House Judiciary Committee Subpoenas Full Non-Redacted Mueller Report

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY 10) Has Issued Subpoenas For Full And Non-Redacted Special Prosecutor's Report.

April 19 (UPI)--The chairman of the House judiciary committee on Friday subpoenaed the full, non-redacted version of the Justice Department's Russia report, doing so with power the panel received two weeks ago.

The panel authorized subpoena power on April 3 in case the committee sought more information blacked out of the report by special counsel Robert Mueller. Friday, Rep. Jarrold Nadler issued the subpoena for the complete report and underlying documents from the inquiry.

Now, I know you Cons are trying your damnedest to a victory dance over the heavily redacted Mueller Report that little billie barr turned over after briefing his lord and master the Lying Fuck Faced Draft Dodging Coward 45.

I can also hear the full on shit fits you people are having. Mr. Nadler, as Chair of Judiciary Committee is well within the scope and power of his chairman ship to issue such subpoenas. He is also will within his scope and power of his chairman ship to see the full and non-redacted version of the report done by Robert Mueller.

Barr is has no legal standing to deny or ignore the subpoenas being issued.

Any of you dead from the neck up Seig Heil Shouting Goose Stepping GroppenFuhrer followers remember John Mitchell....?
The courts will have to determine if Barr has legal standing to refuse, and in three or four years the Supreme Court will make its decision.
Tell Nadler to file articles of impeachment. They can see them right now under impeachment rules. The Dems say it is open and shut case, so why the delay? Give their office a call and ask for the status of an impeachment article. Let us know what they say!

Pelosi will not allow it because they can not get a Conviction in the Senate.

The Democrats know this and will play with this until they realize they can not win the 2020 election with it...
Would love to see that Senate roll Call vote.

There are Republicans that put country over Trump.

There are leftists who realize that "country" and "mindless partisan hatred" aren't the same thing.

I don't personally KNOW any, but I have faith they exist somewhere.
“House Judiciary Committee Subpoenas Full Non-Redacted Mueller Report”


The people have the right to know.

No, the people do NOT have a right to know anything that is legally required to be kept secret. Your "logic" would suggest that there should be no such thing as national security secrets.
So Nadsless is carrying the torch of never ending investigations. Even when a conclusion is made, the lib loons must have the conclusion be what they want and worded how they want or else another tantrum and another investigation.
billie boy is NOT a defense attorney acting to protect a client. He is the Attorney General. His first and only loyalty is to the United States, not to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Russia Loving Serial Adulterer 45.

Chairman Nadler has every Legal AND Constitutional Right to see the full and Non-Redacted Special Prosecutor's Report. Barr has no legal or constitutional right to deny Chairman Nadler.

And just for shits and giggles all Seig Heil Shouting, Goose-Stepping Nazi Saluting GroppenFuhrer Followers, there are still over 20-Active Investigations into the Traitor 45. SDNY is very much into every illegal thing that Orange Shit Gibbon has done

The Mueller Report does state for the legal record that Russia did actively interfere in 2016 election. You support a Russian Backed Russian Supported Traitor.

Really? Where does the Constitution say that Congress is exempt from following laws? How does Nadler have a legal or Constitutional right to see things the law requires sealed? How does Barr not have the right to refuse to do something which would be illegal for him to do?

Please explain to me all these assertions of law and Constitution you have made, because it sounds remarkably like you gained all your "legal expertise" from watching "Law and Order", and from ASSuming the law is whatever you'd like it to be at the moment.

Dazzle us with your brilliance, "Shit Gibbon Bravo".
The law is on Barr's side and he doesn't have turn over anything to the Dem House.

Guess the Dem's don't know the law or they think they can ignore it. Oh and they really like beating a dead horse.

Good luck with that.
That was Barr's conclusion, not Mueller's:

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol II, P.8)

"Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President’s conduct.

"The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment.

"At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state.

"Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

Mueller is saying it is up to congress to decide if Trump obstructed justice, and in order to do so, it will need the see the full report.
This was an executive branch investigation. Not congressional.

