House republicans form 2nd amendment caucus

And all the other amendments can go to hell!

No sir, if we lose the 2A we will lose all others

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.

Joseph Story
A "deplorable" Supreme Court Justice

Remember that.


Who's looking to repeal the 2nd ?

God forbid you keep guns away from criminals and crazies ! Suddenly that's banning all guns.


Read the dissenting opinion in Heller then, and only then , repost.

Hillary would have appointed judges who were willing to rule that Heller was wrongly decided because Americans NEVER HAD AN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT to bear arms.


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Not true .

For example , the ACLU is the biggest defender of our rights (other than 2nd). The right sees the ACLU as villains even though they do more to defend our rights than anyone.
ACLU...yeah too funny.

Try making a point .

Hey, how come they ain't making a search n seizure caucus ?
I know you think I am an R, which is laughable...but lefties like you can't see past your nose.

Both parties suck and both are very much alike. Accept the truth and grow up my boy.

You can't seem to address any of my points.

But that's cause you too cool for the room. "I'm
Above all political parties " .
Thank you...I don't have the energy to deal with you tonight.

I am going to bed.

And all the other amendments can go to hell!

No sir, if we lose the 2A we will lose all others

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.

Joseph Story
A "deplorable" Supreme Court Justice

Remember that.


Who's looking to repeal the 2nd ?

God forbid you keep guns away from criminals and crazies ! Suddenly that's banning all guns.


Read the dissenting opinion in Heller then, and only then , repost.

Hillary would have appointed judges who were willing to rule that the Heller was wrongly decided because Americans NEVER HAD AN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT to bear arms.



Where has she said that ? Want some reasonable gun control doesn't = banning all guns .

The 2nd is pretty well established. U can't just have some judges magically erase the thing .
ACLU...yeah too funny.

Try making a point .

Hey, how come they ain't making a search n seizure caucus ?
I know you think I am an R, which is laughable...but lefties like you can't see past your nose.

Both parties suck and both are very much alike. Accept the truth and grow up my boy.

You can't seem to address any of my points.

But that's cause you too cool for the room. "I'm
Above all political parties " .
Thank you...I don't have the energy to deal with you tonight.

I am going to bed.

View attachment 101673
And all the other amendments can go to hell!

No sir, if we lose the 2A we will lose all others

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.

Joseph Story
A "deplorable" Supreme Court Justice

Remember that.


Who's looking to repeal the 2nd ?

God forbid you keep guns away from criminals and crazies ! Suddenly that's banning all guns.


Read the dissenting opinion in Heller then, and only then , repost.

Hillary would have appointed judges who were willing to rule that the Heller was wrongly decided because Americans NEVER HAD AN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT to bear arms.



Where has she said that ? Want some reasonable gun control doesn't = banning all guns .

The 2nd is pretty well established. U can't just have some judges magically erase the thing .



The Second Amendment was adopted to protect the right of the people of each of the several States to maintain a well-regulated militia. It was a response to concerns raised during the ratification of the Constitution that the power of Congress to disarm the state militias and create a national standing army posed an intolerable threat to the sovereignty of the several States. Neither the text of the Amendment nor the arguments advanced by its proponents evidenced the slightest interest in limiting any legislature’s authority to regulate private civilian uses of firearms. Specifically, there is no indication that the Framers of the Amendment intended to enshrine the common-law right of self-defense in the Constitution.

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House Republicans Form Second Amendment Caucus

Awesome! I can see great days ahead for the 2nd amendment under President Trump!
Anybody have an idea what 'pro-gun legislation' means? Does that mean no background checks, trunk sales, unlimited mass purchases and all those other threats so dear to the heart of LaPierre.

From the article:“With so many laws disarming the poorest and most vulnerable people in our society and others who face real threats to their and their family’s safety, it is reassuring to know that the Second Amendment Caucus is there to ensure people’s safety,” said John Lott, a pro-gun researcher and author." Can somebody explain this gobbledygook to me? What threats to the poorest and most vulnerable among us is caused by the current status of 2A? What 'disarming' is Lott talking about?
And all the other amendments can go to hell!
is it true the radical left wants the entire Bill of Rights eliminated?

Wrong again. Pick a non 2nd amendment . GOP is against it . It's their talking points actually !

Go ahead and name one .
There is little difference between Rs and Ds, but one difference is generally Rs stand for the 2A and Ds want it eliminated. Ds really want the entire Bill of Rights your Dear Leader said before he ran for POTUS...he said we need a positive rights and a living constitution...

That is the problem with some lefties. You are generally uninformed so facts surprise you.

Not true .

For example , the ACLU is the biggest defender of our rights (other than 2nd). The right sees the ACLU as villains even though they do more to defend our rights than anyone.

UNLESS you happen to be an unplanned and unwanted prenatal child, that is.
And all the other amendments can go to hell!
is it true the radical left wants the entire Bill of Rights eliminated?

