Houston mayor ENCOURAGES illegals to use social services in wake of Harvey

Here is what I think: I don't think illegals have any right to be here, but I'd say you at least have to provide victims in a hurricane at least basic services. Who could let a mother and her children starve and turn them away to flood waters? It's the humane thing to do.

But is it legal? Section 1324 of title 8 of the US code says its a federal felony to encourage illegals to live here and that is what you want to do.
Is it legal for employers business's to knowingly hire illegal workers? Illegal workers come to the U.S. because they know illegal employers will hire them.
LOLOLOLO....listen, its these illegals that you morons are hating on now, who will rebuild this city back to its formal self....they will be exploited like most white contractors do, to do the jobs at a lower cost than your average white guys...that is fact. When my city had its share of bad weather, the first people knocking on my door, some white guy and a few days later, I had a whole slew of bean beaters on my roof repairing it!! I gave my insurance check to the white guy, who I say day one and the last day of work....in btwn those times, never saw the guy and the latino's did a wonderful job, I must say!!

White men love exploiting these people and are the first to whine about em'

So if these "bean eaters" showed up at your door and said they would repair it, would you have hired them? Or would you have rather gone with someone who was bonded (I assume you were smart enough to ask that) and someone whose background you could check out (again, I may be assuming too much)?
Listen I live in a community inundated with illegals...coming home sometimes, I wonder if I'm in Mexico...its that bad. So if I come off racist, I have a right....they've pretty much taken over where I live. As for their labor work, its cheap and they do good jobs, end of story...white men always charge to damned much and negro's do a half ass job....as a homeowner, this has been my experience

So if you applied for a job at my company, you wouldn't mind if I didn't hire you, because, you know, "negro's do a half ass job". That would be OK with you? And i guess that would also explain the income inequality between blacks and whites in this country then. Damn, I am really learning from you today!!
Spoken like a true RACIST!!! Your Family Tree would be proud of you.
there are probably around 500,000 of the criminal illegal aliens in the Houston area alone, most likely it's closer to 700,000, of which over 20% at least are affiliated with gangsters and drug cartels, theft rings, sex slave trade operators, etc. And of course any idiot who thinks we need to bankrupt social services for Americans n order to make these criminals stay should just go the INS website and find out all about how you can sponsor an immigrant yourselves, if you're so concerned n stuff about the plights of criminals who are literally stealing the food and shelter from Americans in poverty. Wonder why they never put up or shut up? There is more than enough Social Justice Warriors and the gimps who love them to sponsor every single one of the criminals; no need for the Feds or state to worry about them at all.

You want liberals to sponsor illegals? That would be a federal felony. The answer to illegals is to deny then jobs and all govt benefits including use of our schools.
Illegals would not come to America in search of jobs if illegal business owner and employers would not hire them.
there are probably around 500,000 of the criminal illegal aliens in the Houston area alone, most likely it's closer to 700,000, of which over 20% at least are affiliated with gangsters and drug cartels, theft rings, sex slave trade operators, etc. And of course any idiot who thinks we need to bankrupt social services for Americans n order to make these criminals stay should just go the INS website and find out all about how you can sponsor an immigrant yourselves, if you're so concerned n stuff about the plights of criminals who are literally stealing the food and shelter from Americans in poverty. Wonder why they never put up or shut up? There is more than enough Social Justice Warriors and the gimps who love them to sponsor every single one of the criminals; no need for the Feds or state to worry about them at all.

You want liberals to sponsor illegals? That would be a federal felony. The answer to illegals is to deny then jobs and all govt benefits including use of our schools.
Illegals will be needed to rebuild HOUSTON...........Do you Republicans really want to build a wall to keep out all the cheap labor that the state of TEX-ASS so badly needs?????
Yes. Deport the ones here and keep the rest out!
But..but Trump wants to build a Wall to keep illegals in the country!!!!
I am quite against illegal immigration, but this is not the time to bring that argument up. Help everyone who is in danger or need now.

You just contradicted yourself, you idiot. If you are against illegals then you NEVER condone giving them taxpayer money. THINK, you miserable white-hating racist wretch.

I do think, s*** for brains. My tax dollars help all kinds of illegals, including paying for prisons, etc. In this case, just as I know my dollars go to help foreigners in natural disasters who need aid, I am in favor of helping those in need, no matter what their circumstance. Now, after they are rescued, fed and in good medical condition, if they are illegal, go ahead and ship them back to where they came from. But do the right and humane thing first. This is what separates you from almost everyone else on the right/conservative wing of the political spectrum and why it is so easy for the Lefties to paint us all with a broad brush. Be a human being first. If you can overcome your hatred for others.
I'm taking the thread topic at face value. I voted for Trump. Houston needs to take care of everyone including illegals. Sort the illegal stuff out later.
If ShootSpeeder was in a motorboat driving down a street in Houston, and he came upon a Hispanic or black person who was up to their neck in water and struggling to stay afloat, he would drive right by them.

Black yes. Hispanic maybe. There are lots of fine hispanics. Those descended from spanish settlers 500 years ago are europeans. It's the indian hispanics that are the problem. THINK, you miserable white-hating racist wretch.
Illegals will be needed to rebuild HOUSTON...........Do you Republicans really want to build a wall to keep out all the cheap labor that the state of TEX-ASS so badly needs?????

Many people have made that point but i think it's the opposite. Hard times now face texas and they can't be giving freebies to illegals.
I'm taking the thread topic at face value. I voted for Trump. Houston needs to take care of everyone including illegals. Sort the illegal stuff out later.

So you advocate breaking the law? Section 1324 of Title 8 of the US code makes it a federal felony to encourage illegals to live here.
I'm taking the thread topic at face value. I voted for Trump. Houston needs to take care of everyone including illegals. Sort the illegal stuff out later.

So you advocate breaking the law? Section 1324 of Title 8 of the US code makes it a federal felony to encourage illegals to live here.

I advocate being a decent human being in extraordinary circumstances.
So you advocate breaking the law? Section 1324 of Title 8 of the US code makes it a federal felony to encourage illegals to live here.

I advocate being a decent human being in extraordinary circumstances.

HAHAHA. Stupid wooly-brained libs. Always demanding special treatment for illegal invaders. Do we also let illegals rob banks in the aftermath of Harvey? THINK

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