House Republicans Behaving as if Stupidity were a Virtue?

It's funny to watch the Republicans digging their own grave.

They are so terrified of being defeated by the Tea Party in the primaries, that they don't even have the guts to go on record voting for a tax cut for the middle class!!!

If you really take a look at the GOP these days, you'll see how much disarray they're in.

The Republicans are feuding in the House with Boehner unable to keep his caucus in line because the tea partiers are determined to buck his leadership.

The Republicans in the House are not on the same page with the Republicans in the Senate, since they're rejecting the compromise that Mitch McConnell reached with the Democrats.

The GOP presidential candidates are essentially engaged in a civil war with one another with candidates (and their surrogates) running attack ads against one another.

So, they're ALL squabbling with each other, and now they might just end up scuttling the payroll tax cut and the unemployment benefits for millions of Americans after the first of the year because the House Republican rank and file are having a hissy fit?

Think about all the political ads that Democrats could make about this and how it shows that Republicans are not prepared to lead the country.

This is just one more Republican self-inflicted wound.
There is going to be hell to pay in the House as TeaTards are shown the door

Can Boehner be any more inept? thank goodness Pelosi will be back in charge in a little more than a year
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It's funny to watch the Republicans digging their own grave.

They are so terrified of being defeated by the Tea Party in the primaries, that they don't even have the guts to go on record voting for a tax cut for the middle class!!!

Yea. they wont go on record... oh wait. I forgot THEY ALREADY DID. It's sitting on Harry Reid's desk.
This bill deserved an honest debate in both houses. Either its a good idea or not, but not a two month answer. The Senate was playing politics before the public and everyone knows it, both sides. McConnell as well as Reid. Boehner was going to do the same with a year extension and calling the Senate on a two month fix. The public is tired of emergency measures whether it is approriations or tax cuts.

We need honest votes and integrity on both sides. Congress needs to stop the games and do some work.
It's funny to watch the Republicans digging their own grave.

They are so terrified of being defeated by the Tea Party in the primaries, that they don't even have the guts to go on record voting for a tax cut for the middle class!!!

If you really take a look at the GOP these days, you'll see how much disarray they're in.

The Republicans are feuding in the House with Boehner unable to keep his caucus in line because the tea partiers are determined to buck his leadership.

The Republicans in the House are not on the same page with the Republicans in the Senate, since they're rejecting the compromise that Mitch McConnell reached with the Democrats.

The GOP presidential candidates are essentially engaged in a civil war with one another with candidates (and their surrogates) running attack ads against one another.

So, they're ALL squabbling with each other, and now they might just end up scuttling the payroll tax cut and the unemployment benefits for millions of Americans after the first of the year because the House Republican rank and file are having a hissy fit?

Think about all the political ads that Democrats could make about this and how it shows that Republicans are not prepared to lead the country.

This is just one more Republican self-inflicted wound.
Not quite. The Republicans are guardians of people's Constitutional rights and privileges. Some in the tea party who got elected may not realize how important it is to do what is best for the most and still bring up those in need to be a working part of the fabric of our nation.

Some Democrats are, too. I'm privileged to be around those who love, care for, and pick up after their fellow Americans who need looking after, regardless of party.
If you want this tax cut so badly, why don't you compromise, you know the thing you always claim you want, and support the bill the House already passed that cuts the taxes for the next year. Or is keeping people unemployed by not approving the Pipeline more important to you than the tax cut you claim to be for?

I dont think you give a damn about the tax cut. If you did, this bill would have been signed last week.
If you want this tax cut so badly, why don't you compromise, you know the thing you always claim you want, and support the bill the House already passed that cuts the taxes for the next year. Or is keeping people unemployed by not approving the Pipeline more important to you than the tax cut you claim to be for?

I dont think you give a damn about the tax cut. If you did, this bill would have been signed last week.

But that involves taking the shell out of the game. Sigh Get Reid out and perhaps the game playing will stop.
Are we talking about the same Pelosi....

The Pelosi who said we need to pass Obamacare so we can find out what's in it.
The Pelosi who said unemployment is a good thing for the economy.Because we get more bang for the buck with UE benefits....
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If you want this tax cut so badly, why don't you compromise, you know the thing you always claim you want, and support the bill the House already passed that cuts the taxes for the next year. Or is keeping people unemployed by not approving the Pipeline more important to you than the tax cut you claim to be for?