Mueller had nothing to do with Congress.

Barr and Trump were not even obligated to let Congress read it.

Trump has been more transparent than any POTUS, ever.

Clinton repeatedly used Executive privilege and challenged things repeatedly.

Trump gave Mueller every scrap of paper and every interview from everyone that works under Trump.

That is unprecidented transparency.
Trump gave Mueller every scrap of paper and every interview from everyone that works under Trump.

That is unprecidented transparency.
No, it's not.
It's closer to unprecedented criminality. (and cowardice)

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol II. P.13)

"We also sought a voluntary interview with the President. After more than a year of discussion, the President declined to be interviewed...."

"During the course of our discussions, the President did agree to answer written questions on certain Russia-related topics, and he provided us with answers. He did not similarly agree to provide written answers to questions on obstruction topics or questions on events during the transition."

This president was never fit for office, and now House Democrats will make that clear to all but the willfully blind and bigoted.

OMG! They asked for a VOLUNTARY interview, and he didn't volunteer! String him up! Where's the rope?!
OMG! They asked for a VOLUNTARY interview, and he didn't volunteer! String him up! Where's the rope?!
What's Trump afraid of?
That he can't hide the fact he's a congenital liar?

Five Critical Takeaways From the Mueller Report

"If the president had wanted to cooperate fully with the Mueller probe, he would have consented to an in-person interview with Mueller or members of his team. He refused. As a result, any claim of full cooperation is totally devoid of merit.

"'Beginning in December 2017,' Appendix C notes, the special counsel’s office 'sought for more than a year to interview the President on topics relevant to both Russian-election interference and obstruction-of-justice. We advised counsel that the President was a ‘subject’ of the investigation … [and] [ a]n interview with the President is vital to our investigation. … We additionally stated that ‘it is in the interest of the Presidency and the public for an interview to take place’ and offered numerous accommodations to aid the President’s preparation and avoid surprise.'

"Instead of an interview, Trump agreed only to answer a set of written interrogatories limited to alleged Russian election interference. He declined to answer any questions on obstruction."

Yeah, any time anyone doesn't eagerly engage in long interrogations with prosecutors, it can ONLY be because they're guilty and hiding something.
Yeah, any time anyone doesn't eagerly engage in long interrogations with prosecutors, it can ONLY be because they're guilty and hiding something.
It would not have required a lengthy interrogation by prosecutors to trap Trump in multiple lies, and he knew it; what's your excuse, the fact he switched parties before becoming POTUS?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 182)

"Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President’s conduct.

"The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment.

"At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state1.

"Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment.

"Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."
This was an executive branch investigation. Not congressional.

Mueller had nothing to do with Congress.

Barr and Trump were not even obligated to let Congress read it.

Trump has been more transparent than any POTUS, ever.

Clinton repeatedly used Executive privilege and challenged things repeatedly.

Trump gave Mueller every scrap of paper and every interview from everyone that works under Trump.

That is unprecidented transparency.
Trump gave Mueller every scrap of paper and every interview from everyone that works under Trump.

That is unprecidented transparency.
No, it's not.
It's closer to unprecedented criminality. (and cowardice)

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol II. P.13)

"We also sought a voluntary interview with the President. After more than a year of discussion, the President declined to be interviewed...."

"During the course of our discussions, the President did agree to answer written questions on certain Russia-related topics, and he provided us with answers. He did not similarly agree to provide written answers to questions on obstruction topics or questions on events during the transition."

This president was never fit for office, and now House Democrats will make that clear to all but the willfully blind and bigoted.

OMG! They asked for a VOLUNTARY interview, and he didn't volunteer! String him up! Where's the rope?!
OMG! They asked for a VOLUNTARY interview, and he didn't volunteer! String him up! Where's the rope?!
What's Trump afraid of?
That he can't hide the fact he's a congenital liar?

