House Intel Committee briefed on more Russian efforts to help the Orange Fraud

Russia is engaging in more Counter-Intelligence propaganda, putting another log on the proverbial fire the Democrats have been fanning the last 4 years to ensure the nation stays divided ... and snowflakes are still buying it, still manipulated by them.

The Weismann-Mueller report said it all - no evidence of collusion between Trump or his team & Russia. The Russians don't give a damn who wins....they just want to continue to f* with America / snowflakes and keep us DIVIDED....

You know..... 'UNITED we stand, DIVIDED we fall...'?!

In 2016 Obama and Hillary engaged in more foreign / Russian collusion than Trump and his team.

In 2016 snowflakes were conned by the Russians into organizing and marching for the Russians....meaning SNOWFLAKES colluded more with the Russians than Trump and his team...


Racist Republicans are the ones dividing this country. You are the one who is being manipulated. The hillbilly voters like you are so easy to manipulate.

The report found that Manafort turned over internal polling data and other campaign documents to a Russian associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. Manafort has refused to tell the truth. If this was the US, Mueller would have subpoenaed him to testify. Stone has ties to either WikiLeaks or the Russians who hacked Podesta's e-mails. The only thing tha56t happened was that they refused to talk.

In 2016, Trump was more than happy to help the Russians help him. In 2016, we see the same thing. The Republican Party is a criminal enterprise that needs to be shut down.

Polling data? You are such a fucking joke!
Many Trumpers have a viscerally negative reaction to the mention of empirical data. especially data handed over to the Russians by Manafort.
Can you disprove?
Why can’t you answer the question?
You tell me
I can’t. Only you can answer the question.

What are you afraid of?
Nothing I’m going on the facts .. It was a perjury trap we had emails before they question him
Prove it.
Everyone saying it it’s facts

GERALDO RIVERA: I think he has excellent grounds for a new trial based on the obvious. She ran for congress as a Democrat, she is a very anti-Trumpian person. I talked to the president about Roger Stone last Thursday and I said, 'you know Mr. President he's always been a pain in the ass, but this is very unfair. I never liked him, I think he is a bully, a braggart, a big mouth, and you know, a not so merry prankster,' but this is very, very unfair. This is a process crime. They trapped him in a perjury trap just like General Flynn. It's disgusting what these prosecutors in their self-righteousness which makes me puke, how they go after these people and then say they are doing God's work.
Do you have proof of Russia interfering on behalf of Trump?

Take note, the OP's link does not provide proof of anything.

Here's the senate report on the subject. Remember the senate is full republicans.
Still no connection to trump
What actions has Trump taken to secure our elections from foreign interference?
Building a wall on the southern border trying to end sanctuary cities and democratic one towns were Democrats are using illegals to work for their campaign
If you could hear yourself you'd realize how pathetic you sound.

All you seem capable of doing is posting news articles devoid of any facts.
Russia is engaging in more Counter-Intelligence propaganda, putting another log on the proverbial fire the Democrats have been fanning the last 4 years to ensure the nation stays divided ... and snowflakes are still buying it, still manipulated by them.

The Weismann-Mueller report said it all - no evidence of collusion between Trump or his team & Russia. The Russians don't give a damn who wins....they just want to continue to f* with America / snowflakes and keep us DIVIDED....

You know..... 'UNITED we stand, DIVIDED we fall...'?!

In 2016 Obama and Hillary engaged in more foreign / Russian collusion than Trump and his team.

In 2016 snowflakes were conned by the Russians into organizing and marching for the Russians....meaning SNOWFLAKES colluded more with the Russians than Trump and his team...


Racist Republicans are the ones dividing this country. You are the one who is being manipulated. The hillbilly voters like you are so easy to manipulate.

The report found that Manafort turned over internal polling data and other campaign documents to a Russian associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. Manafort has refused to tell the truth. If this was the US, Mueller would have subpoenaed him to testify. Stone has ties to either WikiLeaks or the Russians who hacked Podesta's e-mails. The only thing tha56t happened was that they refused to talk.

In 2016, Trump was more than happy to help the Russians help him. In 2016, we see the same thing. The Republican Party is a criminal enterprise that needs to be shut down.

