House Intel Committee briefed on more Russian efforts to help the Orange Fraud

View attachment 307966
You should also pay attention to the campaign to oust that shaky broad in ME.
We are.. Hillary over spent trump by millions and still lost no one likes democrats sorry
I doubt you have a clue. Pay attention.
Looks like Maine to me
Jitsy found an interactive map to decide EC counts. Moron.
Mad bro?? dude nobody likes you nobody is going to vote Democrat you’re going to have the lowest turnout in the history of America
You are a fraud.
This is going to be another thread where Trumpette's bob and weave and insult and deflect but never address the factual matter...............Russian interference for his benefit and Don's refusal to deal with it.

Russian interference: OK, Berg, I'll humor you. I've asked 1,000 times for anyone to show me where a single vote was changed by the Russians! Much less the thousands needed to affect any state.

Then I got to ask you, why then did Obama laugh at the idea in 2012? Offer to be more flexible, then when Trump was running at the height of the Trump-Russia scare give a press conference declaring our election system essentially BULLET PROOF?
The ONLY way we can get russians out of our government is voting for a democrat.

In 2012 Barry made a deal with the Russian devil, promising 'flexibility' after re-election.

2 years later Barry gave Putin uranium,Crimea, and 2 years of unchallenged hacking, Counter-Intel ops, and interference.

In 2016 Barry reached out to Vlad through Steele to acquire Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda he and his administration (DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI) used to manufacture the known false claim of illegal Russian collusion when in fact that is exactly what THEY had done / were doing.

Based on known false Russian-authored Counter-Intel Propaganda Obama and his administration destroyed lives, bankrupted families, violated the Constitution, stripped Americans of their Constitutional Rights, broke laws, committed FISA Court abuses, illegally spied on Americans, committed sedition,Conspiracy, Obstruction, and treason in attempting a political coup against a US President.

Snowflakes bought the BS and parroted all of it in defense of the real traitors. Snowflakes like you have been duped - just like you were in 2016 when Russians used social media to get lil' snowflakes like you to organize and even march for them.

'The ONLY way we can get russians out of our government is voting for a democrat'?!

The Democrats have been working with / for the Russians since at least 2012 and have been helping them surpass their goal of dividing this nation for the last 4 years. Democrats have succeeded in dividing this nation in the last 4 years more than the Russians ever hoped to by themselves.


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So, since the FBI examined the copy of the server, do you now agree with their assessment of the source of the hack?


1. The DNC LIED, claiming the FBI NEVER requested to inspect their server. Comey, under oath, testified the FBI asked numerous times and continued to stress the need for the FBI to acquire their server.

2. Obama still called in Crowdstrike - an outside George Soros-connected, Pro-Hillary Google-funded organization - to assume control of the investigation of a serious matter involving National Security......The DNC paid Crowdstrike, and Obama made the founder a member of his Cabinet.

3. The report claims the 'Hackers', which they claimed to be Russian, acquired 'credentials' and 'access' to the DNC Server and files' -- what is described here is EXACTLT what AWAN did / was given by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. DWS GAVE Awan access to the DNC Server, GAVE him credentials, usernames, and passwords for DNC e-mails, the same racist / sexist / homophobic / anti-Semitic content-filled e-mails Awan had access to, thanks to DWS.

All of THIS goes to support the pathetic attempt by the DNC to distract from the exposed facts that they rigged their own primaries and were exposed as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-semites.

Do I believe the Russians hacked the DNC's server? Quite Possibly...

Barry learned in 2012 the Russians were attempting to hack our power grid, use Social media to run Counter-Intel ops (that successfully got snowflakes to organize and march for them), paid antifa / BLM / the Black Fist to spread racial division and violence, AND WERE TRYING TO HACK SENIOR OBAMA OFFICIAL E-MAIL ACCOUNTS / SERVERS.