Five Critical Takeaways From the Mueller Report

"If the president had wanted to cooperate fully with the Mueller probe, he would have consented to an in-person interview with Mueller or members of his team. He refused. As a result, any claim of full cooperation is totally devoid of merit.

"'Beginning in December 2017,' Appendix C notes, the special counsel’s office 'sought for more than a year to interview the President on topics relevant to both Russian-election interference and obstruction-of-justice. We advised counsel that the President was a ‘subject’ of the investigation … [and] [ a]n interview with the President is vital to our investigation. … We additionally stated that ‘it is in the interest of the Presidency and the public for an interview to take place’ and offered numerous accommodations to aid the President’s preparation and avoid surprise.'

"Instead of an interview, Trump agreed only to answer a set of written interrogatories limited to alleged Russian election interference. He declined to answer any questions on obstruction."

Yeah, any time anyone doesn't eagerly engage in long interrogations with prosecutors, it can ONLY be because they're guilty and hiding something.
Yeah, any time anyone doesn't eagerly engage in long interrogations with prosecutors, it can ONLY be because they're guilty and hiding something.
It would not have required a lengthy interrogation by prosecutors to trap Trump in multiple lies, and he knew it; what's your excuse, the fact he switched parties before becoming POTUS?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 182)

"Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President’s conduct.

"The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment.

"At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state1.

"Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment.

"Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."
A lot of words to say, "I got nothing."
This was an executive branch investigation. Not congressional.

Mueller had nothing to do with Congress.

Barr and Trump were not even obligated to let Congress read it.

Trump has been more transparent than any POTUS, ever.

Clinton repeatedly used Executive privilege and challenged things repeatedly.

Trump gave Mueller every scrap of paper and every interview from everyone that works under Trump.

That is unprecidented transparency.
Trump gave Mueller every scrap of paper and every interview from everyone that works under Trump.

That is unprecidented transparency.
No, it's not.
It's closer to unprecedented criminality. (and cowardice)

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol II. P.13)

"We also sought a voluntary interview with the President. After more than a year of discussion, the President declined to be interviewed...."

"During the course of our discussions, the President did agree to answer written questions on certain Russia-related topics, and he provided us with answers. He did not similarly agree to provide written answers to questions on obstruction topics or questions on events during the transition."

This president was never fit for office, and now House Democrats will make that clear to all but the willfully blind and bigoted.

OMG! They asked for a VOLUNTARY interview, and he didn't volunteer! String him up! Where's the rope?!
OMG! They asked for a VOLUNTARY interview, and he didn't volunteer! String him up! Where's the rope?!
What's Trump afraid of?
That he can't hide the fact he's a congenital liar?

Five Critical Takeaways From the Mueller Report

"If the president had wanted to cooperate fully with the Mueller probe, he would have consented to an in-person interview with Mueller or members of his team. He refused. As a result, any claim of full cooperation is totally devoid of merit.

"'Beginning in December 2017,' Appendix C notes, the special counsel’s office 'sought for more than a year to interview the President on topics relevant to both Russian-election interference and obstruction-of-justice. We advised counsel that the President was a ‘subject’ of the investigation … [and] [ a]n interview with the President is vital to our investigation. … We additionally stated that ‘it is in the interest of the Presidency and the public for an interview to take place’ and offered numerous accommodations to aid the President’s preparation and avoid surprise.'

"Instead of an interview, Trump agreed only to answer a set of written interrogatories limited to alleged Russian election interference. He declined to answer any questions on obstruction."

Yeah, any time anyone doesn't eagerly engage in long interrogations with prosecutors, it can ONLY be because they're guilty and hiding something.
Yeah, any time anyone doesn't eagerly engage in long interrogations with prosecutors, it can ONLY be because they're guilty and hiding something.
It would not have required a lengthy interrogation by prosecutors to trap Trump in multiple lies, and he knew it; what's your excuse, the fact he switched parties before becoming POTUS?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 182)

"Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President’s conduct.

"The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment.

"At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state1.

"Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment.

"Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

I heard, "Blah blah-blah, TRUMP IS GUILTY BECAUSE I WANT HIM TO BE!" And then I got bored and didn't read the second line.
D stands for dumber than dogsquat but I may have gratuitously insulted the parasites in dog stool so please don't hold that against me.
A lot of words to say, "I got nothing."
  1. "Mueller Declined to Make a Formal Finding on Obstruction Because of the Justice Department’s Policy Against Indicting a Sitting President. Nonetheless, He Concluded the President Could Not Be Exonerated of Obstruction.
"While it is true that Mueller did not make a traditional prosecutorial judgment about obstruction of justice, it is not true, as Barr implied in his March 24 letter to Congress, that Mueller demurred on obstruction because of the 'difficult issues of law and fact' he was called on to examine.

"He demurred because of Justice Department policy against indicting a sitting president."

Five Critical Takeaways From the Mueller Report
A lot of words to say, "I got nothing."
  1. "Mueller Declined to Make a Formal Finding on Obstruction Because of the Justice Department’s Policy Against Indicting a Sitting President. Nonetheless, He Concluded the President Could Not Be Exonerated of Obstruction.
"While it is true that Mueller did not make a traditional prosecutorial judgment about obstruction of justice, it is not true, as Barr implied in his March 24 letter to Congress, that Mueller demurred on obstruction because of the 'difficult issues of law and fact' he was called on to examine.

"He demurred because of Justice Department policy against indicting a sitting president."

Five Critical Takeaways From the Mueller Report

Appreciate you telling us exactly where you received your talking points from. Doesn't really matter, but thanks for the clarification.
I would like to see all the JFK assassination files as well. For some reason, they wont let me.
A lot of words to say, "I got nothing."
  1. "Mueller Declined to Make a Formal Finding on Obstruction Because of the Justice Department’s Policy Against Indicting a Sitting President. Nonetheless, He Concluded the President Could Not Be Exonerated of Obstruction.
"While it is true that Mueller did not make a traditional prosecutorial judgment about obstruction of justice, it is not true, as Barr implied in his March 24 letter to Congress, that Mueller demurred on obstruction because of the 'difficult issues of law and fact' he was called on to examine.

"He demurred because of Justice Department policy against indicting a sitting president."

Five Critical Takeaways From the Mueller Report

The whole investigation was a phony and illegal plot, starting with that crooked FISA warrant.
A lot of words to say, "I got nothing."
  1. "Mueller Declined to Make a Formal Finding on Obstruction Because of the Justice Department’s Policy Against Indicting a Sitting President. Nonetheless, He Concluded the President Could Not Be Exonerated of Obstruction.
"While it is true that Mueller did not make a traditional prosecutorial judgment about obstruction of justice, it is not true, as Barr implied in his March 24 letter to Congress, that Mueller demurred on obstruction because of the 'difficult issues of law and fact' he was called on to examine.

"He demurred because of Justice Department policy against indicting a sitting president."

Five Critical Takeaways From the Mueller Report

The whole investigation was a phony and illegal plot, starting with that crooked FISA warrant.

And the Steele dossier will cause many roll overs.
A lot of words to say, "I got nothing."
  1. "Mueller Declined to Make a Formal Finding on Obstruction Because of the Justice Department’s Policy Against Indicting a Sitting President. Nonetheless, He Concluded the President Could Not Be Exonerated of Obstruction.
"While it is true that Mueller did not make a traditional prosecutorial judgment about obstruction of justice, it is not true, as Barr implied in his March 24 letter to Congress, that Mueller demurred on obstruction because of the 'difficult issues of law and fact' he was called on to examine.

"He demurred because of Justice Department policy against indicting a sitting president."

Five Critical Takeaways From the Mueller Report

The whole investigation was a phony and illegal plot, starting with that crooked FISA warrant.
The whole investigation was a phony and illegal plot, starting with that crooked FISA warrant.
Does the investigation end with Barr or Congress?