I dont think you give a damn about the tax cut. If you did, this bill would have been signed last week.

The compromise was reached in the Senate between Democrats and Republicans. Boehner can't get his members to go along with it even as the Democrats are prepared to vote for it. The president supports it.

This is ALL on the House Republicans, and they're not going to be able to blame anyone else, although I'm SURE they'll try.
Good for the GOP and thank you Boehner. The tax cuts for the bottom 50% has to stop. We need to increase taxes on those non contributors, not decrease them. Too many don't participate, too many in the cart and only a very few of us pulling the cart.

There are no tax cuts for the bottom fifty percent. They pay plenty in taxes. Stop falling for the GObP garbage. If you don't have income, you don't pay income taxes. GET IT?

Fact is, the pubs/bags are splintered and no one is in charge.

THAT's why they're in this mess.

Boehner calls Lushbo Rimbaugh his marching orders. Its true. Look it up. Boehner drops more than this tax "break" on greens fees every single week and THAT is all he cares about. He needs to just go spray on his daily tan, play golf and let Nancy Pelosi get the work done.
The Republicans are guardians of people's Constitutional rights and privileges.

cough cough gag gag

You mean the same pubs who gave us such unConstitutional and unAmercan crap as the not-Patriot Act and who talk every few days of killing off some other part of the Constitution?

jeeeez -

WHERE do you people GET this crap?
"Stop-gap compromise"? Isn't that an oxy-moron? What the hell good is a stop gap compromise except a couple of months for the president to get his nut-case radical base mobilized? It takes two sides to reach a stalemate. Are democrats so stupid that they would rather give Barry a couple of months to play golf than come to a real decision?
If you want this tax cut so badly, why don't you compromise, you know the thing you always claim you want, and support the bill the House already passed that cuts the taxes for the next year. Or is keeping people unemployed by not approving the Pipeline more important to you than the tax cut you claim to be for?

I dont think you give a damn about the tax cut. If you did, this bill would have been signed last week.

The compromise was reached in the Senate between Democrats and Republicans. Boehner can't get his members to go along with it even as the Democrats are prepared to vote for it. The president supports it.

This is ALL on the House Republicans, and they're not going to be able to blame anyone else, although I'm SURE they'll try.

You know what I can't stand? People who lie as much as you are.

The House passed the tax cut already. And they extended it a year, not two months like the measure Obama is pushing. And here you are still trying to claim that the House is holding it up. No. The Senate is holding it up. Because you freakin liars refuse to actually compromise. I mean heaven forbid Americans in the Midwest get jobs. Heaven forbid we have a greater supply of oil and build infrastructure.

No. You'd rather sit here and lie through your teeth for political purposes while people are suffering for your games. All because you think it will help you to pretend that the Republicans are the ones holding everything up.

Do you have any part of you that has self respect? Is this politicl bullcrap really worth your integrity?
These clowns just can't get out of their own way.

Hey, I can understand (not really) if the GOP is willing to take stands (like making massive cuts to Medicare) which won't make them beloved among a great number of people who count on programs like Medicare.

But to do something like this (refusing to pass the stop gap payroll tax deduction compromise) when it will just make average Americans hate you because their taxes will go up after the first of the year? This is just plain stupid.

But it is also instructive, and the American people are watching. And I guarantee you they don't like what they're seeing. Do you think average Americans are going to want to go to the polls and vote for these guys?

I don't think so.

House Republicans moved Tuesday to reject a Senate-passed tax cut extension, hardening a standoff over whether to extend an expiring payroll tax cut and clouding the prospects for a clear resolution to prevent a tax hike on Jan. 1.

The House passed a measure that served the twin purposes of implicitly rejecting the Senate's bipartisan legislation extending an expiring payroll tax cut for two months, while volleying House Republicans' own proposal back to the Senate, where Democrats are in the majority.

229 House members, all Republicans, voted to send the payroll tax cut to conference, the formal (and less commonly used) process to resolve legislative differences with the Senate. Seven Republicans joined 186 Democrats in opposition to this plan.

