Houston mayor ENCOURAGES illegals to use social services in wake of Harvey

My city is majority Mexican. Mexicans are the kind of people who will stab you in the back, steal your shirt and get MALDEF to sue because they got a shirt with a hole in it.

All non-whites are like that and it's caused by the american media and their constant attacks on white people. They have convinced all the poor non-whites that their misery is caused by white people and they should kill and cheat and steal from whites all they can.
Illegal invaders are all that's left of the democrat voter base and they don't want to lose them!!

Houston mayor promises to defend undocumented immigrants

aug 29 2017 The mayor of the Houston promised to personally defend undocumented immigrants who be may hesitant to seek help in the aftermath of Harvey over fears of being deported.

Mayor Sylvester Turner said he would represent any immigrant who faces deportation after seeking help during the storm relief efforts.

“There is absolutely no reason why anyone should not call. And I and others will be the first ones to stand up with you,” Turner, an attorney, told reporters on Monday. “If someone comes and they require help and then for some reason [someone] tries to deport them, I will represent them myself.”

“If you are in a stressful situation, I don’t care who you are, I don’t care what you’re religion is, I don’t care what your language is, you come and take advantage of every service that we have,” Turner added.

The city of Houston also sought to reassure immigrants who may be seeking shelter.

“We will not ask for immigration status or papers from anyone at any shelter,” the city said in a tweet late Monday night. “This rumor is FALSE!”
Good for him.

These are human beings who facing a horrific disaster.
can't we just help people in a time of need such as this and leave politics at the door?


Again i ask -- how many illegals do you allow to live in your house?
living in my house isn't the same as giving people to people during a time of crisis. not really into opening up my home to strangers period, so your point here is as pointless as the initial one.
Good for him.

These are human beings who facing a horrific disaster.

so why don't you hypocrite libs gather up your money and head down to TX and feed the starving illegals.??

You sickening libs always demand that OTHER ppl spend their money helping illegals.
Again i ask -- how many illegals do you allow to live in your house?
living in my house isn't the same as giving food to people during a time of crisis. not really into opening up my home to strangers period, so your point here is as pointless as the initial one.

HAHAHA. Thanks for admitting you are a hypocrite who won't lift a finger to help illegals but insist other people help these criminal invaders.!!!
Good for him.

These are human beings who facing a horrific disaster.

so why don't you hypocrite libs gather up your money and head down to TX and feed the starving illegals.??

You sickening libs always demand that OTHER ppl spend their money helping illegals.
Bugger off.

I'm tired of you racists.

Unfortunately we are forced to subsidize you and tolerate your hate while real people are struggling to save their lives and livelihoods under Harvey.
Yes lets see your birth cert before you get entrance to a shelter, you are despicable

How many illegals do you allow to live in your house?

Someone was spreading a rumor, was that you?
The city of Houston also sought to reassure immigrants who may be seeking shelter.

“We will not ask for immigration status or papers from anyone at any shelter,” the city said in a tweet late Monday night. “This rumor is FALSE!”

Shelters are not homes, many American citizens down in Texas are in the shelters. Once again, Texas needs to begin a state income tax. I guess there is going to be a building boom in Texas now, they will need the illegals for construction and clean up.
Illegal invaders are all that's left of the democrat voter base and they don't want to lose them!!

Houston mayor promises to defend undocumented immigrants

aug 29 2017 The mayor of the Houston promised to personally defend undocumented immigrants who be may hesitant to seek help in the aftermath of Harvey over fears of being deported.

Mayor Sylvester Turner said he would represent any immigrant who faces deportation after seeking help during the storm relief efforts.

“There is absolutely no reason why anyone should not call. And I and others will be the first ones to stand up with you,” Turner, an attorney, told reporters on Monday. “If someone comes and they require help and then for some reason [someone] tries to deport them, I will represent them myself.”

“If you are in a stressful situation, I don’t care who you are, I don’t care what you’re religion is, I don’t care what your language is, you come and take advantage of every service that we have,” Turner added.

The city of Houston also sought to reassure immigrants who may be seeking shelter.

“We will not ask for immigration status or papers from anyone at any shelter,” the city said in a tweet late Monday night. “This rumor is FALSE!”
Good for him.

These are human beings who facing a horrific disaster.
Had they stayed in messico they wouldn't be flooded in Houston, now would they? No free handouts to illegals...EVER.
Again i ask -- how many illegals do you allow to live in your house?
living in my house isn't the same as giving food to people during a time of crisis. not really into opening up my home to strangers period, so your point here is as pointless as the initial one.

HAHAHA. Thanks for admitting you are a hypocrite who won't lift a finger to help illegals but insist other people help these criminal invaders.!!!
you have no idea what i am or am not doing.

you're just waving your penis around as it has meaning.

fuck off.
The very idea of a public official applying Christian principles! Whatever happened to separation of church and state?

Most of these people who are saying they want others hurt have the gall to call themselves christians.

Where does Jesus say that some are not good enough or not deserving?
Have you noticed how those Conservative 'Christians' use their 'Christianity'?

Whenever they want to deprive someone of lifesaving efforts, they abandon the faith. Whenever they see a group they disapprove of, they use the faith as a bludgeon. Same sex marriage? Outrageous because the Bible tells me so! Aid to immigrants in a natural disaster? Forget them! And the Bible collects dust on a shelf.
He's black. That explains everything.

He's human.

THAT explains everything.

You are such nasty, worthless people. Couldn't you pretend to be decent human beings? Just for a little while.

Seriously, try not to be the waste of skin you really are.

If they weren't here illegally they wouldn't be in this situation, it's not flooded in Mexico is it,
We got enough real Americans to shelter now, this is another example of illegals draining funds we need for helping AMERICANS.
I second this. If your own people are not taken care of first, how can anyone else be reached out to?

God bless you and the flood victims always!!!

The very idea of a public official applying Christian principles! Whatever happened to separation of church and state?

Your post reminded me of a conversation I had with a hypocritical lefty several years ago. The topic of discussion was abortion and same sex marriage. The lefty said despite his religious beliefs, he didn't think they should be used in considering whether or not abortion and same sex marriage should be legal. He used the separation of church and state argument. Checking his consistency and level of hypocrisy, I asked him if he supported government mandated social welfare programs to which he replied "Yes". When I asked him why, he said "because it is the Christian thing to do".
He's black. That explains everything.

He's human.

THAT explains everything.

You are such nasty, worthless people. Couldn't you pretend to be decent human beings? Just for a little while.

Seriously, try not to be the waste of skin you really are.
Well, if those illegals never crossed the borders and infiltrated out cities, those scum of the Earths, wouldn't be there in Houston having such a miserable time. Actions have consequences, and not 1 iota of US money should go to those people. Let Mexico take care of their own.

Well, that's just stupid.

But, having lived in the middle of and known dozens of Mexicans and Mexican Americans, I know they would give YOU the shirt off their backs. I have seen in first hand and experienced it myself and I know they would not do this to you.

But, they are true Christians and decent human beings.

No, they'd steal someone else shirt and take credit as if it actually belonged to them.

Next thing you'll say is that government mandated social welfare programs would have been supported by Jesus.

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