House Votes To Dismantle Statue of Liberty! Would Help Reject Jewish Refugees Fleeing Nazis

Killer of Allied troops in the field, Uncensored2008, is showing his personal opposition to success against Jihadists!
SINJAR, Iraq — Just hours after his men helped recapture the northern Iraqi town of Sinjar from Islamic State militants last week, Maj. Gen. Ali Ahmed, an officer with Kurdish security forces, watched another battle unfold on his television, this one some 2,500 miles away in Paris.

What had seemed a winning day in the war against the Islamic State had taken a horrific turn with attacks in the French capital that left 129 people dead.

[In Sinjar, the Islamic State ‘took everything the Yazidis had and left’]

The victory by Kurdish forces in Sinjar was just one in a string of losses for the militant group as it faces attacks on multiple fronts — from Ramadi in Iraq to Raqqa in Syria.

But the squeeze on Islamic State territory has coincided with an uptick in the group’s operations overseas. That’s no coincidence, according to some analysts, who expect the Islamic State to lash out with more attacks abroad to divert attention from its territorial losses.

The success is now on record as being opposed by GOP!

"Crow, James Crow, Shaken, Not Stirred!"

So to recap, to you and other democrats, the Paris terror attacks were a "success."

Treason - it defines you.
you know moron, i'm a lot of things. fake isn't one of them, loser. and particularly not in my religion.

This is quite true. Whatever else one might say about Jillian, there's no fakeness to her. And to imply that there is something dishonest about her presentations about her religious orientation wreaks of desperation throwing spaghetti at the wall level argumentation. Jillian is an affirmed liberal, who almost never posts views that depart from standard liberal positions, with the lone exception being her views on the Israeli-Palestinian affair. On that one issue she firmly presents views that would be considered to be staunchly in line with conservative beliefs. Her views on that subject are clearly and unquestionably influenced by her religious orientation.

(That last statement should not be read to imply anything improper about her views on that subject)

Uncensored, you've just made as stupid of an argument as anyone's ever made on this board.
you know moron, i'm a lot of things. fake isn't one of them, loser. and particularly not in my religion.

This is quite true. Whatever else one might say about Jillian, there's no fakeness to her. And to imply that there is something dishonest about her presentations about her religious orientation wreaks of desperation throwing spaghetti at the wall level argumentation. Jillian is an affirmed liberal, who almost never posts views that depart from standard liberal positions, with the lone exception being her views on the Israeli-Palestinian affair. On that one issue she firmly presents views that would be considered to be staunchly in line with conservative beliefs. Her views on that subject are clearly and unquestionably influenced by her religious orientation.

(That last statement should not be read to imply anything improper about her views on that subject)

Uncensored, you've just made as stupid of an argument as anyone's ever made on this board.

that was classy.
He'll veto it, it'll be overridden, then he'll use executive action and give America the finger once again.

He can't use executive orders, the law around taking in refuges is pretty solid. He can intentionally not do his job and allow them to sneak across the border I guess.
He'll do whatever he has to do to get them in, regardless of the law.
you know moron, i'm a lot of things. fake isn't one of them, loser. and particularly not in my religion.

This is quite true. Whatever else one might say about Jillian, there's no fakeness to her. And to imply that there is something dishonest about her presentations about her religious orientation wreaks of desperation throwing spaghetti at the wall level argumentation. Jillian is an affirmed liberal, who almost never posts views that depart from standard liberal positions, with the lone exception being her views on the Israeli-Palestinian affair. On that one issue she firmly presents views that would be considered to be staunchly in line with conservative beliefs. Her views on that subject are clearly and unquestionably influenced by her religious orientation.

(That last statement should not be read to imply anything improper about her views on that subject)

Uncensored, you've just made as stupid of an argument as anyone's ever made on this board.

that was classy.
Perhaps you two should get a room, I think there are some sparks flying there. :woohoo:
you know moron, i'm a lot of things. fake isn't one of them, loser. and particularly not in my religion.

This is quite true. Whatever else one might say about Jillian, there's no fakeness to her. And to imply that there is something dishonest about her presentations about her religious orientation wreaks of desperation throwing spaghetti at the wall level argumentation. Jillian is an affirmed liberal, who almost never posts views that depart from standard liberal positions, with the lone exception being her views on the Israeli-Palestinian affair. On that one issue she firmly presents views that would be considered to be staunchly in line with conservative beliefs. Her views on that subject are clearly and unquestionably influenced by her religious orientation.

(That last statement should not be read to imply anything improper about her views on that subject)

Uncensored, you've just made as stupid of an argument as anyone's ever made on this board.

that was classy.
Perhaps you two should get a room, I think there are some sparks flying there. :woohoo:

It always comes back to sex for the weak minded....
you know moron, i'm a lot of things. fake isn't one of them, loser. and particularly not in my religion.

This is quite true. Whatever else one might say about Jillian, there's no fakeness to her. And to imply that there is something dishonest about her presentations about her religious orientation wreaks of desperation throwing spaghetti at the wall level argumentation. Jillian is an affirmed liberal, who almost never posts views that depart from standard liberal positions, with the lone exception being her views on the Israeli-Palestinian affair. On that one issue she firmly presents views that would be considered to be staunchly in line with conservative beliefs. Her views on that subject are clearly and unquestionably influenced by her religious orientation.

