House Intel Committee briefed on more Russian efforts to help the Orange Fraud

"At the last such threats briefing a year ago, the chiefs presented findings that diverged from the president’s statements on the longevity of Islamic State terror group, as well as Iran and North Korea’s nuclear ambitions. He blistered them on Twitter the following day, labeling them “passive” and “naive” while writing that “Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!"

Trump later claimed his top intelligence chiefs, including then-DNI Dan Coats and CIA Director Gina Haspel, told him that they had been misquoted in the press — even though their remarks had been broadcast and the video footage was publicly available.

The annual assessment from the intelligence community — which can take place anytime between February and May — traditionally features testimony from the DNI, as well as the heads of the NSA, CIA, FBI and others and includes both a public and closed-door segment. The officials offer their analysis on the latest threats and discuss, to the extent they can, what the U.S is doing to counter them, before moving to a classified setting."
Intel agencies push to close threats hearing after Trump outburst
Trump has run his own private business for too long to take a measured, "Presidential" approach to the job. He is going to continue to run it as if he is the only boss for as long as we continue to let him sit in the chair. That includes getting rid of any "employees" who cross him.

Simple, really. That's who was elected. It should be no shock to anyone at this point.
His idiocy not being a shock any more doesn't excuse it.
The DNC refused to allow the FBI to take its server - not even a copy of the server - to inspect it and confirm it was ever hacked by the Russians. Crowdstrike was / is still THE ONLY ones who actually looked at the DNC server.

You’re factually incorrect. The FBI and DoJ has access to a forensic copy of the server made by Crowdstrike.

Let me ask you a question. Why do you think the only way to determine the source of the hack requires the physical inspection of the server hardware?
Proof they are doing that?
Do you have proof of Russia interfering on behalf of Trump?

Take note, the OP's link does not provide proof of anything.

Are you suggesting the intel agencies have no proof?
Strange way to put a question. YOU don't have any proof that they provided proof of Russia helping Trump. Please don't embarrass yourself by naming a single Democrat of the intel committee. They forfeit any credibility the moment they refused to work with Republicans in the impeachment fiasco.

They have a proven hatred of Trump and simply cannot be trusted, ever.
. Senate report on Russian interference in the 2016 election .

Senate is majority republican and the report was generated by the majority.

Read it.
40 million illegals voting for democrats
40 I hear 45 million? 45.....45.....45.....
"At the last such threats briefing a year ago, the chiefs presented findings that diverged from the president’s statements on the longevity of Islamic State terror group, as well as Iran and North Korea’s nuclear ambitions. He blistered them on Twitter the following day, labeling them “passive” and “naive” while writing that “Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!"

Trump later claimed his top intelligence chiefs, including then-DNI Dan Coats and CIA Director Gina Haspel, told him that they had been misquoted in the press — even though their remarks had been broadcast and the video footage was publicly available.

The annual assessment from the intelligence community — which can take place anytime between February and May — traditionally features testimony from the DNI, as well as the heads of the NSA, CIA, FBI and others and includes both a public and closed-door segment. The officials offer their analysis on the latest threats and discuss, to the extent they can, what the U.S is doing to counter them, before moving to a classified setting."
Intel agencies push to close threats hearing after Trump outburst
Trump has run his own private business for too long to take a measured, "Presidential" approach to the job. He is going to continue to run it as if he is the only boss for as long as we continue to let him sit in the chair. That includes getting rid of any "employees" who cross him.

Simple, really. That's who was elected. It should be no shock to anyone at this point.
His idiocy not being a shock any more doesn't excuse it.
I didn't realize I was trying to "excuse" it.
After a congressional briefing on election threats, Trump soured on acting spy chief

President Trump erupted at his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, in the Oval Office last week over what he perceived as disloyalty by Maguire’s staff, which ruined Maguire’s chances of becoming the permanent intelligence chief, according to people familiar with the matter.

Trump announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Maguire with a vocal loyalist, Richard Grenell, who is the U.S. ambassador to Germany.

Maguire had been considered a leading candidate to be nominated for the post of DNI, White House aides had said. But Trump’s opinion shifted last week when he heard from a GOP ally that the intelligence official in charge of election security, who works for Maguire, gave a classified briefing last Thursday to the House Intelligence Committee on 2020 election security.
Lol guys you are embarrassing America lol

Bullshit. Trump is embarassing America.

Grennell is on the record as saying Russian interference is no big deal. Trump has said he has no problem with it. So Trump fired Maguire to keep him from warning Democrats that the Russians were attacking their primaries and helping Trump.

Instead of being concerned about election interference, Trump is afraid to tell Americans because it will de-legitimize his election. Instead of protecting America, he is protecting himself. That's what's embarassing.

