House Republicans To Gut Ethics Watchdog

Perhaps you can link me up to where Nancy Pelosi prevented anyone from fucking reading the bill.

Predfan said:
Perhaps you can go fuck yourself with a cactus? You and everyone else in the country knows it happened.

Besides, it's a moot point now moron.

Aw. You got shotpunched because you can't show with any evidence Nancy Pelosi prevented anyone from fucking reading the bill.

You really are a special kind of stupid.

I've read your posts for like 10 years....always the same brand of stupidity....preddy...
Ethics watchdog??? give me a break. Were they asleep during Hillary's reign at the state dept? Ethics watchdog, they are just a democrat attack dog.
Another idiot who doesn't know the Office of Congressional Ethics
deals exclusively with House of Representative members and their staff.

That's exactly the point. They say by and did nothing. They are a waste of taxpayer dollars and need to be gotten rid of.
There is absolutely zero justification for the crazy notion that we don't need stronger emphasis on ethics in congress.

I would agree that it is too weak.

But, killing what we have before we have something better is just plain stupid.

It's a moot point now as the GOP in Congress has decided not to do it afterTrump scolded them.

Moot point ? The fact that the first thing they tried to do after the election is to depower ethics watchdogs is just something to glance over!?

Of all the issues out there , that's why gets them off their ass to vote on. Late at night too.

Shows you what shady fucks the GOP are . Also shows you that it's not going to be all smiles n sunshine wh The Donald .
WASHINGTON ― As one of their first actions in the new Congress, House Republicans are planning to significantly change the Office of Congressional Ethics, removing the entity’s independence, barring it from investigating anonymous complaints and even changing the group’s name.

Less than 24 hours before the House convenes and votes on its rules for the 115th Congress, Republicans adopted an amendment Monday night, 119 to 74, from Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) that would fundamentally change the OCE. The independent ethics board investigates complaints against members and issues reports to the Ethics Committee.

Specifically, the amendment would place the OCE under the “oversight” of the lenient Ethics Committee and rename it the Office of Congressional Complaint Review. The new group would no longer be able to release information to the public, employ anyone “for a position involving communications with the public,” or directly contact law enforcement without approval. It would also be prohibited from investigating anonymous complaints.

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the change would “functionally destroy” the office.

“Republicans claim they want to ‘drain the swamp,’ but the night before the new Congress gets sworn in, the House GOP has eliminated the only independent ethics oversight of their actions,” Pelosi said. “Evidently, ethics are the first casualty of the new Republican Congress.”

More: House Republicans To Gut Ethics Watchdog | The Huffington Post

Yep, it's no surprise that "ethics" would be the first casualty of the new Republican Congress. They are not only not draining the swamp - they are trying to hide the swamp. More governance behind closed doors - without releasing information to the public.
You're dumber than a box of rocks.

Lawmakers seek to gut ethics office
Where was this alleged ethics committee when Fast and Furious was going on? Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal? How about the fact that the Barrypuppet admin went after whistle blowers with a vengeance??? During the Benghazi scandal CIA operatives were given lie detector tests weekly to see if they were leaking details into how the extremists were able to lift surface to air missiles in Libya that would be used in Scott Bennett was persecuted for doing the job he was being asked to do concerning the financing of ISIS/al qaeda...they never figured out that he could actually do it.

What about the Wikileaks revelations showing how Hitlery's private server had been hacked? How the DNC worked to make sure that Bernie Sanders wasn't the nominee? How the DNC and NGOs were sending out paid operatives to disrupt Trump rallies with their paid of media to cover it? Project Veritas that had moles within the DNC validating the Wikileaks e-mails???? There is no oversight at all......none, nada, zero...zilch.
You people reason like children. The obvious point is that republicans are dissolving the committee because they are corrupt pieces of shit. Let's pretend you're right and the committee hasn't been holding enough people accountable for their actions. The solution isn't to be defeatist pussies and get rid of it. You fix what's wrong with it. You find out what the flaws are and fix them. That's what problem solving means.

