House to vote on Consumption Tax and abolish the IRS

How is a 23% tax on groceries and medicine progress?

I don't think it would be nearly that much.

Further, I think that Sleepy Joe really needs to consider various options here. How about the 9-9-9 plan of the Late Godfather, Herman Cain? Provides a nice center ground?

In any event, dumping the Uberpartisan IRS is something that has to be done to regain the public's confidence.
How is a 23% tax on groceries and medicine progress?

And for the grocer to cough up that 23%, he would have to ring up the customer for just a wee bit less than an additional 30% of what price he wants to get.

For example, say the grocer sells you $100 (retail price) worth of food. Disregarding local sales tax, he'd charge you $129.87, not $123, under the Fair Tax.

The Fair Tax's 23% is applied to what the grocer takes in.

$129.87 - (23% of $129.87) =
$129.87 - $29.87 =
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I want America to spend money on America. The rich need to pay more and provide better education for our children, better infrastructure and more investment. If we don't then china is going to be rolling their tanks down our streets. That is what loserterianism results in.

Education is NOT in the purview of the federal government.
How is a 23% tax on groceries and medicine progress?

Reducing the size of a bureaucracy, bringing everybody in to pay taxes instead of the top 50%, more control over spending if the tax is adjusted to congressional spending, and that would eliminate a lot of pork spending mostly done by the Democrats.
So you want to slap me with a tax I will pay every time I buy something in lieu of the pittance I will pay in terms of income tax?

That would also create a black market like no one can imagine.

You've already been paying every time you buy something since the day you first touched money
Sales tax / consumption it what you want. Same result.

Every time you comment on the economy, you make a complete ass of yourself. Poverty is not and has never been "optional". Only an complete idiot would think like you.

If you were starting out today, you'd be dirt poor all of your life. You can't get a job today without a high school education, and you can't get a good paying job without a university education. What worked for you when you were young, doesn't exist today.

Of course it does. My former trade is looking for 50,000 new drivers they can't find. Depending on what you're willing to do, you can make six figures driving a truck. Can't get people to do it.

My father is a retired bricklayer. His union sends out brochures to their retirees. They've been asking them to find young people that might be interested in the trade with a reward of $500.00 for every one they find. Granted, it's pretty hard work, but my father did very well for himself with a great retirement plan. Bricklaying with benefits pays in the $50.00 an hour range. Free training by the union.

So yes, poverty is optional. You can smoke pot and never get a good paying job because of drug tests, or you can get off the dope and take one of these many jobs available right now. This is the United States, not Commida. You have no Fn idea what goes on here.

Rep. Buddy Carter, Serving Georgia's 1st District has introduced the Fair Tax, (H.R. 25)


See: Carter introduces Fair Tax Act

January 10, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) today introduced H.R. 25, the Fair Tax Act, to replace the current tax code with a national consumption tax known as the Fair Tax.

Keep in mind that the FAIR TAX ACT does not withdraw Congress' power to lay and collect "excise" taxes calculated from profits, gains and other types of incomes. But it does establish a new national sales tax, and with regard to the selling point that the Fair Tax “… abolishes the abusive Internal Revenue Service …”, in its place it creates two new tax collecting agencies, an “Excise Tax Bureau” and the “Sales Tax Bureau", in addition to keeping the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms alive which will also be collecting taxes.

And if you think businesses and individuals subject to the Fair Tax are free from filling out annual tax returns, the shocking truth is, they will have to start filling out and filing Fair Tax returns, under the penalty of perjury, every month ___ that’s twelve frickin times a year!

Additionally, even ordinary working people, who sell the property each has in their own labor, and work odd jobs, such as baby sitting, handyman jobs etc., to meet today’s high cost of living, not only will they have to file Fair Tax returns twelve times a year but will have to register with the federal government to exercise their inalienable right to sell their labor.

And if the above is not enough to make one recoil from the notoriously evil and deceptive Fair Tax proposal, the Fair Tax would also create another entitlement called the “family consumption allowance”, which is a monthly government check sent to every household in America which allows the purchase of a rationed supply of tax-free necessities of life and puts our entire population on the public dole! Of course, this new entitlement, if adopted, will become another issue used during election time to buy votes.

Why on earth would any "conservative" politician support this rope-a-dope proposal which strengthens the federal government's iron grip around the American people's necks?

Newsflash: This NOT the Fair Tax.

Thing is....the "Consumption tax" needs to be lower than the current sales and income tax to encourage a robust economy.

I've had this idea all along, but much different.

I would like to see a consumption tax to cover our spending. The tax would be used to pay for any deficit. Now if the deficit goes up, so does the consumption tax. Let's say 5 cents on the dollar. If your reps want to pay for college loans, that ups the tax to 7 cents on the dollar. Ukraine war, it goes up to 10 cents on the dollar. Whatever it takes to wipe out deficits from this point on will be paid for by an adjustable consumption tax.

Instead of people ignoring the hole we are digging for our children and grandchildren, people would wake up and demand a stop to wasteful spending mostly by the Democrats. You would see how fast that shit stops if people had to pay for this spending right here and now; the minute it passes.
Hey, I don't care what they call the tax system......
Abolishing the IRS is the best thing that could happen to encourage a growing economy imaginable.

Democrats too often equate a growing economy with a growing government.
One dos not equate to or increase wealth....the other does.
I've had this idea all along, but much different.

I would like to see a consumption tax to cover our spending. The tax would be used to pay for any deficit. Now if the deficit goes up, so does the consumption tax. Let's say 5 cents on the dollar. If your reps want to pay for college loans, that ups the tax to 7 cents on the dollar. Ukraine war, it goes up to 10 cents on the dollar. Whatever it takes to wipe out deficits from this point on will be paid for by an adjustable consumption tax.

Instead of people ignoring the hole we are digging for our children and grandchildren, people would wake up and demand a stop to wasteful spending mostly by the Democrats. You would see how fast that shit stops if people had to pay for this spending right here and now; the minute it passes.

I like the idea but.....
How long would it take a Democrat congress to divert those taxes to pork spending special interests?
You've already been paying every time you buy something since the day you first touched money
Sales tax / consumption it what you want. Same result.

You forgot "ARE". YW.

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