House of Nature Salzburg

You are a racist and a neo-nazi, just look at your avatar and signature. Not everyone here is a racist and neo-nazi. I dislike actually letting a couple of neo-nazis drive me out. I should stick being here in spite of a few hateful neo-nazis.
You posted pictures of you in your Wehrmacht uniform just a few months ago. Kind of ironic you'd make that accusation.
Then I should stop posting here and bothering you with my posts if this is the consensus here or is it just you?

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
Zzz. For that to make any sense, you’d have to have some pearls.
You posted pictures of you in your Wehrmacht uniform just a few months ago. Kind of ironic you'd make that accusation.
That was obviously for entertainment and a joke. Everyone who is sane in his mind, knows im not a nazi nor it would make any sense if i "were".
You are a racist and a neo-nazi, just look at your avatar and signature. Not everyone here is a racist and neo-nazi. I dislike actually letting a couple of neo-nazis drive me out. I should stick being here in spite of a few hateful neo-nazis.
don't let anyone make you stop speaking .. freedom of speech is your right .
Zzz. For that to make any sense, you’d have to have some pearls.
I don't understand why this hatred, I didn't even talk about Roma or Gypsies, just about my trip because I was happy about it, it was nice yesterday.
I don't understand why this hatred, I didn't even talk about Roma or Gypsies, just about my trip because I was happy about it, it was nice yesterday.
Noting that your posts tend to be sophomoric dribble isn’t the same as hatred. And I don’t address anything about the Roma or “gypsies.”

Glad you enjoyed your day.

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