I think you ass clowns will say anything to defend the actions of the GOP. You're such sheep.

The neocons are just as corrupt as the fabian socilaist left and I notice that you couldn't address anything that I brought up because in YOUR world? Leftard = good....end justifies the blow it out of your ass.
All of those scandals are bedsides the point. We both know you're too much a pussy to admit the GOP are a bunch of scumbags. You would rather deflect to shit about democrats

Ummmm, I mentioned the ignored that just like you ignore the scandals of the leftard clown seem to be fine with thje scandals of the Barrypuppet but yet you are wringing your hands about scandals that have yet to happen...why is that?????
Yeah you said "neocons". That isn't addressing the actual issue.
Perhaps this does.

Lawmakers seek to gut ethics office
Ethics watchdog??? give me a break. Were they asleep during Hillary's reign at the state dept? Ethics watchdog, they are just a democrat attack dog.
Another idiot who doesn't know the Office of Congressional Ethics
deals exclusively with House of Representative members and their staff.

That's exactly the point. They say by and did nothing. They are a waste of taxpayer dollars and need to be gotten rid of.
There is absolutely zero justification for the crazy notion that we don't need stronger emphasis on ethics in congress.

I would agree that it is too weak.

But, killing what we have before we have something better is just plain stupid.

It's a moot point now as the GOP in Congress has decided not to do it afterTrump scolded them.

Moot point ? The fact that the first thing they tried to do after the election is to depower ethics watchdogs is just something to glance over!?

Of all the issues out there , that's why gets them off their ass to vote on. Late at night too.

Shows you what shady fucks the GOP are . Also shows you that it's not going to be all smiles n sunshine wh The Donald .

Lawmakers seek to gut ethics office
I repeat from the OP:

Specifically, the amendment would place the OCE under the “oversight” of the lenient Ethics Committee and rename it the Office of Congressional Complaint Review. The new group would no longer be able to release information to the public, employ anyone “for a position involving communications with the public,” or directly contact law enforcement without approval. It would also be prohibited from investigating anonymous complaints.
Name one accomplishment they have to justify their existence.
Game over.

Even you can't really be that dumb.

Investigations – Office of Congressional Ethics
But you are. LOL
Lawmakers seek to gut ethics office
According to the news it's not as.independent as it's made out.,,.........Perhaps some discussion of its performance might be in order
Ever see the movie Church Ball.
Pretty funny.
So you saw no conflicts with Hillary>sos>clinton foundation.
Hillary is history. You saw much conflict with her foundation right? So do you see conflict with Trump now or not?
Could be.
The attitude that put Trump into office was,
we don't care." The alternative is worse.
I suppose with all the enemies Trump has he will be attacked insensitley
Trumps foundation has come under scrutiny. But I don't know anything about it.
The Republicans did embarrass themselves on this one. Trump ripped them hard. The timing was horrendous. But the Republican Party has had very poor leadership for years. So this isn't surprising. Establishment wankers.
Were'nt you arguing FOR it before the news Trump bashed it?
Could be.
The attitude that put Trump into office was,
we don't care." The alternative is worse.
I suppose with all the enemies Trump has he will be attacked insensitley
Trumps foundation has come under scrutiny. But I don't know anything about it.
Are you interested in finding out about it?
It's such typical scum bag bullshit you can expect from the GOP. Of course republicans responding to this thread will only deflect and start bitching about democrats.
Time to take that rocket billy billy billy.
Lawmakers seek to gut ethics office
See there is a fundamental difference between what this one caucus said and what republicans want. See what this democratic caucus in 2010 said is that they wanted to curtail its power. They didn't want to get rid of it entirely. I even said before that of the office has flaws, you fix them. You don't get rid of the whole committee. Repubs on the other hands are corrupt assholes who think there should be no oversight whatsoever.
See there is a fundamental difference between what this one caucus said and what republicans want. See what this democratic caucus in 2010 said is that they wanted to curtail its power. They didn't want to get rid of it entirely. I even said before that of the office has flaws, you fix them. You don't get rid of the whole committee. Repubs on the other hands are corrupt assholes who think there should be no oversight whatsoever.
That's exactly why I've been predicting that this will be the Bush 3.0 Administration. More corruption, more power, more smarter, more ruthless. More, more, more.
WASHINGTON ― As one of their first actions in the new Congress, House Republicans are planning to significantly change the Office of Congressional Ethics, removing the entity’s independence, barring it from investigating anonymous complaints and even changing the group’s name.

