC counts. Moron.
View attachment 307966
You better watch them in 2032! Lol good luck coming back lol
You should also pay attention to the campaign to oust that shaky broad in ME.
We are.. Hillary over spent trump by millions and still lost no one likes democrats sorry
I doubt you have a clue. Pay attention.
Looks like Maine to me
Jitsy found an interactive map to decide EC counts. Moron.
Mad bro?? dude nobody likes you nobody is going to vote Democrat you’re going to have the lowest turnout in the history of America

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