President Obama, in a surprise appearance at the White House briefing, condemned Republicans for playing politics with the vote, and urged Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and House Republicans to defuse "brinksmanship" and pass the two-month deal.

"Let's be clear: Right now, the bipartisan compromise that was reached on Saturday is the only viable way to prevent a tax hike on Jan. 1," he said.
The legislative maneuver allowed Republicans to avoid having to specifically vote against the Senate's two-month tax cut, while still voicing their opposition to the deal.

First Read - House rejects payroll tax stopgap, hardening standoff

Boehner is such a dick. He's backed himself into a nice little corner now.

See if he can squirm out of this one.
Good for the GOP and thank you Boehner. The tax cuts for the bottom 50% has to stop. We need to increase taxes on those non contributors, not decrease them. Too many don't participate, too many in the cart and only a very few of us pulling the cart.

Excellent ideal. Tax those who already don't have the money.

I am not great at math, what is zero times anything again?
If you want this tax cut so badly, why don't you compromise, you know the thing you always claim you want, and support the bill the House already passed that cuts the taxes for the next year. Or is keeping people unemployed by not approving the Pipeline more important to you than the tax cut you claim to be for?

I dont think you give a damn about the tax cut. If you did, this bill would have been signed last week.

The compromise was reached in the Senate between Democrats and Republicans. Boehner can't get his members to go along with it even as the Democrats are prepared to vote for it. The president supports it.

This is ALL on the House Republicans, and they're not going to be able to blame anyone else, although I'm SURE they'll try.

so you favor two months over one year? That's nice innit?
Maybe they don't like the fact that the dimwits in the senate led by the chief dimwit reid trying to force them to pass something that might be wrong, then the dimwits leave and want people to believe them, well idiots would believe them. Good for the house sticking to their guns.

No, they left because Boehner had hinted that he would allow it to be voted on. He then reversed himself.

Boehner appears to have reversed himself since a conference call with caucus members Saturday, when he was the only House Republican leader to express support for the Senate plan, according to a GOP source.

The source said Boehner described the Senate vote as "a good deal" and "a victory" in the conference call. For his part, the speaker insisted Tuesday that he raised concerns about the Senate plan when he first heard of it.

Boehner refused to even let it be voted on because he knew it would pass. So don't lay this on Reid's feet.

Why would Boehner do such at thing?

Why indeed?

According to House Republican sources, their strategy is to generate as much news coverage as possible of their appointed conferees in coming days to keep the pressure on Democrats to negotiate.

Now they have left for recess. This is all just a political stunt by the the House GOP. The economy was improving so they had to sabotage it.

Now the talking heads will kick into high gear and they are going to try and generate PR over this.

It won't work. This is going to blow up in their faces. Especially since so many Senate GOP member supported this.

Obama, Boehner square off in payroll tax fight -
The Republicans are guardians of people's Constitutional rights and privileges.
cough cough gag gag

You mean the same pubs who gave us such unConstitutional and unAmercan crap as the not-Patriot Act and who talk every few days of killing off some other part of the Constitution?

jeeeez -

WHERE do you people GET this crap?
The founders shot traitors. In public.
Republican Senator Scott Brown, positioning himself on the frontline of frustration between some moderate Senate Republicans and House GOP leaders, today again denounced his House colleagues over their blocking of a bipartisan compromise that would extend the payroll tax cut for two months.

“It angers me that House Republicans would rather continue playing politics than find solutions,’’ the Massachusetts Republican said in a statement released minutes after the Republican-controlled House voted against the compromise, which the Senate had overwhelmingly passed on Saturday. “Their actions will hurt American families and be detrimental to our fragile economy.

“We are Americans first; now is not the time for drawing lines in the sand.’’
Brown lambasted House Republicans yesterday before the vote, saying their opposition was “irresponsible and wrong.”

Brown to House GOP: Your actions hurt average Americans - Nation - The Boston Globe
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There is going to be hell to pay in the House as TeaTards are shown the door

Can Boehner be any more inept? thank goodness Pelosi will be back in charge in a little more than a year

Either Boehner intentionally sabotaged this, or he has no control over his own party.

Either way, the guy is a dick.

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