Less than 24 hours before the House convenes and votes on its rules for the 115th Congress, Republicans adopted an amendment Monday night, 119 to 74, from Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) that would fundamentally change the OCE. The independent ethics board investigates complaints against members and issues reports to the Ethics Committee.

Specifically, the amendment would place the OCE under the “oversight” of the lenient Ethics Committee and rename it the Office of Congressional Complaint Review. The new group would no longer be able to release information to the public, employ anyone “for a position involving communications with the public,” or directly contact law enforcement without approval. It would also be prohibited from investigating anonymous complaints.

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the change would “functionally destroy” the office.

“Republicans claim they want to ‘drain the swamp,’ but the night before the new Congress gets sworn in, the House GOP has eliminated the only independent ethics oversight of their actions,” Pelosi said. “Evidently, ethics are the first casualty of the new Republican Congress.”

More: House Republicans To Gut Ethics Watchdog | The Huffington Post

Yep, it's no surprise that "ethics" would be the first casualty of the new Republican Congress. They are not only not draining the swamp - they are trying to hide the swamp. More governance behind closed doors - without releasing information to the public.

From what I have been watching it was the TEA PARTY rogues in the house that tried to sneak it in. I guess they wanted a little more of that insider trading---LOL Paul Ryan was against it, and it looks like Trump shoved his boot up their ass's in the final minute after getting thousands of calls from constituents to kill it.

BUT--they'll try to sneak into another bill, you can count on it. We have to have an independent source to keep congressmen in check, and what they're up too. Otherwise they can do anything, and no one would know it. Without an independent ethics committee, you're just expanding the SWAMP not draining it.

It would really be nice to know who these TEA PARTY congressmen were that tried to sneak this in.
Last edited:
The Republicans did embarrass themselves on this one. Trump ripped them hard. The timing was horrendous. But the Republican Party has had very poor leadership for years. So this isn't surprising. Establishment wankers.
Were'nt you arguing FOR it before the news Trump bashed it?

I do think it's a useless bureaucracy. It's done nothing the last 8yrs. But it was still a blunder to move on it so quickly. It was pretty embarrassing. It showed a lack of leadership. I agree with Trump on ripping em for it.
HE WAS CENSURED. In what reality do you think the HoR can jail a member for HoR rules violation?

Further...literally days after he was censured, a republican Congress was sworn in...what did those who held the power do to him?

House Party standings (at the beginning of this Congress)
193 Democrats
242 Republicans

Yes, by the House Ethics Committee. This absurd OCE can't do anything, they have literally no reason to exist, other than to suck up tax payer money.

They can ask the House to take action, but no more.

Get rid of this useless bloat.

After election: Aw fuck it, we're here to steal.

Get out of our way, shitbags!

Eliminating a federal department that does NOTHING other than consume tax payer funds IS draining the swamp.

Fear not though, the sacred cow was saved. another useless function will continue to drive up the national debt, you won a great victory.
Perhaps you can link me up to where Nancy Pelosi prevented anyone from fucking reading the bill.

Predfan said:
Perhaps you can go fuck yourself with a cactus? You and everyone else in the country knows it happened.

Besides, it's a moot point now moron.

Aw. You got shotpunched because you can't show with any evidence Nancy Pelosi prevented anyone from fucking reading the bill.

You really are a special kind of stupid.

I've read your posts for like 10 years....always the same brand of stupidity....preddy...

I told you to go fuck yourself, so get to it.

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