Polling data? You are such a fucking joke!
Many Trumpers have a viscerally negative reaction to the mention of empirical data. especially data handed over to the Russians by Manafort.

What good is internal polling data to a foreign government?

The answer is "not a damn thing"!
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday condemned President Donald Trump's reported actions over an intelligence briefing given to lawmakers on Russian interference in U.S. elections, saying members should denounce any efforts to discredit the intelligence community.

"American voters should decide American elections — not Vladimir Putin. All Members of Congress should condemn the president’s reported efforts to dismiss threats to the integrity of our democracy & to politicize our intel community," Pelosi tweeted Thursday night.
Pelosi: Trump politicized intel community after Russia election briefing

She's right. But then most Trumper's care more about Don's future than they do about America's future.
Russia is engaging in more Counter-Intelligence propaganda, putting another log on the proverbial fire the Democrats have been fanning the last 4 years to ensure the nation stays divided ... and snowflakes are still buying it, still manipulated by them.

The Weismann-Mueller report said it all - no evidence of collusion between Trump or his team & Russia. The Russians don't give a damn who wins....they just want to continue to f* with America / snowflakes and keep us DIVIDED....

You know..... 'UNITED we stand, DIVIDED we fall...'?!

In 2016 Obama and Hillary engaged in more foreign / Russian collusion than Trump and his team.

In 2016 snowflakes were conned by the Russians into organizing and marching for the Russians....meaning SNOWFLAKES colluded more with the Russians than Trump and his team...


Racist Republicans are the ones dividing this country. You are the one who is being manipulated. The hillbilly voters like you are so easy to manipulate.

The report found that Manafort turned over internal polling data and other campaign documents to a Russian associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. Manafort has refused to tell the truth. If this was the US, Mueller would have subpoenaed him to testify. Stone has ties to either WikiLeaks or the Russians who hacked Podesta's e-mails. The only thing tha56t happened was that they refused to talk.

In 2016, Trump was more than happy to help the Russians help him. In 2016, we see the same thing. The Republican Party is a criminal enterprise that needs to be shut down.

Polling data? You are such a fucking joke!
Many Trumpers have a viscerally negative reaction to the mention of empirical data. especially data handed over to the Russians by Manafort.

What good is internal polling data to a foreign government?

The answer is "not a damn thing"!
Wrong again.

This week, new reporting shined a light on one focus of the congressional investigation: determining how the Russians knew which voters to target with their disinformation campaign. A report from TIME’s Massimo Calabresi on Thursday provided new details:

As they dig into the viralizing of such stories, congressional investigations are probing not just Russia’s role but whether Moscow had help from the Trump campaign. Sources familiar with the investigations say they are probing two Trump-linked organizations: Cambridge Analytica … and Breitbart News.

Cambridge Analytica is the data mining firm hired by the Trump campaign to help it collect and use social media information to identify and persuade voters to vote (or not vote), through an activity known as political microtargeting. The company is principally owned by Robert Mercer, a hedge fund billionaire who supported Trump and was a leading investor in Breitbart. Stephen Bannon, Trump’s campaign chairman (after Manafort) and now chief strategist at the White House, was the vice president of Cambridge Analytica’s board as well as the executive chairman of Breitbart before joining Trump’s team in August.

Connecting the Dots: Political Microtargeting and the Russia Investigation - Just Security
After a congressional briefing on election threats, Trump soured on acting spy chief

President Trump erupted at his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, in the Oval Office last week over what he perceived as disloyalty by Maguire’s staff, which ruined Maguire’s chances of becoming the permanent intelligence chief, according to people familiar with the matter.

Trump announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Maguire with a vocal loyalist, Richard Grenell, who is the U.S. ambassador to Germany.