Worse, yet, he KNEW about Hillary's illegal private server and practices (evidence shows he was e-mailing her using an alias at the time...) - he could have told her to shut it down, but he did not warn her at all, just like he never warned the DNC. If the Russians were trying to hack - as claimed - Obama knew, did not warn anyone, and did not try to stop it.

ALSO, years ago I was following several stories, and I noticed it was quietly reported that the FBI flew to Europe and took Guccifer into custody to return him to the US to stand trial for hacking HILLARY's SERVER. I posted the small article on this board...and soundly attacked by snowflakes for suggesting anyone had hacked Hillary's personal, unauthorized, unsecured, unencrypted personal server containing classified information..... The document you just posted talks about Guccifer's hacking....but Democrats / snowflakes now still claim he / the Russians hacked only the DNC's server.

FINALLY, we get back to one of the big lies the Snowflakes still like to tell - 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia' -- Trump and his team illegally colluded with Russia to ensure Trump won the 2016 election.

The Weismann-Mueller report specifically states neither Trump or his team illegally colluded with Russia
-- Obama's FBI and Hillary did that by paying / working with Steele to get their hands on Russian-authored Counter-Intel Propaganda that was used to commit FISA Court abuses and to illegally spy on Trump and his team

Neither Trump nor his team facilitated Russian interference - again,that was Barry, who learned about the Russian interference and activity in 2012 and allowed them 2 years of unchallenged pillaging and plundering in the US

The Russians' real objective was to divide this country, and with the help of Russian-authored Counter Intel propaganda provided by a known, untrustworthy, lying, alternate agenda-driven Trump-hating foreign spy, the Democrats have helped divide this country for the last 4 years more than the Russians ever dreamed of doing alone.

Alright. So I already pointed out one fallacy, that the FBI never accessed a copy of the server. Apparently that doesn’t matter to you.

1. No argument. There was a discrepancy between what the DNC said and Comey said. That doesn’t have any effect on the outcome of the investigation.

2. Obama did not call in Crowdstrike. The DNC did. Crowdstrike is a well regarded cyber security firm. They are so well regarded, the RNC used them as well. The FBI and intelligence community did a fine job investigating the issue in conjunction with Crowdstrike. Falsehood number 2.

3. Imran Awan was an aide for House representatives. He never worked for the DNC and never had access that you claim. Falsehood number 3.

Finally, sifting through your subsequent paragraphs, Guccifer is a Romanian hacker who targeted many government officials. He never hacked Clinton’s email server and is not standing trial for it. The document I’ve linked to cites Guccifer 2.0. That is an online persona created by Russians that plays off the original Guccifer in a weak attempt to deflect responsibility. The real hilarity is that Guccifer 2.0 claimed to be Romanian, but didn’t actually speak Romanian. Falsehood number 4 and 5.

Funny how many falsehoods you use to deflect from the obvious. Russia hacked the DNC. Now, why do you continue to invent poorly thought out conspiracy theories and lies to deny it?
I can’t. Only you can answer the question.

What are you afraid of?
Nothing I’m going on the facts .. It was a perjury trap we had emails before they question him
Prove it.
Everyone saying it it’s facts

GERALDO RIVERA: I think he has excellent grounds for a new trial based on the obvious. She ran for congress as a Democrat, she is a very anti-Trumpian person. I talked to the president about Roger Stone last Thursday and I said, 'you know Mr. President he's always been a pain in the ass, but this is very unfair. I never liked him, I think he is a bully, a braggart, a big mouth, and you know, a not so merry prankster,' but this is very, very unfair. This is a process crime. They trapped him in a perjury trap just like General Flynn. It's disgusting what these prosecutors in their self-righteousness which makes me puke, how they go after these people and then say they are doing God's work.

So where’s the proof?
Docket for United States v. STONE, 1:19-cr-00018 -
Mind explaining where the proof is?