Wrong again. Pick a non 2nd amendment . GOP is against it . It's their talking points actually !

Go ahead and name one .
There is little difference between Rs and Ds, but one difference is generally Rs stand for the 2A and Ds want it eliminated. Ds really want the entire Bill of Rights your Dear Leader said before he ran for POTUS...he said we need a positive rights and a living constitution...

That is the problem with some lefties. You are generally uninformed so facts surprise you.

Not true .

For example , the ACLU is the biggest defender of our rights (other than 2nd). The right sees the ACLU as villains even though they do more to defend our rights than anyone.
The ACLU is a racist organization... fact
And all the other amendments can go to hell!

No sir, if we lose the 2A we will lose all others

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.

Joseph Story
A "deplorable" Supreme Court Justice

Remember that.


Who's looking to repeal the 2nd ?

God forbid you keep guns away from criminals and crazies ! Suddenly that's banning all guns.
Dip shit, criminals don't obey laws… That's why they're called criminals. You need to stop fucking falling down the well
House Republicans Form Second Amendment Caucus

Awesome! I can see great days ahead for the 2nd amendment under President Trump!
Anybody have an idea what 'pro-gun legislation' means? Does that mean no background checks, trunk sales, unlimited mass purchases and all those other threats so dear to the heart of LaPierre.

From the article:“With so many laws disarming the poorest and most vulnerable people in our society and others who face real threats to their and their family’s safety, it is reassuring to know that the Second Amendment Caucus is there to ensure people’s safety,” said John Lott, a pro-gun researcher and author." Can somebody explain this gobbledygook to me? What threats to the poorest and most vulnerable among us is caused by the current status of 2A? What 'disarming' is Lott talking about?

National Reciprocity Act for one, it's already written just waiting on the new congress to be introduced. It will require all States and territories to accept the CHLs of other States, just like they do drivers licenses.
And all the other amendments can go to hell!
is it true the radical left wants the entire Bill of Rights eliminated?

Wrong again. Pick a non 2nd amendment . GOP is against it . It's their talking points actually !

Go ahead and name one .


Ah yes "states rights" . Suddenly the right doesn't care about that.

They want sanctuary cities to become proxy federal immigration agents .

They want states to honor all other states gun licenses .

They are anti pot even though 1/2 the states now allow weed.
And all the other amendments can go to hell!
is it true the radical left wants the entire Bill of Rights eliminated?

Wrong again. Pick a non 2nd amendment . GOP is against it . It's their talking points actually !

Go ahead and name one .


Ah yes "states rights" . Suddenly the right doesn't care about that.

They want sanctuary cities to become proxy federal immigration agents .

They want states to honor all other states gun licenses .

They are anti pot even though 1/2 the states now allow weed.
They want sanctuary cities to become proxy federal immigration agents .
Got a good reason sanctuary cities should be forced to follow federal law?

They want states to honor all other states gun licenses .

Just like drivers licenses
And all the other amendments can go to hell!
is it true the radical left wants the entire Bill of Rights eliminated?

Wrong again. Pick a non 2nd amendment . GOP is against it . It's their talking points actually !

Go ahead and name one .


Ah yes "states rights" . Suddenly the right doesn't care about that.

They want sanctuary cities to become proxy federal immigration agents .

They want states to honor all other states gun licenses .

They are anti pot even though 1/2 the states now allow weed.
Did you fall in the well again?
Obviously you don't understand states rights… LOL
And all the other amendments can go to hell!
is it true the radical left wants the entire Bill of Rights eliminated?
Wrong again. Pick a non 2nd amendment . GOP is against it . It's their talking points actually !
Go ahead and name one .
Ah yes "states rights" . Suddenly the right doesn't care about that.
You do not understand the state's rights argument.
And all the other amendments can go to hell!
is it true the radical left wants the entire Bill of Rights eliminated?

Wrong again. Pick a non 2nd amendment . GOP is against it . It's their talking points actually !

Go ahead and name one .


Ah yes "states rights" . Suddenly the right doesn't care about that.

They want sanctuary cities to become proxy federal immigration agents .

They want states to honor all other states gun licenses .

They are anti pot even though 1/2 the states now allow weed.
How about booze? Are there still 'dry' States? Voting ages? Marriage ages? Any idea the action Central Command will take on these? Actually Timmy, your claim that Republicans only care about 2A isn't THAT unusual. After all, there is only one Commandment that is actual sin to them too. The other nine are OK but optional.
And all the other amendments can go to hell!
The ACLU and the Democrats have all the other amendments covered.
Except they said nothing about Obama's NSA spying on Americans. So, I would guess the ACLU does care about how Obama violates several amendments to the Constitution.

Could be if Big Ears were an R, the ACLU would be taking action?

If my memory serves, I believe the ACLU was AGAINST the Patriot Act when Bush slammed it through, but said nothing when Big Ears renewed and expanded it.

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