Maguire had been considered a leading candidate to be nominated for the post of DNI, White House aides had said. But Trump’s opinion shifted last week when he heard from a GOP ally that the intelligence official in charge of election security, who works for Maguire, gave a classified briefing last Thursday to the House Intelligence Committee on 2020 election security.
Lol guys you are embarrassing America lol
Oh now...that's not who is embarrassing America, little boy. :71:
We should be asking ourselves why Russia wants Trump to get another 4 years? They see us as an adversary, so clearly they think they are better off with a weaker US. So with Trump in office Russia is assured they will be more division, more governmental incompetence, more corruption, and the US will be made weaker by the massive expansion of our national debt.
You are a Putin puppet. He is playing weak minded Dimwingers like you.
Last edited:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday condemned President Donald Trump's reported actions over an intelligence briefing given to lawmakers on Russian interference in U.S. elections, saying members should denounce any efforts to discredit the intelligence community.

"American voters should decide American elections — not Vladimir Putin. All Members of Congress should condemn the president’s reported efforts to dismiss threats to the integrity of our democracy & to politicize our intel community," Pelosi tweeted Thursday night.
Pelosi: Trump politicized intel community after Russia election briefing

She's right. But then most Trumper's care more about Don's future than they do about America's future.
What about the 40 million illegals we have in America voting for Democrats working for Elizabeth Warren’s campaign
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support
A classified briefing to lawmakers angered the president, who complained that Democrats would “weaponize” the disclosure.
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support

WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.

The day after the Feb. 13 briefing to lawmakers, Mr. Trump berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place, people familiar with the exchange said. Mr. Trump cited the presence in the briefing of Representative Adam B. Schiff, the California Democrat who led the impeachment proceedings against him, as a particular irritant.

During the briefing to the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Trump’s allies challenged the conclusions, arguing that he has been tough on Russia and strengthened European security. Some intelligence officials viewed the briefing as a tactical error, saying that had the official who delivered the conclusion spoken less pointedly or left it out, they would have avoided angering the Republicans.

That intelligence official, Shelby Pierson, is an aide to Mr. Maguire who has a reputation of delivering intelligence in somewhat blunt terms. The president announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Mr. Maguire with Richard Grenell, the ambassador to Germany and long an aggressively vocal Trump supporter.
This infuriated the Orange one because he hates to be reminded how the Russians helped him get elected.

Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf
Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf

Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire was still considered a frontrunner to take the post in a permanent capacity until last week — when President Donald Trump found out that Maguire’s staff had briefed House lawmakers that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election on Trump’s behalf.

According to reporting from the New York Times and Washington Post, Trump was furious in particular that Maguire aide Shelby Pierson conveyed the information to Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Trump reportedly fretted that the Democrats would use it against him.

Members of both parties on the committee were in attendance at the briefing a week ago, and Trump’s allies argued with the conclusions Pierson presented, insisting that Trump has gotten tougher on Russia.

The President dressed down Maguire after the briefing, which reportedly led to his shift in favor to name U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, the acting DNI. Grenell is an avid Trump supporter who has downplayed the threat Russia poses to U.S. elections.
So, let's see. The Don is purging everyone who testified honestly about his attempt to extort Ukraine. Now he's removing all the people warning the country about Russia's efforts to help him in 2020.

Yep, Adolf Trump* wants to cheat his way through another election. Maybe voters will be smarter this time.
Maybe. But don't count on the trumpanzees picking up any IQ points.
After a congressional briefing on election threats, Trump soured on acting spy chief

President Trump erupted at his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, in the Oval Office last week over what he perceived as disloyalty by Maguire’s staff, which ruined Maguire’s chances of becoming the permanent intelligence chief, according to people familiar with the matter.

Trump announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Maguire with a vocal loyalist, Richard Grenell, who is the U.S. ambassador to Germany.

Maguire had been considered a leading candidate to be nominated for the post of DNI, White House aides had said. But Trump’s opinion shifted last week when he heard from a GOP ally that the intelligence official in charge of election security, who works for Maguire, gave a classified briefing last Thursday to the House Intelligence Committee on 2020 election security.
Lol guys you are embarrassing America lol
Oh now...that's not who is embarrassing America, little boy. :71:
Hey Mary! Go fetch me a coffee Mary lol
Why can’t you answer the question?
You tell me
I can’t. Only you can answer the question.

