Houston mayor ENCOURAGES illegals to use social services in wake of Harvey

He's black. That explains everything.

He's human.

THAT explains everything.

You are such nasty, worthless people. Couldn't you pretend to be decent human beings? Just for a little while.

Seriously, try not to be the waste of skin you really are.

If they weren't here illegally they wouldn't be in this situation, it's not flooded in Mexico is it,
We got enough real Americans to shelter now, this is another example of illegals draining funds we need for helping AMERICANS.

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Right, let them all drown.
LOLOLOLO....listen, its these illegals that you morons are hating on now, who will rebuild this city back to its formal self....they will be exploited like most white contractors do, to do the jobs at a lower cost than your average white guys...that is fact. When my city had its share of bad weather, the first people knocking on my door, some white guy and a few days later, I had a whole slew of bean beaters on my roof repairing it!! I gave my insurance check to the white guy, who I say day one and the last day of work....in btwn those times, never saw the guy and the latino's did a wonderful job, I must say!!

White men love exploiting these people and are the first to whine about em'

So if these "bean eaters" showed up at your door and said they would repair it, would you have hired them? Or would you have rather gone with someone who was bonded (I assume you were smart enough to ask that) and someone whose background you could check out (again, I may be assuming too much)?
Listen I live in a community inundated with illegals...coming home sometimes, I wonder if I'm in Mexico...its that bad. So if I come off racist, I have a right....they've pretty much taken over where I live. As for their labor work, its cheap and they do good jobs, end of story...white men always charge to damned much and negro's do a half ass job....as a homeowner, this has been my experience
LOLOLOLO....listen, its these illegals that you morons are hating on now, who will rebuild this city back to its formal self....they will be exploited like most white contractors do, to do the jobs at a lower cost than your average white guys...that is fact. When my city had its share of bad weather, the first people knocking on my door, some white guy and a few days later, I had a whole slew of bean beaters on my roof repairing it!! I gave my insurance check to the white guy, who I say day one and the last day of work....in btwn those times, never saw the guy and the latino's did a wonderful job, I must say!!

White men love exploiting these people and are the first to whine about em'

So if these "bean eaters" showed up at your door and said they would repair it, would you have hired them? Or would you have rather gone with someone who was bonded (I assume you were smart enough to ask that) and someone whose background you could check out (again, I may be assuming too much)?
Listen I live in a community inundated with illegals...coming home sometimes, I wonder if I'm in Mexico...its that bad. So if I come off racist, I have a right....they've pretty much taken over where I live. As for their labor work, its cheap and they do good jobs, end of story...white men always charge to damned much and negro's do a half ass job....as a homeowner, this has been my experience

So if you applied for a job at my company, you wouldn't mind if I didn't hire you, because, you know, "negro's do a half ass job". That would be OK with you? And i guess that would also explain the income inequality between blacks and whites in this country then. Damn, I am really learning from you today!!
so why don't you hypocrite libs gather up your money and head down to TX and feed the starving illegals.??
You sickening libs always demand that OTHER ppl spend their money helping illegals.
I'm tired of you racists.
Unfortunately we are forced to subsidize you and tolerate your hate while real people are struggling to save their lives and livelihoods under Harvey.

You didn't answer my question. If you want to help illegals , why don't you do it with YOUR money?
so why don't you hypocrite libs gather up your money and head down to TX and feed the starving illegals.??
You sickening libs always demand that OTHER ppl spend their money helping illegals.
I'm tired of you racists.
Unfortunately we are forced to subsidize you and tolerate your hate while real people are struggling to save their lives and livelihoods under Harvey.

You didn't answer my question. If you want to help illegals , why don't you do it with YOUR money?

I do.

Unfortunately, my money also goes to help scum like you.
From what I've read, greater than 1 in 5 in that area already use food stamps. The 18th Congressional District, which is represented by Sheila Jackson Lee (D), includes inner city Houston and the surrounding area. Based on the latest up to date information, it's 36.4% black and 42.7% Hispanic. Whites make up only 7.2% of the population.
And nearly all those hispanics are illegal hispanic indians and just as mentally inferior as blacks.
I am quite against illegal immigration, but this is not the time to bring that argument up. Help everyone who is in danger or need now.

You just contradicted yourself, you idiot. If you are against illegals then you NEVER condone giving them taxpayer money. THINK, you miserable white-hating racist wretch.
LOLOLOLO....listen, its these illegals that you morons are hating on now, who will rebuild this city back to its formal self....they will be exploited like most white contractors do, to do the jobs at a lower cost than your average white guys...that is fact. When my city had its share of bad weather, the first people knocking on my door, some white guy and a few days later, I had a whole slew of bean beaters on my roof repairing it!! I gave my insurance check to the white guy, who I say day one and the last day of work....in btwn those times, never saw the guy and the latino's did a wonderful job, I must say!!