Every day, in every way, Trump betrays the nation's interests in favour of his own. People know what is happening this time. Last time it was hidden.

You fucking people are insane.
So Trump fires his Director of National Intelligence because his office informed Congress of the intel assessment that Russia was AGAIN interfering in our election

And Trump toadies can do nothing but defend that?

We aren't defending anything, we're demanding PROOF of what Russia is supposedly doing that could affect ANY votes. We're calling BULLSHIT

From Post #51:

"Dumbass tell me exactly how Russia intends to change 1 vote in the 2020 election? for that matter how did they change 1 vote in the 2016 election? FYI Russian communism is a democrat party thing you're more anti America and pro Russia than a Trump supporter will ever be."
Ask the intel orgs that have been saying this for three years idiot.

Of course nothing would satisfy you so...

What they have been saying is not what you want them to have been saying.
The irony of you asking for evidence...
Your the one that that says he committed perjury... can you prove they didn’t have the emails? Why do you think America is asking for him to be pardoned exonerated? We don’t like perjury trap’s

So can you prove Congress had the emails or not?
Yes they did ..That’s why most Americans are talking about exonerating him and investigating Seth rich Democrats have a one-sided judicial system it’s unfair and we’re going to continue to talk about it
Can you prove that Congress had the emails or not?
Can you disprove?
Why can’t you answer the question?
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??
Proof they are doing that?
Do you have proof of Russia interfering on behalf of Trump?

Take note, the OP's link does not provide proof of anything.

Are you suggesting the intel agencies have no proof?
Strange way to put a question. YOU don't have any proof that they provided proof of Russia helping Trump. Please don't embarrass yourself by naming a single Democrat of the intel committee. They forfeit any credibility the moment they refused to work with Republicans in the impeachment fiasco.

They have a proven hatred of Trump and simply cannot be trusted, ever.
. Senate report on Russian interference in the 2016 election .

Senate is majority republican and the report was generated by the majority.

Read it.

Obama knew about Russian interference and Counter-Intel Ops in the US in 2014...AND DID NOTHING....except allow they to freely continue un-challenged for 2 years. His own administration officials admitted they failed to do anything, that they 'choked'. (The link for this interview, as you already know, has been provided to you numerous times....)
The DNC refused to allow the FBI to take its server
You’re factually incorrect.


I don't want to read more parroted or opinionated BS through your keyboard. I posted FACTS and LINKS. Where's your EVIDENCE?

Mueller report, page 40, footnote 133

As part of its investigation, the FBI later received images of DNC servers and copies of relevant traffic logs.

So, since the FBI examined the copy of the server, do you now agree with their assessment of the source of the hack?
Do you have proof of Russia interfering on behalf of Trump?

Take note, the OP's link does not provide proof of anything.

Are you suggesting the intel agencies have no proof?
Strange way to put a question. YOU don't have any proof that they provided proof of Russia helping Trump. Please don't embarrass yourself by naming a single Democrat of the intel committee. They forfeit any credibility the moment they refused to work with Republicans in the impeachment fiasco.

They have a proven hatred of Trump and simply cannot be trusted, ever.
. Senate report on Russian interference in the 2016 election .

Senate is majority republican and the report was generated by the majority.

Read it.
40 million illegals voting for democrats
40 I hear 45 million? 45.....45.....45.....
I think it’s close to 70 to be honest.. Do you think Elizabeth Warren should be disqualified for having Foreign interference in her campaign?
We aren't defending anything, we're demanding PROOF of what Russia is supposedly doing that could affect ANY votes. We're calling BULLSHIT

From Post #51:

"Dumbass tell me exactly how Russia intends to change 1 vote in the 2020 election? for that matter how did they change 1 vote in the 2016 election? FYI Russian communism is a democrat party thing you're more anti America and pro Russia than a Trump supporter will ever be."
Ask the intel orgs that have been saying this for three years idiot.

Of course nothing would satisfy you so...

"Nothing" doesn't satisfy us. That's the issue.
The intel agencies need to provide the substance of what Russia is doing to affect ANY votes. This "Russian interference" bullshit is getting old.
Admit it. You just don’t care. You want Trump elected and you Don’t care how it happens

I knew it. Those russians made you vote for trump too and now you ain't gonna be fooled this time are you.
Look, I fully understand why you Trumpers want to make light of this. But the basic story here is the Russians interfered in our election in 2016 to help Trump. They are doing it again. Trump gets so upset when this info is discussed he fires the acting head of our intel agencies for briefing Congress about it.

We are all suffering from fatigue from the endless stream of deplorable, traitorous behavior by Don and the people he has surrounded himself with. But you'd be setting your hair on fire if any Dem was doing this stuff.

I shows one thing to me.

All the years they spent saying they hated russia, communist, globalists and russian way of life was nothing but more flat out lies. Everything they claimed they stood for is nothing but lies.