What are you afraid of?
Nothing I’m going on the facts .. It was a perjury trap we had emails before they question him
Prove it.
Everyone saying it it’s facts

GERALDO RIVERA: I think he has excellent grounds for a new trial based on the obvious. She ran for congress as a Democrat, she is a very anti-Trumpian person. I talked to the president about Roger Stone last Thursday and I said, 'you know Mr. President he's always been a pain in the ass, but this is very unfair. I never liked him, I think he is a bully, a braggart, a big mouth, and you know, a not so merry prankster,' but this is very, very unfair. This is a process crime. They trapped him in a perjury trap just like General Flynn. It's disgusting what these prosecutors in their self-righteousness which makes me puke, how they go after these people and then say they are doing God's work.

So where’s the proof?
Russia is engaging in more Counter-Intelligence propaganda, putting another log on the proverbial fire the Democrats have been fanning the last 4 years to ensure the nation stays divided ... and snowflakes are still buying it, still manipulated by them.

The Weismann-Mueller report said it all - no evidence of collusion between Trump or his team & Russia. The Russians don't give a damn who wins....they just want to continue to f* with America / snowflakes and keep us DIVIDED....

You know..... 'UNITED we stand, DIVIDED we fall...'?!

In 2016 Obama and Hillary engaged in more foreign / Russian collusion than Trump and his team.

In 2016 snowflakes were conned by the Russians into organizing and marching for the Russians....meaning SNOWFLAKES colluded more with the Russians than Trump and his team...


Racist Republicans are the ones dividing this country. You are the one who is being manipulated. The hillbilly voters like you are so easy to manipulate.

The report found that Manafort turned over internal polling data and other campaign documents to a Russian associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. Manafort has refused to tell the truth. If this was the US, Mueller would have subpoenaed him to testify. Stone has ties to either WikiLeaks or the Russians who hacked Podesta's e-mails. The only thing tha56t happened was that they refused to talk.

In 2016, Trump was more than happy to help the Russians help him. In 2016, we see the same thing. The Republican Party is a criminal enterprise that needs to be shut down.

Polling data? You are such a fucking joke!
Many Trumpers have a viscerally negative reaction to the mention of empirical data. especially data handed over to the Russians by Manafort.

What good is internal polling data to a foreign government?

The answer is "not a damn thing"!
Wrong again.

This week, new reporting shined a light on one focus of the congressional investigation: determining how the Russians knew which voters to target with their disinformation campaign. A report from TIME’s Massimo Calabresi on Thursday provided new details:

As they dig into the viralizing of such stories, congressional investigations are probing not just Russia’s role but whether Moscow had help from the Trump campaign. Sources familiar with the investigations say they are probing two Trump-linked organizations: Cambridge Analytica … and Breitbart News.

Cambridge Analytica is the data mining firm hired by the Trump campaign to help it collect and use social media information to identify and persuade voters to vote (or not vote), through an activity known as political microtargeting. The company is principally owned by Robert Mercer, a hedge fund billionaire who supported Trump and was a leading investor in Breitbart. Stephen Bannon, Trump’s campaign chairman (after Manafort) and now chief strategist at the White House, was the vice president of Cambridge Analytica’s board as well as the executive chairman of Breitbart before joining Trump’s team in August.

Connecting the Dots: Political Microtargeting and the Russia Investigation - Just Security

You are such a fucktard! You have no proof that a single vote was influenced. Fact!
After a congressional briefing on election threats, Trump soured on acting spy chief

President Trump erupted at his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, in the Oval Office last week over what he perceived as disloyalty by Maguire’s staff, which ruined Maguire’s chances of becoming the permanent intelligence chief, according to people familiar with the matter.

Trump announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Maguire with a vocal loyalist, Richard Grenell, who is the U.S. ambassador to Germany.

Maguire had been considered a leading candidate to be nominated for the post of DNI, White House aides had said. But Trump’s opinion shifted last week when he heard from a GOP ally that the intelligence official in charge of election security, who works for Maguire, gave a classified briefing last Thursday to the House Intelligence Committee on 2020 election security.
Lol guys you are embarrassing America lol
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??
Proof they are doing that?
Asking Jitsy is like talking to a snail.
Why is it so hard for you to admit the obvious, that Russia hacked the DNC to help Trump?

