Houston Crime

Never been a secret and no one does anything because the Cartel, Russians, Chinese, and Government Agencies have their fingers in this mess.
Nashville used to have a similar problem....but then some active government willpower and willingness cleaned that crap up. A few cameras, a few sobriety checkpoints, and a few cheap incentives for business development solved it.
Now there are no more whores running in the streets....the kids there are actually walking to and from school without being harassed by predators. It's a nice neighborhood. More than I can afford.

No customers means no prostitutes or drugs.
Democrats control Harris County and Houston, so why don’t you tell them to stop letting criminals go and do their damn job?

I don't vote in that election ... here, we don't have enough police to control criminals ... we have guns ... I've always voted against tax increases, so now I go without some government services ... like police and enough jail space ...

Houston must be full of pussies then ...
I am leaving this place ( Houston ) and truthfully I have no regrets leaving!

There was a time I wanted to move to Texas when I was in my late 50s. Have a place with some peace and quiet as a lot of Texans seemed to have a similar mentality as I do.

But granted I don't live there and maybe I'm wrong but I see it changing slowly, and not for the better. I no longer have the desire to move there.
I don't vote in that election ... here, we don't have enough police to control criminals ... we have guns ... I've always voted against tax increases, so now I go without some government services ... like police and enough jail space ...

Houston must be full of pussies then ...
Yeah, Houston is a Minority-Majority City, with less than twenty percent white population, so you just said all those minorities are pussies according to you!
There was a time I wanted to move to Texas when I was in my late 50s. Have a place with some peace and quiet as a lot of Texans seemed to have a similar mentality as I do.

But granted I don't live there and maybe I'm wrong but I see it changing slowly, and not for the better. I no longer have the desire to move there.
I am leaving, so that tells you a lot!
Many Americans have lived the American dream.
I have. I've had several careers and career changes....had my own businesses. Owned homes...done as I seen fit.

No I've never been filthy rich...but being that rich has a set of problems with it that I don't want any part of. But I've taken nice vacations, had hobbies and all the things that I really wanted to.
Sure, all these things required work and saving money over time. That's normal.

That whole crap about becoming instantly successful and super wealthy? It's a story...a fantasy story and not reality. I have a good life rich with friends and family. I'm not exactly sure what more I could want or expect.
Raise taxes and hire some police ... build prisons ... use the death penalty ...

Or is this the New Republican Party ... turn tail and run ... c'mon man ... Tex-ass ain't got guns or sumthin' ...

Well, they want lower taxes, more police, more prisons, and they love the death penalty because they're PRO-LIFE.
Well, they want lower taxes, more police, more prisons, and they love the death penalty because they're PRO-LIFE.

You guys constantly bring up the death penalty as an a attack on pro-life supporters. Why? Why do you think that makes any rational sense?

The death penalty applies to individuals who have committed violent murder against innocent people. It is applied only after the individual is captured, after trying to avoid responsibility, and taken to trial, a long process, where a jury looks at all the evidence and finds them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of .....again........murdering innocent human beings. What about that is so complicated for you? Killing a baby? Do you not see the difference?
Democrats may be "tax and spend", but Republicans are "don't tax and spend" ... which is best for our children? ...
Republicans tend to favor (in ideology but usually not in practice) public works projects that encourage commerce. Like interstates and low speed limits near shopping centers. Taxes increase from increased commerce.

Democrats see the economy growing because of the labor supply...not from entrepreneurs who create jobs by selling goods and services.

And both have positive and negative merits to their ideologies. Neither is 100% correct.
Democrats may be "tax and spend", but Republicans are "don't tax and spend" ... which is best for our children? ...

If the government doesn't get the money, that means you keep the money you earn and can spend it on your own family..........and if the government isn't spending, wasting and stealing tax money....then again, you are keeping that money for your own family to use......

Here is a question.....will you guys answer it....

You have a party planned and you need hamburger buns. You give a friend a 20 dollar bill to get the buns for the party. They go to the store, but when they come back, they don't have the 20 dollars.....they don't have the buns....and they inform you that you now have a tab, created in your name by the friend, where you now owe the store 10 dollars. The friend spent the money on smokes and beers which he bought for himself, and he gave some of those beers to friends he met at a bar that he stopped at.......instead of going to the store....

When your friend returns to your home....he then tells you...you need to give him another 20 dollars so he can go back and get the buns.......

Now......tell us....would you give that guy any more money?

This is the situation we have with government.....

They tax you for what you believe are community items. The money is then lost, stolen or wasted by the politicians, and also used to dole out to their friends and political allies, while not using it for the stated purpose....and giving an I.O.U, for those things the money was supposed to actually be spent on.

Then.....when they want more money, they tell us......if you don't let them raise taxes....you hate teachers, firemen, cops, the military....and you don't care about the debt that is owed.....

The only way to combat this is to not allow them to raise taxes...and to force them to cut spending......which they then use against us calling us selfish and haters...

So no...the premise of your post is wrong...

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