White men love exploiting these people and are the first to whine about em'

Now tell us about those wonderful illegal alien roofers and how much money they stole from the taxpayers in welfare and free school for their kids and free health care for the whole family.

No one disputes that some illegals do a little good for america - but it's outweighed 10-1 by the bad they do.
so why don't you hypocrite libs gather up your money and head down to TX and feed the starving illegals.??
You sickening libs always demand that OTHER ppl spend their money helping illegals.
I'm tired of you racists.
Unfortunately we are forced to subsidize you and tolerate your hate while real people are struggling to save their lives and livelihoods under Harvey.

You didn't answer my question. If you want to help illegals , why don't you do it with YOUR money?
How do you help Illegal Employers????
He's black. That explains everything.

He's human.

THAT explains everything.

You are such nasty, worthless people. Couldn't you pretend to be decent human beings? Just for a little while.

Seriously, try not to be the waste of skin you really are.
Well, if those illegals never crossed the borders and infiltrated out cities, those scum of the Earths, wouldn't be there in Houston having such a miserable time. Actions have consequences, and not 1 iota of US money should go to those people. Let Mexico take care of their own.

Well, that's just stupid.

But, having lived in the middle of and known dozens of Mexicans and Mexican Americans, I know they would give YOU the shirt off their backs. I have seen in first hand and experienced it myself and I know they would not do this to you.

But, they are true Christians and decent human beings.

No, they'd steal someone else shirt and take credit as if it actually belonged to them.

Next thing you'll say is that government mandated social welfare programs would have been supported by Jesus.
Republican-Red State tax cuts from 1980-2017 has not created the jobs and pay raises to meet the 21st centruy has failed miserably.

I don't speak ebonics, boy. Speak plain English or get an education before you try again.
The very idea of a public official applying Christian principles! Whatever happened to separation of church and state?

Most of these people who are saying they want others hurt have the gall to call themselves christians.

Where does Jesus say that some are not good enough or not deserving?

Where in the teachings of Jesus did he use the government to mandate social welfare programs.

If you're going to support the leftwing claim of separation of church and State, you can't mention Jesus.
Where in Jesus teaching was capitalism stated and praised???? Where is capitalism mentioned and mandated into the constitution or Bill of Rights????

Where in Jesus' teaching was government mandated socialism stated and praised? Are you saying the Constitution established socialism? If you say either the teachings of Jesus or the Constitution did that, you're an idiot of the highest level.
there are probably around 500,000 of the criminal illegal aliens in the Houston area alone, most likely it's closer to 700,000, of which over 20% at least are affiliated with gangsters and drug cartels, theft rings, sex slave trade operators, etc. And of course any idiot who thinks we need to bankrupt social services for Americans n order to make these criminals stay should just go the INS website and find out all about how you can sponsor an immigrant yourselves, if you're so concerned n stuff about the plights of criminals who are literally stealing the food and shelter from Americans in poverty. Wonder why they never put up or shut up? There is more than enough Social Justice Warriors and the gimps who love them to sponsor every single one of the criminals; no need for the Feds or state to worry about them at all.
If they weren't here illegally they wouldn't be in this situation, it's not flooded in Mexico is it,
We got enough real Americans to shelter now, this is another example of illegals draining funds we need for helping AMERICANS.

Bingo. Spot on.
The very idea of a public official applying Christian principles! Whatever happened to separation of church and state?
The problem is this: Most of those who call themselves "Christian" can`t recognize a real Christian when they see one. They think Christianity is all about hating gays.

Neurotic sexual deviants don't get to tell anybody what their theology is.

Why is it these Pedo- Friendlies bash da evul xians one minute and then run around babbling stupid nonsense about what they should be doing the next??? Ah, right ... they're mentally ill ... never mind.
there are probably around 500,000 of the criminal illegal aliens in the Houston area alone, most likely it's closer to 700,000, of which over 20% at least are affiliated with gangsters and drug cartels, theft rings, sex slave trade operators, etc. And of course any idiot who thinks we need to bankrupt social services for Americans n order to make these criminals stay should just go the INS website and find out all about how you can sponsor an immigrant yourselves, if you're so concerned n stuff about the plights of criminals who are literally stealing the food and shelter from Americans in poverty. Wonder why they never put up or shut up? There is more than enough Social Justice Warriors and the gimps who love them to sponsor every single one of the criminals; no need for the Feds or state to worry about them at all.

You want liberals to sponsor illegals? That would be a federal felony. The answer to illegals is to deny then jobs and all govt benefits including use of our schools.

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