They have absolutely no problem with russians and communists choosing our president as long as it's a republican.

They use the word communist as a weapon against anyone who doesn't agree with them but in reality the republicans are working with communists to destroy America.

They use very lame excuses to justify it too.

It's disgusting. These people don't give a damn about America, our way of life, our constitution, democracy and the future of our nation. They seem to be very happy to destroy our nation and just hand our nation over to putin.
Your the one that that says he committed perjury... can you prove they didn’t have the emails? Why do you think America is asking for him to be pardoned exonerated? We don’t like perjury trap’s

So can you prove Congress had the emails or not?
Yes they did ..That’s why most Americans are talking about exonerating him and investigating Seth rich Democrats have a one-sided judicial system it’s unfair and we’re going to continue to talk about it
Can you prove that Congress had the emails or not?
Can you disprove?
Why can’t you answer the question?
You tell me
So can you prove Congress had the emails or not?
Yes they did ..That’s why most Americans are talking about exonerating him and investigating Seth rich Democrats have a one-sided judicial system it’s unfair and we’re going to continue to talk about it
Can you prove that Congress had the emails or not?
Can you disprove?
Why can’t you answer the question?
You tell me
I can’t. Only you can answer the question.

What are you afraid of?
After a congressional briefing on election threats, Trump soured on acting spy chief

President Trump erupted at his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, in the Oval Office last week over what he perceived as disloyalty by Maguire’s staff, which ruined Maguire’s chances of becoming the permanent intelligence chief, according to people familiar with the matter.

Trump announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Maguire with a vocal loyalist, Richard Grenell, who is the U.S. ambassador to Germany.

Maguire had been considered a leading candidate to be nominated for the post of DNI, White House aides had said. But Trump’s opinion shifted last week when he heard from a GOP ally that the intelligence official in charge of election security, who works for Maguire, gave a classified briefing last Thursday to the House Intelligence Committee on 2020 election security.
Lol guys you are embarrassing America lol

You guys are the ones who are un-American. Congress has every right to know about Russian interference in our elections. Clearly Trump is again accepting Russian help in his re-election bid. Trump is the treasonous traitor.

So, exactly what kind of help did he receive in 2016 and currently?
Russia is engaging in more Counter-Intelligence propaganda, putting another log on the proverbial fire the Democrats have been fanning the last 4 years to ensure the nation stays divided ... and snowflakes are still buying it, still manipulated by them.

The Weismann-Mueller report said it all - no evidence of collusion between Trump or his team & Russia. The Russians don't give a damn who wins....they just want to continue to f* with America / snowflakes and keep us DIVIDED....

You know..... 'UNITED we stand, DIVIDED we fall...'?!

In 2016 Obama and Hillary engaged in more foreign / Russian collusion than Trump and his team.

In 2016 snowflakes were conned by the Russians into organizing and marching for the Russians....meaning SNOWFLAKES colluded more with the Russians than Trump and his team...


Racist Republicans are the ones dividing this country. You are the one who is being manipulated. The hillbilly voters like you are so easy to manipulate.

The report found that Manafort turned over internal polling data and other campaign documents to a Russian associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. Manafort has refused to tell the truth. If this was the US, Mueller would have subpoenaed him to testify. Stone has ties to either WikiLeaks or the Russians who hacked Podesta's e-mails. The only thing tha56t happened was that they refused to talk.

In 2016, Trump was more than happy to help the Russians help him. In 2016, we see the same thing. The Republican Party is a criminal enterprise that needs to be shut down.

Polling data? You are such a fucking joke!
The DNC refused to allow the FBI to take its server - not even a copy of the server - to inspect it and confirm it was ever hacked by the Russians. Crowdstrike was / is still THE ONLY ones who actually looked at the DNC server.

You’re factually incorrect. The FBI and DoJ has access to a forensic copy of the server made by Crowdstrike.

Let me ask you a question. Why do you think the only way to determine the source of the hack requires the physical inspection of the server hardware?
You are assigning far too much logical thinking to someone who reads nonsense on a right wing website and just regurgitates it.
Yes they did ..That’s why most Americans are talking about exonerating him and investigating Seth rich Democrats have a one-sided judicial system it’s unfair and we’re going to continue to talk about it
Can you prove that Congress had the emails or not?
Can you disprove?
Why can’t you answer the question?
You tell me
I can’t. Only you can answer the question.

What are you afraid of?
Nothing I’m going on the facts .. It was a perjury trap we had emails before they question him
Can you prove that Congress had the emails or not?
Can you disprove?
Why can’t you answer the question?
You tell me
I can’t. Only you can answer the question.

What are you afraid of?
Nothing I’m going on the facts .. It was a perjury trap we had emails before they question him
Prove it.

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