House Intel Committee Subpoenas McCain Associate David Kramer for Trump Dossier Answers

(Late November?) If McCain sent an aid to England to dig up (fake) dirt to undermine his own Commander in Chief does it constitute treason?
Whoa, sounds like another Breitbart scoop! I'll wait for a credible source...
I find the timing odd. There was this gathering in Nova Scotia where all of a sudden out of the blue McCain became involved. This timeline makes no sense if they got the FISA warrant in June to spy on the Trump campaign.
Just to make certain we are all on the same page here, McCain the mother fucker has had his own "charity" subsidized by Soros and he has been travelling world wide promoting McCain so called leadership principles.

This includes HIS BOYS ON THE EASTERN UKRAINIAN FRONT WHO ARE NAZIS. Last Christmas with Lindsey.
(Late November?) If McCain sent an aid to England to dig up (fake) dirt to undermine his own Commander in Chief does it constitute treason?
No, because he was exposing treason. Duh.

The timeline makes no sense. What this move by McCain though revealed that he was accepting money from Soros for his "charity".
It does make sense...McCain generally heard the rumor when everyone else did, and he wanted to see it for himself.
(Late November?) If McCain sent an aid to England to dig up (fake) dirt to undermine his own Commander in Chief does it constitute treason?
No, because he was exposing treason. Duh.

The timeline makes no sense. What this move by McCain though revealed that he was accepting money from Soros for his "charity".
It does make sense...McCain generally heard the rumor when everyone else did, and he wanted to see it for himself.

Ruh roh. Timeline doesn't make sense and they have tripped all over themselves. I love it. The meeting in Nova Scotia is months before the pick up of the fake dossier in Britain.
Can anyone make sense of the timelines here? I can't. FISA warrants. McCain sending his buddy over to Britain. Steele admitting nothing is verified in the dossier. Cohen. They got the wrong Cohen in Prague.

Alrighty then. How many of you whack jobs on this board realize that John and Lindsey left their families last year and ran with the Nazi troops on the eastern front in the Ukraine?

Azov battalion. NAZIS FROM HELL.

McCain visits frontline Ukraine troops in anti-Putin gesture
Doug Stanglin, USA TODAY Published 1:57 p.m. ET Dec. 31, 2016 | Updated 6:03 a.m. ET Jan. 2, 2017

McCain visits frontline Ukraine troops in anti-Putin gesture
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Hannity has been busting balls big time idiot. Next up. Cnn and NBC.
I hope he shares a cell with Jared.

Jared can eat shit and die because he is a serious D and deserves to be prosecuted for all the shit he has pulled. Hows that asshole. I know what the little mother fucker has pulled and I hope and pray he like his very Democrat father gets it up his feeble ass in jail.

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