(That last statement should not be read to imply anything improper about her views on that subject)

Uncensored, you've just made as stupid of an argument as anyone's ever made on this board.

that was classy.
Perhaps you two should get a room, I think there are some sparks flying there. :woohoo:

It always comes back to sex for the weak minded....

he wouldn't understand someone just doing something nice....
you know moron, i'm a lot of things. fake isn't one of them, loser. and particularly not in my religion.

This is quite true. Whatever else one might say about Jillian, there's no fakeness to her. And to imply that there is something dishonest about her presentations about her religious orientation wreaks of desperation throwing spaghetti at the wall level argumentation. Jillian is an affirmed liberal, who almost never posts views that depart from standard liberal positions, with the lone exception being her views on the Israeli-Palestinian affair. On that one issue she firmly presents views that would be considered to be staunchly in line with conservative beliefs. Her views on that subject are clearly and unquestionably influenced by her religious orientation.

(That last statement should not be read to imply anything improper about her views on that subject)

Uncensored, you've just made as stupid of an argument as anyone's ever made on this board.

that was classy.
Perhaps you two should get a room, I think there are some sparks flying there. :woohoo:

It always comes back to sex for the weak minded....
Hey, you're the one who's gushing all over her.
you know moron, i'm a lot of things. fake isn't one of them, loser. and particularly not in my religion.

This is quite true. Whatever else one might say about Jillian, there's no fakeness to her. And to imply that there is something dishonest about her presentations about her religious orientation wreaks of desperation throwing spaghetti at the wall level argumentation. Jillian is an affirmed liberal, who almost never posts views that depart from standard liberal positions, with the lone exception being her views on the Israeli-Palestinian affair. On that one issue she firmly presents views that would be considered to be staunchly in line with conservative beliefs. Her views on that subject are clearly and unquestionably influenced by her religious orientation.

(That last statement should not be read to imply anything improper about her views on that subject)

Uncensored, you've just made as stupid of an argument as anyone's ever made on this board.

that was classy.
Perhaps you two should get a room, I think there are some sparks flying there. :woohoo:

It always comes back to sex for the weak minded....
Hey, you're the one who's gushing all over her.

I think you misunderstood. I'm not gushing all over her. It's this new thing for internet messageboards. It's called honesty. It's still in beta, but it's supposed to be the next big thing.
Do liberals ever tire of using people as their political fodder? Ever?

It only makes sense to vet anyone coming from Syria and vet them well. If nothing more to tell the people accepting them they are not accepting someone they don't want. The left wing knows this but they just want to use these people to make a political fodder. My guess is that America agrees with the Republicans and Democrats who agree to screen these folks even more.

The liberal left are hypocrites. Christians are barred from entering the US and they are facing the same persecution and death at the hands of folks not to much different then those in Syria.

No room in America for Christian refugees
Why? Because the Department of State is adhering with all the rigidity of a Soviet era bureaucracy to the rule that only people at risk from massacres launched by the regime qualify for refugee status. The rapes of Christian women and the butchery of Christian children do not count. No matter how moved Americans were this Christmas season by the plight of their fellow Christ followers in Syria and Iraq, no matter how horrific the visuals of beheadings, enslavement, and mass murder, the Christians fleeing death do not engender the compassion of this president.

The liberals are hypocrites, Obama has killed many civilians in this drone warfare.

The liberals are hypocrites cause they don't give a rats ass for the those dying in Africa.

But maybe I am being a bit harsh. Perhaps the left is all for taking in Syrian Muslims because Obama created this whole mess in the first place. At least that would make some sense, other then them just using these people.

Let's go for it. No more refugees. I don't care about all the terrible things we will get called because I know when liberals are mad someone must be doing something right.
That's not being a pedant. And if I'm a pedant it's pretty clear that I know more than you,and certainly not a ding bat, wingnuts are funny. But whatever makes you feel better about yourself. lol

Again. What is veto-proof depends on how many people vote. If everyone votes, you are one vote shy in the House. And you haven't a clue what will happen in the senate where it isn't gerrymandered to the nth degree.

You're welcome.

I know this, Miss FakeJew, support for your filthy party erodes by the hour, as you embrace radical Islam and promote risk for Americans.

Remember this in a year, your stupidity is to blame for putting Trump is the White House.

you know moron, i'm a lot of things. fake isn't one of them, loser. and particularly not in my religion.

what i'm not is an ignorant neocon wackjob

you're a freak of nature. now go back to the hole you crawled out of.

btw, since you're incapable of reading. ... no we don't know what is going to happen. that was my point, loser.
You're a pedantic ding bat out don't have the insight nor intellect to understand.
The singular act of the House Republicans, voting against virtually every U.S. National, (descended from refugees), was to hand the Jihadists their propaganda victory. They need the photo-ops of the devastation and the impact of fear of them to recruit. They do not run a Moslem organization. They run a Nazi-like regime, with no specific economic agenda, other than continued conflict. The House Republicans supported them just yesterday.

