House repubs advance bill that would eliminate 220, 000 teacher jobs

And intelligent parents that see the leftist indoctrination of their kids in public schools are pulling their kids out of them, causing public schools to close due to a lack of attendance.

More and more and more.

And isn't it gratifying to see how much happier and brighter and more human those home schooled and private schooled children are!

The right’s war on education indoctrination continues.

We also want to bomb children, make you breathe dirty air and drink dirty water, feed Grampa dog food, and push Granny's wheelchair off the cliff.

You left out that part.
Fortunately, these reckless, irresponsible cuts to educate won’t become law thanks to Senate Democrats.

But the right’s war on education will continue nonetheless.

The article contains a link to the proposed legislation, as well as other links documenting the proposed cuts to education by Republicans.

I posted a transcript from one of the GOP members involved in the bill, and why they made cuts to it.

Did you miss that?
Would anyone care to cite the provision in Article I that gives Congress the power to spend taxpayer funds on public education? Hint: There is no such provision. The Department of Education, and everything it does is unconstitutional.

Second, there is no indication whatsoever that more funding improves educational outcomes. Indeed, America is spending more on education, no matter how it's measured, than we have ever spent before, and the results just keep getting worser and worser.

The best thing that could ever be done for American education is to abolish all teachers' unions, the authorization of which has been the worst innovation in the history of American education.

Withdrawal of unconstitutional education support by the Federal government will result in ZERO teacher jobs lost. Lots of worthless administrators, but if teachers lose their jobs over this (which will probably never happen), that will be the States' doing, or the individual school districts, and not the DoE's.

The Committee in question should simply propose the elimination of all education spending, and let the states sort it out when it happens. The Feds have no legitimate role in education, or in funding it.
Millions upon millions of students have got a quality education long after you decided public ed died.
They think, correctly, someone has to be poorly educated to vote for Moron's like trump and fascist like desantis.
The far right wants to kill public education so that they can dictate what their private schools teach. You know, things like "colored people" really enjoyed being enslaved. desantis is Florida and his rubber stamp legislature is busy banning books and changing history.
Americans could be expecting too much from police officers, on account of the situation that has been created by the free flow of guns to anybody and everybody. Existing laws to prevent undesirables from having guns are proving completely ineffective.

Police officers are being expected to walk head-on into a hail of bullets! Thereby costing their lives to ever more proficient weapons and/or shooters.

The option for police officers in America is obvious but unfortunately necessary. They are deciding to shoot to kill when the situation doesn't warrant death to citizens!

What is the answer to the situation that has become so common? There is no answer and that's the reason why vigilante justice is on the rise.

The culture that is the root of the problem, can't be dealt with anymore. The 'culture' only gets worse as America's war rage on.

This bill would decimate our educational system. School systems are already struggling to keep qualified teachers.

Republicans have been decimating education since Reagan. Remember, they know the dumber the voter, the greater chance they vote Republican.

So YOU think today's kids are stupid? :heehee: How Ironic! :heehee:

Public schools should have the same choice to pick what students to accept and keep.

Start the countdown to the first "the media is against us" whine from the right... The media isn't against you; the media reports the crazy policies you want to enact and it leads to your unpopularity.

The right’s war on education continues.
The Liar group continues. Read some spew, spew it as truth, lie, act like a fool. Everyday.

This bill would decimate our educational system. School systems are already struggling to keep qualified teachers.

Our public education system needs to be eliminated. The $64B is peanuts compared to college endowments which are a multiple of that.

We spend more on education than every other nation and we have THE MOST UNEDUCATED "graduates" on the planet. America kids fall further behind the rest of the world every year, but they KNOIW that men can become women and whites are racists
The far right wants to kill public education so that they can dictate what their private schools teach. You know, things like "colored people" really enjoyed being enslaved. desantis is Florida and his rubber stamp legislature is busy banning books and changing history.

More fake new! The Public education is currently dictated by the democrat Party
As the majority of the teachers seem to be indoctrinating the children into Marxist ideologies, I don't see a problem with getting rid of the Department of Education. It's an indoctrination center.
The American education system is a comlete failure, largely as a consequence of ''the long march through the institutions.''

Republicans used to run on abolishing the DOE...

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