House republicans voted to strip kids w cancer of health coverage...

So instead of starting up a charity fund to save the kid...

They set up a service that sends the dead bodies to congress?

The left truly has lost it. Although of course, the leftists always sacrifice their children for pretty much any cause.
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30 million people losing their insurance so we can cut taxes for billionaires
Millions dying because of obamacare. What an absolute abomination of a law. one is dying from having obamacare. Before Obamacare the corruption stole basically everything you have and stopped treatment when you are out of money. Well known fact..
The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.

And that is the only thin that you got...haaaa

I am a pro-life democrat that believes in protecting and feeding the child after it it born.. Your corrupt ass party made sure poor kids and old people can't get a meal at school if it is the only meal that they will ever see that day..While your rich get richer...I hope that you are proud.
The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.

And that is the only thin that you got...haaaa

I am a pro-life democrat that believes in protecting and feeding the child after it it born.. Your corrupt ass party made sure poor kids and old people can't get a meal at school if it is the only meal that they will ever see that day..While your rich get richer...I hope that you are proud.

Your statement isnt correct. Dems have enslaved and indoctrinated you into believing their lies. You're delusional at this point.
Millions dying because of obamacare. What an absolute abomination of a law. one is dying from having obamacare. Before Obamacare the corruption stole basically everything you have and stopped treatment when you are out of money. Well known fact..

You're dead wrong again if you think Im some cheerleader for the insurance companies. Theyre as corrupt as obamacare.
30 million people losing their insurance so we can cut taxes for billionaires
But the liberals in goverment will keep their health insurance while you let your kids die, because you are to lazy to provide for them. Sucks you rely on goverment.
The moral party ... The NRA way ~Give them a gun instead of chemotherapy .or insulin .

Do what? The left is getting all sanctimonious like but have no problem killing millions of babies in the form of abortion.

And that is the only thin that you got...haaaa

I am a pro-life democrat that believes in protecting and feeding the child after it it born.. Your corrupt ass party made sure poor kids and old people can't get a meal at school if it is the only meal that they will ever see that day..While your rich get richer...I hope that you are proud.

Your statement isnt correct. Dems have enslaved and indoctrinated you into believing their lies. You're delusional at this point.

Sorry dude saw it with my own eyes and lived the chemotherapy rooms.. you are the one brainwashed sir .

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