The U. S. House of Representatives, (can say the propagandists), is afraid. It is very afraid. The propagandists are winning. The U. S. House of Representatives has made it so, even though the propagandists are losing on the ground, even losing to the falling price of oil--Which Republicans want to raise--bombing and destroying--to further support the propagandists.

Fortunately, the Democrats are in charge of taking more and more ground away, and it is happening.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes in fact find leadership, in sitting behind the lines, helping in the eradication of 55,000 x 2, cajones(?)!)
Obama's in a corner as 47 Democrat Representatives break ranks:

The vote, 289-137, also reflects shifting sentiment on an issue where emotions have run deep in the aftermath of a deadly terror in Paris last week which left 129 dead. The House bill would require the FBI to create a background check of any refugee who spent time in Syria or Iraq after March 1, 2011.

U.S. House Votes to Halt Syrian Refugee Resettlement Program

Now we'll see what happens in the Senate.

1. the House doesn't make something veto-proof. the house and SENATE make something veto-proof.
2. you need 2/3 of all voting members to override a veto. if all members of the House vote, you need 290 votes (not 289). just saying.

if all members of the House vote, you need 290 votes (not 289). just saying.

And if they don't all vote, you could need fewer. Just saying.
So Among the more heinous of Terrorist Atrocities, the Republicans have now taken America, and its values, away from the world, and forever. Any Syrian now unable to arrive, and then killed, will never know the United States again! Following along the House Speaker, allegedly that is probably a Catholic induced atrocity. Many might suggest that, no: It is Adventist, or Presbyterian.

Though Manzanar, of the California World War II Internment Camps legacy, is not yet proposed for Syrian-Americans, and refugees--from various civil wars in Syria--A reminiscent Pause has been enacted in the U. S. House of Representatives. Rep. Jerrold Nadler, of New York, could in fact compare the "Pause" to the rejection of the Jewish refugees from the Nazis, before and during WWII. He could openly suggest that again--this has happened before--that again the Republicans have even set about the possible dismantling of the Statue of Liberty, someplace near his own district. . . probably where tourist money is spent(?). Republicans famously do take property away(?).

House Votes to Curb Syrian Refugees, Snubs Obama Veto Threat

So actually, the Syrian refugees are not free, Now! Even in the 1950's, world famous comedian, Jerry Lewis was not allowed even to golf at many locations, because he was Jewish. The Republicans know who their members are. One of my friends, Jewish, is now a self-made billionaire. His mom got into the United States, after the Nazis, but just barely, when Jews from Germany could come in. Einstein could come in. A famous letter to Roosevelt could be written.

Any brilliant Syrian, potentially able to conquer cancer: Cannot now come in. The Republicans have taken America and its values, away from the world, and forever!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations: Know many atrocities!)

Anti-Semitic Liberals using the Joooze to make phony rationalizations about accepting Muslims into our country.

Can anyone see the irony here?
The world has again seen the anti-religious, photo-op seeking, bigoted and kamikaze supportive brand: But through its eyes, and not the eyes of RNC.
The Obama Administration record of ISIS containment, re-taking 25% of conquests back, lowering oil prices, targeting leadership purveyors, supporting ground forces. . . .and on and on: Is again supported in World Stock and other markets. Oil, maybe not so much.

It is famously noted that Trump, for example, would bomb all the oilfields, to help drive up the price of oil--nothing self-serving about that photo-op creating brand! See in this thread the posts of iamawhosure, and Little-Acorn, to find the supporters of killing of refugees, and way higher gasoline and energy prices: GOP!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Far better it is(?) to hire advisers who claim that the candidate does not comprehend foreign affairs, and make sure it appears in the New York Times!)

Trump, for example, would bomb all the oilfields, to help drive up the price of oil--

Yeah, reducing the world oil supply by a few thousand barrels a day is going to hurt us. Moron.

Trump won't get a chance to. Putin is blasting away at ISIS controlled refineries to eliminate their key source of income. He's not fucking around. He's also going for ammunition depots.

"Russia's Colonel General Andrei Kartapolov said a squadron of Tu-22M3 long-range bombers struck six facilities in the provinces of Raqqa and Deir el Zour, hitting ISIS oil refineries, an ammunition depot and a facility manufacturing and repairing mortars.

Meanwhile, Tu-95 strategic bombers launched 12 long-range cruise missiles on targets, including its headquarters in the province of Idlib, fuel depots and a factory making explosives.

He said earlier that Russian warplanes were focusing their strikes on the ISIS' oil production and refining facilities as well as oil trucks.

He said that they destroyed about 500 trucks carrying oil in several days of strikes.

Last month it was revealed ISIS is still making more than £320million a year from oil, despite the US-led bombing campaign which was meant to break up the insurgency. "

ISIS suffers another day of heavy losses as Russia continues bombing

Last month it was revealed ISIS is still making more than £320million a year from oil, despite the US-led bombing campaign which was meant to break up the insurgency. "

That's about 1 million barrels a month. World production is about 94 million barrels a day.
Dumbshit is right, that's gonna make the price soar!!!
Just kidding.

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