'The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails'

This is the same Obama / Deep State Intel Community that participated in and facilitated the manufacturing of an Intel Report that was based on the known false Dossier that stated the information in their report was obtained from legitimate Intel sources, which later it was proven was NOT the case and that both Strzok and Brennan had been involved in writing these false reports that were briefed to Congress...

Brennan was caught committing perjury by testifying under oath he knew nothing about the Dossier, only to have it exposed by the Congressional sign-in logs that he had briefed select members of Congress on the Dossier and had been involved in the Ops Intel Assessment and Ops Intel Report briefs that WERE based in large part off of the Dossier.

It was reported by the US IG that the Assessment, which was based primarily on the known false Dossier contents, was sent to only 3 0THREE) of the 17 (SEVENTEEN) US Intel Agencies because Clapper, Brennan, and Strzok were attempting to control who the assessment was released to in order to get the results they sought back...which they did,

This would be the same Obama administration / Obama-appointed officials, like the US AG, Directors of the NSA, CIA, and FBI who were exposed as being part of the Conspiracy to prevent Trump from winning / affecting a political coup while protecting Hillary from Indictment to keep her in the race......


The United States would not allow a George-Soros-connected, Pro-Hillary/Hillary-funding Google organization to take the lead on investigating a grave matter of National Security, instead of the DOJ, NSA, CIA, or FBI and produce the report findings......and the President would not then reward this organization's founder with a Cabinet position, but Barry did.....and the DNC would not pay this organization a large sum of money to keep the investigation in-house...but they did.

Snowflakes are willing to accept the 'candy' from the Democrats - that looks, smells, and tastes like dog shit - eat it, and then try to convince others it isn't dog shit.
You've already confirmed you're a nutbag conspiracy theorist posting right wing media nonsense. No more evidence is necessary.

Senate panel look into Ukraine interference comes up short
Some Republican senators recently questioned whether Kyiv tried to sabotage Donald Trump’s campaign in 2016. But the GOP-led Intelligence Committee looked into the theory, and found scant evidence to support it.
Senate panel look into Ukraine interference comes up short

But the Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee thoroughly investigated that theory, according to people with direct knowledge of the inquiry, and found no evidence that Ukraine waged a top-down interference campaign akin to the Kremlin’s efforts to help Trump win in 2016.

said in October 2017 that the panel would be examining “collusion by either campaign during the 2016 elections."

But an interview that fall with the Democratic consultant at the heart of the accusation that Kyiv meddled, Alexandra Chalupa, was fruitless, a committee source said, and Republicans didn’t follow up or request any more witnesses related to the issue.

The Senate interview largely focused on a POLITICO article published in January 2017, according to a person with direct knowledge of the closed-door hearing, in which Chalupa was quoted as saying officials at the Ukrainian Embassy were "helpful" to her effort to raise the alarm about Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort in 2016.
Nothing I’m going on the facts .. It was a perjury trap we had emails before they question him
Prove it.
Everyone saying it it’s facts

GERALDO RIVERA: I think he has excellent grounds for a new trial based on the obvious. She ran for congress as a Democrat, she is a very anti-Trumpian person. I talked to the president about Roger Stone last Thursday and I said, 'you know Mr. President he's always been a pain in the ass, but this is very unfair. I never liked him, I think he is a bully, a braggart, a big mouth, and you know, a not so merry prankster,' but this is very, very unfair. This is a process crime. They trapped him in a perjury trap just like General Flynn. It's disgusting what these prosecutors in their self-righteousness which makes me puke, how they go after these people and then say they are doing God's work.

So where’s the proof?
Docket for United States v. STONE, 1:19-cr-00018 -
Mind explaining where the proof is?
In the link .. I can’t do homework for you ..
Prove it.
Everyone saying it it’s facts

GERALDO RIVERA: I think he has excellent grounds for a new trial based on the obvious. She ran for congress as a Democrat, she is a very anti-Trumpian person. I talked to the president about Roger Stone last Thursday and I said, 'you know Mr. President he's always been a pain in the ass, but this is very unfair. I never liked him, I think he is a bully, a braggart, a big mouth, and you know, a not so merry prankster,' but this is very, very unfair. This is a process crime. They trapped him in a perjury trap just like General Flynn. It's disgusting what these prosecutors in their self-righteousness which makes me puke, how they go after these people and then say they are doing God's work.