Five Critical Takeaways From the Mueller Report
  1. "Mueller Did Not Request Barr to Draw His Own Conclusions on Obstruction. That Decision Should Be Left to Congress by Means of an Impeachment Investigation."
House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY 10) Has Issued Subpoenas For Full And Non-Redacted Special Prosecutor's Report.

April 19 (UPI)--The chairman of the House judiciary committee on Friday subpoenaed the full, non-redacted version of the Justice Department's Russia report, doing so with power the panel received two weeks ago.

The panel authorized subpoena power on April 3 in case the committee sought more information blacked out of the report by special counsel Robert Mueller. Friday, Rep. Jarrold Nadler issued the subpoena for the complete report and underlying documents from the inquiry.

Now, I know you Cons are trying your damnedest to a victory dance over the heavily redacted Mueller Report that little billie barr turned over after briefing his lord and master the Lying Fuck Faced Draft Dodging Coward 45.

I can also hear the full on shit fits you people are having. Mr. Nadler, as Chair of Judiciary Committee is well within the scope and power of his chairman ship to issue such subpoenas. He is also will within his scope and power of his chairman ship to see the full and non-redacted version of the report done by Robert Mueller.

Barr is has no legal standing to deny or ignore the subpoenas being issued.

Any of you dead from the neck up Seig Heil Shouting Goose Stepping GroppenFuhrer followers remember John Mitchell....?
/——/ “ you dead from the neck up Seig Heil Shouting Goose Stepping GroppenFuhrer followers”
Well, with such a reasoned and respectful request, how could anyone refuse?
I would say the leftists have lost their mind but I am far from certain that any of them have one to lose
A lot of words to say, "I got nothing."
  1. "Mueller Declined to Make a Formal Finding on Obstruction Because of the Justice Department’s Policy Against Indicting a Sitting President. Nonetheless, He Concluded the President Could Not Be Exonerated of Obstruction.
"While it is true that Mueller did not make a traditional prosecutorial judgment about obstruction of justice, it is not true, as Barr implied in his March 24 letter to Congress, that Mueller demurred on obstruction because of the 'difficult issues of law and fact' he was called on to examine.

"He demurred because of Justice Department policy against indicting a sitting president."

Five Critical Takeaways From the Mueller Report

The whole investigation was a phony and illegal plot, starting with that crooked FISA warrant.
The whole investigation was a phony and illegal plot, starting with that crooked FISA warrant.
Does the investigation end with Barr or Congress?

Five Critical Takeaways From the Mueller Report
  1. "Mueller Did Not Request Barr to Draw His Own Conclusions on Obstruction. That Decision Should Be Left to Congress by Means of an Impeachment Investigation."

You're still having a lot of trouble with that "telling reliable sources from partisan hack sites" thing, apparently.

Citing is the same thing as saying, "This is fact because I want it to be!"
A lot of words to say, "I got nothing."
  1. "Mueller Declined to Make a Formal Finding on Obstruction Because of the Justice Department’s Policy Against Indicting a Sitting President. Nonetheless, He Concluded the President Could Not Be Exonerated of Obstruction.
"While it is true that Mueller did not make a traditional prosecutorial judgment about obstruction of justice, it is not true, as Barr implied in his March 24 letter to Congress, that Mueller demurred on obstruction because of the 'difficult issues of law and fact' he was called on to examine.

"He demurred because of Justice Department policy against indicting a sitting president."

Five Critical Takeaways From the Mueller Report

The whole investigation was a phony and illegal plot, starting with that crooked FISA warrant.
The whole investigation was a phony and illegal plot, starting with that crooked FISA warrant.
Does the investigation end with Barr or Congress?

Five Critical Takeaways From the Mueller Report
  1. "Mueller Did Not Request Barr to Draw His Own Conclusions on Obstruction. That Decision Should Be Left to Congress by Means of an Impeachment Investigation."

You're still having a lot of trouble with that "telling reliable sources from partisan hack sites" thing, apparently.

Citing is the same thing as saying, "This is fact because I want it to be!"
Truthdig has a left bias, but they've never failed a fact check. Just because you want it to be false doesn't make it false

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