1. Obama Appoints CrowdStrike Officer To Admin Post Two Months Before June 2016 Report On Russia Hacking DNC
- WHY 'Crowdstrike' and NOT the DOJ or FBI? WHY did Obama 'farm-out' the investigation of National Security threat to a NON-government agency?

2. The FBI Never Looked At The DNC’s Servers — Only CrowdStrike Did

There has been no corroboration or second opinion on who may have hacked the server. The only source for this claim is CrowdStrike, who began monitoring the DNC system on May 5th, 2016

-- OH BY THE WAY: The DNC also reportedly paid $168,000 to CrowdStrike (OBVIOUSLY FOR 'SERVICES RENDERED')

3. Comey Contradicted The DNC’s Story On The FBI Asking To See The Server

"The DNC claimed in January that the reason the FBI never examined their hacked server was simple–the FBI never requested to do so."

-- "However, this claim was contradicted by then-FBI director James Comey, who said in a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing in January that there were “multiple requests at different levels” to look at the DNC’s servers. The FBI repeatedly stressed to DNC officials the necessity of obtaining direct access to servers and data, only to be rebuffed until well after the initial compromise had been mitigated.”

4. CrowdStrike Co-Founder Is Fellow On Russia Hawk Group, Has Connections To George Soros, Ukrainian Billionaire

5. CrowdStrike Is Funded By Clinton-Loving Google $$

Only brainwashed snowflake sheep believes any of the DNC's BS that the FBI never asked for their servers to confirm their claim that the Russians hacked them, that Obama and the FBI would instead allow a George Soros-connected, Pro-Hillary Google-funded private organization to take over instead of the FBI on a matter that involved such critical US National Security.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story
Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday condemned President Donald Trump's reported actions over an intelligence briefing given to lawmakers on Russian interference in U.S. elections, saying members should denounce any efforts to discredit the intelligence community.

"American voters should decide American elections — not Vladimir Putin. All Members of Congress should condemn the president’s reported efforts to dismiss threats to the integrity of our democracy & to politicize our intel community," Pelosi tweeted Thursday night.
Pelosi: Trump politicized intel community after Russia election briefing

She's right. But then most Trumper's care more about Don's future than they do about America's future.
That is hilarious coming from the batshit crazy woman who tried to overturn the last election with her fake impeachment.
You tell me
I can’t. Only you can answer the question.

What are you afraid of?
Nothing I’m going on the facts .. It was a perjury trap we had emails before they question him
Prove it.
Everyone saying it it’s facts

GERALDO RIVERA: I think he has excellent grounds for a new trial based on the obvious. She ran for congress as a Democrat, she is a very anti-Trumpian person. I talked to the president about Roger Stone last Thursday and I said, 'you know Mr. President he's always been a pain in the ass, but this is very unfair. I never liked him, I think he is a bully, a braggart, a big mouth, and you know, a not so merry prankster,' but this is very, very unfair. This is a process crime. They trapped him in a perjury trap just like General Flynn. It's disgusting what these prosecutors in their self-righteousness which makes me puke, how they go after these people and then say they are doing God's work.

So where’s the proof?
Docket for United States v. STONE, 1:19-cr-00018 -
After a congressional briefing on election threats, Trump soured on acting spy chief

President Trump erupted at his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, in the Oval Office last week over what he perceived as disloyalty by Maguire’s staff, which ruined Maguire’s chances of becoming the permanent intelligence chief, according to people familiar with the matter.

Trump announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Maguire with a vocal loyalist, Richard Grenell, who is the U.S. ambassador to Germany.

Maguire had been considered a leading candidate to be nominated for the post of DNI, White House aides had said. But Trump’s opinion shifted last week when he heard from a GOP ally that the intelligence official in charge of election security, who works for Maguire, gave a classified briefing last Thursday to the House Intelligence Committee on 2020 election security.
Lol guys you are embarrassing America lol
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??
Proof they are doing that?
Asking Jitsy is like talking to a snail.
That’s why you guys can’t win elections lol

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