So where’s the proof?
Docket for United States v. STONE, 1:19-cr-00018 -
Mind explaining where the proof is?
In the link .

Trumpybear and his Band of corrupt Banana Republicans are relying on the Russians.
Everyone saying it it’s facts

GERALDO RIVERA: I think he has excellent grounds for a new trial based on the obvious. She ran for congress as a Democrat, she is a very anti-Trumpian person. I talked to the president about Roger Stone last Thursday and I said, 'you know Mr. President he's always been a pain in the ass, but this is very unfair. I never liked him, I think he is a bully, a braggart, a big mouth, and you know, a not so merry prankster,' but this is very, very unfair. This is a process crime. They trapped him in a perjury trap just like General Flynn. It's disgusting what these prosecutors in their self-righteousness which makes me puke, how they go after these people and then say they are doing God's work.

So where’s the proof?
Docket for United States v. STONE, 1:19-cr-00018 -
Mind explaining where the proof is?
In the link .

Gotta read it
View attachment 307966
You better pay close attention to AZ, NV, CO, WI, GA, NC, PA. Especially the down ballot GOP Senate incumbents.
You better watch them in 2032! Lol good luck coming back lol
You should also pay attention to the campaign to oust that shaky broad in ME.
We are.. Hillary over spent trump by millions and still lost no one likes democrats sorry
I doubt you have a clue. Pay attention.
Looks like Maine to me
How many cows voted for Trump?
View attachment 307966
You better watch them in 2032! Lol good luck coming back lol
You should also pay attention to the campaign to oust that shaky broad in ME.
We are.. Hillary over spent trump by millions and still lost no one likes democrats sorry
I doubt you have a clue. Pay attention.
Looks like Maine to me
How many cows voted for Trump?
You mean illegals? None
After a congressional briefing on election threats, Trump soured on acting spy chief

President Trump erupted at his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, in the Oval Office last week over what he perceived as disloyalty by Maguire’s staff, which ruined Maguire’s chances of becoming the permanent intelligence chief, according to people familiar with the matter.

Trump announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Maguire with a vocal loyalist, Richard Grenell, who is the U.S. ambassador to Germany.

Maguire had been considered a leading candidate to be nominated for the post of DNI, White House aides had said. But Trump’s opinion shifted last week when he heard from a GOP ally that the intelligence official in charge of election security, who works for Maguire, gave a classified briefing last Thursday to the House Intelligence Committee on 2020 election security.
Lol guys you are embarrassing America lol
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??

You are on the far right of this image:


Not only is your comment ludicrous, it is well of the topic of this thread.
Russia is pitting itself against the US intel community by denying they are once again meddling in the election for Trump's benefit. Guess whose side Vlad's favorite candidate is taking?
After a congressional briefing on election threats, Trump soured on acting spy chief

President Trump erupted at his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, in the Oval Office last week over what he perceived as disloyalty by Maguire’s staff, which ruined Maguire’s chances of becoming the permanent intelligence chief, according to people familiar with the matter.

Trump announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Maguire with a vocal loyalist, Richard Grenell, who is the U.S. ambassador to Germany.

Maguire had been considered a leading candidate to be nominated for the post of DNI, White House aides had said. But Trump’s opinion shifted last week when he heard from a GOP ally that the intelligence official in charge of election security, who works for Maguire, gave a classified briefing last Thursday to the House Intelligence Committee on 2020 election security.
Lol guys you are embarrassing America lol
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??

You are on the far right of this image:

View attachment 307975

Not only is your comment ludicrous, it is well of the topic of this thread.
I thought it was about Foreign interference?

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